The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1909, Image 1

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, Vol. VIII. No. 110.
Like the song idea
need of cHange
Effort to Have a Genuine Nebraska
Song Different From All Others
At Last Likely To Be Car-
To a Successful Finish.
University professors aro solidly be
hind the movoment for a new univer
sity song, if the Interviews obtained
from 11 representative number of the
faculty are wortli anything. Every
professor questioned admitted that ho
believed tho idea to be a good one and
In only one caso was there any fault
to be found with tho idea of tho pro
moters to glvo a big prlzo as a stimu
lus to the school's writers.
Some fifteen professors wore inter
viewed on the song matter. They rep
resented all sections of tho universi
ty and their opinion is regarded as
being a- fair indication of that of tho
university faculty in general. Those
professors agreed with, the charge
of the song promoters that the Uni
versity of Nebraska is in need of a
typical Cornhusker song. They saw
as well as the students the figure that
Nebraska cuts in having her official
song a mere parody on that of an
eastern institution.
Above Prize Idea.
Not only did the professors approve
of the general proposition, but they
nlso gave their 'approbation to tho
proosal of the. song promoters that
a "big prize bo raised to encourage com
petitive offers of vorscB and music.
One faculty member did not agree
with the idea in all its details but
tho rest wyero enthusiastic in their
belief that the offer of a prlzo running
up into tho .hundred of dollars would
stimulate effort as no other one thing
The plan now is to raise a fund of
about $400 to bo given as prizes for
the composition and verses. Two
hundred and iifty dollars of this
amount would bo rasided among tho
amount would bo raised among tho
tr the plan as now roughly outlined
The remaining $lc0 tho promoters
hope to raise among the members
of tho faculty. Each of tho oloven
fraternities and the nine sororities in
school would bo asked" to donate a
snmH amount. Othor societies, in
cluding .Honorary and professional or
ganizations, would bo ilkowlso given
an opportunity to aid in providing" Ne
braska with, a new" song. ' Whatever
amount thon remained to bo raised
would be sought from . the' student
body in Individual contributions from
loyal students. ' k !;?,,,
Already Inquiring.
Since. Jtho first , announcement? that
a prize of largo amount would prob
ably be given for a song composition,
thp Nbraskan office has been ma'do
the object or numerous Inquiries as to
the nature of tho offer and the regu
lations governing its award. No def
inite announcement has yet been
-made as to these particulars nor wfil,
one , bo; made untilt-ie funds for rfthe
prlzo1. are in aI0iti; ijs -unjfcub'tefy
howpver, that tho competition will bo
jppen to all university student?.
Whether or not tho, music and tho
;jsnot decjded,-, but tho, difficulty aris
Jng from suoh a,, course is consider
fable. SftYoujfcarojac
university of
track," said one of tho t professors
interviewed. "Nebraska Is no longer
a baby Institution. It is a full-grown
university and It should tako on tho
outer appearance bofltting its char
acter. It would not need to take a
parody on a tradition of another uni
versity for what should bo ono of Its
moBt coveted personal possessions.
NO, song which is a parody upon that
of another school can really give to
Nebraska tho Independent charactor
which she should tako in her outer
emblems as well as In hor real bo
ing. "This being so, I am heartily glad
to see tho song movement started in
so energetic a manner. I bellevo that
the prize idea is tho right way In
which to got a song that will bo
worthy of tho school. It is fitting,
too, that the composition should be
the product of a Nebraska student.
That is eminently proper."
Thirty-two Page Publication Is Issued
at Nebraska.
The first issue of the official maga
zine of the Komensky club Is out. It
Is a monthly magazine of 32 pages
and is printed In tho Bohemian lan
guage. Although Issued at tho univer
sity It had to bo printed In Omaha
on account of tho Inability to secure
any printing In the Bohemian lan
guage in Lincoln.
