The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1909, Image 1

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TifiV.-fili jinWirMtLJttkafi-MfJf.ffrf nmnHirthl riri"fiHiir'- li in seiMMas" iJMkJfcu-tk.u...
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MHH mafrwn ' 'Wnii hmhM nianmw)iHKM
iffiKaipVinlV-' '.sVytM At-)' aW?
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R. $gl44$'fiH APBfcEJBJMg LARGE
J,0A ,0f JflE .WORK M
P"W. WS'i-f Tr9f1.cv0uld
k 8ViW.i .Ce.t a"Clear.C9J!c.eptt9.n
of the Problems Confront
ff ilna Them,
! .:'?. V
ton Wollman addressed
o modlcal convocation in the Tern
? Uffef ?sfe 0f ft? aB lr
'Uoauceo.'Dy ur. wara ua a mibbuuuuu
by birtfi, a Kanaan by oducatlon and
i ytm ft1 frcr014 $ chlf-
His subject was "Health Problems
ijWhich. Confront tbo European in the
ppj,cs ft- W? 'Xecture Xr. WpUman
Used many illustrations' to;show tho
? aturo of tho problems. Ho said:
yPresonted' in .general terms, I will
, jrytoglve a description of "what
confrpU us. A cllmatp ppr bo is
Dot a bar to health in tho tropics,
iut tho problem has rto. deaj ytb: thfl
presenco of epidemic diseases. Tho
fcanitdpritagos of hp'rjpTpics'nrb
much, poorer thaJQ ours. T.ko high tom-
ductlon of flies and insects, which
spread disease. There are three "sojs
of diseases besetting hb Caucasian
m& fo&wJmtez Bsif Mzs&s 5fr
.dlfflpHft, ( thd, diseases whic
;nay be brput mo .wth,,hlm.
Depends on Insects.
! "In. Africa the solution of the Bleep-
. '".". :'JrtT ,J 1 ' '' ' ' ifer s,r'
hp sickness dopends upon tfto 9er:
ralnatlpn of tho fly producing it '" Such
also is tho cose with malaria and tho
germs fronr ono manto "another, and'
in(caw from tho, negro 'to ho;
wnuo man. ffloiaouu oi proiecuns
u" . it
ourselves are reduced for most part to
an eBffffrfajromoYp'tho cause' of, ,dl;
seases. Bxperlments looking toward
stamping out malaria occupy most of
small expense. 'The moans have boon
.'', 'VsV, rA"lf .i'it t-A'
Bunpio: BJuneiiy, ulo aesxrucuon ot
mosaultoGB and care in sleonlnK .under
di;i ,j'-5M'ff &. c !' . - -o I-'- I
mupA m Pag&ma Jin ;tM8 saino lino.
tolrfalotWoaV" ?aKa IWo'
nycff ?. mwy?;' .; '. sy,j-,
snourage, lt IscarrJled.aJLojagip.utejti
.rwdtfoftdB ,nd .through qq1J8b jt;
hat bf a carried to yIohs Parts ojt
orljb sle may -caed
themselves quite immune to tho at
"Ttore Is jfoamty fA carrying , the
SSHBW IRMt roue:
Jspsw? ft? ?c: if9!!9?
cllmaUe. Tlie plague niarprpes ,&m
djtiMit through jits meass'pf spread
ing, secure as we think) we! are. It
c;.,ats J -rodents and is jtraisjrferred by
he agency sit .fleas. Jn Uita case, the
plague might mko itself 6s,' iner-'
iDe t Mnd.rtftn,f
era lias beea MudnK. In the
tropics largelf .because ,the natiyes .do
nqt jndersjmd thg' aae" Si
wJf w$W gftim :t! i
oaa iUsaffreeBMnt .as jtp waere ,
disease' oririnatedbut it does ixist"i
the legislature Has Doie for
tKe University
Although tho appropriations granted tho Btato improvements and .gonoral expansion than it had
MniXorsMy k 4fe J9.95 Wbraska Jogislaturo pxcopd two years ago.
those- of tw.o yoars ago by approx4matp)y 19,90, "jyth ffxo f.ynds whjch jean b.e deyd to por;
tho state school will bo unable ,to .expand, Jits $& manopt mprpypmonta tho regents !wilj prpbabr,
tlyties inuring the coning bionnium as it has in make sovoral nepdod changes and additions. It
tho ono just past.' Subject to tho approval of tho is hoped that thord will bo about IIBO.OOO for
gpyornor, .tho Joglslaturo Justxlosod has given the jthis. purposo, and tho amount will bo about (Squally
;uniyerslty the proceeds of the special mill levy; divided .between tho city campus and the "farm,
it has. granted an addltonal :10.Q,OO.Q o.r fiOAoral Addltjpnaji campus spaco will bo purchased for an
purposes; it has appropriated 420,000 for tho 'pur- athletio Jleld north of tho present university
chose of a sto tor a now neWcal collogo building grounds, this to cpt twpnp.OQO and I6j000.
