The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1909, Image 2

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$be 3ail$ fjebtaeftan
CONVOCATION-Thursday, March 1 8
Lincoln, tfobraslm. ,
v V
1 '--t 1
iv y
Clarinet Quintet-Mozart
Publication Office, 126Jo. 14th St.
f -
$5.00 for $1.00
Editor Horbert W. Potter
Managing Editor Victor B. Smith
'Askoclnte Editors.... a... Philip Frederick
Carl J. Lord
.Mannoor W. A. Jones
V i. A. M. Hare
WMUU IUIU .." - - - - -
Assistant Circulator LesJIe Hyde
Editorial and Business Office:
Pflstofiflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance
Single Copies. B Cents Each.
Telephone :Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for at the rato of 10 conts por InBortlon
for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof.
Faculty nottcon and Unlvorslty bullotlns
will gladly bo published freo.
iSntorcd at tho postofllco at Lincoln,
Nobraslca, as nocond-olass mall mattor
undor tho Aot of Congress sf March, 3,
Earl O. Eagor Ikir, placed Nobraslca
nthlotics upon a paying basis and has
successfully managed Nabraska ath
letics at a tlmo Avtym, without a field
It has been a problem of tho utmost
dlfllculty. His retention Is no mora
thnn n recognition of efficient, service
and work well done.
Memorial Hall
Eleven A. M.
Tho peculiar letter which was re
ceived by Dr. Loos a fow days ago
from Kansas Is tho laHt echo of tho
football agitation which swept over
tho country a few years ago. It 1b
now gonorally recognized that foot
fall is a national gnmu that has come
to this country to stay. It takos Its
toll in a fow deaths every year, but
deaths occur through accidents of all
kinds, not only In ovory sport but in
pvery lino of nctlvlty as well. No
gamo can ovor take tho placo of foot
ball in tho hearts of tho college men
and women of tho country. .
Nebraska "may well follow In tho
footBteps of Iowa In tho closer rela
tionship which Is being dovoloped In
that school between tho undergrad
uate body and Ibo alumni students.
Greater things cap' only bo accom
plished when tho Interest which stu
dentB have for tho unlvorslty docB
not grow leBB but Increases and grows
more 'denr as tho years go by. Tho
movomont at Iowa i described ub
follows In tho Dally Iowan:
"Iowa Interests nro broadening.
They are spreading boyond the stu
dent body and faculty Tho legisla
ture no longer plays tho only part In
Increasing tho material growth of our
university. An evidence of this 1b seen
In tho growing Interest of alumni.
They are beginning to catch the spirit
of the greater university. The en
thusiasm of the present student body
has proved to bo useful It haB awak
ened in the alumni tho dormant lovo
for nlmaXmatcr. Not only arc the old
er boys aroused but they aro doing
things. Tno boys of yesterday havo
united witlAthe boys of today for
futuro Iown.
"This material aid of tho alnmnl
marks a new era In the life of the
imlvorslty. It wlllBerve to draw the
student clOBer to his1, school. It Booms
nB a Bplendld precedent for oven
University Bulletin
The proposition to establish a train
ing tablo at tho Unlvorslty of Ne-
Nowhere have tho possibilities of
tho Ideal nowspapor been more forci
bly or moro accurately stated than
In a recent editorial in tho Philadel
phia North American. The college
newspaper as well as tho city dally
has a much wider Held than merely
to record tho iiowb eventB as they
occur. It must aB well lead and mould
public opinion. The editorial Is as
"Tho newspaper that would best
servo tho public must go far boyond
Thursday, 18. Clarinet Quineto Mo
zart. Convocation, 11 -a. m.
Thursday, 18. Student's Recital. Tom
plo Theater. Evening.
Thursday, 18. Junior Class Meeting.
Memorial Hall 11:30 n. m.
Friday, 19 "How May tho Spread of
Infectious Dlsoasos Co Prevent
ed?" Dr. H. H. Walto. Tomple,
5:00 p. m.
Friday, 19 Morcor Y. M. C. A. Tem
plo Theater, 7:30 p. m.
Friday. 19. Swedish Club meets in
U 7 at 5 p. in.
Saturday, 20. Students' Debating
Club. U. 10G at 7: 'JO p. in.
Saturday, 20. Silver Serpents recep
tion to Sophomore girls. Tomple,
3 a. m.
Saturday, 20. Dr. A. E. Gunthor will
address Medical Society, Tomple,
7:30 p. m.
Saturday, 20. Komonsky Club Meet
ing. Music Hall, Temple; evening.
Saturday, 20. Intorclass Tournament.
Gymnasium 8 p. m.
Monday 22 to Saturday 27 Mid-Semester
Tuesday, 23. "Tho Land That Is
Different," Rev. Gilman. Convo
cation, 11 a. m.
Thursday, 25. "Student Musical Ro
cital." Templo theatre 8 p. in.
Friday, 26. Gymnasium Exhibition.
Armory 8 p. m.
Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecturo: "For
mation of Forest Soils" by Prof
Barkor. "Moisture Study in For
est Soils," Prof Hoyser. N 7 at
7:30 p. m.
Friday, 2 "The Problom for Euro
peans in Colonizing tho Tropics."
Dr. j Crefghton Wollman, of
WaBhlngton, D. C. Tomplo 5 p. m.
Wednesday, 7. Easter Vacation be
'lnB nt G p. m.
v sH 1 1 1 H 1
H4l.tO. Two Stores 4I&,0.
It's time you fellows were looking
around a bit for your Spring Furnish
ings. All my new Hats, Shoes, Shirts,
Ties and hundred other things are
ready for your inspection.
