" "i" f - "i i h 1 1 II I Hi f iifiliiiiiniirfninnhfci fill Him mmmtm ! "' I I I .... i. 1.. i ii i iii it. h MwWMMMMMMhMMIMft4 J J A T&E BADLY NEfiRASItAN V- - jP4--ttf nr , .--4 f.i ! There's style and fit in the "Horse-Shoe" made Clothes. They are High Quality at Medium Prices. $10 to $20 for the newest suits. . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER 11th andPSts. Open from G a. m. till 13 p. m. Lincoln's most pop ular priced oafo. OUR MOTTO: Clean and Quick Swlra ill tha Tlnn. Coupon Books worth $6 sold lor $4.25. 'Hans Workow, Mgr. J THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE "Welcomes Ml Studonts. Bo rvifr,C and Silver Latter B KiPrS Inlaid Work Q T IT L,tJ Bpednlty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1132'0 8troot co5ooooooooeaooffiooffio $ All Makes of Second' g $ hand Typewriters sold, 8 $ rented or exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co,, 714 P St, Both PhMis, teG&0800$000000030$ i" r: t Eat at Green's Place The UNION CAfE 1418 O street Open Day and Night E. FLEMING Finest watch and Jowolry Repairing in tho city. Givo us u coll. Boll A704, Auto U884. - 12110 St. Wo solicit n share oE your patronage FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St No. Side PJIONES: Auto 1321 Bpl32 L. JL 1HERZOG THE UMIVEiSITY MArS TAILOR Come In arid get that $15.00 Suit to your order v l230 O St. Llnooln PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! l(Wv. I l925TrSUMneoIh.l I mmMmtmmmmmmmmmmm tfiHalf Million Glasses if Stda Witir toid aa,,drankfoo;n puif ;0jtfy lenltury '; 8anUury $odav Fountain Jscasori 1008. ': cAgericy Huylprn. GuhtKers aiuTLown ys Chocolates and Bonbons. v ; ) ') Crisffrtfr lMnit The Drug' Cutltr, NEW KIN0 FOOTBALL MI880URI ATHLETIC DIRECTOR JNVENT8 "A GAME WOULD ELIMINATE ROliOII PLAY . THROWING AND KICKING THE ONLY METHOD OF ADVANCE. Dr. Hotherlngton Hopes That His Combination of Football and Bas ket Ball May Be Given a Fair Trial by Colleges. , A now ganio of football, lias boon Invented by Dr. Clark V, Hothorlng ton, director of nthletlcs at the Uni versity of Missouri. It may bo tried in tho spring practico of the Mis souri varsity football squad. Tho now game Is a cross between tho present football and basketball games as thoy aro played hero. Ac cording to tho rules there will bo oloven players on a Bide, and tho game will .bo played on the regular football field. But thero will bo no running with tho ball.Tho only way in wnicn tho nail may bo advanced aro by throwing and kicking. No Rough Play. In the now gamo tho rough play will bo eliminated. No player will bo allowed cjto carry tho ball, and there will bo no tho bucking or lino forma tions. A score may bo. made by con tinuous forward passing, As It woulfj bo almost impossible to dribble a foot ball, as Is done with a basketball, tho play will bo limited to 'throwing and kicking. Tho .game is called "combination half," becauso it is a combination of tho two games. "I have worked on tho gamo at intervals in tho last four or .five yeare," Bald Dr. Hothorington. "When I began to think or it my' aim was to doviae a game that would drill the playors for tho regular football ,gamo; honco I called It 'drill ball' at first. '.'As I worked out the details of tho gamo I saw that It had possibilities I greater than simply a practico gamo. Tho gamo haB never been tried, but I GREOORY. the Tailor Has a dandy line of goods for Spring Suits. lie also does the test cleaning and pressing in the city. 14th & O Streets Auto 3264 have talked with friends who aro familiar with athletics, and they were favorably Impressed with tho plan. I am anxious to see it tried, for It is only In that way that Its value can bo determined." May Try It Out. Carl L, Rlstlne, captain of tho 1000 tigers, who la In charge of tho spring practico; said that tlib gnme would bo tried if tho mon bo desire. "Of course I enn't toll how the gamo would work out," said Captain Rlstlne, "but I have doubts about Its being practicable Tho elimination of running with the ball means that when one side Iuib tho ball tho men on tho opposing side will each have to guard a man. It koops a player busy to guard another player on a basketball court, and on a football Hold it would be almost . impossible for ono man to guard another." OHf3 "Vy.HERE 18 THAT BELLTI Delta Tau Delta Loses Treasure tp Rival Frat Men. a Oh where, oh where 1b my little boll gone? Oh, where, or where can It bo? ' With its 'clapper gone, And Its rim all cracked, ' Oh, where,- or where can it Jao? . , X)nqp t was In p church belfry in a calm and peaceful" Nebraska town. Then it wa.8 Jn tho white canvas tent of a certain ;buncu of university ca, dots, whose active minds concolvod of it as a frat house adornment1.' Then it held a place of honor among UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Threo-ycar course, loading to degree of Doctor of Law .(J.D.), which by tho Quarter syBtcm may bo completed in two and ono-fourth calendar years. College education roqulrcd for regular admission,' ono year of law bolng counted toward college degree. Law library of 31,000 volumes'. Tho 8ummer Quarter 'offers special opportunltlec to students, teachers, and practitioners. