THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ing-at tho Lincoln hotol. Saturday ovoning "the niembora ,or tho fraternity will hold their annual banquet at (ho Lincoln, , ,,..,,, 0 J 'Itogiijar BoauttOB- Sandorson'a $3.R0 and $4.00 Spoclnl Oxfords. All tho now styles. v ) 2t 0 0 0 ( Tho endot battalion hold dross pa rade Thursday ovoning for tho second tlmo .tills semester, A now foaturo has been added to tho drill work. This Is the taking of tho reportB of field returns. 0 0 0 I ' OLIVER THEATRE GOOD NEWS 8AT, MAT A .NIGHT. MARCH 20 ) r i EAST LYNNE Mat 25 & 10c. EVe 50, 35 & 25c. MON., TUES., WED. & WED. MAT., MARCH 22-24 WRIGHT LORIMER IN THE 8HEPHERD LINE ThUR8DaViN THE HOLY CITY BYER8 AND HERMANN In "Tho Clown's Dream" Max Witt's Four SINGfNG COLLEENS THE KIN80N8 In "Going It Blind" JAME8 AND PRIOR In "Capital Barnacle's Courtship." EARNIE AND MILDRED P0TT8 glng, Dancing, Bag Punching. INNE88 AND RYAN Vaudeville's Classy Entertainers HAYNES AND WYNNE Export Dancers Mats. Dally Except Mon 15 & 25c. Every Night 8:1515, 25, 35 & 50c, SATURDAY SPECIAL BESTO-HOSE Newest Colors .Tust in I5c, 2 PAIRS 25c Ntwisl Shirts, 50c to $2.60 Young's Hats $3 Everything Nw Excipt tht Name Wv- EnnnaiEHaa 925"0MSt.klreoIr.NBbL Campus Gleanings i i PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! i mrfm kW A mrmz4wm WEEK OF MARCH 15 THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY IN The Bishop's Carriage With Wed. and Sat. Matinees Prices Always the Same 15 & 25c. PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTI8ER81 The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, Billiards, Pool,Cigars, Tobacco, Fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES? BILLIARDS, 40c rcr Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION POOL 7 . 1 r. Wf ROTTLF POOL J l l'z c,s pcr POKER POOL i , . PIGEON POOL I 3 cucs iQ cts 15 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Prollt Sharing Coupons Given "With Every 5c Spent in the Place, ORCHESTRA for Concert or Dances - Director - - - Pianist Violin and Cornet instruction givenat Studio, 416 So, J7th. Auto 5877. G. F. Thornburg, Kalpn J. Keld, jWILLIAMS' ID AN C IN G ACADEMY Successor to Pitta Social Evening - - - Friday Advance Glass - Monday Eve, .Class Evenings - Wad. k Sat. Private Let ions Given if Deiired ' 1124 N STREET i'Auto 401t Bell'A-2621 $5.00 for $1.00. C. H. Frey, florist. 1133 O St. m Would you tuke $5.00 for $1.00? Have Ltulwlg make that Easter suit. ) H. R. Aukeny, 1911, has withdrawn from tho university for the remainder of this year. 0 0 4 Who is the student's tailor? Lud wig. 0 0 0 Phi Delta Theta fraternity will give a house party Saturday evening at tho chapter house. O O ii Ludwlg's Suits have that distinctive college cut. ooo The members of the unlvorslty ca det bnnd hnd their pictures taken last evening for the Cornhuslcer. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. Mr. Rudolph Chab, a Bohemian farmer living nenr Wllber, Nob., re cently unearthed tho teeth of a mam moth, which he has presented to tln. Btate miiBoum. Seo Hereford. Now Oxfords. $4.00 Special. 1215 O. The Cornhusker management has taken advantage of tho fine weather this week and has had tho picture's Green, Tnn, Brbwn, Smoke and all (ho other now colors In Oxfords at Sanderson's. 2t Mr. L. Calm, a crytallographor and mineralogist living In Now York City, haB been the guest of tho dopnrtpiont of geology for several dayB. Mr. Cohn brought sovoral vnluablo crystals to the university. ' Loam tho barn danco, Lincoln Dancing Acadomy, 1132 N. .Seloct school. Call Auto 4477. PrnfnBBor f'hat.hnrn of tho cniriwtoi- ing department hna written a napir respecting concrete mado of Nebras ka material. Tho paper was wrltt-m through the lntorosts of the Nobrnska geological survey. Neljrasknn subscribers, now or old, can get ten of the best magazinoB In tho country for $1.00. See page 2. O Miss Mnlsel Van Andel, 1909, on tortalned tho Black Masquo, the sen ior girls' BQcioty, last night at n whist party, Miss Van Andel's en gagement to Mr. Arthur Barth of Bill ings, Mont., was announced. Tho wedding is to take place March .11. O II Boys, have you seen tho now $.1.50 and $4.00 Oxfords at Sanderson's? They are just tho thing you want. 2t Tho CornlniBkor calendar committee will moot In tho Cornhusker ofllco Fri day, March 19, at 1:30 p. m. Mom hers : Miss Nlolson, Miss Tlmmor man, O. T. Barret, J. M. Aloxandor and W. M. Byerts. F. A. Crltos, Chairman. 