nATT V MTTDDACVAM inj2i ' xjil x r iiiuivnuixxuii HTT . r ? . r ' v. i e f .. " ' K Sk. '17 The Season's Only fifl Two for NEW CREATION 2Gc. ' It's reversible. Mndc with "Easy tlc-slldlng Spaco" and "Patented Lock Front.' 4-ply, Quarter Sizes. mmm UNITED SimTCOlLARCOMkrt.Troy,N.T .Cincinnati Shoe MEDICAL CONVOCATION t ' INFECTIOUS DISEASES ARE DI8 n ; CUSSED BY DR. WAITE. DEATH LIST PROM THESE LARGE TALKS ON METHOD8 OF PRE. VENTING TUBERCULOSIS. St ore Big SHOE Sale . Now Going on Store Open Untill 9:00 O'clock Evenings CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER Uth andPSts. Open from 6 a. m. till 12 p.m. Lincoln's most pop ular priced oafe. QUE MQno: Clnn and Qalck Sinlce ill ilw TlfM. Coitpw Bookt worth $6 sold for $4.25. Hans Workow, Mgr. FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St. No. Side PHONES: Auto 1S2U Bell 324 Eat at Green's Place The UNION CAFE 1418 O street Open Day and Night E FLEMING Finost watch and .Towolry Ropairing in tho city. Give ua u call. Boli A704, Auto JJ884. - 1211 O St. Wo solicit a' share of your patronage UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited CARLTON An ' ARRor close meeter that ,M will try neither tie, thumb nor temper t. 15c, 2 for 35c. 'duett, reabodr Jfc Co., TrOTi Hew York Care Must Be Taken In Sanitation and Disinfection In, This as Well as In Diphtheria and Typhoid Fever. Dr. Horbort H. Waito of the unlvor sity Bchool of raodlclno addrossod tho modical convocation Friday ovoning upon tho subject "How Infectious Dl soasoa May Bo Provonted." Dr. Walto said: "Provontion 1b much moro important than a euro. In order that wo may host understand this wo will considor ono particular disoaso ub an oxamplo tuborculoBis. In 1000 it was ostimatod than ovor one hundrod and nine thou sand human bolngs died of tuborcu IobIb, or at least that many woro re ported, for there aro lafgo sections of tho country which makes no roport and again many die supposedly of somo other cause, when it should bo attributed to this causo. To know how to control we must know first how tho body is infected. Tho most common means is by tho spittle. Tho numbor of organisms in an oxpoctora tlon is all tho way from 500,000,000 to 3,000,000,000, so that tho danger is quite great. To Prevent Spread. "Tho flrBt thing to guard is to pre vont the spittle from drying and then passing out Into tho air. It should be destroyed or elso dlslnfoctod by moans of carbolic acid or other agont The best form of spittoon is an earthen one. Too much attention can not bo paid to' disinfection. Vory specific and accurate instructions can be given to everyone affected with tuberculosis in respect to their sloop, food and care, and yet in tho majority of cases this 1b not followed. Many physicians again glvo vory unwise and poor ad vice so that thq' patient even increases Such milk should not bo used at all, and especially by human boings. Care of Untenstls. "All glasses and other utensils used by tho individual should recoivo most careful attention. In many cases, tho patient should bo kept separated from othors. In this way tho disease la moro easily controlled and kopi from spreading. Tho patient should bo given instruction for his caro. "In two othor diseases attontion must bo closely paid. Diphtheria and typhoid fovor. In the first all sus picious cases must bo guarded, fori those apparently well may spread tho disease. Cases have boon known whoro It was carried for three hun dred and fifteen days aftor tho pa tient's rocovory. As a preventative antitoxin has bcon vory successful and its use is strongly urged. The num ber of deaths has been reduced about fifty per cont by its use. There is no reason for typhoid fover and it exists because of carolosBness or unsanitary conditions. Tho main sourco is the water, and by boiling and filtering tho danger can be greatly reduced. By filtering, the number of deaths oc curring in Vienna in one year woro lowered from about four hundred to soven or eight" THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Ownod-by tho Stockholders of the First National Bttuk Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bunk Looms, Tenth Ss O THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Btudonts. Bo r r c mil Silver Letter B PlPrS Inlaid Work a B r II LJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE UIK O ritroot TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 Per Month. Bar gn Ins lRobuilt Machines. LINCpLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto USo-Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing Q0000000000000 o O 0000000G00 ULTRA ORNATE fASIIIONABLC HlfTY RW YOUNG & VAN TINE 134 NORTH 13TII Programs, Menus, In vitations, Etc. 0000000000 O O 000000000Oi the seriousness of his case. People should learn to caro for themselves, and bo instructed to this end. Often digestive troubles aro found in con nection with tuberculosis, in which case much care should bo taken In tho diet, for the person may bo eating food which entirely disagrees with him. "Expectorating is most dangerous indoors, where the association with other members of the family increases the danger. There must bo a general effort made to dissuade all individuals who have gotten into this habit to overcome it as soon as possible. The handkerchief becomes a great dissem inating means as it is used at present. The best handkerchief is the inex pensive Japanese paper napkin, which after use should he placed In stout manlla paper bags 'and, within a few hours at most, be burned. In