The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1909, Image 2

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    I I
CONVOCAf ION--Friday, March 26,
Cbe niife flebrnohnn
- ,
j Mncoln. Nebraska.
Publication Olflct, 126 No. 14th St.
Editor t Herbert W. Potter
Mnn'nglno Editor Victor B. Smith
Asioolnto Editors.., Philip Frederick
Carl J. Lord
Mnnaoer W. A. Jonee
Clrculntor A. M. Hare
Assistant Circulator Leslie Hyde
Editorial and Business Offlcei
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln. Neb.
Payable In Advance
Slnolo Copies. 5 Cents Each.
Telephone) Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for nt tho rata of 10 cents por Insertion
. for every (If toon words or fraction thereof.
Faculty notices and Unlvdrslty bulletins
will Kindly bo published froo.
Entored at tho postoulco at Lincoln,
Ncbrnnlcn, as Bccond-class mall matter
u ml or tho Act of Congross of March 8,
Tho Stntp Farm has nlreucly
adopted tho plan of nrrunffliiK Its cam
pus with an oyp to tho future Kvon
tlio trees which tiro to bo planted
thore during tho Arbor Dny oxorciBcs
onch yonr will bo planted with a dofl
nlto system in view. It Is not too lato
to commence something of UiIb kind
on tho city campus.
The Bocond of tho student convoca
tions wus glvoh nt chapol'yestordny
morning nnd was noticeable forgone
thing tho faculty was entirely ah-
. sent. Thero has boon talk from tlmo
Immemorial that tho students do not
proporly attend chapel, but there Is
just us much oxcubo for tho samo
statement about the faculty. It is oh-
J peclally unfortunnto that tho faculty
should chooso a dny when chapol has
boon turned ovor to tho students to
bo notlceablo by tholr absence
Antl-fratornlty bills havo boon In
troduced Into tho legislatures of near
ly overy western state, and In every
case where they havo thus fur coma
to n volo they havo been dofeated.
An antl-fratornlty bill 1b before tho
J4hO. Two Stools 1415,0.
Nebraska legislature, and thoso who
nro In touch with conditions at tho
University of Nobraska c'an only fool
that conditions hero nro such that
any different action in this state
would bo unjustifiable Fratornlties
havo tholr ovIIb, just aa all other
things havo, but any careful observer
must admit that their advantages far,
surpass thqlr disadvantages.
Tho Nebraska athletic management
is still under the painful necessity of
keoplng Its oyo constantly open, in
'making up Its football schedule, for
.games that will pay well. Tho pooplo
of Omaha havo no college games
played regularly in that city and bo
nro ready to give tho finest kind of
patronage to any games jthat aro
played there Tho announcement that
the ThankBglving game will' bo played
In .Omaha next year means that a
tremenduous crowd wjll see tho game
and that Nebraska's pocketuook will
be well filled as a result, Tho fact,
that this gaino will not bo played in
Lincoln will work but little hardship
upon tbo students, as most of .them
are out of town on Thanksgiving day.
. Tho plan of forming an f'N" men's
association is an 'Idea that has real
'merit. Such an organization has a real
Second Vesper Service
, BK AAk
1 1 J I V 1
l H l H
Memorial Hall
placo to fill In tho llfo of tho univer
Blty and a real work to do. It Is tho
kind of an organization that docB not
require a groat deal of work to kcop
alive, tho kind of un organization
that becomes a groat honor because
admlfislon Is gained not through any
lino of superficial activity but through
work and offlclency.
Tho "N" at Nebraska does not rank
whore It should as ono of tho largest
honors In school. This 1b duo In part
to cauBos which this now organization
would correct. Tho mere fnct that
an actlvo organization of "N" men
wbb In oxlstenco would cnll attention
to tho meaning of tho "N" and keep
it before tho mind of tho undorclasB
men ns an honor to bo desired.
Tho practlco of permitting othorB
than those who earn the "N" to wear
It on the campus has always had a
large lnlluonco In thta direction that
could be corrected If taken In hand
by such an organization. It Is no
more fitting or proper that ono who
has not done anything In athletics
should wear tho emblem won In that
lino than that a person should wear
a hero medal which was won by an
other porson.
