The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1909, Image 2

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Cbc Dails iftebraeftan
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Lincoln, Nebraska,'
CONVOCATION -Tuesday, April 20
Publication Olfice, 126 No. 14th SI.
Edltor Herbert W. Potter
Mrtnnglno Editor Victor D. Smith
Associate Edlton Philip Frederick
Carl J. Lord
Mnnaoer W. A. Jones
Circulator A. M. Hare
Assistant Circulator Leslie Hyde
Editorial and Business Office:
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln,' Neb.
Senior Program
Payable In Advance
Slnole Copies. 5 Cents Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged
for nt tho rato of 10 contB per Insertion
for ovory flf toon words or frnotlon thereof.
Fnculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins
will gladly bo published free.
Entered at tho postofneo nt Lincoln,
Nebraska, as Bocond-clasa mall matter
under tho Act of CongrosB or March 3,
TUESDAY, AI'llM, 20. 1900.
Memorial Hall
Eleven A. M.
Tho ntlvlHor of woimm of tho Unl-voi-Hlty
of Missouri htiH at lust ad
mitted in n published Interview that
"MlHSourl tlooH produce hnndsotuo wo
men" and thnt "tho girls Mo dress
well." Strnngo lun't It? PerlmpH
If tho authorities wore duly coaxed
and gently ursiul they might be will
ing to admit that after all. on the
whole, MlBHomi Ih a pretty good
.school, with pretty good profesHorH.
The report that Landncape Gard
ner Dunmnn will take acthe steps to
Improve tho appearance of the city
campus Is welcome news to those
who have on eye Tor the beautiful
nnd who are troubled by an unneces
Huy display of uulluoss. The most
pletislng part or the whole thing, how
over, is the statement that the rear
part of the osimptiH will be plowed
ui) and sown to grass. If this Is done
It will no longer be possible Tor stu
dent when they come back each fall
to labor tinder tho delusion that tho
back part of the campus has boon
need (hiring the summer as a bay-field.
wishes of tho cadet battalion and the
olllcers In charge that the cadet en
campment bo held at some other
place than Lincoln. It was decided,
at a mooting of tho senate last even
ing, that" tho encampment this year
would be held at Ashland where the
government ride ronge makes an un
usually good location. This decision
settles In a' manner satisfactory to
all, a question which has caused an
endless amount of talk and aroused
a great'doal of strong opposition.
The proposition of having the en
campment start Immediately after the
close of examination week does away
with one or the greatest dllllculties
or the encampment. Tho plan will
not work a hardship upon anyone
and It entirely overcomes the dlfll
culty of breaking In on tho time for
study Just before the final examina
tions. In tho paBt the student bus
been forced to drop his .studies Just
at the time when they demanded tho
most attention, and to go to a ca'mp
from which he returned to tnlco his
final examinations, all worn out and
In no physical condition to do his
best work.
It may seem at" first sight that such
a plan would work a hardship upon J
the seniors who wouiu no engaged
with the many duties oT commence
ment week. When It Is remembered,
howeor. that the battalion would
leave the Friday of examination
week, and return early commence-j
men I week, It is seen that the new
at raugetnent reduced the Inconven
ience to tho minimum.
The plan of how best to arrange
the annual encampment has long
been an unsettled question, and the
manner in which camp has been
held In the past has been far from
satisfactory In ninny ways. The new
plan Is u compromise between the
different interests at sfako and, as far
as any forecast of the future can be
University Bulletin
Tuesday, 20. Senior Program,
vocation 1 1 a. in.
Tuesday, 20. Senior Program, Convo
cation. Memorlnl Ilnll, 11 a. in.
Wednesday, 21. nuseball: Kansas
Aggies vs. Nebraska.
Thursday. 22. "Environment and
Public Opinion. Prof. II. V. Cald
well. Convocation 11 a. m.
Thursdnj, 22. Uascbnll: Lincoln
League vs. Nebraska.
Friday. 2H. Memorial Services In
Honor or ex-Chancellor Canlleld.
.Memorial Hall 11 a. m.
Monday, 20. Baseball: University of
Missouri vs. Nobruska.
Tuesday, 27. "Some Popular Mis
conceptions as to the Law and
Its Administration." by Hon. II.
H. Wilson. Convocation. Me
morial Hall, 1 1 a. m.
Tuesday. 27. Baseball: University of
Missouri vs. Ncbrnska.
Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci
entific Problems In Forest Planta
tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at
7:30 p. m.
