The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1909, Image 1

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P 3i " 7
vol vni. No. 108.
Price 5 Cent
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V. V
Interesting Discoveries Unearthed In
Chancellor's Office and In Nebras
kan Files Concerning Revoca
tion of Charter In Past.
Following tho exposure of tho par
ticipation of a number of university
mon in tho annual banquet of Tbota
Nu EpBilon, ending in a disgusting
carousal which reached tho public
through the local press, tho university
authorities are sorlously considering
what xneanB will bo necessary to
stamp out tho inter-fraternity organi
zation at Nebraska. Investigations'
are being made to ascertain tho mem
bership of tho organization and to dis
cover just what men were prosont at
tho Saturday night spread. When this
Is donb. the ovldonco will bo present
ed to tho board of rogonts with a re
quest for such summary action as tho
caso will warrant
Tho story of tho feast Saturday
night with Its accompanying scones
of drunken orgy has given tho admin
istrative officers of tho unlvorslty ev
ery excuse necessary for the abolition
of tho socrottratornlty. Although tho
present rules of tho university do not
forbid membership in any such so
ciety, they do strictly forbid any ac
tion on" 'tho part of individual stu
dents slm"ildr to that which mado up
tho chief part of. tho entertainment
kt tho annual banquet of Thota Nu
Epsilon. It is believed that addi
tional powers will bo granted at tho
noxt meeting of tho rogonts wlilch
will enable tho executives to arbitra
rily stamp out tho organization.
Charter Once Burned.
In tho co'urso of tho Investigation
started yesterday an interesting chap
ter in tho history of tho fraternity at
Nebraska was unearthed. In 189 6 the
members of tho organization burned
tholr charter and signed an agreement
binding themselves to abolish tho Ne
braska chaptor of tho society and nev
er to have part in ro-establlshmont.
Tho action at this timo was taken
In response to tho demands of Chan
cellor McLean, who threatened to
summarily dismiss all members from
tho university if the charter were not
abandoned. How sincere tho men
worojn their the chancellor
is oi'courso a problematical matter.
Tho c pledge, signed by seven men
then students and acknowledged' mem
bers of. Thota Nu Epsilon, is as fol
lows: J
"May 6, 1896.
"We, tho undersigned, hereby de
clare upon our honor tnat tno society
known as Thota Nu Epsilon was dis
solved 'last night, that its charter
shall bo destroyed and thatjwo and
other members of the society who
have been our associates will not
serve ithe, society or any organization,
similar to It."
Existed Sub-rosa. t
Although' It was believed at , tho
UmoHbat tho career ortheBocletyat
Nebraska was finally closed, it soon
became evident that it was still in
existence In a sub-rosa condition. Its
actlyltles for several years were se
verely curtailed and Its membership
, was for the first time kept ,a prac
tically absolute secre't It is not known
whether tho organization really con-,
tlnuod as a chapter of the national
fraternity ' of Theta Nu Epsilon or
whether it existed merely a a local
bunch of congenial spirits,
On March 17, 1904, the apparent ac
tivity of tho society rosutled in tho
following articlo in tho Dally Nebras
kan of that dato:
"Ono of tho most porslstont rumors
that has beon floating In tho under
current of studont llfo during tho paBt
fow days is to tho effect that Thota
Nu Epsilon will bo revived boforo tho
prosont school year is over. Sovoral
loading fratornity mon, upon bolng
quostioncd regarding tho matter, did
not deny the truth of it, but declared
that they could not affirm it
"Theta Nu Epsilon was an intor
fratornlty organization which flour
ished during the first half of tho nine
ties. Howovor, tho manners and cus
toms of some of tho members did not
meet the approval of tho faculty and
aB a result It was squolchod during
tho administration of Chancellor Can
flold. Intemperance is given as the
chief reason for this action, which is
said to havo boon takon to stop its
flagrant abuso in tho studont body.
"It is understood that an ontlroly
different codo of conduct will govern
tho actions of tho rovivod fratornity.
Tho objectionable features that caused
Its condomnatipn by tho faculty will
doubtless bo ruled out or at least
kopt on tho qulot Thota Nu Epsilon
has, wo understand, existed sub-rosa
over since the dociBlvo action takon
by tho faculty, but now if indications
do not fail, it will again appear as an
independent and living organization."
Renewed Activity.
Beginning sovoral months boforo tho
publication of this urtlclo, tho fra
ternity, again under the original form
of Thota Nu Epsilon, took an addi
tional interest in university 'affairs.
Its members began to bo generally
suspected as bolng behind various
combines and occasionally the society
broko out in ono of Its old timo ca
rousals. On occasions when those be
came public they wero tho occasion
of much criticism of tho university
and of tho fratornity system In par
ticular. From 1904 to the prosont d-tto,
Thota Nu Epsilon has been a factor to
bo seriously reckoned with in univer
sity life. Its power in student affairs
has been unquestioned and Its delir
ious banquets and less formal liquor
festivals havo beon tho basis of num
erous sensations more or less public.
