The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1909, Image 2

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5bc TDatl ftfebvaeftan
CON VOCATION-Thursday, March 18
r , - -sursy-ssr: , , -.,,'
$5.00 for $1.00
Lincoln. Nebraska. ,
Pgblieitlon OlHce, 126 NaT 14th St. '
t it I l I
Editor Herbert W. Potter
Managing Editor Victor B. Smith
Aiioclnto Edltoro Philip Frederick
k ' Cnrl J. Lord
Manager W. A. Jones
Circulator A. M. Hare
Assistant Circulator .Leslie Hyde
Editorial and Business Office)
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
1 i
Payable In Advance
Single Copies. 5 Cents Each.
Telephono: Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for at tho rato of 10 conts per insertion
for ovory fifteen words or f raotlon thoreof.
Faculty notices and University bullotlns
will gladly bo published freo.
Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln,
Nebraska, as second-class mall matter
under tho Act of Congross of March 3,
' M i in i ,i i iiii H
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1009.
- It Is realized that tho present Ne
braska leglBlaturo was oloctotl upon
nn economy platform and yot It will
bo hard to porsuado Nebraska citizens
that this included tho economizing of
tho expenditures of Andrew Carnegie.
Yot that Is what tho legislators Beom
bound to do.
MinnoBota medical students recontly
suspended a human cadavar over the
platform during chapel exorclsos.
When tho specimen was lowered Into
vlow, hanging suspended by a ropo
about Its neck, several students faint
ed. Which prank causos ono to won
der whether the modlcs were merely
joking or simply ondeavorlng to Intro
duce a new omblom ropresontatlvo of
life at Minnesota. Undoubtedly some
jBUch design would be suitable for the
Minnesota official seal.
By a recent publication of a bul
letin of tho national bureau of educa
tion Nebraska was ranked as main
taining a preparatory course, in both
academic work and agriculture. Other
institutions such aB Mlnnosota, Illinois
and Wisconsin, woro credited with be
ing up to full university Btandard.
? 0. Two Stores 1415,0.
Since tho publication, tho Nebraska
authorities have taken tho matter up
with tho Washington men and tho
next bullotln will rank Nobraska
where sho belongs, as not maintain
ing a preparatory school. Tho Tem
ple high school Is an establishment
for laboratory work on the part of
university studonts. It Is not a prep
school, nor" Is the secondary school of
agriculture In that class. Easterners
are prone to think that western schools
ao not up to tho standard In this 'as
well as other ways, and It is gratify
ing to knpw that ono such injustico
has been righted.
The editorial rooms of the Dally Ne
braskan are not adequate nor suitable
fpr tho work for which they were
. intended. Located in tho basement of
the Administration building, those
who must work there are forced to
work under tho most disadvantageous
circumstances. The Inconvlenence of
tho office hns been felt all year but
now that warm weather has come it
is ,even more noticeable.
';vOf course the present ofllces are
vastly superior to the offices, that tho
Nqbraskan used to have In University
Hall. At that tlmq tho university pub
lication waB- issued from the' end of
' -the liall on the Becond floor, but tho
Temple Theatre
w f!
sheet waB thon much smallor and
much lesB office room was needed
than 1b now tho case. At the present
time with a staff of reporters tho No
braskan office 1b often crowded to
bucIi a point that It Is Impossible to
do good work.
But this Is not tho moat important
side of the question. Tho manner In
which tho presont offices are heated
makes it impossible for ono working
In them to bo comfortable. As the
rooms nro half below tho ground the
floor is below tho top of tho heating
plant and thus It Is necessary to have
overhead radiators. Tho offect of this
can only bo appreciated by ono who
has worked in a room whoro the boat
comes from above. Tho heating pipes
in the Administration building arc so
arranged that it Is ImpoBslblo to turn
off heat in any part of. the building
until tho heat Is turned off from tho
whole building. It Ih often necessary
to have some heat for the ofllces on
tho north Bldo of tho building when
any boat makes it too hot for work
In the Nebraskan ofllces. In such a
caBo as this the only thing that can
bo done Is to open tho windows, which
is at best a vory unsatisfactory meth
od of ventilating.
The worst feature of tho ofllcos Is
encountered during registration weok,
when tho large number of students on
the floor abovo makes a constant
sifting of dirt and dust from above,
which covers everything and makes
work impossible.
It would seem that it Bhould be
possible to And a room some place
upon the campus whoro tho uncom
fortable features of the rooms in tho
basement of the Administration build
ing would not bo present. Tho Ne
broBknn Is a university affair and do
servos better treatment than It .has
received in this matter.
Figures have recently b'eon compiled
..?.""..... rny new Spring Hats yt?'!!0.dlesal1 tne new colors
and shapes; and all $2.50. BUNCHES
which Bhow tho comparative growth
of tho libraries of different western
universities. Tho figures do not by
any means place Nobraska at tho bot
tom of the list, but they do not show
tho rapid growth that should charac
terize a school of Nebraska's size.
Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and
Missouri all show a greater increase
than Nebraska. Tho figures aro as
California 85i583
Michigan ; . . .77,500
Wisconsin 02,000
Illinois 58,086
Minnesota 50,000
Missouri 40,050
th 38,359
Nebraska 25,445
Kansas 2l',67G
Indiana 21,000
Colorado 17,800.
Iow -..10,000
A meeting of tho Swedish club will
be held in U 7 today at 5 o'clock.
Tho purpose of tho club is strictly
social and literary and to encourage
enthusiastic loyalty In tho university
among Scandinavian students.
