The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1909, Y. M. C. A. EDITION, Image 2

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gbe 3)alltt IRebraeftan
Lincoln. Nebraska.
PiblicitlOR (Unci, 126 No. 14th St.
Editor Herbert W. Potter
rv)nnaqlnp Editor Vlotor B. Smith
AMOolate Editors Philip .Frederlok
' Carl J. Lord
Manager W. A. Jonea
Circulator A. M. Hare
Assistant Circulator Leslie Hyde
Editorial and Business Office:
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance
Single Copies. 5 Cents Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged
for at the rata of 10 conts por lnsortlon
for ovary fifteen words or fraction thereof.
Faculty notice-) and Unlvorfllty bulletin
will gladly bo publlnhod free.
Entered n't tho poatofnao at Llnooln,
Nebraeka, as Becond -class mall mattor
under the Act of Congress of March 3,
FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1009.
J Uy jkt J j, Ut U lt Jt Jf, jfa. . Jt J
Tffl J nf 7 tj x tf Ti JT 7v ff jj 7J v T
ThlH Ihhuo of tho Dally No-
braBkan is dovotod to tho In- -$
toronts of tho University Y. AI.
0. A. Tho work of getting it
- out haB boon turnod ovor to a
apodal staff or Y. M. C. A.
workors with .1. C. Knodo nB
odltor-ln-cjilof and Phillip Prod-
orlck aB managing editor.
fc- & & if -& -fc & & t & & & & f
T t tI 'TT TA n T T fV TJv Tfv 7Jv 7v 7jv y
Not long Hlnce a certain man, who
is fumillnr with and has visited in all
the unlvorsltloH of tho country, east
and west, made a rathor uniiBual crltl-cI-hiu
about Nebraska studontB. Ho
declared by way of extenuation that
Nebraska men were not addicted In as
groat u degreo to violent and vIcIoub
habits as the men in many Institu
tions of higher learning, but ho fol
lowed it with the charge that they
were tho most indifferent body with
whom ho had ever como in contact.
Tho torm ho meant to apply In thlngB
othlcal and religious.
Tho justico of this criticism, oven
to those who do not have tho basis
for tho comparison of this with other
schools, must bo moro or loss obvious.
Admitting thnt on tho wholo wo do
have a creditably sobor and well be-
H4I..O. TwoStorls 14150.
hnvod class of gontlomen though
thoro may bo among thorn a certain
group who, at tholr harmless little
jt pink-bow social teas of a Saturday
evening, become occasionally a bit
boisterous and disfigure tho furniture
and tho tea cups, and though some of
them may so far forgot themselves at
a cadot encampment as to lose a good
share of their self control nnd of tholr
moral dignity still tho charge can
not bo dropped lightly. It moans that
while pBcap'.ug tho sin of commission
tho guilty ones have laid themselves
opon to that of omission.
Tho reality of UiIb side of nature re
ferred to has never Inokod for sup
port among nil classes of men, and
though not felt so keenly In an at
mosphere saturated with Intellect, Its
presence In tho real work-a-day world
4 -persists In thrusting Itself upon tho
attontlon then its noglect Is just as
serious, just as opon to condemnation
as neglect of Intellectual or technical
or physical development.
Western students have sometimes
been declared lacking In a general ap
preciation of culturo values, lacking
In desire to know and feel moro about
artistic things. Thoro aro certain In
dications which go far toward sub
stantiating that kind of criticism horo
no kind of attendance seen at an
annual art exhibit, for Instance and
it should be bono In mind that it Is
Hear Dr. Baglcy, Sunday at
a crttlclsm qulto in lino with Clio first.
When the attontlon 1b turnod to ronl
culturo, it 1b no longer lndlftpront to
liny plmao of development for real cul
turo in etui b complete culturp, find. In,
Bonio fqrin or othor tho religlouB hUIo
Ik glvuit opportunity to manlfoBt it
Holf, Qt al faullH that of (ndlftercncp
Ih tho tnoflt oxnapornthiK, pdrhapu tlio
inoHt inoxcusablo. It moiina that tho
Indifferent man Ih Holf-aatlHfled; It
meanB that ho In emotionally lazy.
