MBBRASKAtt y. Ill . & f : i-wv. I V V" akStfTSiimw -JS OLIVER rTIIEATRE & i'- l V r , r w w vwvwwvw iTodny V tMtr-2:IO. 1 , Tenlght S:1S. CHARLES, FROHM AN- PRESENTS THE THIEF b. i , ,' y -, s ALL-STAR CAST , , Ev41.60 to 50c. Mat $1.00 to 25c K MON TUEi,, WED. A MAT., U .v APRIL 5-7 sV- .Follies of the Day infill 91 in LAVEEN-CR088 & COMPANY Roman Sports and Pastimes , VERNON Vaudeville's Favorite VentrlloqulBt 8ULLIVAN, PA8QUELENA A CO In "A C. Q. D. Package" GRAY & GRAHAM MuBlcal Boll Boy & Military Maid i cwci cem nllNMriRP Prima Donna BE GAR 8I8TER8 Whirlwind Dancers Extra Added Attraction MR. & MR8. ARTHUR YOUNG Mats (Dally. Ex. Mon.), 15 & 25c Every Night 8:15 15, 26, 35 A 50c PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! IfVJUl - Week Starting March 29 THE FULTON 8TOCK CO. Persents w' "THE LITTLE GREY .LADY? In Preparation for. Holy Week the Powerful Christian .Play, "THE LIGHT 'ETERNAL" Every, evening at 8:15. Matinees Wednesdays and' Saturdays, at 2:30. Best seats 25c. 8eats may be .reserved at the box office or by telephone, three days ahead. PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTISER8I I The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, Billiards, Pool; Cigars, Tobacco. Fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS .; . iNTnEiwesi PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. POOk by.Hour, 40c ROTATICN FOOL uvrnu TOOL POKER POOL P1GEONT POOL 2,lr2'cU, pet cue., '"3 coesO.cts. 15 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Snaring. Coup9na "Given ith -l . Every 5cSpent in thc'Place., , u i O RO H E8TRA r' fojf' Concert or Dances ' G. F. Thornburg , 'Ralph J. Reld, - -. j Director ..--'- .Planht Vtollnand Cornet . iostfteUoa' 'glyen at JSttfdlo, 416 So. J7th.? 7 Auto 5877, ' ' - t . ' j - - H ''1 WILLIAMS' DANCING p ScesMNr t Pku -. ' r f. . ' T - .'f " r. h - nil . . SMllI ElHlH t - Frllay MwHlay Ew. mf' &lm l CHN mm, Mi. il Prorate L ons Gnran s1! j. c' n 'ifDseired 1124 N STREET Mynrw, irf4.t. ! '! AU 401S BU A-2621 ll)f Trtv.J ! ' ' ' Will W. Gleanings M Cj H, Frey, Horlst, liatf O St., ' Chapjn Bros., norlBis, 127 8o. Thir teenth. IV r Q r . h ' . tK f - , " ; Miss Alico nudoMdorf, 1908, yialted friends on the campus yesterday. j .One. Thousand pairs Oxfords'ohsalo at 2M. t Heriford, tf216 .0. -, V ffMlsB Agnes Colby, of Onawa, la., Is visiting with Miss Ellon Dobson of th' If ' city t. k Dr. Chas. Burr block. Youngblut, dentist, 202 The regular meeting of the Students' Debating club will bo held this even ing at 7:30 In U. 106. ' J . ' ', . Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth SLJ " ; ' : f ' ' t X joint Y. M. O. 'A.' and Y. W. O. A. banquent will be held this .evening at St. Paul's at 6 o'clock. Plates 50 cents. , . " Get your lunch at' the city Y. M. C. A Bpa. 18th & Pt . ' New Spring styles In .footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O SL ' The annual 'formal party of tho Pi j Beta pw- sorority will be held this evening a'tthei Lincoln hotel'. Walt's orchestra-will furnish the, music. . r Have your clotheB pressed at Weber's Sultorluid: Cor. 11th and O.' Dr. J." ' R Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Tho regular noon meeting of the university Y. W. C. A. for Monday, April 5, will be an "Echo" meeting. 'Miss Marguerite Patterson, Loader. . Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Most all tho newi Bwell styles Tan, Black- or Ox Blood Low Shoes $2.50. Sanderson's. ' 2t Professor F. O. French of the philos ophy department, was in Omaha Wed- i j, 0000000000000OQO000000000003 The best all kinds, Faultless and Manhattan at FULK, m m V036SO03OZ VU' Y "1, i't nesday evening acting as Judge In. the East Central District oratorical con test. .' -.'- , ' .The Nebraskan's blg subscription offer ends this week. . Hunr before it dsv too late. ' "Dr. Condra lectured to the1 North Nebraska.. Teachers' association ; at Norfolk' Thursday, and is to lecture to the Southeast association today at Beatrice. ' I . Lincoln Learn te Dara dance, Dancing Academy, 1182 N. Select school; Call Auto 4477. ,. The members of the university Y. W. O.' A. 