Friday. HO. "Social Problems in Their
Relation to Public Health." j'roT
George E. Howard. Temple 6 p. m.
Tuesday. 11. Forestry lecture, Stute
Problems in Wisconsin," A. CJ.
ITamel; "Utilization in Wiscon
sin," J. C. Kcttridge, NT nt 7:30
p. in.
Saturday, May 15. Baseball: Drake
University vs. Nebraska.
Tuesday, 25. Forestry lecture: "For
est TypcB In the Philippines,"
"Bill" Pngaduan; ''Forest Utiliza
tion In tho Philippines," M. Lazo.
Friday, 2S. Baseball: Kansas Uni
versity vs. Nebraska.
Saturday, 21). Baseball: Knnsab Uni
versity vs. Nebraska.
i4J,0. TwoSto-rls 1415,0.
THINK how much money you waste
at other stores paying for something
you don't get? When I say I can save
you a dollar on a hat or a pair of
shoes I mean it. If you don't believe
me, come in and I'll show you. Budd's
$2.50 and $3.50 Shoes; Budd's $2.50
The memorial service in honor of
the late Dr. Canllold is an appropri
ate recognition on the part of the
university authorities of the work
that he did while chancellor for tho
upbuilding nnd development of tho
University of Nebraska. Now that tho
iuthoritles have done their part It Is
up to the students to show their ap
preciation of his work by attending
the service and leaving not a single
vacuni seat In Memorial hall on Fri
day morning. Among the students
who are now attending school hero
the value of the work that Dr. Ctm-
llold did is not understood or appre
ciated, but among those who Know
of the early struggles of tho univer
sity, before It had an established
reputation nnd during the dark years,
when suocesslvo crop failures brought
thDusnnds of Nebraska families to tho
4 verge of dlsp'alr, and when his onergy
nnd push was all that kept tho uni
versity forging steadily ahead, one
finds tho deopest respect and love
for Dr. Can field. The university pub
f He owes It to tbomselves nnd to the
41 school to see that the special convo
3. cation Friday morning is the most
.largely nttendod of tho year.
' :
rfr1 Tihe university senate hns at last
yielded to the' almost unanimous
made, It should produco the, best
camp of any plan that has been suggested.
Error in Seventh Gives Them Game
by 5 to 4 Score.
With two men on bases and two
out, Prouty, playing right field for
tho cornhuskers, dropped a high fiy
in the seventh Inning of a game be
tween the state university team and
Wesleyan at University Place yes
toiday afternoon, permitting tho
Methodists to run In two scores nnd
win the contest. Up to that B03slon
tho cornhuskers hud played an error
loss game nnd had had the Wosloynn
bunch outplayed. Mathers pitched for
Nebraska and had tho Methodists at
his mercy. ' Farthing, on the slab for
Wesleyan, was hit freely.
Score by innings:
Nebraska 000 004 0004
Wesleyan ' 110 000 3005
Batteries Mathers and Greemplt,
Nebraska; Farthing and Stiingfollow,
Happenings of the Past
Tho members of tho Phi Delta
fraternity hold n hbttBO party Satur
day ovorilog at 4the chapter house,
in honor of tho Dolta Dolta sorqrlty.
About twenty couples were present.
Seven Years Ago.
Varsity defeated tho Nebraska In
dians In baseball games by the score
of 13 to .
Six Years Ago.
Arrangements wore made for tho
cadet battalion to take part In the
parade In honor of President Roose
velt. Five Years Ago.
Freshman class decided for the first
time in the history of tho unlvorslty
to wear class caps. Such action was
considered as a challenge by tho
Three Years Ago.
Westqrn trip otf tho University
Gleo club was colled off because of
tho fire and earthquake at San Fran
One Year Ago.
Dramatic club presented tho play
"Welcomo" in tho Temple theatre.
The glee club spent tho spring va
cation .giving concortB through tho
stnto. -
. R. O. Burrlss, 1911, returned from
Beatrice- .Monday, whore ho has boon
spending tho Easier vocation.
Please Pay Your Subscrip
tion. We Need the Money.
Room Seven, Adm. Bldg.
The latest styles in footwear in
cluding such novelties as strap
Pumps, Oxfords and Button Boots
in black, tan, gray and London
smoke in Suede and Ooze Calf.
1129 O Street
It. Wk II
m 1 m aoiiDie
and district to
.-;.i.. ...t i.ii.":. -
sample Latest Model "Itiincor" bicycle furnished by us. Our agents cep vherc arc niuucy laji. ir rue jorjuu particulars and sfecial oljer at once.