And wherever Its proBonco Ib bo pat
ent that not only Ib It tho occasion for
remark but It Ih tho occnRton for ox
clamntlon, It Hliould l)ogln to appre
ciate tho fact that It Iiiib boon vary
thoroughly put to Bhrtmo.
Ncbraska Alumni Engaged aB Foreign
An Important field of work taken
up today by many university grad
uates Is thnt of foreign missions.
Many graduates who specialize in ono
of tho many courses open nt No
hraska are today scattered out over
the world working In tho forolgn mis
sions. Some have gone as proachors,
some nB physicians, some as teach
ers and some In other capacities, but
all as mlsslonarlos.
Nebraska has at tho prosont time
forty graduates In the Hold and two
at othor universities who aro pre
paring thomsolvos for the work. From
this year's graduating clasB eight
momborfl of lhot,'Btuddnt Voluntoer
Hand will go out into activo work as
soon as opportunity offers.
At tho prosent tlmo thoro aro many
Holds opon and with positions waiting
to bo filled by uhlvorRlty graduatos.
India, China, Burma, Philippines, Ja
pan, Africa, Asia Minor, Macedonia.
Bulgaria, Coylon, Turkey, Mexico.
Palestine, Porto Rico, Alnska,,
Korea, Syria, Arabia, and Cuba all
offer places for work for man of u'l
professions. Doctors, professor of
mathematics, tho sciences or tho arts
and manual training and ministers.
Tho call has been made among the
men for about 85 ordained preachers',
2fi physiclanB, 18 toachoiB, 2 Indus
trial superintendents and ono Sunday
school organizer. Among the women
ploces aro opon for about 22 Bible
teachers and evangel Iqts. 11 physic
ians. 1) nuroofl, 10 kindergarteners. 38
tonchor8 and two Industrial managers.
Taft and Hughes Spe?k of Its Gov
ernmental Value.
The work of tho YoUng Men's Chris
Man Association Is becoming ;in Im
portant fnctor everywhere, even In
the economic nnd business world and
proves of importance In governmen
tal affairs.
In a speech mndo by President T-ift
he said:
"The Young Men's Christian Asso
elation has come to bo recognized as
a powerful and necessary fnctor, both
In business and in governmental mat
tors." Taking up tho question of Its 1m
portonco in tho construction of tho
cannl ho said:
"Thb president wns dlreoted by law
is Volume of Business and Short
Scalp. That's why I am In the $2.50
and $3.50 Shoe Game.
Bring your head into my stores and
have It fitted for $2.50. WHY PAY
to build the Panama canal, and as a
plain business proposition, if he was
to build the canal, ho had to have ma
terial and men with which to build it;
and ob a plain business proposition
that which keeps his men mornl, that
which makes them useful for the work
which they are to do, that which
koops tholr minds on tho work which
they aro to do and tho duty with
Which they aro charged, that is nec
essarily a proper object of govern
ment expenditure. I do not think
there is any action of tho commission
that does moro to assist in carrying
on the work of canal construction in
telligently nnd onorgotlcally than the
oxpendlturo of money for four club
buildings on tho Zone. And the ex
cellence or the results will bo mnde
possible by tho uso of those men who
hove been trained In tho work of tho
Young Mon's Christian Association."
The influence of tho Association la
also felt by Governor Hughes of Now
York,- who spoke as follows:
"It is a remarkable thing that th'e
Young Mon's Christian Association
has boon so successful in providing
so many different flelds of activity
for young men. Education, or phyal-
cnl Improvement, 'social, religious It
seems to comprehend about every
thing that a young man needs."
Summing up his opinion, expressed
In a recent magazine article ho writes:
University Bulletin
Friday, 10. Junior Informal, Fra
ternity Hall.
Swedish Club. Business program.
II. 10G. 8:00 p. m.
"A Baseball Fancy," by Prof. Wm.
Everett Jillson, of Doano College
Assisted by moving pictures.
Temple Thontre, 8:15 p. m.
Saturday, 17. GymnnBtic Contest,
Unlvorslty Armory, 7:45 p. m.
Sundny, 18. Dr. F. IX Bayley of Den
ver, at Temple Theater. "Can a
Collego Studont Pray?" 4:30 p. in.
"MirncloB," 7:30 p. m. Y. W. C.
