The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1909, Image 1

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L Ji-r-JLi i.
No. 119.
Will Speak Today at 11 and Tomor
, row at 5 p. m. In Concluding
Numbers of Lectures to Ne
braska Students.
Dr. F. Crelghton' Wollman, for a
number of years chief officer of Por
tugese East Africa, gave the llrst of
a series of thrco addresses to Ne
braska students In N 110 yesterday
afternoon. Dr. Wollman spoke undor
tho auspices of the medical college
and his lecture, yesterday was of a
semi-technical nature describing the
Wost African region from tho view
point of ft- naturalist. Today at 11
a. ni. Dr. Wellman speaks at a special
medical convocation In N 110 on "Tho
' Diseases in West Africa," and at 5
p. m. tomorrow ho will deliver a
popular lecture In the Templo audi
torium on "Health Problems for Euro
peans In Colonizing the Tropics."
Dr-Wellmnn Id" one of tho most
eminent scientists In his lino of work.
He Is a graduate of Kansas univer
sity. He went to Africa In 189G and
became Identified with tho health de
partment of tho Portugese colonial
government. "His work thero won
recognition and for a number, of years
he was chief health officer1' of that sec
tion of the dark continent Ho re
turned to Europe a cbuplo of years
ago and slnco that time ho has boon
busied with lecture work and In pre
paring bis .writings and collections
for public ubc .
An Authority on Subject.
;, By, . reason of his long, residence In
Africa and his oxtonded Investiga
tions into, problems, pf tropical ntcdl--jclno
and natural history Dr. Wollman
is qualified to speak, with authority
on these subjects Ho has tho view
point not only of . the pure scientist
but also of tho man of affairs who Is
quick to apprcciato tho , economic
value of Mb 'discoveries. The last lec
ture especially of the Nebraska series
Is dcslgnod to present to all students
of history, commorco, geography,
economics and sociology, a review of
tho factors' which have until now con
, stltuted a barrier to tho conquest of
tho tropics by civilization.
At present Dr. Wellman, Is connec
ted with tho American National
.Museum of Washington, E. C, Ho Is
a member of a largo number of spe
cialized scientific societies both in
i'thlB country and In Europe. ' Ho has
i lectured tidforo scientific bodies in
1 England and on the continent, prior
to Jils tour of tho United States, Ho
.oomeVto Lincoln directly from bin
aha, jyhoro ho dollvored a series of
addresses on, Monday and .Tuesday to
' theJunlor and sonior -medical classes,
!., 'and during tho previous week to tho
, Schoolmasters' club of tho state.
r ' J ' - .".' f -
Yesterday '8 Address.
! ,. i
' The' address yesterday was chiefly!
for the benefit of scientific students
and. was consequently largely of a
technical nature. , Dr. Wel'lman first
took up the flora of tho West African
1 region. As ono goes from tho' coast
('Into, tho lntqrloi tho n'r la, at, first
very ritolst. Then come tho higher
, (lan5sf,with a "wot arid dry season, the
v former, about seven months in',' dura
Ulgn.,j Sjjll,. higher Is the dry land,
wnfch" 'ends 'with tho falito the lavVer
: Interior region. .-. '.,. -s
,, Vol. VIII.
f0Kel.df.;tlio,'largesti trees qf t,KelhigUrJ
. .'i a .
lnnd region 1b tho "poison (081" (reo,
and In this connection Dr. Wqllmnn
told of tho testing by poison of na
tives suspected or wrong. Tho man
who gave tho medicine doctor tho
.largest bribe, ho said, was the one
Nvho usually escaped tho test. The
other man died. This uso of tho
poison tost Is the causq of more
doathB In this region than any of the
feared diseases.
Tho 'speaker told qf a certain spe
cies of bird peculiar to West Africa,
wherein the male and female birds
sing in harmony. Dr. Wollman 1b
authority for the fact that the birds
sing In chords of thirds and llfths.
There are numerous other Interesting
animals, small and largo, which Dr.
Wollman mentioned. Some of these
aro extremely poisonous and danger
ous; others are largely harmless.