NO MONHY KKODIUKI) until vou rrcrlv -in,t :...i,m,-.. ,,f , i,l,,l- U'. -l.i
to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent defioxit In advance, trefoiy freicht and
allow TKN DAYS' FICICK Till Al.duitii which time you n.VndVlL-bi'yde and
put it to any test you wish. If you are thei, not perfectly mtisiicd or do not wish to
Keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you will not be out out ctut.
FACTORY PfflfiES . c unh tlie lushest crade bicycles it is possible to make
I HVIVII 1 I lllUbd at one am1n I)mflt above actual ("ACtory cost You eave tio
to Jj$ middlemen s nrofits by buvirur direct of us and have the manufacturer's cuar.
antee behind your bicycle. 1)0 NOT 1JUY a bicycle ora pairof tires from anyone
nt any frtce until you receive our catalogues and leam our unheard of factory
f rices and remarkable special offers to rldor ugonts.
YOU WILL BE ASTONiSHFII xvhe,n you receivf our beautiful catalogue and
IUU BlILL DC itaiUmOIlCU Mudy pur eupcrb models at the wonderfully
low frizes we can make you this year. We sell the highest crade bicycles for less money
T.vVV. iiVi iiill? "c aro "f"e wnii i.oo prolit above factory cost.
BICYCLE DKALKUS. VOU cm xnll nur h!rvrlr i,.J.. ..,. .., ..,... .j... ...
our prices. Orders filled the Liv received. ""' ' "" """" l'""s "
HKCONl) UANI) lit CYCLKS. We Aa tint rrtrnlnrlu l.-.n.ll. ,.. I., -J i.t ....
usually have a number on hand taken In trade bv nur Clilmirn r.f,u ,r,r. ti,... ...., -1.,! ...
DromDtlv at Dricca rnneimr from t&'.l to 8H or Sill. Dc.rrliMiu i,-.r.r,i. :.. mn..i ,
COASTER-BRAKES, S!&SirtlffiTt0l)Apau '"" ""'"' "
The reaular retail toricc of these ti'rtt is
S3 JO Mr Pair., but to introduce we mil
NAILS, Tq.oks ar Glass irlll not lot tho
air out. Sixty thousand palm sold last year.
Over two huuured thousand tiaira now in use.
DESCRIPTION! ajade in nl sizes, tt UI ivcly ,'
a spcciul quality of rubber, which never becomes
We ciE3BlllllBHftcmRWm'W
t... . . t .. .-
porous and wlitcn closes up small punctures without allow
inRtiiculrtocscapc. weiiavciiuiuireusot K
dcustoiucrostalhig that their tires liuvcoi
once or twice in a wnoic season. .mevweiK
an ordinary tire, the puncture resistinaquanties being given
Notice the thick rubber troail
A" nnd nuuoturo striim !"
nd "li," also rim atrfp II"
to prevent rim outtliip. This
tire vlll outlabt any othor
miilfo-S()in ELASTIC uud
by several lajxre of thin, specialty prepared fubricou the
trend. Theregutar price of t hesc tires is fb.50 per palr.bu t for
the rider of only f4.8o per pair. AU orders shippetf same dny letter is received. We shin C. O. D. on '
approval. You do not pay n cqnt until you have examined nnd found them strictly aa represented.
Wie SiiV rll07iaaivrTUkiMA Per cent (thereby making the price .55 pcr.pair) if you.
send VULIi OASII CTII OUDKft and enclose this adverflsemeitt. We will also send one
nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned nt OUIt expense if for any rensou thev arc
not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as sre an in a
bank. If you order a pair, of these tires, you will find that tley will ride caMer, run faster,
wear belter, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen nt any price. Wc
know that you will be so well pleased that when yon want a bicycle you will give us your order.
Wc want you to send us a Uial order at once, hence this remarkable tire pffer. J
SF YOU NEED TIRF don't buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of
f. V.T . 1 . 7 " . , ."edgethorn Vimcture-Proof tires oq ajiproval and trial at
the special Introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and S tintlTy Catalogue which
describes aud quotes all wakes and kinds of tires at about half Ihc usual prices -ulu,u''"c """"
DO NOT WAIT .l2il,.il p0Val today- uo NftT T,IIN ov nvYiva a bicycle
BMM nui or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful
offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everythlug, Write It NOW.