TSS" K THEi NEBRASKA - f "iHf""", -"-tj t.g. V 0L1VFR THFATDF i 1TwfoNiQHtt, 8:15 I THi HOLY CITY . Prices 50, 35 A 25c. l IFRf.JjSATASAT MAT;, MAR. 267 5 BUSTER BROWN COMING: A Mid-Sumnir .Night's ' r t i ureal Bllllo Burko Prosonta DICK CR0LIU8 & CO. Ono BoBt Act "Shorty" THE J088ELIN TRIO Sonsational Aorial Artists INO. P. ROGER8, BEN N. DEELY Harmony, Melody and Fun PAUL LA CROIX ,., Eccontrio Hat Jugglor THE ALPHA TROUPE America's GroatoBt Entertainers EARL FLYNN In "The Boy in Green" Billy Morris and 8herwood Sisters Southern Pastimes and Melodies Mat?. 2:16 (except Mon.) 16 ft 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 & 60c PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 - kvhh .t 7. Lincoln's Most Popular Play House Week Starting' March 22. T,HE FULTON STOCK COMPANY The Cowboy and The Lady A Western Comedy Drama Every Night 8:30,. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees 2:30 Best Seats 25c Next Week the "Little Qrey Lady" PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTI8ER8! .934 P STREET Bowling, Biiliards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco, fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WESf PKICES: BILLIARDS, 40c cer Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION FOOL dot l POOL POKER POOL PIGEON POOL 2 1-2 cts. per cue. 3 cues 10 cts. 15 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Cbecks..Wlth Games. Profit Sharing Coupons Give With Every 5c Spent In the Place. ORGHTBST ra - for Concert or Dance. G.-F. Thornburg, - - - -.Director RalpbJ. Reld, '- r - - - Pianl-t Violin sod Coroet Instruction given at Studio, 416 So. J7tb. Auto 5877. WILLIAM DANCING ACADEMY Successor to Pitts Sielil Emlic - -' Friday AriYiicN Class , - MtMUyEvi. Class Eviiligs WN. &Sit, Private Lesson Ghren if D ired. 1124 N STREET WITH MASTER RICE ye41.00 to 25c. Mat-60 & 25c. J :"-" -.:. ' ' -h-r- The Acme Parlors S tii i .ii i -i-ti r ; : y Cleanings W K .. 'it C. H. Froy, florist. 1133 O St. " .- ' '' - Chapln'BroB., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth'. ' ' ' Pershing nines drill tonight at 7:16 for tho gold modal. - t)r Chas. Toungblul, dentist, 202 Burr block. ... The sonlor play caste for act II. met Wednesday, March 24, in U 106. ' Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St.. ' Jack Best has recovered from his rocent, fall in which ho sovoroly sprained his hip. 8ee Hereford. Now OxfordB. $4.00 Special. 1215 O. - The men who haVo beon taking dally ; crosB-country rims did not go out yosterday on account of the high wlndB. Get your lunch at the city Y. M. O. A. Spa. 13th & P. ' S. A. .Erskino, 1911, Delta Tau Dolta fraternity, has been sick for the naat few days with a light attack of la grippo. New spring styles in footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. v J. Livingston Richey, 1909, loft for Colorado laBt evening. He was called there by the serious illness of his fathor. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's SuitorJum. Cor. 11th and O. The members of tho Pershing RIAcb did not have their picture taken as expected, but it will bo taken this evening. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. ' Tho Palladian Literary society wilL not meot next Friday evening as was announced In yoBterday'a edition of tho Nebrnskan. Learn the "barn dance, Lincoln ( .000000000000oboQOQOOO0OQO000000 NEW BLUE BULL DOG and other Spring Shapesjin Caps just in. ipesjin T7a FULK, -:- 900000000000000000000000000 Dancing Academy, 1182 N. school. Call Auto 4477. Select Tho officers of the university cadet battalion y met yesterday afternoon at 4:30 to havo. their pictures taken for tho Cornhuskor. A largo number of algae has been recently received by the botany de partment; and havo been added to the large .herbarium? ,' .. There will be a special meeting of the Palladian Literary society, at 11 a. m. this' morning; in the Palladian hall In tho Temple. H Several members of some of tho Armory tfp.. Tickets at the Co-Op, Porters, Unu Booh Storm Annual Gymnasuim ')& ' '' .' :", ; Exhibition ' ' ' ' v A ' v . . ,- classes in the German department hayo beon asked, io discontinue their worjc in this subjoct. Tho mombors of cadet company D .had thoir pictures taken Tuesday evening .for tho Cornhuskor, , This Is tho third plqturo taken for this com pany Tho first two boing failures. A largo number of tho univorslty students aro planning to go home a fow days beforo Bastor vacation, in order to bo nblo to vote at tho munici pal oloctions which aro to bo hold Tuosday, April 6. At tho praiso sorvico which was hold today noon in tho rooms of tho university Y. W. C. A. a vory onjor able program was glvon in which Mlstt Klnkaid gavo n violin solo, and Miss Doran a vocal selection. s Mr. Glen Vonrlck, law 1908, and a member of tho Alpha Tau Omega fratornlty, is practicing law at DoWitt, Nob. Mr. Vonrlck was In Lincoln Inst; weok, where ho had a caso In tho supromo court, which ho won. ThoBo In chargo of advertising for tho gym. oxhlbitlon have placod a largo oleetrlo sign on tho tower of the university building. This sign boars tho wordB, "Gym. Ex. Mar. 20," and can bo easily road down on O street Professor Fogg of tho department of rhetorlo wont to Bridgeport, Neb., last night to nttond tho North Platte Teachers' Association. Whllo thoro tho profossor will dollvor an address before tho members of tha associa tion. , Mr. Walter WoIbb, 1911, who has been ono of the committee dorks at the legislature bosides carrying his regular univorslty work, has been ser iously ill with la grippe and it is feared that typhoid fever may set in. Mr. Weiss is confined to his homo at Hebron, Nob. ARBOR DAY EXERCI8E8 AT FARM Addresses and Tree-planting as a - Memorial Occasion. As a consequonco of the activity of Regent Coupland ,tho univorslty will this year celebrate Arbor Day with appropriate exercises at tho Btate farm. Just what form tho exercises will tako is not yot decided, but sev eral promlnont citizens of tho state have promised to bo present and glvo -:- 1325 O short addresses on topics connected with the" day. Tho planting of me morial trees according to a carefully mapped-out system "will also play a. part in the program. A. movement is gaining foothold among tho graduating class at Leland Stanford to Institute tho custom of senior singing. It Is proposed to get tho seniors together at a meeting place for a half hour ono evening each week and practice their college songs together with a general dis cussion of senior men's affairs. In this way they hope to build up a per manent tradition for their college.) Seven' Indiana students, are working on orations for. the peace, contest. IV Friday, March 26th 4 Reserved Seat 35c General Admission 25c ffiEY& FkEY FLORISTS All Kindt of Cut Floititri 1338 O St No, Side r; PHONES: Auto mi Bell Silt "7 rr TYPEWRITERS XU niiikt.' ' roiilod' with stand $3" Per Month. HnrKnliiH In Kobullt Macblnf. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto lIUV-Bon 1181, IW If o. 11th, ' ' THE UKI SMOKE HOUSE Wi'lwiim'H itil HtudonU. Bq rkirVPO ntul Hilror Ittor Q 1 II L,0 Bpuclnlty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE im O (itroot PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, rented, or exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Biih Pkonit. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing L. J; HERZOG )INUinJllNIlNUIMMNIIU(MltlllM)Hl'tlttltlMNVIMNSmHWNI THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR w.........-............,.,... Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order "" I230 O St. Ltnooln Bell Phene 482 Arte Phent 1481 COMPLIMENTS OF Nebraska Grocery and Meat Company Fancy and Staple Groceries 1036 P Street Every Order Give Special Altentlen PATRONIZE OUR ADVERT(SERtI Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? fro need of being crowded Lincoln Candy Kitchen aflf&L UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean ' OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patrewift Solicit Quality Counts THAT'S WHY Franklin's let Grtam IS ISO POPULAR i . 4 We main apcialty oC ieoey oraaaaa, aherbeto, iota and jmnch for Frat and Sorority Parties vtotlSl B11206 1118 N Strwt 17 ) Batinett Directory Evary Loyal' Untverelty Student la urged to patronise trtMa N braakan advertisers, and t men tion the paper while stelng eo.. f,ANKt ; . , ) ir ,( .; ' v ' CehtrarNatlonal. " .Plrat Tritat ;an,d Saving. Farriers & Merchante. 1 BAKERIES gU , PolBOm. 3 f i. , .Sri RATU uniiae mZ, .-,,,,, ,,www. . . . annv OhriB. ElovonthfnncitP RtaWi m book stores it mm . Co-Op. : r; Portor'a. Univorslty. 'i . ' r r'. $ CIGARS Colo"& McKonna; CLOTHINQ Farquhar. Magoo & Doomer. Mayor Broa, PalacoOiothing Co, " Speler A simdn.Hp ' " Corf Clothing Co. COAL ' . s . Gregory; - - Wtiltobreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy' Kitchen. DANCINQ ACADEMIES' , Lincoln. Wllllama; DENTISTS- J. R. Davla. .Yungblutl t ..-" DRY QOODS "up,. l ' Heruolflheimer. ' , Miller & Paine. DRUQQIgTS v , Rlgga. ENGRAVERS Cornell. . . jp FLORISTS ; Chapln Broa. - O. H. frty;'-'WHWW FURNISHINGS . Budd. ;- "' : ' Corf Clothing Co. - Fulk. in- , Magoe Si Deemer. Mayer Broa. ' Palace Clothing Co. Spoler ft Simon. Ht Fred Schmidt A. Rrna GROCERIES $ Nebraska, Grocery ft Meat Co. : HATTER8 Budd. ; , . Fulk. Unland. Corf Clothing Co. ICE CREAM , v :, Jf r!amnrin'a a. in i .1 T f.si ,m t visuiuiu luti uream ,JEWELERS-r , .... ' Hallett. " ' TUckeh LUNCHEONETTES H.H W r.K Iff r m . -.v. Fplsom. ' 'w(?' ftrf J IDRIE8r'"i- uH?? LAUNDRIES Ik TEvnna Morchanta.. . ft OPTICIANS Shean." ORCHESTRA , "G. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERS V Towrisendv A PRINTERS- " p , George Bros. Simmons. 4S( rtrr ,- W : '"9 1i' 7 :1 Young ft, Van Tyae. SHEET MUSIC B. J. Walt ' RESTAURANTS--. .'l ' Boston Lunch. Cameron's: , St HOES"" , -j fu:. i iixii H jvil uiuiuiug; wo. v f BeckmanBroe.'r , ; " i-.l-lt.t rt- A: Hrnffawflf: " '"''.-. Budd. , ,.....,-, -. . -.j.jrftisr.'OT Glacinnatl flho tor Sandersons. ' '"'' Rogers ft PserklM -jyvi Petty. r ' ' ',a Hereford.: -'cl f.i i .! tm Tke Skirt Stroe. - - ,TAILORS , Blllqtt Bros. . ? - Jilt Hersog. -e' uat Marx. -jfc ;-. V t College, Tallow. ' J , Scotch Woolea MUl., W 'Gregory. ILhsM THEATERS . .wflfe Lyric. , .5 . Majeeiie.' v Oliver. Vftfcr . TYPEWRITERS ' vjj ,I4mcolm Tyfewriter -; ' change. . Vf&m . TJaderwood Typewriter Oe. -' ' i ,'' ' ' ( .4 r rt PATRONIZE Y(HI1 FRIENDS -00R A,' ADVERTISERS ?t ,i r -T 1 ",; ,1 H rt il :l J ,i 4 '1 TJ Au 491 B.11A-M2I 4 . :.''y',,, .J ,,: t AJ-1-jjLyifcfl-i ".vii-J-!','-.,!w-.'i.4i . WioVwi'tt t'.' y."wfrfiffc 4i,..j ,...'.. ,vAlr:feW fc!5& iw Nfe '.ti!WjKk.Ygg