0 o If you want to delight your oyeB and make your feet hungry take a poop at Sanderson's Spring Windows, 1229 O. 2t 0 0 The Students' Debating club will meet Saturday evening, March 20, in U 106 'at 7:30 p. m. A program of unusual interest hns been prepared. It is an oratorical program and Is composed of eight ten-minute Bpeech- cb by prominent members of the club. 0 0 That Pen troublo will bo rolloved If you purchase a $2.50 Swan for $2.50 or a $6.00 Swan for $G.50. Where? At the Co-op. 0 0 The Senate has not adjourned to at tend tho Swan Pen solo at tho Co-op., but wo arc still Belling $2.50 Pens for $2.50 and $6.00 Pens for $6.00. OCO000000000000000000OffiO0OCOOO0OS3 GNIRPS f The spelling is unusual, but so are the goods. The newest q Spring Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Shirt Waist 8ets, La- Vallleres, B Neck Chains, Collar Pins are always to be found at this store. Prices 25c to $8.00. Our guarantee with each purchase. Est. -1871. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist, 1143 O fTCK30303CK3CO of cadet companies D, C and B- taken for the 1909 Cornhusker. 00 Get your lunch at the city Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th & P. f At a meeting of the faculty of the college, of literature, science and tho arts, the regulations recently passed by the university senate were adopted with only few minor ohanges. 0 Famous millinery, opening today. Corner Q and 13th. The regular Friday convocation wllj be held this evening at 5 p. m. at the, Temple. Dr. H, H. Walle will speak on "How May ' the Spread of Infectious Diseases bo Prevented?" New spring styles in footwear now on display. BockmaniBros., 1107 O St. ;Mls8 Hayden of the art department lectured in David City, Neb., Wednes day evening, March 17, before the' "Once a Week Literary Society." Tho subject of her lecture was "Spain." Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium. Cor. 11th and O. 0 0 ' Ray E. Miller, 1903, of AahlaudJ ,Neb., wa& a campua visitor a few days during the past week. Mr. Miller is traveling in the Interest of thq Nebraska corn growers' association. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist; Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. , Phi Kappa Psl fraternity will hold tneir annual xormaii nriy , mis tvon Courteous Treatment Always and you Are Not Urged to Have Some thing You do Not Wish v The Pioneer Barber Shop tO- So. J Jtfa St. Auto 437 Shaving )0c THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Btudonts. Bo iiirc . and Silver Letter B PIMhS Inlaid Work a B I II LJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE-HOUSE 1102 O Stroet TYPEWRITERS All makes- rented xlth stand ' $3 Per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AUto 115&-Bell 1 18L 123 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing I Here's good news -we've got some "extra finers" in Men's Spring Suits that we re selling for $15 to $25 ' " i that will put it all over any $40 merchant tailor production you ever saw. See the Window Display speier & SIMON WE SAVE YOU MONEY NORTHEAST CORNER I0TH & 0 StS. HMMnnnMiMWM I THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND PYffP Have your clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Itorialrod 'by -the MAN." HATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1?25. That is not much when compared with what it is worth to you to look neat and stylish. Cal Bell Phone F 918, Wo' will send for and return your work. - c, i Mr. E. C. MERCER New York TO-NIGHT tt COLLEGE GRADS OK THE BOWERY Friday; 7:30 I M. Temple fljh. $tttro$ - All Urii Men invited . - ) Something MOTH PROOF NEW! SUIT HANGER vyA jtf i , r xM MOTH BALL BOX .Tfr '' Qv7 . . . --T v ' '' ' i t u " ' Jff 'IS7 ' For Furs, Men's or ACA Women's Suits vU Good, clothes on cfieap hangers the cause of raining many garments. Have yoti not found it in aptual experience after hanging your fine suit on a badly shaped 'hanger, rough at edges, poorly finished, destroying the outer and inner parts of your tfothes, and help destroy the shape, forming1 wrinkles in coat collar, shoulders and sleeves? Moth Proof Garment Hanger will'protect your clothes from ! the ravages of insects and help keep them in best possible shape. Can be used' by either ladies or gentlemen, For ladies it has .adjustable fasteners to hold any size skirt just, right; for men it has the bar to hang the pants over. The moth ball box in cen ter holds a dozen moth balls without touching the garment. Box of moth balls included. --1. i . On Sale at Fur Department Millet S Painei ; i nl a i "1 s , ? . , Q 1 . i ( i.i'iniv'j ." 4 '! .v -ij.V"t Ut 'Jlu&L