Letters Awarded to Them by Athletic
Board Last Evening Training
Table for Track Team to
bo run and will report back to tho
athlotlo board noxt week. In caso tho
tablo Is ostabllshod this spring it will
bo tho first timo ono has boon run for
tho clndor path mon In tho history of
tho institution.
A commlttoo composod of Pro
foBsor Wolcott, Dr. Clapp and James
Hervoy wero appointed to look aftor
tho ontortainmont of tho roproson
tntlves of tho various schools that will
havo teams in tho wostorn intor-
colloglato gymnaBtlc contest, which
will bo hold in tho armory on April
15. Contestants with their faculty
roprcsontatlvos will probably como
from Wisconsin, Chicago, Minnesota
and Washington.
Kansas University Men Want to
Know About Athletics.
Professor J. T. Lees of tho Greek
department of tho university 1b in re
ceipt of an Interesting letter from the
authorities of Baker unlvorslty, a col
lege located at Baldwin, Kans. It
would appear that Baker students are
attempting to restore football to the
list of sports allowed by tho author
ities and, owing presumably to the
lack of gridiron knowledge; the back
ers of tho movement had mistaken
Dr. Lees vocation in life. ( i
The Nebraska professor was con
siderably surprised, not to say" start
led, to receive a letter addressed to
"J. TvLees, Coach, "University of Ne
braska." Dr., Lees is not "exactly
suited with tho title conferred by the
Kansans, being of considerable doubt
whether or not it' is to be interpreted
as a compliment
Tho Baker correspondent wishes to
know of Coach Lees all manner of
things relative to the advisability of
restoring football at his institution.
Thoy'sqek data, as to how many have
ti$en killed under old rules and new,
and various ether information.
Tho Ivy Day committee "will meet
Thursdayy'at 1 o'clock in TJ 10.
' Chairman.
Harry W. Walters, ex-1910, who is
working with a surveying party ia
Idaho, writes that ho has been very
successful with his work, but expects
to return to school next year.
At a regular monthly mooting of
tho athlotlo board hold in Dr. Clapp's
offico yostorday afternoon Earl O.
Eagor was ro-olectod athletic managor
for another year; tho timo in which
"King" Colo shall glvo a definite roply
to tho offer of tho head coaching po
sition for 1909 was extended to aftor
tho 24th InBt; baskot-ball letters woro
awarded to sovon mon, and tho propo
sition of establishing a training tablo
for the track team this spring was re
ferred to a committeo of throo for in-voBtigatlon.
Earl O. Eagor was retained as man
ager of Cornhusker athletics for tho
year 1909-10 at tho samo salary that
ho is receiving for this yoar. Tho
vote was unanimous. Manager Eager
has beon connected with Cornhusker
athletics for the past three years In
his present capacity and has been tho
most efficient man that ever has hold
that position.
Tho athletic board granted letters
to Boven baskot-ball playors as fol
lows: Captain Walsh, Perry, Bell,
Potrashok, Ingersoll, A. C. Schmidt
and Wood. Theso men all took part
in tho championship sorios with Kan
sas at Kansas City. Tho numerals
woro awarded theso seven men on tho
recommendations of Dr. Clapp and
Captain Walsh. '
Football Coaching Job.
The matter of getting a coach for
the football team for noxt fall came
up boforo the board and it was voted
to glvo "King" Colo until after tho
24th .Inst for making answer to tho
offer of tho Nebraska board for re
election to the head coaching position
for 1909. A letter from Coach Colo
was read, in which ho said ho' would
be able to make a decision by March
24. On that date the board of -control
of the University of Michigan
will choose a successor to Charles
Baird who has resigned as athletic di
rector of- tho Wolverines. "Klngf'
Colo is an applicant for Balrd's posi
tion and he Is awaiting tho decision
ot tho Michigan boarp.
Ho will visit Ann Arbor this week
and may be able to give the board an
answer boforo tho 24th. inst, if tho
committeo of tho Wolverine ,board
having i charge tho selecting ofa
successor for Baird' can reach an
agreoment before that date. .
A proposition to establish, a training
table for tho Cornhusker track mon
this spring was discussed and finally
referred to 'a commlttoo composed of
Professor Wolcott, Dr. Maxey and
Clyde E. Ellott for investigation. Tho
majority of the board seemed to bo in
favor of trying the special grill tablo
this spring, but they wore not .euro
Just what accommodations could be
mado,tor tho men and delayed giving
their consent
Some dissatisfaction, was found with
tho Windsor management for the way
in which, tho football tablo was con
ducted last fall and it was not deemed
advisable to try to get .special grub
for the cinder path athletes unless it
was certain, that some good arrange
ment could be made with 'one of the
Lincoln hosteleries.
Will Investigate First.
The committee appointed by the
board will canvass the field of possible
places where a training table might
Is Branching Out Into Many Other
Forms of Aid, Such as Play
grounds and Recreation
Discover Awful Deed and Excitement
Reigns 8upreme.