Already tho magazine has many sub
scribers and 'it Is expected that it will
Increase rapidly. Tho publication Is
gotten out by the United Komensky
Clubs and contains articles by various
members a of those olubs. Many of
them are on Komensky, or Comenlus,
as he Is known In English. It also
contains poems on the same subject
and articles on various matters of in
terest to the clubs in general.
State Historical Society Received Two
The Nebraska state historical so
ciety has recently received two unique
and Interesting publications. One of
tho two Is a manuscript by Justus L.
Cozad concerning his experiences in
Nebraska during tho pioneer period.
Mr. Cozad's story covers tho perlo'd
particularly fi;oni 1853 -to 18Q2 and it
Is an Interesting rehearsal of the life
of that time.
Another recent receipt of tho society
Is a catalogue of Nebrasku horse, and
cattle brandB. In this volume Is re
corded every brand in use In tho
state. There aro several hundred va
rieties and tho book Is so Indexed that
easy reference may be had to any
dealer's particular mark.
Botanical Department Has Greater
Demand Than Supply, '
Within tho past few days 'tho botan
ical department of tho university has
rqcely?d inquiries f on at least nairn
dozen men to tako positions in various
departments of botanical work., A
part: of these are from tho department
of agrlculturo of tho government and
J, B. Ilorer recently , visited L(ncoln
ns a representative of the department
in this respect. , f '
Afnn nVrt wnntrwl in tlinan nnattlnna
for tho most part. In a fow instances
girls are wunted for secondary posi
tions, but( U19 big demand is for
trained scientific men,
Tho tryout for tjio teams to repre?
sent the freshmen in the inter-class
athletic meqt was held in the ;Armqry
between,. 4 and 5 Thursday afternoon.
The fl, following , mon C were selected :
Twentyrlly.o yard', . ,,, L. Ford,
A. T. Newman',. W. R. Powers f "relay"
race, R. E. Ford. W. R. Powers. .A.
,T. Newman, H. u Stults: obstacle
race, H. L. Stults, ,E, RClarJcW.'P.
uor.ueH, . yv,. , rowers: iug-01-war, A.
Freltag;i,S-iH. Rikf,A!? 'T3 Newman.
Hf B." Pearsor .' W. Bioi; ii: BPad'
dock; high Jump, N. H. Noff, A. H;
JIUtnor; high kick, A. H. HUtner;
Nebraska, Lincoln, friiday,
Any "N" Man May Play With Teams
During the Season In Which .
He First Wins Hia
Baseball Letter.
The inter-fraternity baseball loague
in scheduled for nn oarly opening, tho
llrst gamo being bookod for March 27.
TIiq' other games will follow soon
nftor this, being dated for days In
March, April and May.
tho games loft unplaycd from last
seoson are to be played off early thl3
spring. Delta Upsllon and Alpha Theta
Chi will meet on April 16 to sottlo
tho championship on tho woBt side.
Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Alpha
Epsllon aro to play off the final gamo
for tho oast division tltlo, but tho
tlmo for tho gamo has not been sot.
Tho final gamo for tho championship
of tho lenguo for 1908 will "probably
bo played early in May.
The schedule for this year has been
completed and will bo published in
full In tho NebraBkan either Saturday
or Tuesday. The dates for games on
It have been arranged so that thoy
will not in any way conflict with tho
games scheduled for tho 'varsity nine
a; home.
The Division Line.
For a division lino this spring Fif
teenth streot was selected. Tho teams
east of that line, with tho exception
of Beta Theta PI on P streot, will be
In the east section. Tho teams on the
West side will be Alpha Theta Chi,
Beta 'IJheta Pi, Delta Upsllon, Phi
Delta TJieta, Phi Gamma, and Delta
Tau Delta. In (ho other section will
bo Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha
Kpsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi,
and Sigma Chi. This plan gives tho
east side flvo teams and the other
sldo six nines.
A now ruling of the lntor-fratornlty
board Is to the effect that no gamo
can bo iJostponed this season for any
cause excepting, rain or wot grounds.