Advocates Couree In PsycoloOical
Study of Evidence.
That tho Jury system, as It now
cxlBts. Is contrary to tho principles of
common sense, Is the opinion of Pro
fessor Fling as expressed In a lecture
yesterday. He believed It just as nec
essary to havo a body of intelligent
men to weigh the evidence ns It Is to
havo a bench of Intelligent judges
and that the jury system Is especially
calculated to keep, people with suffic
ient Intelligence to weigh evidence,
out of a -trial.
The power of pardon, ub exempli
fied In tho pardoning of Mrs. Lilly,
ought not to be In ho hands of tho
governor, was his opinion. Tho fact
that, after she sued for Insurance
money which necessitated a re-trial,
she was acquitted on insufficient evi
dence, whereas she had beon prev
iously convicted, the professor consld
ore (I ns Illustrating the lnohlciency of
,the present jury. system. He thought
Unit a course should be Introduced
Into tho law curriculum which would
make a Tisycologlcal study of evi
Public Invited to Attend Wednesday
Morning 'Recitals.
A number of very good sketches
wore put on at tho regular Wednes
day morning recital yesterday by
meniDors or ipo ciass in motoric su.
Those recitals aro given evory Wed
nesday morning at 9 o'clock In U. 10G
and arc open to tho public.
In tho past many good programs
havo beon glvon, notably tho one of
a week ago, at which tlmo a series of
pantomime sketches wore put on,
each sketch being tho original pro
duction of the person giving it. Next
Wednesday the program will consist
of miscellaneous selections and 're
citals. Those Interested In Shakespeare aro
also Invited by the department to at
tend tho rocltahj,. given pa "vyedneB
days at 10 o'clock In the same room,
whore scones from Hamlet aro put
on by mombers of the class In rhet
oric 38.
Mrs. E. B. Conant To Be at Convocq
tloniToday. '
,'vAt convocation today, Mrs, . E. ;,B,
Coriant, assisted by Miss Lillian Par
sltt, wlthT Miss, Claire Canomjnstac-
companist, will, give a -song recital, or
songs by 'American, 'composers,,, The
program which Iiob fcfeen announced
lS Its follOWS!' tl ''- v : ' ji
A Son from the Rubalj'at, Re-qulenv-Foote:
;., ' .;'
, AprlrRa.ln-j-Wooman.r j
Sister, Awake Wlllbyr 4 ,, ,
.Wouldn't Tuat Bo Queer JBeacli,
My Loveri He, ComeB on the Skeo
--Olqtigh Xdlghter. ' ,
, The, Lark Tqw Leaves His Wat'ry
,NoT-Parlcer. ' 'it ,
Duet: Were 'All the World Like
you, My Doar;Footo , f.
v j Mrs.' Conant; MJss Parsltt;
Hockcnbary, Who Tacked Hoodoo
Sign on the Cornhuskers at York
Saturday, Will Be on
Slab for Guys.
"Guy" Green has chosen to pit his
bunch of professional ball artlsta
against tho cornhuskor squad In a
game at Antelope park Saturday
afternoon. Play will bo Btartcd at
2:110 o'clock.
Student tickets will admit to tho
grandBtand and blcachorB. Studcn'.i
not holding the annual cornhuuksr
slips and others will bo charged (ho
small fee of twenty-five cents to sac
! the round up.
Practically all of the Greon gang
will bo In tho city by Saturday and
will- bo ready to cntor tho gnmo.
Hockenbnry, tho Aurora light who was
master of the cornhuskeriJ at York
Saturday and who Is to tryout with
the" Guys this spring, will bo on tho
slab for tho leaguers. Ward, Olm
stead and Mathers will do tho twirl
ing for the university men.
This contest will bo tho last match
In which tho pupils of Coach Fox will
take part before thoy make their
journey south next week, and It 1b
likely to be tho llnal tryout that tho
cornhuskers will receive.
Tho youngsters who have not made
good so far will bo given a chanco to
show their caliber In this game.
Track Meeting Today.
