t - ,mt,-m-f fouA THE DAILY NBBRASKAN 'V V4T'y'1'Taa-i"vcJ - - I E r ?.. & if... " i, : I J"? i) JaMTMfc- Sbe X)ail& flebrashnn THE PROPERTY OF '" THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. ,. IHJWI EVEHT BAT EICEPf SHNMT AH UVttkl BY THE STUDENT Pufe, B6ARD. PHImMH , 121 N. Ui H. EDITORIAL STAFF. editor Herbert W. Potter Manaafhfl editor Victor B. Smith Jtti06lftt Mltore.. Philip Frederick Carl J. Lord . BUSINESS STAFF. Manaoer W. A. Jones Circulator A. M. Hare ywltiantXIrculator Leslie Hyde Editorial ahd Business Office: AS1MKNT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postefflce, Station A, Lincoln. Neb. UBSCrVtION PRlOK, $2.00 PER Y1AR Payable In Advance Single Copies. B Cents Each. .Telephones Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged -for "at the rate of 10 cents por Insertion iejr 'very fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faoulty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at the postofHoe at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of Maroh 8, 1879. SATURDAY, MARCH; 27, 1009. gains a breadth of view, but at tho satno tlmo that ho docs this ho loses tho things that mako tho wostorn matt distinctive; tho enthusiasm and tho push that hayo bocomo characteristic of tho wosi. The Western1 collegbs lmv6 riot got tho ropiitatlon that long years of successful activity have gtvon to tho groa activlttes of tho cast, duI thoy have got brains, thoy havo havo got monoy, and best of all they havo got good, unbounded onthuslasm and confldenco In tho future. University , Bulletin Tho announcement that "King" Colo has been ro-ongagod for nnothor sea son as coach of tho Nebraska football ttSKm 1b' ono of tho ploasantest bits of nowa that could como to Nobraaka jUBt now. It sooms that NobraBkn will havo ono of tho boat teams in tho Missouri valloy next year, and furthor moro that tho team will bo tho vory best that can bo mado out of tho -matorlhi at tho command of tho conch. "King" Colo, in his two yoars at Ne braska, has won tho confldenco of all nhd wil) bo in a position to do moro fbr tho toam noxt year than any other man could do. A TYPICAL DIFFERENCE. Tho difference between tho college of tho east and tho collogo of tho west is in no way nibTo strikingly Illus trated than in tho difference in tho collogo papers from tho two sections of tho country. In tho Nebraskan of fice tho papers from all partB of tho country are received and it 1b almost possiblo to toll by tho naturo of tho papor from what section of tho coun try it comes. u Tho papors of tho oldest and best WHAT IS CULTURE7 Culturo conforms to tho dictates of convention, but novor dooB so blindly. Bvory act that is an ovldonco of cul ture tnkoB an ImprosB from tho per sonality of tho door. As this is truo of an individual, so it is of a people, dlso. SomotimoB tho foar takes pos session of us that existing institutions are not ovqrlastlng. Tho older gener ation nlwnys deplores tho passing of old customs. BUt political institutions, social customs, religious practices all must go. Is thpro ono who thinks clearly who desires thorn to onduro? A peoplo must be original to havo a sound lifo Just as surely as muBt tho Individual. Tho danger of following a pattern is illustrated in what 1b known aa faah lonablo society. Fashionable society Is not positively bad. At tho worst, it is only nogatlvoly good. It is a varie gated copy of tho best things that uro in life, socially. Tho troublo 1b that with tho participants it Is too often only a copy. It is tho play of boys "keeping store" or of little girls who "protend like" thoy aro kooping house, only with tho incongruousnesa that tho players havo grown old In thoii pastime It becomcB fictitious, and tho sin of reality is bettor than the vlrtuo of fiction. It js truly said that culturo cannot bo tnught. It is a wlll-o'-tho-visp. "You seize the flow'r, its bloom is shod." Tho' country youth getB over his arkwardnoss only with :nany blunders and much modification, nnd his only consolation is that it is better to bo green than blase. Bo cultured if you can, but romoin bor that it does not show culture to stay at homo for tho lack of evening dross or of a now Easter hat. Daily Mlssourian. MARCH Saturday, 27.-Amerlcan Chemical ky cioty Nebraska Section, Chemis try Hall. 8:00 p. m. Saturday, 27. Unlon-Pnlliidlan basket-ball, armory, 8:15 p. m. Ad mission 1C contB. Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecture: "For mation of Forest Soils" by Prof Barker. "Moiaturo Study In For ost Soils," Prof Hoyser. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 31. Special Convocation. U. S. Senator Burkett on "Tho University Man in Polities." Tem ple Theatre, 11 a. m. APRIL Friday, 2 "The Problem .for Eurb poans in Colonizing tho Tropics." Dr. A Creighton Wollman, nf Washington, D. C. TemplcB p. ni. Friday, 2. Band Concort. University Cadet Band. Temple Thoatre, 8:30 p. m. Saturday, 3. Joint Y. M.-Y. W. C. A. banquet at St. Paul's church, 6 p. m. Wednesday, 7. Easter Vacation be gins at 6 p. m. Wednesday, 14. Easter Vacation ends at 8 a. m. Friday, 23 "Social Problems In Their Relation to Public Health." Prof. George E. Howard. Temple 6 p. m. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific Problems in Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. HOLD EXPOSITION ON CAMPU8 In answer to a question on Andrew Jackson's personal appearance In a recent examination in American lite tory IV., the following anBwer wnH given: "Jackson was a medium Bized man of good physic, nnd .with a flno constitution." Washington University to Gain Build ings as Result. Unique among colleges 0f tho world, the University of Washington will Boon bo the possessor of several magnificent now buildings which a college would not ordinarily obtain In a decade. Lack of accommodations for the normal increase of students has resulted in a decrease in enroll ment of new students this school year nnd the natural growth of the school has been sorlouBly retarded. Now a remedy for thoso ovIIb has been found in an appropriation of one million dol lars by tho state for the Alaska Yukon-Pacific exposition, which will be held noxt summer on the university campus. Six hundred thousand dol lars of this goes to permanent build ings for the university. Three of the largest are tho Auditorium, tho Ma chinery Hall and the Fine Arts build ings which aro destined to become GINGHAM Chock Shirts This is a straight $1.25 Shirt Some storos got $i.50 for the same thing. I will sell at my new store 1415 0 just U4I..O. TwoSTonzs 1415,0. ZL.L 95c known colleges aro small sheets that are In their nature but little moro than bulletins. Tho news consists simply pf stereotyped announcements w'Htien In stereotyped form. Tho wostorn paporB as a rulo are much larger and an attempt is mado along tfi'o lino of progressive Journalism. In fact, some of tho western colleges aro ' able to support daily papers as large as the avorago nowspapor of tho small town. This Is notably tho case at tho University of Illinois, whore tho stu dents are glvonovery day an olght page', five column papor. This radical difference in collogo journalism cannot spring from a lack of enterprise lb tho east, but It muBt rather spring from Iho different vlow pblnt In tho two sections, which Is evi dent not only in this line but in all olner activities. Tho east is not any longer a now country, It no Iqngor feels tho enthusiasm and push that comes as a natural part of the work of opening up a now territory; Its meth ods havo bocomo fixed and there is not so great a demand for initiative and therefore so Httlo of it is seen. he colleges of tho west aro typical of tie west. One often hears It said that the western student should go i asi! 'to school, that a breadth of view aJoM'alned in this way. It-is un- 'Vfoulftedjy 'true that the. westerh man Happenings of the Past 8lx Years Ago. $115,000 was cut out of the appropri ations for tho university, which wore expected by those in touch with tho situation. Thla action was taken" by tho legislature as the result of tho attitudo of Governor Mlckoy. Five Years Ago. Sixth annual banquet of tho Y. M. C. A. was held in tho Llndell hotel and the most prominent men in the uni versity were present Among these was Chancellor Andrews. Four Year 8 Ago. $350,000 was appropriated by the legislature for university salaries. This was $50,000 more than had ever been appropriated in tho past for that purpose. , Elaborate planB wore made for tho annual gymnasium exhibition. Three Years Ago. Question as to tho use of tobacco in tho law1 8cho6l aroused a great doal of talk on tho campus and considerable agitation was worked up over the conditions that seemed to prevail. ' One Year Aflo. " MIbs Howell; head of tho depart ment