Z&JZ&M&&ffiP&mTkAtet,vx: ;.v. . H- ( V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i ' X f - V K fe j v.; t- $be $ail$ Hebvaefcari THE PnOPRIlTY OP T&I8 UNIVERSITY Otf NEHnABKA. Lincoln, Nobrniifm, HUSHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AHO MONDAY ."BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. . PBbUcatKi Gfflct, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor Herbert W, Potter Mannglno Editor Victor B. 8mlth Eoclnte Editors Philip Frederick Carl J. Lord DU8INC88 8TAFF. Manager W. A. Jones Circulator , A. M. Hare Aiilatant Circulator Leslie Hyde i in i i i i ii .i Editorial and Business Offlcoi BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. ' Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advanco Single Copies. 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rato or 10 conta por lnaortlon for cvory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bullotlns will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, 'Nebraska, as second-class mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. i TUESDAY. MARCH HO, 1009. Tho formntlon or nn "N" iiiou'b ns Bocltitlon in a matter of concern to ovory-Htudent of tho unlvorslty who 1b Intorostcrt In the good of tho school. It 1b nn organiza tion ttynt tho unlvorslty needs. A mooting of "N" men will bo hold Thursday aftornoon In Uio Tomplo to .tnko'Btops loading to tho formation "of ImcH art organization. Uvery "IP man owes it to tho Hchool and o himself to bo nroaent. Anyorio who has vlsltod tho rooms of tho State Historical socloty In tho baBomont of tho Library building will tostlfy to tho fact that a now build ing Is ncodod about-as much as any thing could bo needed. By tho ubo of tho greatest Ingenuity ovory avail able Inch of apaco from tho floor to tho coiling has beon occupied and nn Incredlblo amount of material has been 'crowded into tho small rooms. No legislature could ovor bo accuaod of oxtravaganco for providing for tho neodB of a work bo crowdod for room and so Important to tho stato na tho work of tho Historical Socloty. iJ4l,tO. Two Stores 1415,0. UN8ANITARY CONDITIONS. Thero is a crying need for Im provement In certain phnsoB of tho 'Banlthry conditions nt tho University of Nobroaka. This is not a mattor which will requiro moro monoy from a soroly troublod legislature but ono thnt requires moro caro from thoBo in chargo of tho buildings on tho campus. Not only in tho gymnasium, 'whoro of course such conditions nro most notlceablo, but In air tho differ ent buildingB of tho enmpus tho un sanitary conditions nro strikingly noticeable. ' It is not an expensive proposition to. seo that clean towels aro at -all times provided for tho uso of stu dents. It la'ono of the little things bo far as material cost Ib considered, but ono of tho big things so far aa the convenience and safety of tho studont8'lB concerned. By a student - especially Interested In the question of proper sanitation, It was obsorved :tb.at ono, towel which was used by a "largo number of students overy day 'was changed only twice a wook in -spite of tho fact that at tho end of ono day ltr becamo so dirty that It 'wag not lit for further use. T,hero may bo'cuuso for poor buildings but thero can. be no Just oxcuso for un cleanliness, . In tho case of, the gymnasium tho CONVOCATIQN Dean E. A. BENNETT , "The Opportunities in Agriculture" m Memorial Hall fact must bo taken into conBidoratlon thnt thc-Ho'in charge hnvo tho prob lem of keeping nn old building where there is every chauco for dirt to ac cumulate, clean and wholoBomo . This" Jb a. big handicap, but it Ib certainly putting it mildly to say that the lockor rooms aud shower batliB In tho gymnasium nro, not as cloan as they could bo kept with roaBonablo enro. It can hardly be asking too much to say that tho greatest caro should be exorcised to keep such places as this porfectly clean nnd wholesome. A recpnt editorial In tho Dally Card inal of tho University of Wisconsin shows that such conditions as the student finds at Nebraska nro not limited to'Nebraska alono. The Dally Cardinal bemoans,, tho fact thnt clenn towels hnvo not beon provided in the gymnasium slnco- tho prehistoric ngea, In tho following paragraph, which appeared in the editorial col umn: "There is a lot of room for Im provement In tho towel system. Two years back wo woro mulcted nn addi tional dollar fco for tho laudnblo pur poBO of ondowlng a system of towol wushlng. The Idea had raro theoretic beauty, 'but Its practical working was marred by tho fact that tho towol room wiib only oponod on raro his toric occasions Hko tho tomb of Chajlemngno. This led to Dallas Bufoh'B 'celebrated oxposuro of the syBtem in Studont Conference. We woro assured, then, that thta year would inaugurate a now regime, that would put clean towels within the reach of tho Plain People1." It cannot be" that there 1b any thing nbout tho collogo atmosphere that makes tho studont ma.ro tolerant of unsanitary-conditions than pooplo in other walks of llfo. Tho unlvorslty as tho training school of tho future loaders of socloty cannot afford to pormlt Buch conditions to continue to exist. AH that 1b required at tho Unl- When it comes to tho Shoe ques tion I want to tell you that I sell Shoes that are worth $4.00 and $4.50 for $3.50. I know because I know that there Isn't a merchant In town that will take a short profit as I do. I want volume of business and I am willing to take a short profit. NEW 8PRING HATS ALL $2.30. vcrslty of Nobraska is a small outlay fop .new, tojlot . arMoleB, and n little extra timo from tho janitors. A NEW PLAN. Tho University of Washington has recently hit upon a schomo