A meeting of the track candidates
will bo hold In Memorial hall this
morning at 11:30 o'clock to receive
instructions from Dr. Clupp for begin
ning training for tho coming meets.
Several speeches will bo made by
men Interested In the work.
Tnis afternoon at 5 o'clock the let
ter men of tho unlvorslty will moot
Iff tho"lJnlvorslty Temple tb"fdrftTaif
"N" men's association. A big attend-
Innco Is desired nt tills gathering, so
' .kl. n A .1 A n I 1 n 1 nlnMn . 4-1. J T y
oty may bo discussed 'and good plans
perfected for tho work for tho. organi
zation. At tho meeting of tho representa
tives of tho Missouri valloy confer
ence schools held In Des Moines Tues
day It was decided to run off the an
nual "Big Seven" track meet in Des
Moines on Juno 5J Detailed plans for
holding the games were arranged.
All of the schpols in the conference
will havo teams in this meet this
spring and it is believed that tho
contest winTbo one of tne best hold
In the valley in years. Ames, Nebras
ka and Missouri are expected to be
tho chief contenders. Ames was the
winner of the meet last season and
is said to be jiiBt as Btrong now as
It was tiien. .Missouri is better on
the cinder patlil'ttilsyear than it lias
boon for soYeral springs.'
In tho., annual dual meet with tho
University of Kansas hold In .Kansas
City last Friday night ,tho "Show
pio" mon took. first placo in all pyotits
except one, and won the meet by a
wide margin. ,
Kansas will not be very strong on
tho track this spring and ought to
bo easy moat for tho othor schools
at Dos Moines.
8prlng Practice at Yale.
Spring football training is to be
started at Yale " Aprlf 19. Monday
night Coach. Walter Camp and Cap
tain Coy called the candidates 'to
gether and avo them Instructions for
me wonc "
'Field'' Concha1 Hd'wdrd'' Jones will bo
unablo to bo prcsont and Dack Field
Conch Whonton will dlroct tho work,
Copt. Murphy of tho baseball nine to
night nddod 'another to His Innova
tions for tho Benson, by tolling players
that thoy might sntoko a plpo or a
cigar onco a day throughout tho son
son. Ho gavo strict orders, however,
to stop at cigarette smoking.
Aro to Give Banquet Which Will Be
4come Annual Affair.
Work Is being rapidly coihplotcd
on tho first number of the Forest club
annual to bo publlshod this spring.
Tho editorials and articles, arc 'nearly
all In and the financial support of
tho book has beon provided for.
Tho club held Its rogular mooting
Tuesday evening. A largo number of
visitors woro present to hertr Pro
fossor P. D. Barker of the state furm,
who spoke on tho "Formation of For
est Soils" and Profossor Alvan Koy
scr, who spoke on "Moisture Studios
In Forest Soils."
At the business meeting hold after
tho porgram It was decided among
other things to glvo n banquet or
similar entertainment sonic time dur
ing tho spring, For the purpose of
making all arrangements for this
affair- a committee, consisting of T. E.
Miller, chairman; J. S. Boyco and
Claronco Korstoln was appointed.
This banquot 1b to bo hold each year
on the samo date and so to bocomo
an annual Institution of tho club.
Sovornl students of tho department
will leave Friday for Halsey, Nob.,
where thoy will remain for two or
thrco weeks, gottlng practical oxporl
onco In nursery culture and flold
planting. Tho largest government
nursery In tho United States, com
prising ton acres, Is located there,
This trip Is mndo each year by a
nutnbor of students from tho Fores
try department to gain the political
training there offered.
Banquet Will Be Tendered the Visit on Thursday.
Tho Y. W. C. A. membership con
tCBt closed Monday at "6 p. m. with.
tho "Cream" side winning from the
"Scarlet" by a sqoro- of seventy to
sixty. ,', ,
Tho contest has been far from a
on;el4ded affair throughout Wlien
It started, March 15, tho "Cream"
side began to gather in members,
leaving Its competitor far behimirTho
"Scarlet" sldo awoko to this fact after
soveraL dayst ,and getting, busy, Boon
had the lend In the race for new
membors. The -JCream" side worked
hard to regain Its lost position but
tho contest seemed as ygooci as lost
J.o them Monday morning.. During the
last day thoy put forth every effort,
and by G o'clock had made up the
lost ground and passed the "Scarlet"
side almost as "(lino" was called.