'held an "at fibme" reception to university girls this afternoon from 3:30 to 6 o'clock .in the association rooms of the Temple. , Only a ;few4 days" areieftjn -which to take advantage of the Daily Ne braskan big trial offer. ., ' Thejregalar; werttjweetiBg, oftke Komeneky club was held last evening in Science hall in the Temple. The program was very different from the regular program being given by mem bers o Ow, legislature. Hoes. Kotouc, 1008, Krouse, Koepadsky and others SHIRTS The Nebraskan Is still offering 5 Worth of magazines, for $1. Take ad vantago of the loV rate' this 'week.' 1 .A meeting of the Agricultural blub will be hold this evening at 8 o'clock In thef acuity room of the Temple. At this meeting the following papers will ho read: "Some Aspects of Sclentlflo Farming;" by O. A. Brodrick, and "Ag ricultural Conditions In J the Philip pines,'' by Maurice Lazo. , If you aro going to ordbr a Spring Suit consult tho Dally Nebraskan manager. t Ho can Bavo you somp monoy. 2t MIbb Hall, district presidont of the Kappa Alpha Thota sorority, arrived In the city Thursday. A reception In her honor was glvon by tho local chapter yesterday aftornobn at the chapter house. Last evening a dlnnor Mas given, to which only mombors of the active chapter word invited. Miss Hall expects to loavo today. For Sale Due bill on a first class tailor at a reduced price. Ah oasy way to make a llttlo monoy. Soo manager Daily Nebraskan. tf The ivy day committoe has decided n that each class will have part in the evening program for ivy day. The president of each class, according to the plans, will be requested to appoint within tho next few days a committee of three to meet Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock with the committee in cl argo of the evonlng program. , Swell, snappy Young Men's Low Shoes and Oxfords, wolt soles, Black, Ton or Ox Blood, $2.50. Sanderson's. These are Bnaps. Come In and see them. . 2t ' y E. F. Schramm,' a fellow in tho ge ology department, left last night to begin his season's work on the United Slates geological survey. Ho will Join a party led by A. L. Beokley, a former university student, and will work with them in investigation on tho Stand ing Rock Indian reservation, South Dakota. Mr. Schramm will not return to Lincoln before next fall. - .MIbb Van Andel, whoso marriage was announced some time .ago to Mr. Arthur Barth of Billings, Montana, was chavivarled by a party of friends on the evening of her wedding, March 21. ,Tho chavlvariers collected near Mi - selection of Fancy Shirts df worth 50c to $3.50. ' " - ' : - - - - 1325 O -- tho 'window of ; the dining room and after singing rwere' 'invited in, where they l were treated. to refreshments After congratulating the bride and groom, the party left, wishing them. happiness throughout life. ' r The Union Literary society ad- Journod last1 evening' to attend the , it. i tn . ' ' . " " concert given, by ..the inlverslty cadet band. After the concert they re turned to the Union hall, where a short program was given( Mlss Agnes Colby, of Qnawa; la., favored the so ciety wun several cornet seiecuons, after which a social hour was enjoyed by all. The next meeting .of the so ciety will be M-eJdi the first Friday after the Easter vacation. , -f - v- . . -J,. V " V- - -V , - ., - J, a 'K The members of the Pershing Rifles hpld their monthly gold medal ipell downrWstlttlghtr in,, the. aroryy'and S. jL Mahood won the medal. ' A business meeting was held after the drill' at which the matter of awarding a .gow, meai to jAi. acooey .was discussed. It was deckled that a com mittee be appointed to confer with the commissioned officers to settle this matter, it wMv4eoMed also that the Pershlngs wouldltake) their? journal hike to the place of1 the CadeTea- ;m -ffiir ftmiiLrQmw- N i' 4? 1 s ( A .'. ;r l 4 u Jt J Interesting Program With I. C. Knede , t Toastmaster. Tonight the Y. W. and Y, M. O, glvo 'their 'Joint bahquefat di Paul'a church. Whllo given by both organ! iatpns l isppontb jail, wetler membors or not. ' Tho supper will open at 6 o'olook i i j LI, '.ft., v !',. vi and an Interesting program has beon arranged,' with j. C. ICnode", 1908, as tonstmaster. Tho toast list with the. rerponsos will bo as follows : "The Unlvorstty of. Nobraska Without tho. Eds,'' Fayo. Hartloy, 1910; "Tho Uni versity of Nebraska Without tho "Co-1 EdsM E. W. Hill, 1900; "Copera-. tlon," Allco Corapton, 1910; "Opora- tlcn," S. A. Mahoon, 1910 "Auld Lang Syne," Phoobo May Hopper. 