The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1909, Image 1

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Uol. VIIL No. 127.
Price 5' Cent.
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Exercises Held In Memorial Hall Sun.
day Evening 8cholarly Talk At-
tracks Crowd to the
Tho graduating class of the otate
farm listened to their annual bac
calaureate sermon In Memorial hall
last Sunday ovenlng. The address
was delivered by Rev. Fletcher L.
Wharton of Columbus, Ohio, formerly
pastor of St. Paul's church In this
city. His subject was, "Promoters
of the Public Good." He spoke In
part aa follows:
"I am to speak especially to a
company of lovers of country life.
You Intend to work out all the prob
lems and tasks of your lives under
the open sky. It Is certainly a happy
conjunction of events that 1 am per
mitted to use an open-air religion
to point the way of life to an open
air people. The connection is very
close between? "your occupation and
your religious life. Your life on tho
farm young ladles and gentlemen,
shall be a continuous light if you
will havo It so on the conduct of
your life as men and women.
Not Moral Reformers.
"Lot mo say further that I Bpeak
to you, not as moral reformers, nor
as spiritual evangelists, nor as the
talkative sonsors of civic life. I do
not speak in tormB of disrespect of
these specialists. No doubt they have
11 place and function in tho economy
of tho world's progress. Wo need
reformers. We may find it necessaiy
to call out more of our moral pugil
ists. We .may find it well to batter
the countenance of righteousness
even more, boforo wo can give tho
forces of tho higher decisions a fair
field. And wo may have to enlarge
our present forco of spiritual evange
lists In order to cure society of its
sins against God. Indeed wo may
have need of a fow more, glib talkers
to advance the interest in some of
our hypotheses and theories of civil
life, yrbe world gets on In part, by
simple talk.
"But I would speak to you, blessed
young people, of tho moro inclusive
things which men are called to do for
their kind. You are to promote the
public good, in the wholeness, you
are to be general life givers you are
to bo masters in tho art of 'fine living,
you are to bo a contagion" of good
spirit which all the community will
catch from you, you are to admin
ister constitutional treatment to an
afflicted public, you are not special
ists. It is not the soro eyes of tho
public, nor the week lungs, nor tho
lame .back of tho public, thayou are
to minister to. You aro to stimulate
tho general health, you are to Induce
a now graclousnoss, you are to call
out a new righteousness. You are to
make society grow, you aro to so
build up tho body' of tho public, that
it can staunch tho surgery of tho
moral rorormorB and other, persons
who perform tho heroic operations
Comes From Within.
"The processes of tho evolution aro
tho same in society and on the farm,
save in the forces operated. Flno
plant life, flno brute life, fine human
life, comes like the spider's web',
from within. Tho only difference is
the difficulty. Human lifo Is much
harder to improve than plant life or
mere animal life. It is easier to de
velop a Lawton out of a Wonder
Martial blackberry than to develop a
saint out of a savage. It is much
ploasanter work to evoke an orchard
of Golden Pippins out ofc sour crab
apples than to stir a Longfellow Ar
cadian community out of a band of
outlaws in a western mining camp.
But the procoHses are very much tho
same. It requires tho firm and gen
tle hand of tho artist in both cases.
The force Ih different. In the one
case it is chemistry and in the other
It Is life. But you will do both. But
I beg of you to pin your confidence
to our open air religion to point your
way of life. You will not forgot tho
source of Its power. Its power Is not
In Its wrltton creed nor In Its dogma,
nor In Its rules, nor even in its spe
cific commandments.
"Tho source of Its power is in God.
,Let God be in you. He muBt be your
perpetual life fountain. He must be
your primary resource for all good
life. Let God express Himself In you.
Let Him be in you, . like a well of
Some Interesting Investigations by
Senior Engineers.
Some interesting original work Ib
being carried on by the senior elec
trical engineers to be submitted as
thesis work. E. F. Guiddinger and I.
F. Baker, have just completed a test
on tho new Curtis turbin which has
recently been installed by the Lin
coln Traction company to furnish
light and power to the city.
Two tcBtB were made, nine men
being required constantly to tako
readings. The object of the test was
to find the efficiency of tho genorator
and turbin. The machinery tested Is
tho first of its kind ever installed in
Lincoln, the turbin and generator
costing $10,000. This test is the first
one to have been made at the Lincoln
Traction company's plant by univer
sity students since 1904 and will be
submitted by Mr. Baker and Mr.
Guiddinger for their thesis which is
required for graduation.
Others who aro making tests for
thesis aro Mr. Pelster and Mr. Mc
Call, who aro working on a rotary
converter; Mr. Bottot, investigating
the arc-light, and Mr. Zimmerman and
Mr. Meyer, who are working on a
slnglo phase induction motor.
Petitions Are Circulated Asking for
His Nomination.
Yesterday forenoon several peti
tions were circulated about tho city
proposing tho namo of Dr. Condra,
head of tho geography dopartmont, as
a candidate for tho Lincoln school
board. Tho petitions soon had more
than twice ns many signers as are
requiro'd by law, the list Including
many prominent business men of the
city. Dr. Condra has announced,
however, that ho will not be a candi
date. Dr. Condra declares that he has
been influenced to tako this action
by two considerations: In tho first
place, several men who aro close per
sonal friends of his, havo already filed
for tho place and it would put him in
an embarraBing position to remain in
the race. In the second place, thoro
Is a strong feeling held by many peo
ple that a university professor should
not ' bo a member of tho Lincoln
school board.
