MVit'f V THE DAILY .NEBRASKAN I I F. i p :MM You'll look for a Suit in Some Store Why Not Look in All of the Stores) Wo Sell Suits for 7.50 to 27.50 It's Worth Looking Into 925"0"8t.llneoln.NBU CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER lit h and P Sts. Open from 0 n. m. till 12 p. m. Linooln'smostpop ulnr priced cafe. HUH MOTTO: Cliin mil quick Serilci ill in Tina. Coupnn Boohi worth SB tola lor S4.2S. Hans Workow, Mgr. Eat at Green s Place The UNION CAfE 1418 O street Open Day and Night E. FLEMING Finost watch anu" Jowolry Repairing in tho city. Give us a call. Bell A704, Auto U884. 1211 O St. Wo solicit a share of your patronage 4 Campusv Gleanings C. H. Froy, florist. 1133 O St. m Chnpln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir Harvey llathbone, ox-1011, waB visit ing friends on tho campus yosterday. .Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Durr block. MIhh Grace Oooloy, 1912, of Hebron, Neb., bus pledged Kappa Alpha Tbota. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. The mid-semester examinations in tho colrego of law will bo hold next week. 0 Seo Heroford. Now Oxfords. $4.00 Special. 1215 O. Miss Allco Cuny, ox-1910, is in tho city visiting university Mends for a fow days. Got your lunch at tho city Y. M. C. A. ' Spa. 13th & P.- DroBB parade was hold by tho endot battalion laBt night, on Twelfth street, In front of the armory. Now spring styles in footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. John II. Paul, law 1008. was on the campus Thursday. Ho is now practic ing law at Wakefield, Nob. 0 o Have your clothes pressed at Wober's Suitorium. Cor. 11th and O. air. E. c. Mercer of New-York City was entertained at dinner Wednesday by tho Phi Gamma Delta fraternity." e o Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Ovor Bank of Commerce The members of tho freshman law clasH have changed their tactics, and instead of making a disturbance by yelling, have adopted the practice of singing. t t , Learn tho barn danco, Lincoln Dancing Acadomy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. Tho Palladlnn Boclety will hold their regular weekly mooting in their hall this evonlng The election of officers, which regularly comes at this time, has been postponed until Saturday ovenlng. Hee Haw! Have you seen tho now mombors of (ho advanced classes to toko charge of this now division. Tho purpoBo of thd now cIobb is to givo tho present mombors of tho beginning classes a review of what they havo gone over so that they may.becomo more efficient for future work. Tho, now class is open for membership to any who aro registered In Division .30. Tho hours of recitation will be ar ranged and announced later. Tho Chess and Checker club at Michigan recently sent challenges to Wisconsin, Chicago nnd Illinois. Tho replies Indicated that there are no teams at the two former colloges "while at Illinois thoro Is nn extromo lack of Interest." Dr. Herbert S. Mallory of tho rhet oric department nt Michigan is tho author of a now romance ontitled, "Tempered Steel." University Bulletin FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St No. Side PHONES: ' Auto 132 J, Bell 324 TYPEWRITERS All mnki rented with stand S3 Per Month. ISargnlns In Robulli Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1155-Uoll 1181 122 No. 11th MARCH Friday, 20. Vesper Service. Memorial Hall at 5 p. m. Friday, 26. Gymnasium Exhibition. Armory 8 p. m. Saturday, 27. American Chemical So ciety, Nebraska Section, Chemis try Hall. 8:00 p. m. . Saturday, 27. Unlon-Palladlan basket-ball, armory, 8:15 p. in. Ad mission 15 cents. Tuesday, 30. Forostry Lecture: "For mation of Forest Soils" by Prof Barker. "Molsturo Study In For est Soils," Prof Hoysor. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 31. Special Convocation. U. S. Senator Burkett on "The University Man in Politics." Tem plo Thoatre, 11 a. m. APRIL Friday, 2 "The Problem for Euro peans In Colonizing tho Tropics." - Dr. j. Crelghton Wollmnn, of "Washington, D. C. Temple G p. m. Friday, 2. Band Cqncort. University Cadet Band. Templo Theatre, 8:30 p. m. Saturday, 3. Joint Y. M.-Y. W. C. A. banquet at St. Paul's church, C p. m. Wednesday, 7. Easter Vacation be gins at G p. m. Wednesday, 14. Easter Vacation ends at 8 a. m. Friday, 23 "Social Problems In Their Relation to Public Health." Prof. George E. Howard. Toraplo 5 p. ra. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific Problems In Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. To Be Sure of Getting What You Pay For is Important when buying clothes. Therefore it ib safest to go where to be known for "square dealing" is more to the merchant than making a sale re gardless of how it is made. It is hard to judge of clothes values, men who know say it cannot be done. The reason is the making the inside is the basis "of value and only time will test its worth. Kensington Clothes havo more on the inside than most clothes more hand work more and better inside linings. For this reason they never disappoint the Wearer they look well they wear well they fit well. The immense showings now upon our tables" is worth coming to see. $15.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEMER Kensington Clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats i iiiiliwi THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS Have your tslothea Cleaned, Pressed . ifcid Repaired by the MAN HATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS. Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25. That is not much when compared with what it is worth to you to look neat and stylish. Call Bell Phone F918. Wo will Bond for and return your work. " GREGORY, the Tailor Has a dandy line of goods for Spring Suits. He also does' tho best cleaning and pressing in the city. 14th & O Streets - - - Auto 3264 I THE UN! SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Studonts. Bn ninrp nud Bllvor Lottor .B piUhS Inlaid Work a Q III LJ Specialty. UNI "SMOKE HOUSE lltfci O Street n QO&0$C$C$0Q$00$0$0CSO$0 3 All MnheM nf Sennndm .hand Typewriters sold, g rented, or exchanged. 3 Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones. 5G0&OQO00000Q00$ HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR ! Come in and get that $1.00 Suit . 'toyour'order 1S230 O St. , Lincoln Hoe Haw last in Oxfords nt Sander son's? 'They aro the real thing. U5-2t o Miss Ruth Bryan Leavltt will speak today In the Y. W. ('. A. rooms In the Temple at tho regular noon meeting of the association. The subject of her addresB will bo, "My Trip Through Palestine." Doctor Maxey of the college of law will leavo tomorrow for Albion, Neb., whore he will bo one of tho judges for tho Inter-high school debate between Albion and Pierce. These schools are members of the northeast district of tho Nebraska lntor-hlgh school debat ing league. The member's of tho class In rhet oric 1G, which meets Monday, March 20, will discuss tho following question, "Resolved, That Nebraska should adopt the Oregon plan of choosing United Spates senators." Affirmative, J. H. Cather, R. H. Wolford; negative H. O. Boll, H. W. .Coulter. At a recent meeting of the District Federation of Woman's qlubs, which was held at Nebraska City, among tho matters discussed -was the feasi bility of establishing a scholarship at this, university for some worthy young lady. It was proposed that her ex penses be met either wholly or in part by Nebraska clubs. Some years ago a project of this kind was successfully carried out, but in recent years tho individual clubs havo not oeen asKea for contributions .which would divert their funds from local objects". A now division has been organized in tho department of elocution, At the request of a score of tho students in tho department, Miss Howell, head of the department of elocution, , has mode arrangements with some of the Want - Ads Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at tho business office, basement Administration Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. CALL AND SEE THEM The latest styles in footwear in cluding such novelties as Strap Pumps, Oxfords and Button Boots in black, tan, gray and London smoke in Suede and Ooze Calf. ROGERS & PERKINS COMP'Y 1129 O Street Cash must accompany all order for want ads, at the rate of 10 coats per Insertion for every fifteen words or traction thereof for tho first Inser tion; three insertions 25 cento; five insertions 40 cents. "?- FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE3 A new high-grade bi cycle at 25 per cent discount. Inquire nt Nobraskan office. ' 91-tf LOST ANQ FOUND. 1 WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IN EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit:! sample Latest Model "nancer" bicycle furnished by us. Our azents ever' vherc are DMKing money last, irrturor run particulars anasftciai ojftr at once, nu siiihkx iiisuuiiiisu until vou receive ana ami to tnyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit In pprovc of your bicycle We ship advance, irei.iv freirht. and .. . . j. - ------, T - aitow xft.f UA.XB' iriiHH xiwal. dining wmen time you may naeme bicycisana nt u to any test you wish. 11 you are titer, not penectiy .ti lis lieu or do not wt: ceo the bicvclc shin it batk to us at our exnense and vou viill not be out one cent. . . ..