Onco again tho froihman laws' aro
In trouble As a goneral rule their
trouble consists In' broaklng tho poaco,
but this timo It 1b not so. This timo
their lawyer instinct has not como
amiss, they havo run across a groat
scandal, a nefarious dood has beon
uncovorod to tho light
It seems that sovoral months ago
tho above stated freshman laws 'gavo
a danco and aftor all was ovor and
tho happy dancers had wandorod
homoward, thoBO in charge found, to
thoir consternation, that thoy had
failed by $30 to pay oxponsos. Tho
committeo laid an assessment upon
each member of tho abovo stated class
and thoro tho matter stopped. The
bills havp not boon paid.
Tho membors of tho class wero re
cently called upon to -pay their assess
ment to the Cornhusker. It looked
largo to somo of these- master minds,
and with the skill of a voteran thoy
brought tholr deteotlvo instinct to
work upon tho caBO, and discovered
to tholr horror that the deficit of tho
danco was being assessed under coyer
ot the Cornhusker. Excitement
reigns supreme. Thirty of that noblo
class havo gone on thq warpath and
deolaro that those who danco must
pay tho fiddlor. . And the bills remain
Ralpha Mosely of Lincoln the Only
Candidate Yet Out
Dr. Lucilo Eavos mado her first
appoaranco boforo tho studont body
at convocation Tuesday morning. Dr.
EavoB' address was on tho subjoctof
"College Sottloraonts," and sho rolat
ted somothlng of tholr history. A
fair slzod audionco was prosent to
hear hor. Dr. EavoB said in part:
"Thoro has boon a gradual, develop
ment of a now social spirit and of
now othlcal Ideals within rocont years;
Our need has alwayB boon to get an
understanding of tho ethical needs ot
tho social community. In order that
wo may best soo tho valuo of settle
ment work I wish to point out certain
historical sottlomonts. Tho idea prob
ably originated with one by tho name
of Qreon, who began to work in the
slums of London and thoro was able
to do so 'much good that tho news
of his work began to sproad else-
Ideal' of Social Service,
"In tho universities when they be
gan to think of tho problem, new im
pulses and now "teachings began' to
show how human life might bo most
useful and began to spread the Ideals
of social service. Tho London experi
ment was loon che-ckedby thoTdeatli
of the founder, In. looking about for
a momorial for him. it was agreed that
a ' series .of lectures,, upon this, ques
tion for all those who really desired
to learn something of tho social life
and put into practice somo 'of the
teachings, would be his best memo
rial. . .'
The junior class will elect an editor-in-chief
to superintend tho publication
of tho 1910 Cornhusker at its mooting
Thursday morning. Ralpba Mosely of
Lincoln Is tho only mombor of the
class who has so far announce'd his
candidacy for the position. Mosely is
managing editor of tho present
annual. ,
Various other matters, of minor lm
portancb will also come before that
class at Its mooting Thursday morn
ing; Tho constitution of tho class was
lost by tho secrotary during the' first
year ot the existence of the class and
It is 'planned to adopt a new consti
tution at tho meeting Thursday morn
ing. Besides this plans for several In
formal parties to bo given by the class
In tho near futuro will be discussed.
Popular Musicians Appear Again' at
Convocation. . ?
Tho following program ,has been an
nounced for the convocation Thurs
day morning: , ' ,
Clarinet quintet Mozart vf
Allegro Moderate. ,
Larghetto. ,'
' Minuet . - .
t Theme and variations. . .
. Mr. Edw. J. Walt flflrt v.iolln.
Mr, Ernest Harrison, second .violin.
Mr. William Quick, violin.
Miss Lillian Elche, violin-cello.
Mr. C. E. Ewing, clarinet
The program will be given by the
same stringed' quartet with the addi
tion ot Mr. Ewing that has proved so
popular on several rther occasions
when -It has appeared at convocation.
. Your oar fare woald pay for Vnioe
lunch at The Boto Lwaefc. "Way
go hornet "
t A -v i
"Thus the settlement arose, and
although originating in England,, it
Was -not long before Hull House, waa
started in . Chicago. , Various ways;
havo been attempted, to realize t the
ideal of tho settlement.." Tho workers
must know the neighborhood they en
ter and then thoir work is laid, out
for them. Often the work, ,begins '
with otho little chlldron, as: was jthe
caso at Hull .House'. Then the moth
ers aro Interested and later the young
people. The, worker will' have togo
into low. Dlacos sometimes to "accom
plish his duty, and seek" out those
wh'ovshould bo helped, One has said
that the settlements wjro great clear
ing houses in their functions la' the
miserable city conditions.
Influence Is Spreading.
"The influence of the settlement I
branching out and there are already
arising many outgrowths such aJ play
grounds, recreation centers and even
the churches are undertaking such'
work.. Yet ln.splte of this very UttM'
has yet been done. The fundamental
principle is the reflex, of our own de
velopment We must understand, the
theory of the settlement t and then
socialize our personal character."
The fencing class which Is conducted
by O. A. Reimers,., 190?, formerly of
the Annapolis naval academy, Is pro
gressing ' rapidly, Dr. Clapp of the
department ot physical education has
recently been assisting Mr. Relmeni
in the Instruction ot this class. Aboat
twenty men are eBroled, in the clasa
and they expect to' take up work lm
the use ot the broad sword, sooa. ,
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