In pmah.a; t .-os g.tven $20,000 for two now Additions will bo madle to the ibjljor usoand
experiment stations Jn Western oraska; t has it is ppBsbo hat tho start may made or a
d0atSd 'lisSfi? 'fiST &S$l$ -18? -lho Aajv llbra-rf' X9i RW wing of .thp museum building. At the farm
- with all-this; tho increasing exponso of maintain- now greonhouses and barns will bo oroctod.
mm vt-irtrtz kith nar.tfsMtirf':3 f v -.
ing the state's institution of pighor learning is
such that thorp will bo. loss money for permanont
improvements tb,an jhas been oxponded during
tho past two years. '
A Nevy 9raanzatlon.
J3y passing thp Kotouc bill tho legistur.e tdi
vided tho university into seven "colleges. To .do
this tboy logalized tho graduate and teachers'
Nor "ljas tho legislature stopped its activities ' ,ui. .' .'X ' ; ''" Vr,.''' Jlif'A
wt o ,yv m colleges, which hp horotofpro existed without
as rogards university affairs -with W mat, - y JJj -- $&
jters. in add-on aUeg to tho needs of Bch(Jol and th? Mhool Qf J ,$5
Uio scioot in this respect, the lawmjikys have r Q JJoJtoJW( d thoy Qbollflhod lnAmM9l
done' other things of importance. Thoy Iiaye re- -nnnM wuii, , ,i ... . ., ."A
T xi. i " ,i i. .c,9??SO which was formorly constituted by those
organized tho university on a soven-collogo basis, '""' ' ,T -.. .i , ft rrr Y -n
legalizing tho creation of a gradua college and U?- The .coges now existing fa e
a teaohers' college and raising 'two fornier schppls V,ny,Ity and the rpspeptlv.o d,oans .wh $ ;o
lpire'VankMiirciegefltfThoy hay.o passe.d .a .bljil charge of them after tho necessary action iy Ahe
'"A8"11 the rogGntB t0 eBtablish a school of board of regents are as follows: Collegoof Liter-
cltizonahlp, In a rider to thopnpraj appropria- nturp Arand Sciences-Dean 18;' araduate-
tlon bill thoy hayo oxpressed .their dissatisfaction CoUeke---i)oan 'Sherman! Enrfneorlne riniinii
with the extension burton- of tho .unXyprsjty. Arid . Dean Hlohards; College of Agrlc'ulturc-Doanur
,f f ,WV0 rn W11-7 P, nott; College of Medfclne-bein Ward; Collogeof
lessors, to. participate, yln tho benoflte ofthe Car- W-bedn CosUgan;" Toach'oW ;C6liege-Boaa
no4? P-01181011 fund - ' !Fofdyco. boon Bessoy of the Industyfal" College
- ' - mmW MtMree. - Sf '?ot t
- -.: jw r -.- He will not have executive charge of 'any college,
py the tprm of -obHl giving the university ' The Mliior ))ill (askingr thof events' & create a
tho usd.pftHp'aii ley'fud, the school is at once Scnool of Citizenship' cprisistinV- of courses ia
given the fight "to draw, on , tiid"sta'te itroasurer American history, political science and ppcaj.
forninaty-ilp-porcl'pf;Ui economy; passed the'legislature after aH juumA-
of tho dovy. TJUjls),pat&s tbo lfllculty toat has nent a.oenached which loft the expediency
prevlpusly' boon exporencgd by' tho unlvorsij ;p tjheestaUhment to tho discretion of the rg-
gaining ho use of tho funds for current expenses ""cents!4 Itls'understood that tho regents wlU-
after- they .had .been appropriated, but before the not establish tho school until thoy aro assured'
taxes l,had ,bepncpmpUAely, pal In. tJiat-the proceeds of tho mill levy under. which
.' - ''. -.!
' ".iif-u. ' ,, isf
at '. )
" l' i tv,,
Mlnneiota, Wisconsin, Chloae;,Waeh- i
Ington ancj Nb.rai.ka l) jilt Rep-" -
raw. '2vi y wa'v,
- 'slty Armpry.' :-
i- : -,..- ' '- yUi..if
Probably tho biggost,,an,'d nt 'jlw
portant lntor-collegiate cont'eet ' ever
held Jn Linpohi-wijl take pla?e i$,$&
university armory on tho evoning of
Friday, April id, when tho rbpresentsy
tlves;'bf- flvo 'of ttio be'sT unlyersitlea
9tJbo Wos.tjyJJJ. .epgagp n, fim$
western inter-colfogiato gymnastic
games for tho championship' of ( the
wostorn states. Minnesota, Chicago,
Wisconsin. Washington and Nebraska
iinlvorsltios( will havo strong teams
entered-in the confosL " '" ",Tm
Thi'B will bo the, first time these
gumes . havo boon held' at any school
biitsidolbf' the' "'W ElghV'in'stituaons':
Iitist season the contest was pulled off
at "Madison, and thd year before3 th'at
ft wa'heid In atidigSy h.-TJW:
opcciui arrangements aro oeing
mudo by tho local athlotio authorities
to. ontortainlng the .visiting .pplloglans
pu thp pst A cpmnt, (take
clrnrgp ,pf hp arrangpmen& anen,
tajnnaen.t -hasbpe apppjm,;e
ajbl.00 board an.d U?s bpy yl e
WWW P.aft8 to sep ajt jthe ,enrT
thpyaj-ejjn Jylncoln. ,
Good Contest Expected.