Tills rule means that every gamo this
year will have to bo played whether
a fraternity ,1b ready or not, Just so
long as tho weather permits. This
regulation was made in order to keep
any .member of the lertguo,,from. post
poning a gamo until some of its men
should got in shape to play or for any
other senseloss. reason. .r ,-,,
A committee of three men will bo
appointed by President Drake of the
league to sottlo all disputes that may
arise over postponed games, and to
sot hpNv dates for the teams to play
off the, congests that have been de
layed by rain.
AJ1 games will Ijavo, to bo played
this season 'andj tho championship of,
the league settled before .Bchool has
closed or else the winners will not
receive a pennant and tho Inter-fraternity
baseball hoard will not de
clare any team tho champion.
"N" Men to Play.
Another ruYo of tlio board, adopted
this waek, permits any player who
wins his ','N" to'tako part In tho inter-
fraternity games;durlng the spring In
wiijcii lie gains that numeral; Ilere
toforo tho rule has been that any
man winning a' Dosebali letter was
barred after that from playing with
the Qrqek letter students, This pften.
wutnuu u uuruBiup on some 01 tno
fraternities, ns they would lose nien
when, the .spring Easter trip was mado
and before thoy had had a chanco to
llay off any t)f their games. From
Vino, rn !.'" ' '''l i ii!''1 W ' ''U
ut vu, tuuuBu, vmy uiu pmyors wno
ivtarch 19, 1909!
liavo secured, tho coveted honor In
somo provibuB season will be kopt
off tho fratornlty teams. .
Must Furnish Balis.
By tho rulos of. tho board each team
Is still rcqulrod to furnish a now ball
for oach gamo, and both ballB aro to
ho awarded t9 the team that wins tho
It is being planned to play tho
games this season at either Antolopo
park or tlio Vino streot grounds. If
too high a pflco Is not nskod by Man
ager Green for his league grounds
tho contests will bo hold there, for
thnt is by far the host placo In the
city for baaobftll games.
If Antolopo park can not bo so
cured, however, tho Greeks will bo
forced to use the Vino streot lot as
the noxt best placo. An attempt will
bo mado to got 11 lease on that ground
for tho spring. If this can bo done
tho diamond -will bo scraped and put
in condition for pretty fast ball play
ing. An advantngo which tho Vino streot
lot will glvo tho Greeks will bo tho
use that can bo mado of It for prac
tice. It is only a short dlstauco from
a 'majority of tho fratornlty houses
and It will require only a short time
for moat of the Greeks to trot out
to tho lot for practice.
8enlors Have a Deficit of 8eventyFive
Tho report of tho committee in
charge of tho senior prom has boon
completed and filed with Professor
Barber. It shows that there wore
fifty paid admissions and eighteen
complimentary tickets Issued. The
cost of tho hall and the nuiBlc was
given at $82.00, and tho cost of tho
refreshments and programs was
?34.25. The report is detailed as fol
lows: Receipts.
Fifty tickets $2.50.. $125.00
Eighteen tickets (complimen
tary) Total $125.00
Lincoln Hotel Co. ...'......;. .$ 50.00
Music .':.;..;. a-.r.t.. 32.00
Refreshments . ... .iC. . . ;, . ., . 15.50
George Bros.- (programs) .4.. . J8t75
Daily Nebraskan 5.00
Ensign Omnibus Co 2. 00
Simmons (tickets) 1.00
Doorkeeper , " 1.00
Deficit ,,.. $ .75
I havo oxamlned tho above accounts
and vouchers and find sa'jijo correct.
Chairman Auditing Committee. ,
Oyeters, Mlfk and Crackers 8erved as
, e Essentials (of Club Feed.
Tho Chomls.try Club hold" a novel
and entertaining program Wednesday
evqnlng In tho Choinlstry building.
