THE DAILY : NEBRASKAN -Z. V & W' ' I P. 14. ,', ;,v ... .A OLIVEB THEATRE TODAY; MAT 2:30. TONIGHT : 15 BUSTER BROWN WITH MASTER RICE ' Eve $1.00 to 25c. Mat 60 ft 25c. MON, AFT. 3 P. M.J NIGHT 8:15, MARCH 29 ". RUSSIAN SYMPHONY CO. ft BEN GREET PLAYER8 IN A MID 8UMMERNIGHT'8 DREAM" Mat $1.50 to 50c. Eve $2.00 to 60c. MKlOHIfH Billlo Burko Prosonta DICK CROLIU8 A CO. Ono Beat Act "Shorty" THE J088ELIN TRIO Sensational Aerial Artists INO. P. R0GER8, BEN N.DEELY Harmony, Melody and Fun PAUL LA CROIX Eccentric Hat Juggler THE ALPHA TROUPE America's Greatest Entertainers EARL FLYNN . In "The Boy In Green" Billy Morris and 8herwbod Sisters Southern Pastimes and Melodies Mats. 2:15 (except Mon.) 16 ft 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 ft 60c PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! mn Lincoln's Most Popular Play House Week Starting March 22. THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY The Cowboy and The Lady A Western Comedy Drama Ever Night 8:30, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees 2:30 Beat 8eats 25o Next Week the "Little Grey Lady" PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTI8ER81 The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, lii Hards, Pool, Cigars, Tobnrro. fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c pei Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATIf N FOOL rn ; . T-OL POKER POOL PIGEON FOOL 2 J-2 cts. per cue. 3 cues 10 cts. 15 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Sharing Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent in the Place. QROHESTR for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburg, v - - - Director RalphJ.Reid, - - - - r Pianist Violin and Comet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. 17th. Auto 5877. WILLIAMS' DANCING ACADEMY Successor to Pitts fsclit Evening - - Friday Advanced Class - Msndiy Eve. Glass Evenings Wid.&Sat, Private Lessons Given , ' if Desired 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 . Bell A-2621 Campus Gleaniners SMJM C. H. Prey, Horiat. 1133 O St. Chimin Br6s., florists, 127 So. Thlr teenth. Miss Ethel O. Field takos hor oxaml natI6n f6r o master's degrco In botany today. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 201 Burr bjock. PrbfesBor Stolnburg of Doano col logo, at Crete, Nob., was a cammis visitor Friday. , Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. George Ai. Tunlson, 1906, of Omalm, Neb., visited Friday at the Delta Ui. ellon fraternity house. See Hereford. New Oxfords. $4.00 Special. 1215 O. The members of the Pershing RlHes had their picture taken Thursday eve ning for the Cornhusker. u Get your lunch at the city Y. AI. C. A. Spa. 13th & P. , A. AI. Oborfelder, 1911, Is enjoying a visit from his undo, Col. Robort Oberfoldor, of Sidney, Neb. New spring styles in footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. Miss Theo. AI. Hansen, 1911, is on- Joying a visit from hor mother, Afrs. E. E. Hansen of Falrbury, Nob. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Next Wednesday ovenlng the Delta Deltn Delta sorority will hold an Initi ation of new members at the chapter house. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. ' . Clarence Kremor, 1910, captain adjutant of tho cadet battalion, has resigned his position and left school for this semester. a ' Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? 0000CO000G0000000C0000000 NEW BLUE BULL DOG and other Spring Shapes in I FULK, 300000000000000000000000000 AIIss Brota BUIb will entertain the members of the Delta Gamma sorority at a house party at her homo this ovenlng at 1603 H street. Learn the ''barn dance, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. . AIIss Ruth Alungor, 1911, entertained the members of the Delta Gamma so rority at a very pleasant dancing party at hor home at 1745 E Btreot. Hee Haw I Havo you seen tho now Hoq Haw last In Oxfords at Sander son's? Thoy aro tho real thing. 