cough ing and sneezing the napkin should be placed over tho mouth to prevent the particles of moisture from carry ing out numbers of the tubercle bacil lus to endanger others. Infection may occur along the ale montarv canal. Many cities have a sovoro ordinanco regulating the milk supply, for often tuberculosis of cat tle will reach the human being In this way. Much care also must ho taken in the hnndllncof the milk. Tho danger is not fully appreciated. Penn sylvania has ono of tho best health laws In tho country, and, yet milk has been found In Philadelphia which has great numbers of the baccilli in it L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come la and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O t. Lincoln V i t r-. .c ' " tl i nn -t ww1". ""n - THREE, REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS Tou need rollablo, original and complete material for written or epeken work:, Tot also need books and magazines. ' And later a summer or permanent position, which' you should plan for now, beforo all tho best openings are flltoa. Hero Is tho way to got all threo at a minimum of effort and expense. We Are Dealers in Facts We furnish the best Information obtainable on any subject in school, college or club, In business and publlo affairs. Our work Is a6curato, cbmpleto and to tho point, carefully typewritten, promptly suppllbd. and arranged in, suitable form, with outlines, bibliographies anil full references. We not only have in our own force highly-trained Investigators and special ists in various lines, but wo have made a business of "knowing tho tnon who know" and by moanB of this system of knowing "Who's Who for Bfflciency" wo can go straight to headquarters for authoritatlvo information and expert advlco. Addod to our large stock of Information on hand and our means of obtaining authontlc information, wo have a highly efllciont system of sifting, arranging and presenting our facts In form that exactly meets Individual requirements that would exactly moot your noeds. Wo are especially strong in political science economics, sociology, anthropol ogy, flno nrtH, lltoraturo, applied sclenco, commercial geography, travel and exploration, international law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, interstate and foreign co'mmorco, financial and industrial conditions, and publlo problems and live questions of tho day. Tho cost is less than might bo expected. Our chargeB for now and original material aro at the rato of two dollars for oach thousand words furnished. Quality of work guaranteed, or monoy rofundod. Methods, references and quo tations on Important Investigations furntshed upon request. (Wo havo thou sands of articles on hand which wo offer, subjcot to prior sale, at $1.50 per thousand words. Send for prico list) A Desirable Position for You If you are wise, you aro already planning about a summor or permanent position or about an opening In tho professions or indepondont business. To introduco our Borvlco to you, wo will glvo you advico, information and real assistance along these, lines without charge (from now up to tho timo you se cure, u dcslrablo position) If you send us a Uvo dollar ordor for Information, 1. o., 2,600 words or ovor at $2 por thousand. In our official capacity, wo como in touch with boards of trade, chambers of commerco and othor local and genoral organizations of omplbyors, as well as large corporations and othor concerns, educational and other institutions, and municipal, Btato and othor governmental departments. Wo aro thus in a posi tion to know of positions of all kinds ovorywhoro as well as opportunities for starting out In Independent business or professional lines. No red tupo. no commissions, no strings are attached to this offer. It Is free and unconditional. This Information wo gain about positions Is Blmply a valuable by-product of our regular Information business, and wo uso it to attract, help und thus hold customers. Wo do for you all that any regular employment agoncy can do, with this Important difference wo ask you to sign no Involved contracts, pay no foee or commissions, and Incur no other obUga tlona. Books and Magazines Free As a further Inducement, with ovory llvo dollar ordor for information we will glvo free, in addition to tho employment privilege, any book or a year of any magazlno you specify, tho publishers prico of which Is not ovor ono dollar. With a ten dollar ordor for information, wo will glvo $2 worth of books or magazlnos; with a $15 ordor, $3 worth; with a $20 ordor, $4 worth; with a $26 ordor, $5 worth; and so on. Two or moro mon may club togothor with several subjects to mako such an ordor and divide tho privileges among them, How to Order Just think up one or moro subjects on which you need material. Estimate the number of words required. Encloso two dollars for each thousand words desired, glvo us exact directions as to what you want and when you want It and If tho ordor Is for uvo dollars or ovor, name tho books or magazines you wish and toll us about tho position you would like and your qualifications for it Wo will do tho rest Address at once: National Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett 8mall (Late Special Investigator, U. 8. Gov't), Director 2401 NORTH CAPITOL 8T WA8HINQTON, D. C. Inter-Class Athletic Meet r "Y Informal Dance and Indoor Athletics Saturday, March 20th Armory Tickets 25c Dance 25c a Couple Seats Reserved Without Extra Charge at the Co-Op 000C&000000000 o All Makes of