A. serves tea between meetings.
Wednesday, 21. Baseball: Knnsas
Aggies vb. Nebraska.
Thursday, 22. Baseball: Lincoln
Loaguo vb. Nobraska.
Friday, 23 "Social ProblomB in Their
Relation to Public Health." Prof.
George E. Howard. Temple 5 p. m.
Monday, 26. Baseball: University of
Missouri vs. Nobraska.
Tuosday, 27. Baseball: University of
Missouri vb. Nebraska.
Tuosday, 27. Forostry Lecture: "Scl
ontiflo Problomo In Foroat Planta
tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at
7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, 11. Forostry lecture, State
Problems in Wisconsin," A. G.
Hamel; "Utilization In Wiscon
sin," J. C. Kottrldge, N7 at 7:30
p. in.
Saturday, May 15. Baseball: Drake
University vs. Nebraska.
Tuosday, 25. Forestry lecture: "For
est Types In tho Philippines,"
"Bill" Pugaduan; "Forest Utiliza
tion in tho Philippines," M. Lazo.
Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni
versity vs. Nobraska.
Saturday, 20. Baseball: Kansas Uni
versity vb. Nobraska.
"The Young Mon's Christian Asso
ciation constitutes, in my judgment,
one of the most important factors for
the maintenance of proper standards
of life nnd oxorts a powerful influence
upon the young men of this country.
It Is wholesome; Its management, as
I have observed It, has been broad
minded nnd In tho best sense patri
Cornhuskers Defeated at St. Marys
Nebraska was beaten by St. Mary's
college at St. Marys, Kans., yestordav
morning by a score of 8 to 2. Score
by innings:
Nebraska 20000000 02
St. Marys 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 0 x 8
Batteries: Croon nnd Swift; Ward,
Olmstend, and Carroll.
Alpha Theta Chi and Delta Upsilon
Will Meet.
Alpha Thota Chi and Delta Upsilon
will play ball at Antelope park at 1:30
o'clock this afternoon for tho game to
decide last sonson's championship on
tho west Bide,
Ivy Day Program.
All mojnbors of the Ivy Day commit
tee in tho Benlor class, and all those
appointed in tho othor classes for the
evening program will meet In U. 106,
Friday at 5 o'clock.
Tho United States has 493 univer
sities, colleges nnd technical schools
In which aro being educated 229,292
malo and female studontB. Europe
supports 125 universities educating
228,732 students. Germany heads the
list with 21 universities and -19,000
studonts, and England is fourth with
15 universities and 25,000 students.
The noon mooting of tho Y. W C
A. for Friday, April 10, will bo led by
Miss Myra Withers, state socrotary
of tho Y. w. C. A. Tho subject for
the meeting is tho national-convention
to bo hold at St. Paul, Minn., April
the Temple
You can thank your stars
you're not a tailor. You'd
go clean daffy if you had
to-make a hand tailored
suit or overcoat to sell for
$ 1 5 However somebody
has to. That's the reason
we're selling 'em at the price.
Speier & Simon
We Save You Money N. E. Corner 10th & 0 Sis.
"" - i.i
I For $25 Ludwigwillbuildyoi
I the Best Suit of Clothes You Ever Wore I
The latest styles in footwear in-
M'-ift lJ- .... -L
Kvkffl 1UU1116 aucn
" J
rumps, Uxtords and button Boots
in black, tan, gray and London
smoke in Suede and Ooze Calf.
f-n-r- r"LLriiiM
1129 O Street
k. sample Latest Model "Kaniror7' l.irvrl TTrTi.j T..TT ,7. ." ..
mi ?iii7in'Kv .;;. ';s,iw.'
pit U " iyV,Vu w?IlhaMTJ': te " ni i1. !?.? ?.u.ff." 7" '"cycle and
tut it t any test )ou wish
lep the bicycle uu It back to
"-- "- -,- -.... .. "jy i
!-ai:illHV FUIi:k "c "
m .wo. . t " r.
to fas middlemen's profits bv
anu:e behind your bicvcle.
i - .... --
f Rif lUlM
YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED o!!5 you rccciv uiutif! uaioCue and
liifivni.'K iVma " i ii
'r.7..y":'Z"f.'.'"."M', " Vur "'cycles unuer your own name d ate at
HKv.ViTN..riVVumSyf"Xe . .
r usually have a number on hand taken in
CromDtfv at prices ranulncr fmm :i tn tin
v -m-r m &i mr -m j .m. jaj ijli ii
AninTFB naivPM altiirlu whooU. liiiii..rt.l
UUflOICH-DHflilCd, equipment of all Icinds'at half
I II ni l It wmfjl A v y r9 lir .. --
w MHiuf FdMitTdtvi tncjc tirct fj
f"v rr yiur., vm ( irnrviiiiic wc will
wails, racicB or uiuss irlll not let tho
air oat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year.
Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use.
and easy ridiu.verydmnblcandliiiedinsidc with
a special quality of rubber, which never becomes
porous and which closes up small punctures with
UhSUHIHTtONt Made In all sizes. It is lively
lit) small nnnrluri"! wiflirnf
intr tlieiilrtoes
M thenir toes.'anr. We liavr liiiiidrfils nf lure
ficucustotuerastalini' that their tires liavemilvhii
iicutiiaiuiiicrasiaiingiuaiiuciriircsuaveouiy been
uiiuiiL-coriwicciuawuoieseason. i ucyweij; lino
an Ordinary tire, the punctur
by bevcral layers of thin, sj
tread. The regular price oft!
uiictureresistingqualtlies being Riven
tllln sncHnltu nrxnnrnl f,lrl?. .1..
regular priceoftliejte tires is8.5operpair,but for
the rider of only &.80 per pair. All orders shipped
amiroval. Vou do not nav a cent until vmi I.-..M
-.. ... .. . ,
send FULL OASilWITII OUDKft 'a, d e
nickel Dialed brass hand numn. 1'lrea to hV.
wc win nuow a ens
not satisfactory on iam nation. We are perfect v reliable and nioiiii lint ..Vi-'V U,CVi are
bank. If you order a pair of these tires" you wll 1 find that thv wlir H,u L8p6-nfetVs a
wear letter, last longer and look finer than any tire vou have evir "XJS l" VdL ea.8,er' ""' faslcr.
know that you wlll'le so well pleased that when youwn, 0 fb!evehTl2 wm-tt "."y price ,Wc
We want yo'u to send us o trial order at once, hKi.7eEarffl 8,ve US yowr ordcr-
IF YOU NEED TIRES 1WHwyany,k,,u,nUyPrJce'" you send for a pair cf
describes and quotes art makes and kinds of tires "t aburhoinhe usm lprkes V La.ta,0Sc which
noveiues as strap
I 1 TX V
and distric t to
'"r"cu'ari,"'i't'""ior t ,.
. ;,, l"'" '?'3 'J?.'. ??!?. or ,un "
". i :. r.'r""- """J"" wra nai oe oiti out Ctlll.
u ji uur expense qua
.ie nisiiest trade bicvc
de bicycles it is possible to make
hmin, '",. ,","l. '""i i ""?Pl ??".., .4 8?ve '
io hiw nv.i3::i.r' 7'W"mr Kiur-
- - mrtM. U1L.LIC Ul ml IU f IK I IT Il-ntn it mi m
,,r ,--.., 1.... -;.! "-7" , -- 'V"
"."KJi'l".el..V''oa. Pro above factory coit.
trade Ivom&SnllMit 5!?fi;
Alii M"!ii... "il',.,,wr.e.. ln??e.w.e clear out
r ilia niir T-rrti imni hni. a .. a
T.Ait- i..'.T. '."" ",.BJ,."'.,J? n,alle tree.
ihT, )i. " JV;'T. """ 1,luul" Paru "I
epairs and
V . ... jr, (,,
fmn. r.i
Notice the thlolc rubber tread
"A ' II 11(1 lllllitiir uil..a l.ll't
more thna
and "l)," uIho rim strip "II"
to pruoiit rln outtliijj. This
tire will outlast uny other
same day letter is received
0...1 a ',"". -vca
c om thfs dvcnVmeSf,CCw,,Bi'JiPc.r palr) f you
r.,i i .?,cl-l."",cn '-, , Yc wl s wa one
"4- 3- -jm- r .
tr.3wJnj ijuw.m j4i nm
KMagniCTm-rtr-mii n !..