The petitions nominating Dr.- Con
dra contained ovor 400 names while
tho law requires only 200 for a legal
nomination. One wns circulated
about tho campus for a time but most
of tho names aro those of business
men downtown.
The beat; oyster atew, In the city
id that nnrva1 at Tha Pnitnn T.unnh.
(Try IL '
D. C. Mitchell of Nebraska, However,
Is Individual Star, Carrying Off
All-round Contest Despite
His Injuries.
Tho Kansas nggloB,. from Manhat
tan, will meet tho coriilniBkers at
Antelope park Wednesday afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock in the second game
between tho two teams this soason.
In the first skirmish the pupils of
Dr. Fox enme out with their colors
lowered by a 6 to 3 score. At tho
game tomorrow a student ticket will
admit to the bleachers.
Tho Manhatton team Is one of tho
best in tho west and is said to be
suporlor to anything tho cornhusk
ers met on tho trip, just closed. The
aggies have a couple of crack twirl
era and can make any wostern col
lege team "go Borne." In tho' battle
tomorrow Ward will probatilybo on
the slab for the Nebraska nine.
The cornhuskorB returned from
their southern trip yosterday with a
record of four games won and live
loBt. Games were won from Tabor,
Missouri and Haskell. Defeats were
suffered at the hands of Missouri,
St. Marys, Manhattan and Kansas.
Frat League Gossip.
In the local Inter-fraternity league
Alpha Tau Omega defeated Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Saturday by a score
of J) to 1. Yesterday Sigma Alpha
Epsilon demented Sigma Chi by a
score or 11 to 1. Tho next game on
tho schedule Is Alpha Theta Chi vb.
Delta Upsllon. It will bo played at
12:30 tomorrow afternoon on tho
Vine street lot.
Tho University of Chicago won tho
annual contest of the Westorn Inter
collegiate association In the Nebras
ka armory Saturday night with a
total of 1263.4 points. MInneBotn was
second, Wisconsin third; Nebraska
fourth, Washington University, of St.
Louis, firth.
D. V. Mitchell of Nebraska won tho
Individual contest, dofeatlng O. N.
Berndt or Chicago, by a small margin.
Uzzol or MInensota, was third In this
contest. The scores for tho all-round
contest were as follows: Mitchell,
385.8; Berndt, 370.9; Uzzol, 326.6.
Chicago had but little trouble in
taking off the leading honors in tho
team contest, being represented by
tho finest bunch of 'gymnasts ovor
seen at the local school. Thoy wore
well drilled and carried off a majority
of the points in nearly ovory ovent.
Thoy took three places In five of
tho events.
Three Cornhuskers.
Nebraska was represented by but
three men und had no chanco of win
ning Jho team contest. All honor was
given Mitchell for securing tho 'In
dividual, medal. This contest was
not decided until tho last ovoht, tho
tumbling, was pulled off. . ,
"The young cornhuskcr and Berndt
of Chicago woro tied at tho end of
tho fourth ovent. In tho tumbling
Mitchell Injured his right ankle, but
had It bandaged and Wont into tho
last trial fighting bravoly on a pain
ful nnklo, and won out,'
Uzzel ot Minnesota proved a power
ful nthleto and took points in flyo
of tho events. E. T. Snlvply of Wis
consin starred for his team in. tho
horizontal and parallel bars and in
tho side horso. Osthoff of Wisconsin
won first place in tho flying rings.' A;
G. Notlo was tho only representative
Washington " university had entered
in tho team contest. Ho won 272.4
Tho 145-pound wrestling contest re
sulted as follows: Hagor, Washing
ton, first; Aloxandor, Chicago, sec
ond, linger won tho first fall. Tho
noxt two were draws.
In tho ICG-pound wrestling match
Johnson of Minnosota was glvon flrut
place after ho had failed to throw
Elliott of Chicago In four boutH. Davis
of Chicago defeated Rolmers of Ne
braska in tho fencing contest.
The Team Scores.
The team scores were aB follows:
phlcago, 1263.4; Minnesota, 1088.6;
Wisconsin, 1003.3; Nebraska, 040.0;
Washington, 288.4.
Mitchell's record was: Horizontal
bars, 79.3; parallel bars, 7JK0; sldo
horse, 75.9; flying rlngs, 75.0; tumb
ling, 75.4.
Summary of events:
Horizontal bars: Mitchell; Nebras
ka, first; Berndt, Chicago, second;
bartlctt, Chicago, third.
Parallel bars: Berndt, Chicago,
first; Mitchell, Nebraska, Bocond;
Kennedy, Chicago, third.
Sidohorsc: ' Smith,' Chicago, llrHt;
Baker, Minnesota, second; Bornclu,
Chicago, third.
Flying rings: Osthoff, Wisconsin,
first; Mitchell, Nebraska, second;
Berndt, Chicago, third.
