THE DAILY NEBRASKAN if- ,. sssssl y i - VJJ. . IGREENI tht Stasias Color Wtar Brtin in St. Patrick's Day BREENHATS BREEN SUITS GREEN TIES BREEN HOSE BREED SHIRTS EVERYTHINQ ORFEH 925IclJjeolnJjJehJ FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 6 St. No. Side PHONES: Auto im Ball m RAISES THE STANDARD j (Continued" from Pago 1) change optional points from 11 to 14 points, It is further ordered upon recom mendation of the committor nb amended that: "Hereafter no collogo credit bo givon for any work comprised in tin rogular four year high school courd oxcopt on recommendation of commit too on accredited flchools to depart ment concerned and thon only after examination." On recommondation of Director Orummann it is. ordered : That permission bo granted to stu dents to pursue summer work abroad under the- following provisions : A. That studonts desiring credit bo required to register In the summer session and submit dotnllod plans of their work with their application fqr registration. B. That nd Btudent be granted more thun six hours credit for such work. C. That no credit dm given for such work except upon tho examination of the student by u committee of three members of tho university faculty, said committoo to bo appointed by tho chancollor'bf the university. Quality Counts THAT'S WHY Franklin's Ice Cream IS SO POPULAR1 Wo malco a specialty of fancy creams, shorboto, icos and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Auto 8131 Boll 205 1810 N Streot J Eat at Green's Place The UNION CAfE 1418 O street Open Day and Night UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr'Patronnge 'Solicited SOPHS MEET TODAY TO ELECT MINOR OFFICERS AND FILL CORNHU8KER PLACE, THREE CANDIDATES WANT JOB PATTER80N, HA8CALL AND R. WEAVERLINQ IN RACE. Business Managership of Nebraska Annual f6r 1910 Cause of Fast Three-Cornorcd Race Wltfi Result Unknown. Bell Phone 482 Aolo Phone 1481 COMPLIMENTS OF Nebraska Grocery and Meat Company Fancy and Staple Groceries 1036 P Street Every Order Given Special Attention L-. J. HERZOG fHEiVERSitY MAN'SJMUR Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Lincoln Offi00000000000 All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, g Underwood I voewriter 3 Co., 714 P St., Both Phones. OXO00000000005 E. FLEMING Finost watch and Jowolry Repairing in tho city. Givo na a call. Boll A704, Auto 5188-1. - 12U O St. Wo solicit a sliara of your patronago Tho sophomore class will meet in Memorial hall at 11:30 today for tho election of a vice-president, a secre tary, a treasuror and tho huslness manager of tho 1910 .Oornhuskor. Threo candidates are out for the lat ter office and the race Is close. There are no contests for any of the other places. Tho principal thing of interest at the sophomoro meeting today will be the election of a business manager for noxt year's university annual. Under the constitution of tho Cornhuskor as established In 1907, tho Junior class each spring olects an editor-ln-chlef to head tho staff of the annual for tho subsequent year. Tho sophomores at the Hiinio time elect a business manager who shall manago the finan ces of the book, which is published during his junior year. By these terms tho election or tho business head of the 1910 book falls to the present second year class and the placo has boon made the object of a lively race between threo candldatps during tho past two weeks. The Usual Question. The campaign in tho sophomore class has to a considerable extent de veloped about the- saiho question which has agitated the politics of the clasH over slnco Its organization In the fall of 1907. It Is claimed that one of the candidates for the business mnnagerBhip Is a member of the soph omoro organization known as Iron Sphinx. With this allegation goes tho charge that tho Iron Sphinx Is a polit ical socle'ty of bad influence and that Who's Your Tailor? OUR FASHION PLATES SHOW NOT ONLY. THE .MOST AU THORITATIVE IDEAS REGARDING THE SEASON'S 8TYLE8, BUT DE8IGN8 OF UNU8UAL ATTRACTIVENE88. WHEN WE TAILOR ONE OF THESE IDEA8 RIGHT INTO CLOTHES MADE EXPRES8LY FOR YOU, WITH ALL THE DlS TINCTIVENE8S OF YOUR OWN INDIVIDUALITY, YOU OBTAIN FIT AND 8HAPELINE88 NOT FOUND IN CLOTHING MADE FOR NO ONE IN PARTICULAR. ' , . . SINCE WE MAKE TALORED-TO-ORDER CLOTHE8 OF 3UR PA38ING EXCELLENCE FOR $15.00 WHY SHOULD YOU PAY MORE, OR WEAR ORDINARY 3TORE CLOTHING? WE CAN PLEA8E YOU. i Hotton & Ennis, Props Downstairs, Royal Hotel SUITORIUM Hospital for Sick Clothes . ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND DRY CLEANING $1.00 Per Month Treatments Given Once a Week GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Auto Phone 4431 1 BU A-2473 1520 O STREET THEJMANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS Have your clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired by tho MAN HATTAN CLEANER8 AND DYER8. Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25. That Is not much when compared with what It 1b worth to you to look neat and stylish. Call Bell Phone F 018. Wo will send tor and return your work. 5CCOOffiOOOCOOC00boOOO O O O O OCOOOfflO00CCOCOvTi ULTRA ORNATE f AS II I ON ABLE NIFTY pun YOUNG & VAN TIISE 134 NORTH 13TII Programs, Menus, In vitations, Etc. 000030030OSOC3 Q oo oooooooooooooo THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE "Welcomes nil atudonta. Bia vwirtirr and Silver Lottor B UIPhS Inlaid Work ft B Ir & Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Stroet I A M US1C Ho use Whoro you can always find that sheot of music in stock. EDW. J. WALT 1120 O St. The Music Man TYPEWRITERS All makes rentod with stand , . $3 Per Month. 'Bargains 'ia Rebuilt Machines. L1N00LN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto llBSr-BeiniBl. 123 No. 11th Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need o! being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen S.W.hCmer jj&02 ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOM'S Hot Lunches a Specialty. . Z . -Candies and Icos. 1307 0 St. Phi nit: Auto 2214, Bill 456. MERCER Want Ads Advertisements ,, for the want ad column should be lolt at the business offlcebajBemont 'Administration Bldg., tween 2 p. m. andS'p, m. , or be- for this reason Its candidate should bo defeated. V. ( Hascall. tho first to announce his candidacy for tho coveted position, Ib declared to be the man who in this contest represent the class organization. . Hascall is n member, of no collogo organization .other than tho Sphinx. He was on the second football toanv last fall and did Bpeedjt work at quar ter. Weavorllng is a member of the Alpha Tau Omoga frntyrnlty. Ho was president of tho class In tho first se mester of tho freshman year and at' tho close of tho semester ho was ex pejled from tho university because of his attitude in connection with the kidnapping of Dale McDonald, chair man of tho sophomoro hop. Ho went to Kansas for the i5Bt of the year and returned to Nebraska last fall.' Patterson Is a non-frajt man, who has held no class office during his at tendance in the university. Ho lives in Lincoln and Is well-known aniong members of his class, and especially popular with tho "barbs." It is said that .Patterson will draw some votes from the frntenity members of tho class, not nil of these being willing to stand together In tho traditional but much abused' attitude of opposition to non-frnt candidates. 1 1 tmt aouDie WANTED-A RIDER AGENT . sample Latest Model "RnnRer' bicycle furnished br ui. Our aeen makin money fast. Writ for full ariicuars and iptcial offer at once, nu ffAunux ucuutniw unui you receive ana ai to anyone, anywhere in tho U IHEAOJiTOWH and district to' ride and exhibit a scents evcr-vherc are approve of your bicycle. In ndvanr. Grtoav Ir, allow TKN DAYS' VUUK,TKIAI.duilitir which time you may ride thS bicycle and ltlL until you 'receive and . . . ... ... . a. without a cent depotit I We shin freight, and out It to any test vou with: keep tlic bicycle ship it back to us at our ejiptrUc andVotf xu, ITinTADV PIIPPC Wc umish the hishest trade bicyi rnulUHI rHlwH at one small nrofit above actual fa .. fl niliUl.m.n'. nvnhl. (. diiiiiia JI.ui ..C .. J l..u. .!. ' . .. w f. iiiiuuimvu a vium. wr uwyiiiifc uiicii vi us aim it4TB me uiAnuiamrr m EU4r itO'Cic. liu X4UX BU Y a bicycle or a pair of tires from anront If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish (o oh viii nei cv phi one rem. cles it is possible to make actory cost. You save io antee behind your bicycle. nt aiiv trice until VOU receive out1 ratalnoiira and