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRESS Dean of law School, University of Chicago Get your Punches, Sherbets, and Ice Cream from Special attention given to Student Affairs. Bowls, Spoons and Glass es furnished free. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Co. Seventh and L Streets Bell 428 PHONES Auto 1228 a certain bunch of Crocks. And, be ing accorded so much honor, the boll became a thing for strife, and some times wandered away from Its first chosen home. Just now It Is away, and in consequence tho Dolta Tau Deltas aro looking askance at mem bers of Phi Dolta Theta. Tho bell which caused so much trouble came to Lincoln sevoral years ago. It rested peacefully for a whllo In the sacred interior of tho Delta Tau houBe. But ono night It wand ered out under force of Phi Delta lnfluen.ee and then for mnny months It visited in that chapter house. Since that first journoy, tho bell haB wand- ered back and forth more than once. Two years ago It decided to yield to the ImplorlngB-of tho Tau Deltas and it has since remajned with that ur ganization. Last Saturday night tho Deltas had their annual banqueWand no one was' left to guard the coveted bell. Five Phi Deltas, a rope and a ladder djd the bsulness, and tho bell is now over on S 8tre(St. Therefore tho Dolta Taus aiu) vowing vongeanpo. Frank Hawks, 1008, loft tho latter part of last week for Salt Lake City, Utah, wh.oro ho has accepted a posi tion. nt - Ads AdYartlaements for tho want ad column should be left at.the business office, baspment Administration Bldg., between 1Q a. m. and 12 jn., or be tween 2. p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash mutt accompany all ordf n for wah adf, tt-the rat ofx10 cents, per' ihaeTtlon fo every' fifteen words or fraptipn thereof for tho first inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; flye Insertions 40 cents. FOIJ. SALE A pew high-grade bl cycle ,at ,25 por cept discount. Inquire" a Npbraskan .office, '9ttf ' . . i,i FOR SALE A. now $56 bicycle' for $25. See Nobraslmn manager. 122-tf LOST AND FOUND. LQST A StUo fountain pen, In tho Library. Roturn to Nebraskan offlce, " 12Gl-i22-lt $5.00 for $1.00 Ten Leading Magazines for Three Month to A E BRAS KAN SUBSCRIBERS v The only conditions of this you must oe a. lyeorasnan suDicrioer, oia or new, and NOT IN ARREARS: ' " " If you are not a subscriber, subscribe now! 50 cents for the remainder of the school year Tfxis offer for two weeks' only, so tfyauwish to avail yourself .of .it, be quick. BurrMc-Intosh, 3 Mq. , . . $...75 Recreation, 3 Mo. ,.,.... .75 Smart Set, 3 Mo, , J5 Travel Magazine, 3 Mo. , . . .45 Metropolitan, 3 Mo. . , . . . ,45 Pearson's, 3 Mo, ........ .45 Cosmopolitan, 3 Mo. .... .45 Field & Stream, 3 Mo 45 The Woman Beautiful, 3 Mo. .45 Youth's Companion, .3 Wksy y15 TOTAL VALUE . $5A0 All for $1.00 to Nebr. Subscribers V H. St FENSLER, Prop. Downstairs, Royal Hotel SUITORIUW Hospital for Sick Clothes ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND DRY CLEANING $ L00 Per Month Treatments Given Once a W,eefc GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Auto Phone 443 It BII A-2473 COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW 'jf- '- -' 4. CALL AND i '.. . " ' The latest styles in footvsar in cluding such novelties as strap Pumps, Oxf prds and Button Boots in black, tan, gray and London snioke in Suede and Ooze Calf. I II P ROGERS & PERKINS COMFY 1129 O Street j ' .iiu.i ' i.i i i AT THE PLAYHOU8E8. The Majestic. For real fun no 'bettor place in the city can bo found this week than "the vaudeville program offerOd at the Ma jestic. Every1 number Is a good laugh producer; ' A hoadllpers tho four Masons and Cdrrinnoo Frririces are a big 'success In "A .Country School." ' Tho act Is ono which re minds tile students; of the Napahees in the school sketch that mado such a hit at tho same theatre early in January, Corrino Frances is pretty, and a "commodlenne qf first rank. 'Tho Dude Detective' In which Byrop and Langdon get off several exceeding humorous doings, ..mado a big hit with thq hrst rilghtors, Ethel Gllkoy, "That Chicago Girl has some cloVer 'offerings that promise to make her 'one of tho leading at tractlons'bbforo tho cIobo of the week. -'.-'if r. -9tnx ,'niac;JwK,'4Wi' : ' f ' cr--j T ' : i . i 1 v r r n '. r" old or new d1 , U D it J t ' for only... P wonderful "offer are that WfBW 1529 O STREET BEST TAILORING at th i i Auto Phona AM SEE THEM j. " i-i i1 "Play JBall," a big', scream by Welch, Mealy and.Montroso, ia a real dolight" for all sport loving fans. If you want to, bo reminded that ,the opening of tho gay old diamond 'days is- only a few woeks off, seo this act, Gardner.. and1 Itevere.'and tho riave locks, in "Fun at a Five 6'cjpck Tpa," aro two other good number which pleased last night. Delta Upsllon ai)d Phi Gamma Delta V f rnterhUlcs met: in; a practico game Saturday '- morning''-' at which Delta', , Upsllon was victorious by. a score pf 4 to 3. x CEKTIILWTIOKILMM I2thand0 8trttt P. L. HALL, PrCieUal , . 1". K, JOHH80N, Vlce-FroUMt BMAN O. VOX, CmJiIw W. W. HACKNEY Jr., A. Omw A v .- I