Jh Piifes ol mt
ajwViP.n- K?feiw terete-
&! iin '' inBinow Bvarnm ftr noBaBoniAnt wmii ia Amij Am
yW4ngfpranVddtlon441l the additional expense.
ioaywW, ? Killed a Fourth Time. :
too usea eitner cor
tho regents. 'Tno 07 njay
""SJtwerT ' -- t-v ---- -.--.-j.
, .The ProjBltlonngjmjvi the
'W3? Wn't ;waVWilTed),y the IdwerlibHse 6J5jegis.
"r, T: ""r"; Y iTfT? sVpr3' V . JT .. ,rT laturo on four distinct occasions. Itr waa twice
r currontexpensoB.
fund;wa? askeiordera,tke state , n aja. . ;joVityote. Last urlayit was rWve4l W
:: .'. ' f-t r vj 1 ' . . joniy voie. labc xnursaay it wi
itsnir nr tha mar ttiaaa nv .iimmnwn i unana. caiu- -:tf , r . ..n. ... . r . ij : .
"vr- - itV7 ,?mr , rpr Tr 1 v rrmv'r--rrarTTS'v. -wr r rnrm nf n. rnnninUnn tvhlxTi nAr ika 'i-uoai.
,taJists ,tp . a Hpl0Wl9 .fiWlW e rightto usV tfieir ascrec4; ia 'S.
-W gSp .ox mwn$i; "8? g &m W ' thfsWrm lV was turned down twice by tha
woutd jtfo'mmr mm m $ 8' representatives and the. final Tejectto waaiade
W& cf Jfp ; fmW tKe' pccaslon of considerable xkefal icelati
been sutea .9i mm n
f-ffIttii)Cll fci.-lf R tti
;p,n Weorits opponents,
irniKinc. towaras .we peixermeni .aaa .anwryMian f i " - i t
.thefaigp; ; : " ' " T4
Tfce success of ,tp ieraKjr Jja; m. J
mac as nas fi;pr its amic ec ,
for its maintenance JarJnsr tea
H a jS?M ffc&0 w?u1 lBI faex two years has beenlargely the rM(k &
4o&$MnhffijQl the next biennlum at efforts of tadivaPmWbe'lht'aali
leasr MM$P Smf $,"$- feceire at Ike fca&ds senate who have" eveV beeh willing tosapfJlrfc
of ttho ffl legislature. Of th amount It must measures for" ito needs. Among those i
m. ' .KhA n . A MA r jkaci. iVSIl Slim ivAam Ka '.! J!kl & '.-. m. . -
wporIment.Ion. prIatons. iThas Jkere ,is ,n; rp'rSnUng the''ge, SAMm
tv wu ..yw ?- .rfT-" r -- co-iegisiaiors. e,ana isp ae taa, ,00 oaaa
appropriation iqr er ,matttenance. . Hhe four who1 are ot alumni .M $$5,
wmie tine-
university la
.V.-,.,'M4.J iA, VV-Mj JUT J tJ UtWVft., j. . '
It was .two yeami aso, tTiils means -that ike been esaoused "by Senators B. P. Brown. Tlbstta.
wmmi'i vrM JHT ? ,w:.wr s? nwf,; ? sw?. ftpww aWr
ou urHt uunors lor iam worK.
Nebraskai's not stroag-itiiia- sariar
1 andv caif'not'liop? towlii contest.
One xkihe cppihuskers, D. C. Mitchell,
though, sta&jds an excellent chance of
wBninne jnaiviauai meaai ror oeu
best all-round gymnast The winnli
61 tile individual honors carries wit
it jtto. title for the middle west
ii ftamlflnmA atlwA. ii. m 4f
n uMiuniuis tii uuji as m VAVifUft n
jjasi "year at Ataaison, Mitcneu wo
seconi "plaee la 4he eadlllnaj ,atoat
MM- T;yearthe;
f. W WV' MF. .
tm$ mas m? m,
wm. w jwp m mwm i
iffi-'mRl, Jsri iPSMnfif-
cKWft Jfp9,; . mfffMbf 5njw n9tmf
bars. In addition to theM mgNf
w gf m M OT. ,WTr
!F n f oniJ?St, 7'ic ,
. Jin o-JWa.jaf. r 1
' Nebraska's team wHl beleke) frei
the'followlng tom; wh havee b-
sKit sfessESr t
Vn'g bmWtk wS tk VWf-T ''d
'reaose d (-ihfc.To-bik'a
and' yd-tVo'frUliW'
1TaVe' 'd-wia ArTe-,
Wiirb 'iutWe1 Wrmaiietk
the lHaU.
'wihlsM'lrl oi t
' -3
-1 i
t ,
Jul c j . i. qj ja o toi' .EfA.? jJ2.Tij
:r i.'U !
J a . & -.... lT .. t
sj'a.T "'? "i
iysr-j'-r1" T'WT'i
(Continued on Page 4)
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i-llHj "n iijj iiertr-