After tho regular .businqss of tho
weekly meoting had beon hold tho
Chemistry Club decided to invade
tho,( field of domestic economics. Mr.
h. L, Bishop, as "Chef" and Prpfessor,
dispatched somo, of the students for
mlllcj oysters and crackers. Every,
tnfng used In tho course, as. glv.on by
Mr, (Dishopf was p'btalne'd' In tho lab
oratory. A largo evaporating dish
served as the ifoun "tqureon." Bunsen
burners took, ;tho ,jplaco of tho , gas
stovo, After the soup was niado 'jt
waB,. seryod In sliiayer, evaporating
dishes apd ,eaton wj(th horned-Bpoons,
Poffoe served in breakers served, as
the hoyoragQ of tho evening. At a
lato hour, the club adjourned, , voting
Mr, Bishop a surprisingly gooij chpf.
Mr. 2pfreMly stjAS
& hm rtn .tov -tho jat
fow, days .with Wb son, A. I, dberv
folder; lpil.
Price 5 Cent.
. 1 , " i,
Work here
courses Along line of school
of citizen8hip.
' I '. .. M.
Scheme Devised Three Years Ago by
the Department of "8oclal .Scl-
. , ' ''
ence" for the Formation
of a 8chool.
In Hplto of tho fact that Nebraska
has no school of citizenship, offectlvo
work is being dono along that lino
and tho rosponno it has mot with in
tho various departments which would
bo Included undor that head Is in
dicative of a growing roallza'tlou of
tno necu of work along that lino.'
Tho incrooso in tho past fow'yoars
In tho deportments of Amorlcari oncl
European history, political' oconomy
and political sclonco and sociology
has been wry rapid. SlatlstlCB could
only bo obtained from ono dopartmont
at tho present tlmo, but tho growth
in it alono Is enouijh to illuatrato
this rapid growth. Tho dopartmont
of-political sclonco awl sociology was
founded threo years ago. In tho first
semester of Its existence 92 students
registered for tho work. Tho roglstra
tlon then Increased semostor by se
moster as follows: 124, 192, 315, 392
and 508. Thus It will ho soon that.jnflk
three years tho department has grovIS.-'
in enrollment from 92 to 5C8 at tho
present time. :' '
Need of Preparation. ' "'
tills rosponso ' "the irowlIho9f
work offered Illustrates tho demand
for such a couro. It .Indicates, tha't
tho students realjjto tho. need of prep
aration along these lines to fit thoin
selves to play an Intelligent part as '
citizens In tho placo thoy aro expected
to fill on leaving tho university) '
Tho Idea of-a school of cWfznnniiin-
at tho university Is by no means a
now ono. Threo years ago all tho
monibors of tho faculty connected with
the history departments, the, depart
ment of political scioncc'and sociology
and tho dopartniont of political econ
omy held a, series 0; conferences for
tho purpose of ,arrlvlngfat somo
scheme for uniting tho ''Social Scl
ences," as they aro called, into .ono .
school. As a result of tlio coriforehco
tlio schema was developed, but as.'it
failed to recoivojho support, of tlio
regents at that tlmo, it roll through;'
Need Increasing, ,.
Tho heed of well equipped men
along these lines fa increasing oycry
day, according to a statement mado
recently by ono prominent in tbjft
work of tho political science depart
mont. Tho consular service demands
well trained nion chosen. by examina
tions. Openings aro to bo found In
tho city social settlement work in tho
juvenile delinquency arid juvenllo
courts. Men trained In criminology
and1 roriolocrv rirn rnmifrAil" in 'intin
charo of bur reform and penal insti
tutions. . Men traiued In economics
nnrl ldnflrnri niilitnffii- ,-irn' rnnnlrhT liV
tax commissions;- Interstate commefco
.wuiiiuiiooiuuH uuu ,riuoau commis
sions. In all of tho branches of public
works tho call is 'being mado every
day for trained men. ;
Several University, Students Burned
t m
with wrath when thoy discovered that
tho ,,"$.6,00 for $2.50;' story was only
a. fnirv tnlo. Sn tliov liniiehf Rwkn
Pons at tho Co-op; and their pen
troubles are over. .,
,, Baked beans, -bakd oa,tfc esalfa
huui erv.ea nov, wiin ancious orowu
bread, 10c, it The Bostoa Lwiach.
'": W