This lias been by far the most ex
citing membershiy contest Hsvor waged
by the Y. W: Ci A. Thursday evening
tho mombers of tho "Scarlet," or los
Ing sfdo, will glvo a banquet for those
of the "Cream" side. This is the
penalty agreed upon by both sides
proVious to entering on tho campaign,'
Defeats phi Kappa , Psj by a Score
of 9 to 6.
Sigma Chi defeated Phi Kappa Psi
by a score' of 9 to C in a game played
at the Vino street grounds yesterday,
The game was won in tho fourth in
ning, when the Sigma Chls batted in
six runs. ' Batteries; Phi Kappa Psi,
Driscoli and Wangerin; Sigma Chi,
Johnson and Smith.
'- . t . . . ,r ,Ui j ', -. ..- 1
Bake ban?, bnk4 om me prwabw
and, served hot with dellcloas browji
bread, 0cr at The Bosto Lnch.
Price 5 Cent.
birkett At Temple
.,'i IV
Makes Many Eplgramattlcal State
ments and Uses Stories to Drive
Home HiyfcqlfiLargo
Before a large auldcnco of students
nt a soclal convocation yostorday
morning United Status Senator E. .1.
Uurkott dollvored an address on tho
Bubjoct "Tho University Man. In Poli
tics." Senator Burkolt's address con
tained many epigrams and k proved
vory interesting to Hiobo, who .heard
him. Senator Burkott said in part:
"My proBonco horo (pdny is a. re
sult of a promlso made two years
ago, It socms to be tho genoral
opinion that a United States sonator
always has tlmo to make Bpocches
upon any subject. This is a delusion,
however, for such n thing Is a phys
ical as well as inontal impossibility.
A senator's task Is vory exacting for
ho has a million oxamlnors which In
clude thoso who aro able to judge
uhd thoso who -nro not. Wo are al
ways undor a scrutinizing obsoryntlon
of tho people and wo havo to como
boforo thorn for approval at oloctlon
Show Great Capacity.
"This Ib a grand government) and
it is grand becauso thosystora works.
No people anywhoro have shown t;h'o
cnpaclty and the energy that ; tho
American people irnvo shownr and It
behooves us to seek to maintain this
samo condition. There Is an 'object
behind the bills for the appropriation
of money for thor support of tho
schools, and this object Is tho public
w6TfarerTT"has Taken-a'Tong tlmo
for this idea to porculato through tho
heads of peoplo and. still oven in; tho
cuso of.somo United States senators
thoro at times nrisos some objection
to the , spending' of pibnoy for this
purpose It! seems that tho Western
peoplo are more liberal in this re-
spect; than; tlia people of the East.
No one, to my knowledge, has even
boon criticlzou'for supporting tho ap
propriations for our schools..
,"Bnt I camp to talk; about? the uni
versity :mnn in politics, . Ho is in poll
tics already, , Nineteen per coht pf
our presidents and fifty-two per cent
of our congressmen are college men
As long as the collogo man is in
politics right ideas should prevail,
because of hjs superior training, How
ever, not alL collogo graduates are
good. Senator Piatt, republican boss
of Now York, and Senator Quay of
Pennsylvania, were college men.
'I believe that fbo government has
not sufficiently used tho ppnt up . en
ergies of our colleges, but collogo
men are very rapidly coming to .tho
front and their influence, is spreading.
President Roosevelt has been guiding
the opinions of the people during the
last eight years. College men have
been, called, around him., I will wel
come tho tlnip when economic rule
will prevail, and guide; men's, .opinions
rather than precedent and prejudice.
Tho , departments1 of our Bchools
should he assisting in the solution of
our problems. '
Much Common Sense.
"Thq university man should, (not run
the government. The common leople
have, a vast, amount of common! sense,
' v (CpnUnuod qh Page 3)j .
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