1141 O BUDD 1415 O
braska for tho track men Is a'Btep
In tho right direction. If ndopted it
would mean that track athletics would
bo given the recognition that they de
servo as one of the most, importnnt
branches of Nebraska athlqtlcs.
Leaving out of consideration tho
question as to whether or not a train
ing table is in itself justifiable,, there
can. bo no question but that if it is
justifiable in tho case of tho football
team it Ib justifiable (h tho caso of
the track team. If a training tablo
develops the spjrlt of tho- football
team, and Improves its physical con
dition, it will do the same for tho
track team.
Nebraska haB never given to other
branches of athlotlps than football tho
consideration that they deserve. 0(
course it is not possible to devolopo
at Nebraska, because of physical con
ditions, many of tho sports that aro
so popular at other schools, but thpro
is no reason why NebrnBka should not
.tlevelon to tho fullest oxtont those
branches of. athletics which are rep
resented here.
. Nebraska has always had good track
teams anq" may well take pride in th(j
work thaj; they havo done. Anything
that w.iUtend to raise this shle of
.ehashaathletics to Tai higher sjan
(fard deserves the 'support of tho ath
letic board.
recording news. All newspapers dls
semlnato Information and keep their
readers in touch with tho development
of public questions. The ideal paper
must do more. It must creat public
sentiment, organize movements, raise
'funds, formulate legislation, work for
appropriations and conduct a practical
campaign for each good cause. It
must be willing to stand alono when
once convinced that its course ris
light. It must havo convictions on all
public questions, and maintain them
in tho face of misrepresentation. It
must prlzo character and consistency
above popularity.
"To be informative corrective and,
most of alj, constructive this is the
sum of the work."
Wednesday, 14. Easter Vacation ends
at 8 a. m.
Friday, 23 "Social Problems in Tholr
Relation to Public Health." Prof.
Goorgo E. Howard. Tomplo 5 p. m.
Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecturo: "Sci
entific Problems in Forest Planta
tlons," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at
7:30 p. m. -
.College Fraternities,
There aro at present .thirty-three
men's national college fraternities in
America, with a total membership of
315,000. A. total of 1,050 active and
35fo inactive chapters with 800 chapter
houses is found. The sororities aro
soventeon in number with a member
ship of 30,000. There aro 285 active
and 55 Inactive chapter houses. Tho
professional fraternities number about
,50, and aro found in both professional
and technical schools.
All candidates for the-:t,ra,c,k teanj
are requested to hapd, names to
Dr. Clapp or McDonald immediately,
Thoso to bo excused from drill will bo
notified after this list is complete.
Wearers of the .Green In Evidence
Around tho Campus.
Yesterday was March 17 and loyal
Irelanders all over tho world cele
brated tho annlvorBary of tho birth of
St. Patrick. Green bits of ribbon;,
imitation shamorck and other em
blems were notlceablo decorations on
at least a couple of million sons or
friends of tho Emerald Isle.
In Lincoln and on the university
campus tho bits of greenery were
much Un evidence. Ono could not
cross tho campus without meeting
with a hunthqr of students wearing
the green and thus testifying' thpir
loyalty to "ould Ireland, bless hor
We do not .sell yoii a $0,00 pen for
$2.50 nor a. $2.50 pen (or 90c, nor a
$5,00 gold piece for $1,90; but wo do
sell a $2.50 pori for $2.50. It's a Swan,
nnd it's worth $2.50. At tho Co-op.
Ten Leading Magazines for Three
Months to
NEBRASKAN old or hew d1
SUBSCRIBERS for only. . . P 1
The only conditions of this wonderful offer are that
you must be a Ncbraskan subscriber, old or
new, and NOT IN ARREARS.
If you are not a subscriber, subscribe now! 50 cents
for the remainder of the school year.
This offer for two weeks only, so if yau wish to avail
yourself of it, be quick.
Tho Great Outdoor Magazine.
$3.00 per year, 25c. per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value '75c.
Youth's Companion
Tho only paper tht pleases tho Old
and Young.
$1.75 per year, 5c per copy.
Three Weeks Trial Subscription
' Itetail Value 15c.
Burr Mcintosh
Tho Most lieautlful Magazine in
tho World.
$3.00 per year, 25c per copy.
Retail Value 75c.
Field and Stream
For tho Gun and Rod Lover.
A Big Magazine for every Sports
man. $1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
January, February and March
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
Travel Magazine
A Magazine that brings tho Whole
World to the Library Table.
$1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
Smart Set
One Hundred and Sixty pages of
Solid Fiction in every Number.
$2.50 per year, 25c ptir copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 75c.
Metropolitan Magazine
Tho Necessary Magazine.
$1.50 per yoar, 15c per copy.
January, February and March
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Valuo 15c.
Cosmopolitan Magazine
Tho Popular Dollar Magazine of
tho Day.
$1.00 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
Pearson's Magazine.
The Distinct Magazlno of the Day
different from others.
$1.50 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
The Woman Beautiful
A Dignified and Practical Magazlno
on Beauty Culture. Each Issue
containing beautiful plates
In color of prominent
$1.00 per year, 15c per copy.
Three Months Trial Offer 35c.
Retail Value 45c.
$ .75
BurrMc-Intosh, 3 Mo.
Recreation, 3 Mo .75
Smart Set, 3 Mo. ...... .75
Travel Magazine, 3 Mo 45
Metropolitan, 3 Mo .- .45
Peat sort's, 3 Mo1 j.-:4$
CoStarfpolitan, 3 Mo 45
Field & Stream, 3 Mo 45
the Woman Beautiful, 3 Mo. .45
Youth's Cofripainion, J Wks. .15
j t
TOTAL VALUE . . $5.10
t !( rrt r
All For $ LOO to
Nebraskan Subscribers
' i i -, . .