Tumbling: Mitchell, Nebraska,
first; Ferris, Minnesota, second; OBt
hoff, Wisconsin, third.
Officials: Gymnastic ovontB S.
Kotlan, Fremont; G. M. Plnneo, Lin
coln; F. J. Rlhn, Omaha. Fencing
John G. Worklzer of Nebraska and
Dr. J. C. Elson of WiaconBln.
8peaks Twice to Students In Temple
Dr. F. D. Bayley, mot Denver, gave
two addresses, one at 4:30 and ono
at 7:30 p. m., In the University Tem
ple, Sunday. Dr. Bayley was hero
under the auspices of tho Y. W. and
Y. M. C. A. His afternoon address
was on tho topic, "Can a Collogo
Student Pray?" and his evening dis
course was on "Miracles." Tho Y.
W. C. A.- furnishod special music for
the afternoon meeting and Miss Up
ton gnvu BoVeral vocal selections in
tho evening. Tho meetings were well
attended, ovor 200 bolng present.
In his first address Dr. Bayley dis
cussed -tho Idea that tho influenco
of prayer Is reflex, saying that In his
Judgmont such wns not the caso.
He spoke of evolution ns tho pro
cess of tho development of tho world.
Back of this process, ho said, Is a
plan and back of this plan is .a pur
pose. Both plan and purpose, ,hy
thought, involved a personality." Ho
thought that the conception of" tho
Creator cannot bo obtained through
any of tho physical science..!. In
discussing "tho roign of the Law" he
took .the stand that prayer may be
answered without destroying Inw,
singly through tho principle of play
ing a higher law ngalnst a lower ono.
So, he said, tho chemist checkmates
an acid with nn alkali- and the,, en
gineer plays friction against theJaw
of momentum and stops the train.
Dlscusslntr miracles, hn enl,ih,n.aior PUDiicuuon noxt naay at the
- " w -- w w r
them by tho samo theory of the Inter
play of forces Ho pointed out that
miracles woro not as common as Is
popularly bolloved; that there were
only seven cycles of miracles record
ed in the Bible, and each of theso
had a definite tlmo and purporo. Ho
spoko of It as, absurd that a Creator
should bo bacjc of those forces who
did not havo the 'power to control
Tho two literary societies of tho
state faVm students gave a Joint pro
gram lajst evening at tho state farm
Assembly ball In' honor, of tho seniors
who graduato this weok. A musical
program was given.
Classes After Ten O'clock To Be Dis
missed and Program In After
noon and Evening Resolu
tions In Honor of Canfleld,
The annual oncampment of tho uni
versity cadet battalion will this year
bo hold at tho government rifle range
at Ashland. This was docldcd by
tho university sonnto at a mooting
hold yesterday afternoon. Tho dnto
for tho oncampmont la sot for the
week after examination wool;, this
oxtendlng camp partly ovor Into com
moncoment week.
Tho senate yesterday mot especial
ly to consider what should bo done
with referoncdyto tho cadet encamp
ment matter, petition containing
tho names of some COO students wns
prosonted and various professors
stated tho student side of tho case.
Tho argument, however, which hud
the necessary weight to determine
tho action of the professors was the
need or a rlflo range for target prac
tlce. This could not bo obtained near
Lincoln on account of the objections
of neighboring property owners and
consequently tho proposition to 'have
camp near Lincoln and to requlro at
tendance at classes part of tho day
went by tho board.
Week After Exams.
In setting tho date of camp fortius
week ufter examinations, tho pro
foBsors bolievcd that thoy could ob
viate tho difficulty experienced by
cadots In preparing for examinations.
It has been held in tho past that ca
dots who went to camp Just before
examinations wore deprived of time
needed for hard study. With camp
coming after examination week this
trouble will no longer bo occasioned.
On motion of Captain Worklzer, tho
senate declared that hereafter no wo
mon or girls would bo allowed within
tho confines of the camp. This ac
tion was taken in order to prevent
tho difficulties incident to wholesale
visiting on tho part of the residents
of tho town near which tho encamp
ment is held.- This has led to various
troubles in times past, which the
dulhoriies wish to avoid in the fu
ture. ' Tho now rule In Is pursuance
with tho usual army custom.
Other Business.
In addition to tho camp matters,
tho senate disposed of other matters
of Importance. Professors Fling and
Sherman were appointed .to act with
Chairman Allen of tho board of re
gents In drawing up resolutions on
tho death of ex-Chancellor James H.
Canfleld. Theso are to bo prepared'
special memorial In honor of the for-
mer university head.. -
' Tho matter of fixing a program for
high school feto day was reported
upon by A. A. Reed. After some dis
cussion It was decided to vcancel all,
classes on May 14 after 10 a, m. to
allow' university students to welcpmo
their high school friends who will be
visiting In the city. jTjno morning
and, early afternoon wlty b&OJivon
over to ah Inspection of thovsohool
and at, '2:45 tho athletic meet will-be
held. ,At S In the evening the final"
debate ot tho Nebraska high school
debating league will take place, prob
ably in Memorial hall. In this debate
(Continued on Page 4)