115-2t The members of tho Sigma Alpha Epsllon1 fraternity ontertalued at an In- Glasses of Soda Water sold and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agency Huylorn, Gunthers and Lown eya (Chocolates and Bonbons. . TV Dru Cutttr. v MUf Million S&tf&Hjwqs formal house party Frlifay evening" al tho chapter houso, 307 North Twenty, fourth strcoL ' Tho candidates for the freshman baseball team will hold their first practlco this afternoon at Antelopo park. It la requested that all who aro' Interested bo prosorit. Tho cadet battalion will bo inspcoiod by Captain Worklxor noxt wook. Bo ginning Alonday ovenlng tho com panies Will bo inspe'etod In tho follow ing order: A, B, C D, and I. Profossor F. A. Stuff of tho depart ment of Engllsli literaturo loctured Friday at Bridgeport,' Nob., boforo tho North Platto Teachers' associa tion. Professor Stuff took tho placo of Professor AI. AI. Fogg, who was 111. Captain Workizer has received no tice that Captain P. D. Lockrldgo of tho general staff of the United States army will inspect tho unlVorslty cadet battalion on Alay 14, on tho university parade grounds just caBt of tho ar mory on Twolfth street. The artlclo writton by Profossor Aylcsworth of tho department of po litical sclenco on "Campaign Lltova- turo,'' which appeared In tho Fobruary Issuo of Political Economy and Soienco Journal, has also been published In the Ibsuo of La Folletto's Alagazlno for Alarch 20th. AIIss Allco Howell, head of tho uu partmont of elocution, went to David City, Neb., wlioro sho gavo a reading In the evonlng before tho Educational Convention of Butlor county. This morning sho will address the iaino convontion on tho subject of "Tho Teaching of Reading." . Professor Edwin .Muxoy loft thl? morning for Albion, Nob., whore ho will act as ono of the judgos of the Alblon-Plerco debate between tho high schools of thoso two cities. This do bate Is to decide tho championship In tho North Central District of tho Ne braska Intor-hlgh School Debating league. Considerable misunderstanding has resulted from tho remarks of Pro fessor Barbour a few days ago regard ing tho actions of ox-Presldont Rooso velt In going on an African hunt. Professor Barbour declares that his in tention was not to condemn Air. Roosevelt, but to point out that he was actuated by a desire to mako a scientific collection as well as to mere ly obtain sport. . A meotlng of the Nebraska section of tho American Chemical society will Caps just in. 1325 O bo hold this ovenlng at eight p. m, This Is tho fifty-fifth regular mooting of the Nebraska section, and will bo hold In tho lecture room of tho chem ical laboratory. Tho following pro gram' will be given: ''Notes on the Liquid and Fatty Acids of Sbmo Oils' William B. Smith; : : Analysis of Head ache Powders,' E. L. Redfern. ' A. L. Beokloy Is visiting friends for a few days at tho Delta; Upsllon fra ternity house. Air. w Beokloy left school last spring to enter the employ of tho United' State geological survey. For tho past year ho has been a &tu dont in tho Goorgo Washington uni versity. At prosont Air. Beokloy is on his way to South Dakota, whero (he has charge1 of a party in the employ of tho national geological survey; Two men from the University of Nebraska will Join .this party about the first of April. Those, aro Roy Nelson, 1010, and E. F. Schramm, who is a graduate student. ' r I A general' misunderstanding has arisen oyer the recent gold medal spell-down held by the Pershing Rifles. Tho spell-down was won by John A. Scotney, 19:10. The, Bpell-down was not allowed to stand oh account of several .misunderstandings .. which arose during its progress, If the spell down is allowed to stand, tho gold medal goes to Mr. Scotney, he having. won it three times in succession, which! is necessary to keep It. Beveral members of the organization think Mr. Scotnoy shquld he allowed to keep the medal permanently, while others are opposed. Tho matter will he settled at the, next regular meeting of the Pershing Rifles on Thursday evening. H all av avAHal WlkH Popular for TWO SEASONS Two for 2Sc. Imitated in shane. hut tha Pat. ented Lock Front" which avoids collar spreading, can bo had oaly in W ion (pilars UNITED SHIRT 4 COLLAR CO.,(Mikrn.Troy,N.Y. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER!! Quality Counts THAT'S WHY Franklin's let Cream IS BO POPULAR We mako a specialty of fancy creams, shbrbow, ices and punch for Frat and Sorority- Parties. Auto 8181 Bell 206 1818 N Street CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AMD Eliotrlt Shu Itipalr FaiUry Saves Yov TIME-AND-MONEY 1226 O Strct It iihiucdcitv icurcicnr. noTiouu C. A. Tucker JEWELER S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT J Yovr Patronage Solicited PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI1ER8! A Music House Whore you can always find tht sheet of mnsio in stock. EDW. J. WALT 1 120 O St The Music Man THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by tho Stockholders of the Firnt National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank hooraa, Tenth. A O CENTRAL NATIONAL IANK I2th and O Streets P. L. HALL, Priidwf V. I. JOHN80N, Ylce-Pr44Mt BEMAK O. VOX, OMbltf W. W. XAOKNKT Jr., Am. Oeektor PATRONIZE Ogit ADVERTISCRtl I "..cdBe.......g CARLTON An' close meeter that will try neither tie, thumb nor temper 1.5c.-r-g for cf" Ctuett.'l'WilKKly i CotroXewYorK )Vl 1 1 Businm Directory I EvAry Loyal University Student .Is urged to patronize these N brnikan advertlterf, anel te men tlon the paper while doing ie. ANK- Central National. First Trust and Sayings Farmers & Merchants. BAKERIES Folaom, SATH HOUSE Chris', Blevonth'aacLP Bta. BOOK STORES Co-Op, Portor's. , ' lit iff ) e - to to- , University. CIQARS Colo & MoKonna. CLOTrllNQ Farquhar. - Blagee ft Deomer. Mayer Bros. . Palace Clothing Co. Speler ft Simon. Cerf Clothing Co. COAL Gregory. . Whltobroaat. CONFECTIONERY Lineoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMIES Lincoln, Williams. DENTISTS J. R. Dayls. Yungblut. DRY Q00D8 v Herpolshelmer. ' Miller ft Paine., DRUQQIST8 ':H s- Itlggs. ENQRAVERS ' '' :"" Cornell.'' r FLORI8TS Chapin Bros. ' O. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd. Corf Clothing Co. Fulk. Mageo ft Deemer. Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler ft Simon. Fred Schmidt ft Broa. "to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to, to to : to- ''"! GROCERIES Nebraska Grocery ft Meat Co. ' HATTER8 ' Budd. -Fulk. Unland. Corf Clothing Co. ICE CREAM JK Cameron's, t' - i. - Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELERS Hallott. vri'4ir Tucker. 'k t. I' LUNCHEONETTES Folsoml . : . ' '- 'T . LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIAN8- Shean. ORCHESTRA X G. F. Thornberg. . , PHOTOGRAPHERS , Townsend. ' . ' ' - PRINTERS 'f to to : tot to1 r i. Sr. George Bros. to Simmons. . Young ft Van Tyne. 8HEET MUSIC B. J. Walt ' RESTAURANTS,, . Boston Lunch. m Cameron's. ''(. SHOES r Cerf Clothing Co to to to Beckman Bros. Branthwaite. , Budd, . i. ; 'U CincinnaU Shoe Store. , Sandersons. ''v !.." to to to. Rogers ft Perkins. Petty. '" '"h-' to "wwej to to to HerefQrd. SV SKIRTS The Skirt Stroe, ,lr 1 ,v' to TAILORS Elliott Bros. - to Hersog. . to , Ludwlg. to Marx. '-' College Tailors. t ", to .Scotch Woolen Mills. to Gregory ' 'W. to THEATERS to Lyric. "fSVi! to, . Majestic. . flftii to Oliver. I TYPEWRITERS to to Lincoln ' TybewrltMr Vlx- change. v M . '' to Underwood Tynawrltr Co. to to, PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-0UI ADVERTISERS to m 1 tot , to- r J I 1ST, -, . jtiUU&& ,-