We do nqt sell you a $6.00 Pen for
$2.50 nor a $2.50 Pen for 90c, nor a
$5.00 god piece for $1.!90; but we do
sell a $2.50 Pen for $2.50. It's a 8wan.
and It's worth $2.50. At the Co-op,
5:00 P. M.
University Bulletin.
Friday, 19 "How May tho Spread of
Infectious Diseases Bo Prevent
ed?" Dr. H. H. Walto. Temple,
5:00 p. m.
Friday, 19 Mercer Y. M. C. A. Tom
plo Theater, 7:30 p. m.
Friday. 19. Swedish Club meets In
U 7 at 5 p. m. .
Saturday, 20. Studonts' Debating
uiui). u. loo at 7: '10 p. m.
Saturday, 20. Silver Sorponts recep
tion to Sophomore girls. Templo,
3 a. m.
Saturday, 20. Dr. A. B. Gunthor will
address Medical Society, Temple,
7:30 p. m.
Saturday, 20. Komonsky Club Meet
ing. Music Hall, Tomplo, evening.
Saturday, 20. Intercloss Tournament.
Gymnasium 8 p. m.
Monday 22 to Saturday 27 Mid-Se-mestor
Tuesday, 23. "The Land That Is
Dlfforcnt," Rev. Oilman. Convo
cation, 11 a. m.
Thursday, 25. "Student Musical Ro
cital." Temple theatre 8 p. m.
Friday, 2G. Gymnnslum Exhibition.
Armory 8 p. m.
Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecture: "Formation-
of Forest Soils" by Prof
Barker. "Molsturo Study in For
est Soils," Prof Hoyser. N 7 at
7:30 p. m.
Friday, 2 "The Problem for Euro
peans In Colonizing the Tropics."
Dr. .'. Crelghton Wollman, of
Washington, D. C. Tomplo 5 p. m.
Wednesday, 7. Easter Vacation be
gins at G p. m.
Wednesday, 14. Easter Vacation ends
at 8 a. m:
Friday, 23 "Social Problems in Tho'lr
notation to Public Health;"- Prof.
George E. Howard. Templo 5 p. ra.
Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci
entific Problems in Forest Planta
tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at
7:30 p. in.
Happenings of the Past
Seven Years Ago.
Eight dollar rato was secured to
Minnesota for two baskot-ball games
to bo played there April 24 and 25.
It was specified by the railroads that
a crowd of 250 must go in order to
got tho rato.
Six Years Ago.
In oi'dor to stlmulato interest in
convocation ono hour every week was
devoted to the discussion of the pro
gress of the unlvorsity.
Five Years Ago.
Dally Nebraskan prints an editorial
defending the chancellor from being
unfairly influenced in- his stand In fa
vor of accepting tho Rockefeller gift
for tho Templo.
Four Years Ago.
Girls'-basketball team made a trip
to Columbia to play the University
of Missouri.
Three Years Ago.
Final arrangements were made for
tho Mny musical festival which waB to
take the place of the graduation mu
One Year Ago.
Tho proposed change in the method
of electing tho athletic board was rO
forrpd to a committee and thus no
definite action waB taken.
Ten Leading Magazines for Three
Months to
NEBRASKAN old or new d 1
SUBSCRIBERS for only... M1
The only conditions of this wonderful offer are that
you must be h Nebraskan subscriber, old or
new, and NOT IN ARREARS.
If you are not a subscriber, subscribe now! 50 cents
for the remainder of the school year.
This offer for two weeks only, so if yau wish to avail
yourself of it, be quick.
The Greaj Outdoor Magazine.
$3.00 per year, 25c. per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 75c.
Youth's Companion
The only paper tht pleaBe3 tho Old
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$1.75 per year, 5c per copy.
Three Weeks Trial Subscription
Retail Valuo 15c.
Burr Mcintosh
The Most l!eautlful Magazine in
tho World.
$3.00 per year, 25c per copy.
Retail Valuo 75c.
Field and Stream
For the Gun and Rod Lover.
A Big Magazine for every Sports
man. $1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
January, February and March
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Valuo 45c.
Metropolitan Magazine
The Necessary Magazine.
$1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
January, February and March
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Valuo 45c.
BurrMc-Intosh, 3 Mo. ... $ .75
Recreation, 3 Mo 75
Smart Set, 3 Mo 75
Travel Magazine, 3 Mo 45
Metropolitan, 3 Mo. ..... .45
Pearson's, 3 Mo . . .45
Cosmopolitan, 3 Mo. .... .45
Field & Stream, 3 Mo. . ... .45
The Woman Beautiful, 3 Mo. .45
Youth's Companion, 3 Wks. .15
TOTAL VALUE . . $5.10
All For $1.00 to
i ' I,
Nebraskan Subscribers
Travel Magazine
A Magazine that brings the Whole
World to the Library Table.
$1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
Smart Set
Ono Hundred nnd Sixty pages of
Solid Fiction in overy Number.
, $2.50 per year, 25c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Valuo 75c.
Cosmopolitan Magazine
Tho Popular Dollar Magazine of
the Day.
$1.00 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
Pearson's Magazine
The Distinct Magazine of tho Day
dlfforcnt from others.
$1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
The Woman Beautiful
A Dignified and Practical Magazine
on Beauty Culture. Each Issuo
containing beautiful plates
In color of prominent
$1.00 per .year, 15c per copy.
. Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
i. . ii, I,