There Is no reason why an "N" has
not tho recognition that It should have,
which can hardly bo directly remedied
by such an organization. "N'b" are
granted more liberally at tho tlnl
vorslty ofebraBka than at the
schools which have earned tho great
est reputation In athletics. At .Michi
gan It Ib vory seldom" that more than
sovon or eight "M's" aro granted to
the rootball team. This practice not
only BtlmulateB tho keenest competi
tion among tho athletes but it mnkos
the lotter of the school so difficult to
obtain that It is always held in the
highest regard. It Is to bo hoped that
If the proposed association of "N"
men Is formed -It will tako as ono of
Its first actions, somo method of start
ing a movement to reduco tho number
It will pay you fellpws to look me
up on Oxfords. I claim I have the
town skinned on prices and quality.
My method Is short scalp and volume
of business $2.50 and $3.50. WHY
of "N'a" that aro given out each year.
Tho Dally Cardinal of tho Univer
sity of "Wisconsin recently gave space
to an article pn tho relations botween
fnculty and studonts In a largo uni
versity that presents sovornl now
thoughts on an old subject. Tho ar
ticle is as follOWB!
"When wo attempt tho groat prob
lem of bringing the Instructor and stu
dent Ifl closer touch with ono another,,
wo find tho universal wish that such
a thing might bo done, but great
scarceness of practical suggestions for
methods necessary for Its actual ac
complishment. We ask fhrst, whoro
may tho .instructor jneot tho student?
Class, room meetings lnvovo a didac
tic attltudo on one side and an ab
sorptive attitude on tho othpr,-which
makes for general edification, but not
for personal goodfollowshlp,
"Instead of expecting tho professor
to come all tho way, why not interest
ourselves in somo of tho affairs In
which ho is most Interested? Our best
faculty men are, noro or less, wild
eyed In their enthusiasm for their
subject, or ono Ik Us side lines. They
are, correspondingly open to convex
satlon and appreciative of moderately
intelligent interest on the part of stu
dents outside of class-room work.
5:00 P. M.
Thero Ib, invariably, a faculty element
whoso altitude toward the, under
graduato is ono of rofrlgorated scorn;
thoro aro convorsoly plenty of stu
dents whoso only personal approach
to tholr profs Is for grafting purposes.
Tho representative run of profs, how
ovor, give tho general run of student,
larger opportunities for unofficial re
lations than the latter attempt to take
udvantnge of."
New Work by Professor Le Rosslgnol
Receives Honor.
ProfoBBor J. K. Lo Uossignol's book
on "Orthodox Socialism" has recently
been translated and published in the
Jupanoao languago with an Introduc
tion by Profossor Knmbo of tho Im
perial University of Kyoto. The trans
lation of the book was made by Mr.
T. Inonyo and Mr. O'Kuda of Omaha.
Mr. Inonye Ib a graduate" student of
tho University of Nobraska and Is the
general Interpreter for tho Union Pa
cific railway, and lias charge of tho
Japaneso labor department In Nobras
ka, Colorado and Wyoming.
Tho regular weokly vesper service
will bo held thlB ovenlng at 5 p. m. in
Momorlnl hall. Dean Bessoy will act
ns chaplain. An excellent quartet will
furnish music. Tho members of the
quartet aro MIsb Lois Nesblt, Miss
Amada Clement, Mr. J. It. Frackolton
and Mr. Paul Carpentor. Tho follow
ing Is the order of service:
Fraumelral Schumann
Strings and Organ.
Call to wlrship.
Invocation. "
Gloria. -.
Itesponslvo Ktendlng.
Anthem "To Demn" Dykes
Choral Society.
Andante From tho Fifth Symphony
Strings and Orcau.
Evening Song t.' Baldwin
Quartet and Chorus.
Happenings of the Past
Seven Years Ago.
Student mass meeting was held to
develop interest in tho debate which
was to be hold with Colorado.
W. J, Bryan spoke at tho university
on tho subject of college settlement.
Six Years Ago.
Tho Dally Nobraskan printed a long
article discussing tho position of tho
farmer at tho university,
Five Years Ago.
Throe carloads of material were sent
from tho University of Nebraska to
tho St. Louis .Exposition. Tho ma
terial is In the naturo of an educa
tional oxhiblt and will bo accompanied
to St. LouIb by Dr, Barbour.
Four Years Ago,
Arthur H. Marsh, a senior in tho
University of Nebraska, was chosen
as tho Rhodes scholar from Nobraska.
Three Years Aflo..
Track meet ,waB arranged between
tho University of, Nobraska and tho
University of Kansas.
Fonlon, one of Nebraska's greatest
athletes, loft school to join the Omaha
baseball team.
One Year Ago,
Tho eminent Polish lecturer, Dr,
LutoBlawski, of tho Polish "University
of Krakow, spoke before the students
of tho university.
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