of elocution, recited at convoca tion fraBsag'es' from "The Lion and the Mouse'." . tho University Auditorium, the Me chanics Hairand tho Chemistry build ing. TheBo are all of pleasing architec tural design and finish, harmonizing well with tho present Administration building and besides serving in an eminently satisfactory manner the uses to which thoy aro destined, will bo a distinct adornment to tho cam pus. BOsidos these, buildings, built by leg islative appropriation, there will bo other permanent and semi-permanent buildings erected by various states, counties and societies, which will servo to houso new departments and provide much needed class-room. Al though it has not yet been definitely decided to what purpose each building will be dedicated some havo been as signed, as for instance, the unique forestry building of logs and native woods, appropriately enough, to tho forestry department, and tho Califor nia state building, a beautiful ox ample of Spanish mission architecture, will be used for recitation rooms In tho department of liberal arts.' ' Eight canoeists of "Kansas univer sity recently formed a canoe club. The president and secretary of .tho organization aro known aB commodore and first mato respectively. All Souls Church, Unitarian , Cerner of H and Twelfth tt.eets , , ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, M"inl8tor. Services ftOO. Siinday School 12:00. All Sttiienis are cordially invited to attend lift sorvicos. ALL PEWS ARE FREE Service 10:45. Sunday School at 12:00. Surfday, March 28 8ermon 8ubject: "Dead Gods and the Living God." Social Ethics Class 12:15. Paul H. Grumann, Leader. Speaker: Dr. Luclle Eaves. 8ubject: "Social Settlement Work." All Souls' Church is a free fellowship for tho worship of God ahd tho sorvico of Man. It judges no man's character. It erects no bar riers of oreod or doctrine. Its pulpit is a froe pulpit comimttod to tho search after Truth. fSfr' " V'ifLA'' Slnco Spring has nearly arrived tho Fountain will bo one of tho features of the Fplsom Bakery. Wo want you to Judge our whole store by every thing wo servo you in our Soda Water, Ico Cream, Punches nmj Delicatessen Lunch Department. "We Make Our Own Candles!" 1307 O 8TREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the. BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS Have your clothes Cloaned, Prossed Mid Repaired by 'the MAN HATTAN CLEANER8 AND DYER8. 8uits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25. That is not much when compared with what it is worth to you to look noat and stylish. Call Bell Phone F918. We will send for and return your work.- . - Tiii i i I 1 NEW MODEL WSI7 I I Here l the cheapest good gun yet made. By the omitston of the take down feature we hare been Llo to greatly reduce the cot of production and at the tame tune have kept the sun up to the famoui hi'ch 777qrn standard of strength, safety and durability. Notice the clean simplicity of this pun. The workmanship and finish are perfect. The weight is only 7 pound. The full choke barrel! are especially bored for smokeless at well at black powder and Vo chambered that 2.J inch or it? 'i I rr'ri. utet' Several improvement in the operating part, make it the easiest, most reliab'e and bat working gun in exi:lence. We are glad to make it possible for every lover of gunt and bid thoct ng to get thu I ith grade repeating thot gun at to low a price. Have your dealer order it for you. Send far the Tlarln Catalogue and Experience Book o-dau. Free for 3 tlampt. 7e 22arln firearms Jtwiiiow street. New Haven, a. 1 $5.00 for $1.00 Ten Leading Magazines for Three Months to NEBRASKAN old or new M SUBSCRIBERS for only. . . M 1 The only conditions of this wonderful offer are that you must: be a Nebraskan subscriber, old or new, and NOT IN ARREARS. If you are not a subscriber subscribe now! 50 cents for the remainder of the school year. This offer for two weeks only, so ifyau wish to avail yourself of it, be quick. I,. i Burr-Mc-Intosh, 3 Mo. ... $ ,75 Recreation, 3 Mo. 75 Smart Set, 3 Mo. . . 75 Travel Magazine, 3 Mo. ; . . .45 Metropolitan, 3 Mo. ..... .45 Pearson, 3 Mo. . ' . .45 Cosmopolitan, 3 Mo 45 Field & Stream, 3 Mo. . . . . .45 The Woman Beautiful, 3 Mo. .45 Youth's Companion, 3 Wks. .)5 TOTAL VALUE . . $5.10 All for $1.00 to Nebr. Subscribers y 'I J nai,TafWiimrrrrtwaTnciTTiirai rmaTgirwnvr.wwminninrimii'iiiiiTTn'.