which Is .novel In tho-extreme and yet ono which should have a powerful In fluence for good, when so modified ob to bo applicable to conditions at No braaka. Tho plan 1b devised to cro nto grcator intcroBt on tho part of tho alumni In university events and to bring moro support to the aid of ath lotlcs. Tho plan as it Ib being worked Jn tho University of Washington' is' described as follows In tho columns of tho Dally Wave: .. "Ono of those steps which should hnvo beon taken long ago, and one which, makes us marvol that It re mained unthbught of so long, is tho plan, of tho board of control to soil tickets to alumni for $5, vhlch shall entitle them to ono yenr'H subscrip tion to Tho Dally Wave and to admis sion to all athletic contests, debates atid inuslcnl affairs for ono" ydar, Tho originators of the Idea' feel confident that between now and tho opening of collogo next fall tho general man ager will bo able to dispose of 300 such tickets, thus giving tho student - Tuesday, March 30 Eleven A. M. body $l,r00 In Its treasury with which to begin tho collogo year. "Ab a llnnncfnl project tho plan seems good. But ns n stimulus to a more nbundant and abiding college spirit it is better.' With 300 alumni rending tho dally hnppenlngs of the campus and In constant attendance on all the contests, groat impetus will bo given student, affairs. Not that the graduates are not now boosting strongly, becnuso they are. But un der tho now syBtom thoy will mako things hum." Such a plan ns tho ono described nbovo could not bo put In forco ex cept In Lincoln, as alumni living at other placefl than thlB city would not care to pay for tho studont evonts tnklng placo here. Thoro seemB to bo no reuBon, however, why some such a plan as this could not bo put In operation among the student body of tho unlvorslty. The grout thing to bo desired nt this, .as at all other universities, is to unify university activities and uni versity feeling. Such a plan as thlB would effectually accompllBh this. Under tho pprosont system somo stu dents support ono event and Bomo another. Under this plan all would roceivo support and tho financial burden upon tho studont would bo re duced to tho very minimum. Conditions jit Nebraska are not and hive not been all that could bo de sired and- tho above plan is suggest ed merely that It may bo discussed with tho possibility that Bomethlng good may grow out of it. TRACK MEN, NOTICE! Tho meeting for nil candidates of tho track team, which was to bo bold this morning. Ib postponed until Thursday morning nt 11:30 In tho chapel. Every man Interested In this branch of athlotlcs should bo out. Happenings1 of the Palst Six Years Ago. Jlr. Hobson Bpoko at the University of Nebraska and declared that al though England was losing hor posi tion ho thought that now forces would mako it possible for her to mealntaln hor leadership. Five Years Ago. Seventoen members of tho senior clnBB wero selected for membership In Phi Beta Kappa. Onjy four of tho seventeen woro men. Four Years Ago. Thirty tennis enthusiasts mot for tho first meeting of tho year. Ar rangements wero made for a tourna ment with tho University of Iowa and also for several tournaments in Lin coln. Three Years Ago. . General Nolson A. Miles was so looted as tho commencement orator for tho class of 1906, One Year Ago.. Girls basket-ball team wont to Minneapolis, to play with tho Unlvor. fllty of Minnesota. Who's Your Tailor? , OUR FASHION PLATE8 8HOW NOT ONLY THE M08T AU THORITATIVE IDEAS REGARDING THE SEA80N8 STYLE8, BUT DESIGNS OF UNU8UAL ATTRACTIVENE8S. WHEN WE TAILOR ONE OF THESE IDEAS RIGHT INTO CLOTHES MADE EXPRES8LY FOR YOU, WITH ALL THE DI8 TINCTIVENE8S OF YOUR OWN INDIVIDUALITY, YOU OBTAIN FIT AND SHAPELINESS NOT FOUND IN CLOTHING MADE FOR NO ONE IN PARTICULAR. SINCE WE MAKE TAILORED-TO-ORDER CLOTHES OF SUR PAS8ING EXCELLENCE FOR $15.00 WHY 8HOULD YOU STORE CLOTHING? WE &)r-r- V-KZ 2 ?VGd C?iffi PunchoB and Delicatessen Lunch Department. "We v Make Our Own Candles!" 1307 O STREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS L,J??.v.yo.ur clothoa Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired by tho MAN HATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS. 8ults Cleaned and Presaod $1.25. That Is not much when compared with what it is worth to you to look neat and stylish. Call Bell Phone F918. Wo will send for and return your work. CALL AND The latest styles' in footwear in cluding such novelties as strap Pumps, Oxfords and Button Boots in black, tan, gray and London smoke in Suede and Ooze Calf. "V I illl ROGERS & PERKINS COMP'Y 1129 O Street $5.00 for $ 1 .00 Ten Leading Magazines for Three Months to NEBRASKAN old or new M SUBSCRIBERS for only... 1 The only conditions' of this wonderful offer are that you must be a Nebraskan subscriber, old or new, and NOT IN ARREARS. If you are not a subscriber, subscribe now! 50 cents for the remainder of the school year.; This offer for two weeks only, so ifyau wish to avail yur8elf f 't, be quick. BurrMc-lntosh, 3 Mo. ... $ .75 Recreation, 3 Mo. ....... .75 Smart Set, 3 Mo . ,75 Travel Magazine, 3 Mo. . . . .45 Metropolitan, 3 Mo. . . . . . .45 Pearson's, 3 Mo. ....... .45 Cosmopolitan, 3 Mo. .... .45 Field & Stream, 3 Mo 45 The Woprian Beautiful, 3 Mo. .45 Youth's Companion, 3 Wks. .15 TOTAL, VALUE . $5A0 All for $1.00 toNebr. Subscribers PAY MORE, OR WEAR ORDINARY CAN PLEASE YOU. Since Spring hnB nearly arrived the Fountnin will ho ono of tho features of the Folsom Bakery. ' Wo want you to Judgo our whole store by every thing wn sorvn vnn In nnr Qrwln Wnlor Inn rVnnrv, SEE THEM A m& AV f :j' 1UT, ', n 'w itrwlnwnni.irximwMwmfrim MUUttMUUKH j.:jju.