Second-. hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones. Want - Ads A'dvartiBomenta for the want ad column should be left at the Business office, basement Administration Bldg., between 0 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. mil m ttouoie WANTED-A RIDER AGENT put It to any test you wish, it you are men not periectly a Untied or do not vnsa to Keep the bicycle ship It back to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent. de bicycles tt is possible to mane Cash mutt accompany all order for want ads, at the rate of 10 oents per insertion for every fifteen word or fraction thereof for the flrat Inser tion; three insertions 25 centa; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR SALE. IH EACH TOWN and district to rule and exhibit a sample Latest Model "Kanjror" bicycle furnished by us. Our agents ever vhere arc nuking money fast. Writ for full particulars and special offer at once. NO MONEY HKQUIKISU until ypu receive and approve oi your tiicycie. we amp to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent dt posit In advance, prep ay freight, and allow TKN HAYS' FItKK TUIAL duting which time you may ride the bicycle and (nrnnif nninrn We furnish the hicheit crade bieve rnulUnl rtlluCO nt one small urofit above actual factory cost. You save Sio to $ij middlemen's profits by buyinsr direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. iiO NOT III) V a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and leam our unheard of factory f rices and remarkable special offers to rliior agents. VAH Ulll UV ACTnHICUCn vvhen you receive our beautiful catalogue and TUB HILL DC AolUnlanCD study our superb models at the wonderfully low Pruts we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money than anv other 'factory. We are satisfied with profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DKALISKB, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at our prices, uruers tilled me day received. HKCOND I1ANI UIOYCLKS. We do not ranilarly handle second hand bicycles, but aiiiUv tuve a number on hand taken In trade bv our Chiearo retail stores. These we clear out nrnmntftt at nrlcra Rintrinir from 011 to S8 or HIO. Dfscrinllve banraln lists mailed free. AAlim BBtrkTC alnclo wheels. Imported roller ohufiis and pedals, parts, repairs and uUAdlXlI'SIIIlRXvf equipment of all kinds at half the usual retail pricss. 50 HEDGETH0RH PUNCTURJE-PR00F SELF-HEALING TIRES joiAboduoeohly The rezular retail price of these Jires is S3 JO ter talr. but to introduce we xvtlt eUyouasampUpatrtort40fathwUhorderffJi). NO M01E HOBBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Taeks or Glass will not let the nii nut. Rixtv thnuannd naira sold lost vear. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. ntrsnmimrtnili Made In nil sizes. It Is Hvelv ami f-nsvridW.vervdurablearid llnedlnsldewlth a special quality of rubber, which never becomes the ulr toescaoe. We have hundreds of letters from satis- 8 $J80 Or SBKttmBtMi Lpai2JtOBBB'57slslsWlMBMMslB BF 1-.".v. . ""." ":. J l.i a. -t irous ana wmen closes up smuu punciurca wtmuut uun ing the ulr toescaoe. We have hundreds of letters from satii ficdcustomersBtatlnfetliat their tires liavconlybeenpumpe uponceortwlceinawholeseasou. They weigh nomorethai ..r.niinarvirf. thinuncturereslstlu(raualitlesbelnircive: by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the trend. The reeular price oi tncsettre tfotloe the thiols rubber tread "A" and puncture Strips "U" and "1," also rim strip Un to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, KLASXIO aad KASY RIDING. . FOR SALE A new high-grade bi cycle at 25 per cent discount inquire at Nobraskan office. 91tf Our trial offer enables you' to get $5,00 worth of magazines for $1,00. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Small watch, with fob. office. open face silver Leave at NebraBkan 121-110-tf tires is 13..U ocr nalr.bu t for rm w -. ' . HB n. r w r . advertlslngpurposeswearetnalclnjraspecialfactoryprlceto .--. tread. The regular price the rider of only 4,8o per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received, we snip tu.u.on approval. YOU UO UOI pay B ccui uuui yuu uavc uwuiacu uuu luuuu mem ouituy no iciiitomivu. Wc will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.05 per pair) if you send VULli OASIX, WITH OJUDKft and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one .u.i r.iti v.m hnnrt niimn. Tires to be returned at OUIt exnense if 'for anv reason thevare, not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and mpney sent to us is as safe as in a 1, yuu'wiii uuu mm nicy win uuc iiuki, iun tium, Kii if vmi nnlera oalr of these tires. wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will De so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. nt. ....... ,.. r ikiiiI 119 a (rial nrdf At once, hence this remnrlcnhle tire offer. mwgimm !?? TfOrC don't buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of r sTW sTWSts&a , raswl Heugeuiora runcture-r the soecial introductory price quoted above: Or write for our bl pnroval and trial at Tire and Sundry Catalogue which uncture-Proof tires on a rices. describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. ?m wm ia4M- putwrlteusapostaltoday, DOWT TIIIN OF IJUYiNO a bicycle O" nUM wwMMM or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are malting, iioniy costs si posuu 10 icarn, cvcryiaiug. wnwnnu. p I L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. ,1 ,11 ijl: V 1 " "v''i':1 nij'Mf "i """jfiim'; "'" yf.