lenm our iinhiinl l fnrtrm trices and remxrkallt sfeiial offer t to. rider amenta, VAN Uril I IP ItTflHKUPh whtn you receive our beautiful catalojrue and IU HILL BC H4lUr1ldHCH studJur superb models at the wonderfully law prices wc can make you this year. We sail the highest grade bicycles for less money than- any other factory. We are satisfied with St.oo nrofit above tactorv cost. niCYGUS I)KAi21U), you can sell our bicycles under your own name mate at our prices, uruers tilled tne nay received. SECONDHAND mOIOLKS.. Wo do not mruUrly handle second hand bicycles, but usually have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores rang iirlo equipment of all promptly at prices ranging from Htf to v or HIICUI COJUTEMMKES, $ Bint HO. These we clear out Dearrimive hanraln Hit mnllr.l fr. Imported roller cliuiim and pedabJ, parts, repairs and l IUIIU9 afc M ; Itatf the utual retail 'rices. 8M HEPGETHORH P8NCTURE-PR00F $4 SELF-HEALING TIRES J.ggBSiSg IL 'Theregularrttdil'iriceot these Uresis jaSUBBBHHBHtapjtaw F S3 JO iertair. but fi tntrodutt we will. bsHBBw 1 i HAVE VTHE EVANS Do Your Washing Cash must accomnany' at! Wrtkni fir want ads, at tho ( rate of 10 cents' Tier insertion for 'every fifteen words or f raotion thereof for tho first Inser tion; 'three insertions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A now high-grade bi cycle at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan office. 91-tf e triangular debating league similar! ;tol,tho. league in which Nebraska is in- terostqd ,na.s .oeen recently organizeu by Harvard,, yale and Princeton. A8 is mo ,cusiom -lnj me; oepaiiOK league l ...i.l.O VT.l-i;' l ImI..'-4.I 11. In ciusivui lum mm in which Nebraska is ."lnteri new triangular league wUllipJd'aU..the, debates on tho'4 same QvfeninffrL'Ea'cK university will have an nmrmativc Deucustomenisuiiinginaiuictrurcsiiavcqiiivuccnvuinpca up once or twice in a whole season. They welch no more than on nrdlnnrv tire, the tiaiictureresistlnnnuaUtiesbeintrirlven issmmmm RBBBBBRBRBHHBRBBRBRBr RbW H Bftff A fllt fftftl M.llhAt 4VMlt1 and! negative team. .One team will debate! at home and the other at one of the other unlersltles, ullyouasantpittairtorfiMivasnwttHoraerffJiu NO MOIETMHLE FROM UMCTUES NAILS, Tcjks or OUh will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs Bold, last year. Over two Hundred mousaua pairs now in use. nrnifrJMndeinntt sites. Itfitlvelv aiidrnHvridlntr.vervdurnbleandlinedinsldewithl a Rtvoial nunlitv of rubber, which never becontes porous and which closes up small punctures without allow lUKiucuiriocsKaix:. wcimrcuu iuieuiui itmioiiuiuMu n und nunoture strlua 11" i ..-..- . . . r .. -- nu "mj," auonm strip "ii" to prevent rim cutting. This by several'layera orlt,peclally prepgred fobricon the SakeSOrr JBLASilC uA trend. The regular price of the8Urcsisja.yperpair,butfor Y kasv ninZio advcrtlslnepurposeJiwearemaklBKaspcctalfactorypriceto 0tt01 ivfu. the rider of only &.80 per pair, All orders shipped same day letter is received, We ship C O. D. on approval.' You do not pay a cent until you liavcexamined and found them strictly as represented. We willallow tfeaA'tUsoount of 5 per cent'fthereby makingr the price 4.50 'pet pair) if you send VWlt CASH WITH OKDKft and enclose this advertisement Wctwlll'also send one nickel plated brasa hand pump. ' Tires to be returned at QUK expense If for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you order pair of. these tires, yon will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you wilt oe so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. 'Vewaut you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. - rgmg iirrn 'rOCC1 don't buy any kind at any price until you send for o pair of ft WW fWsuEsw Mttm9 Iledgethom Puucture-l'roof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds 01 Urea at about lialfllie usual prices. .... , nn ifilT tMMMtr but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF DDYlNQ a bicycle' 'If W.j fflr a WWMMm or a pair of tires from anyone untij you know the new and wonderful offers wc are making.- It only costs a postal to leant everything. - Write it NO W. ,- . UHCtf COMPLY, CHCMMU, ;-"PVA. 1 WWt "" ,rWVM ''r-! ,r-A ? " . 1 ..!- V 1 Sfciti.;, . , L- i l m42x V'Kai