1896, aOT "The Christian Associations from Be hind tho Desks." Professor E. L. Hln man. x This Ib the' first union hanquet to, bo glvon by tho associations, and it is expectod that It will meot with hearty approval. If is proposed to make- it one 'of the annual affairs of theso organizations. MASQUES FAILED TO APPEAR Thirteen Trembling Candidates Walt for Hours In Vain. Tho now Black Masquo initiates are still waiting to bo initiated. They be gan waiting at 6:80 last evening, tho time at which thoir ontranco-into tho saored precincts of the Thirteen, was supposed ot take place They waited, but the active. Black Masques failed to appear to call for the trembling thirteen candidates. Whether they wiiild have continued, to remain in. tho same place, waiting, until death ovortook them, Is a quos ,tlon, but this possibility was averted by one of their number recollecting that it was April flrBt Thirteen Jun iors thus were brought face to face with tho fact that they wero the vic tims of a time-honored Joke: Thirteen Juniors, who waited from 0:30 until nearly midnight to discover that they were fooled. - -' The -Palladian' literary society will moot in their hall this evening. The program will consist of ten minute orations on topics of national interests together with musical numbers, Al the, meeting held last Saturday even-' ing; the; following officers were elected: President Beulalu Hildreth; vice president,1. Clara Miller; recording sec retary, Clara Erlcson; corresponding secretary, Ina Williams; 'historian, Mabel Nelson r treasurer, Sv B. Mc- Call; critic, Ray Rice. P. C., Harding and E. H. Jorgeson we're, elected mem bers of the executive Jboard.' 1 -, The regular, mid-week Y. M. O.A. moetlng Wednesday evening was' led by J.-L. DerKinderen, Instead of dis ciBBlng the topic, ''Choosing a Lifd Work," as was announced, the me: lhg was devoted, to arousing an in terest in View of the Summer Con ference, which will bet held early in June at. Cascade, Colo. ' A few of the delegates who were present last year gave reports as to' the conference and thn benefits and pleasures incident, to such an. outng. A large delegation is looked for to represent the University of Nebraska at the coming conference.. , 'The, home. tqt r.,aHd Mrs.fWtiP' van Andel, 1722 It, was .the sceme of a, beautiful wedding Wednesday, when, their, daughter Maysel was united. in marriage, to Arthur, Barth of Billings, Montana. t The bride and groom were remembered with many bWuUful gifts, among which was a handsome tea set rrom rni .jjeica Tnsta.,. tne. grooms fraternity,'' and a set of spoons "from the Black, Masons girls. Both the brlde-and-; groom are well -known m: tJr.lyeralty fcirclse, '"Tkiigreomgrad iiated from the university in" lm.Tfcs bride is a member of the Blaek Masque and Palladia societies. Mf. and; Mrs. Bar th defwiedfer. CXtleaa .to?spetheirthoneyeB -Srair w' Ta Scmmi's Only CT Tw fr NEW CREATION 2Sc f It's reversible. Made with ''Easy tic-sliding Space " and " Patented Lock Front.'' 4pHy, Quarter Sizes. ; gfion(ollarsi UntTEB 8HUT4 C01UI C.,,Mifcm).Trr,H.Y; PATHONIZE OUR ADVERTISERtl Quality Counts f THAT'S WHY Franklin's let Grum , B SO POPULAR -We saake a'- specialty of fancy oreams, sherbew, lose and ponoh for Frat and Soreriiy Parttes. AutoSlsl Bell 206 tJ ; F 1I16N Street l ' CINCINNATI Cut Price1 , SHOE STORE AHD Eltitrlt kM itfilr Ftitiry . . Saves Yav TIME-AND-IONEY 1220 O Straat UNIVERSITY JEWELEB t OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yevr Iatresa Solicited A. Music House Where vVoa can always find' that; , sheet of mnelo-in-Btook. EDW. . WALT , -,.. ! 1120 OSL Tha Music Man? :Iiave -"- . r THE EVANS Do Your WasMna TYPEWRITERS 4 All ,MkMTroW'wlviUaa r wi 'mviioii ll.BII.UtnB1 .' 1'- BwgiM ta KMliMMatefs.v UftCOLN TYPEWRITCR EXCHAMf ABto lUt-Wl iw..Uus Koilitk, 1 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTItlRtI .L e&tfr mB .will rfchr ifieithfer tie?; thumb mor temper 15c,r2 for 85c. T"""iJ-'","""""'?"'1' nnnnnnH Lnf nH nBW .'BBmTV TBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV W ' 1 CARLTON oL s 1 bMT" Ki: .Wt k h fsf a cl-'JvTstsJ . ti n -.1 . i : kj o 'i '. ,4 I "4 -:ff i1 .''7,.V y. if . .- .' v- r&L "I tiWh-ms &$&&&;7r Billlnas. Montana. it ;TJ:W',AC2S:te '.-vi. - ( v . 4;-'v-," -' "'fe"T I gve;,Bfcert addresses.