-.,-. r .. i ... ... :- we iurnisn me mgiieu craae Dicycies u is possiuic to maue put It to any test you wish. It you are titer, not perfectly i.tiUhed or do not wish to Keep tttc mcycic snip it imc PiATiwu nninrp We lurntsli the hiehest crade blcvi FHUiUHI rnlUkw at one small nmfit above faetnrv cnt. V.iti tive in to $5 middlemen's profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. J0 NOT UVX a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyont nt any price until you receive our catalogues. and .learn our unheard of factory trices and remarkable special offers to rlUor agenttt. Vflll Will nt? ACTflUIClim "hen you receive our beautiful catalosuo and IUU HILL DC HOlUrllOtlCB study .our superb model at the wonderfully (ow prices we can maue you tins year, we sen uienignesteraue Dicycies lor less muney .than nnv other factory. We are satisfied with ti.oo nrofit above lactorv cost. niOYCJL.12 DKAI.HUS. vou can sell our blcvcles under vour own name ulate at doubleour prices. Orders filled the day received, HECUNU HAND IJIOYCJ1..KH. We do not rerularlv handle second hand blcvcles. but iKtiillv have a number an hind taken In trade bv our Chlcaro retail stores. Them we clear nut promptly at prices ranging from tSU to 8S or Sib. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. uiiikiu iviiuuiBf iiiiiuiiiuu roiii-r cimiun ana jivuinu, parts, repairs 4na COASTER-BRAKES, 3 pment of all u un kinds at half the usual retail prices. LOST Small open faco silver watch with fob. Please leave at Registrar's Ofllce. 121-110-tf LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Nobraskan ofilco or to Jack Best. l23-114-3t 50 HEDGETHORN PUNCTURE-PROOF SELF-HEALING TIRES TOMiwmfoE,poNLY 77ie rtirular retail trice of tAtse tires is SSJO ter tain, but to introduce we wilt setiyouasampiepatriorffMasawiuiorucrtM, NO MORETROVBLE FROM PUNCTURES ft LOST A Watormnn Ideal fountain pen. Return to Nebraskan, ofilco. 122-114-3t ' HELP WANTED. Students! A guaranteed' .salary anu" commission to young men and women who will work for us this summer. Call at 1228 Q. Auto 3822. WANTED- Four men to work for. a couplo of hours Friday morning. In quire of Joo'Dorkinderen, at Y. M. C7 A. rooms immediately. NAtr.S. TankHoi' Glass wlU-not-Iebthb'- air put. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. liver two nunurcu inotisauu pairs now m use. btSCRIPTIONi Made In all sizes. Itisllvely and pnuvriilltKr.vervdiltableandlinedlnsldewlth a eru-Mnl nimlTtv nf nillher. Wlllcll tlCVCr beCOtlleS porous and which closes up small punctures without allow. ItiK the uir to escape. We have hundreds of letters from sa.thv ficdcustotnersstatlngtliatthelrtlresliavconlybecn pumped up once or twice In 0 whole season. They wcIku no more than an ordinary tire, thejpuncture resistingquauties being given Dy eevcrai layers oi imii, icviunjr jicih muiwuu iiic tread. Theregujar prlceof these tires isfS.50 per pair, but for aaycrtisinf iiiertuero WSmmfi mmmmmmKaaaMaLKMM tmi 1 mB gpurposcHwettrctnalclnffaspecralfnctoryprlccto a jr only $4.80 per-pair. All orders shipped same day letter Is Kotloe the thick rubber trend 'A" and puuoturo strips "11" aud "D,' alio rim strip "U" ' to prevent rim cutting. IUU tire will outlast any other mnke-NOVT, KLASXIO aud KAflV BIDIWG. received. We ship C O. D. on , , -p . .. Students who can work, between 7:30 and 0:30 Friday morning should spo Joe Dorkindoren at the. Y. M. Cf A. rooms, immediately, approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. v m nllow a cash, discount of s ner cent (therebv makincr the nrice 94.55 Tier pair) if vou send JVULI CASH IVIXU'OltDUH nud enclose., this advertisement. Wc will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUK expense If for any reason they arc not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us Is as safe as in a bank. If -you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they Will ride easier, run faster, wear betterlast longer aud look finer than any tire you have ever used "or seen, at any price. We know that you will -be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will glye us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer; .. .-. wgmm airm TfDrC don't buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair bf If nECU flflCO Hcdgethorn ruucture-l'roof tires on approval aud trial at the special introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes aud quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. am Mi-r IMMir but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a bicycle WM twv ifi or a pair 01 urcs irom anyone unui you icnow inenewaua wouueriui offers we are making., It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write It NOY. . J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. 4 Hi . -T A l H UtittCJUJA tTffttirrU.WirrMitli-mttBWW wTrrntf Tirwn-wrorf aiannni'ir-KMWBWMM V. '"t. an ,.iUJj": rf..t