FW& i1?.''" i vrr. . &AUAk4.2 &IUULASS t - - irotesswrr - . - .' . mJ. I M- - -- T T 'I 111 !! I I r- iff r' ft- .; -f L 4. .V . ft. '? ' " jx-NV ", B,inm Dlr.ctory Evary Loyal Unlvarslty Student it urged to patronize these Ne braskan advertiser nd t men tlon the paper wnue aoing so. BANKS f H Opntral National - f I First Trust and Sayings, K W Marmora & Merchants. ( BAkERlES $ I ' " Fols'om, ? BATH HOUSE . ft Chris', Elovonth and P Sta. f ; BOOK STORES , . Co-Op. ' Portpr's. University. CIGARS . Colo & McKonna. CLOTHING x , Fnrquhar. Mngoo St Doomor. : Mayor BroB. ,. Palaco Clothing Co. . . Spolor & Simon. Corf Clothing Co. J COAL Gregory, ' Wliitobroast. ; CONFECTIONERY I v Lincoln Candy Kitchen, j . DANCING ACADEMIES s ty Lincoln. ' WllllaraB. DENTI3T8 J J. R. Dayls. f Yungblut. , DRY GOODS I p Korpolsholmer. Millor & Palno. ... t druggists . Rlggs. ., , ;. ; ENGRAVER8 ''"' Cornell. FLORI8T8 t Ohapln Bros. 0. H. Froy. j FURNI8HING8 Budd. Corf Clothing Co. v ' Fulk. " & Mageo & Doomor. $ Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor &, Simon, Fred' Schmidt & Bros. GR0CERIE8 Nobra'skn Grocery & Moat tin - X A 4L HATTERS u- ' -Budd: Fullr. Unland. . Corf Clothing Co. i ir.P rrp&m . .-, ., I' ' .' Camofon'a. ' "l, i ? FrnnUHn Ico-Croam Co. i JEWELERS-' Hallott. Tucker. ; LUNCHEONETTES f ' FolBom. ",;,LAUNDRIE8 Evans. Merohanta. "" ' OPTICIANS Shean. 0RCHE8TRA 'G. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERO Townsend. PRINTER8 George Bros. Simmons. Young & Van Tyno. SHEET .MUSIC E. J. Walt. RESTAURANT8 , .Boston Lunch. f' Cameron's. 8H0E8 Corf Clothing- Co. f Decuman Bros. Branthwalte. Budd. Cincinnati, Shoo, Store. Sandersons. '" 4 v J Rogers &. .Perkins. ' '. Petty. ";, ' Hereford.. .. .. . .. SKIRT8 1 . ' ; ' The Skirt. Stroo. . . TAIL0R8 Elliott Bros, rr .Herzog. ' ; Ludwlg. ". Marx . .,,'. . Collego Tailors. !, . ; Scotch WQolen Mills. ,", Gregory. ' ,vTHEATER8 ; Lyric. 'Majestic. Oliver. ,TYpEVyRITER8 ', Lincoln Typoyriter -change. if Ex . Underwood Typewriter Co. k "; Hi PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR . ADVERTISERS it Why hegjtate when tav-, 'ingt in purchases are shown? 1 - " - i .l ,f ! .,... , Ve t court comparison in Quality and Prices of $7.50 to $27.50 92S 'tirstldiieoln. Neh PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Eliotrlo Shot Ripalr Faoiory Saves You TIHE-AND-MONEY 1220 O Street Eat at Green's place The UNION CAfC 1418 O street Open Day and Night L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S. TAILOR M I Come la and get that $15.00 Suit " to your order I230 O St. Lincoln O0CQCC0000060SQ00 All Makes off Second- g " 'hand Typewriters sold, rented, or exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P A., Both Pkpjies. 50S)OOOOOO000OOC5S E. FLEMING Finest watch and Jowolry-Ropuiring in tho city. Qivo ng a call. Boll A701, Auto 884. - 12110 St. Wo solicit a share .of S'onr patronage - THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wclqomcfl nil Btudonta, Bo rkirr'C' nud .HllvorLottor a lIPhV Inlaid Worlc a B ,I Spccinlty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE , yllK O troot ,, .' . All makca rontod with stand ' ' $3 Per Month. ItarKalns In l?cbul)t Jlnclilncs. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Awtoll55-Bollll81. ' 123 Nail th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing A .Music House "Whore you can always find that sheot of music in stock. EDW. J. WALT 1120 6 St: TheMusicMan SUITS -J f&" "g.'?1 SENIORS VICTORIOUS " 1 t r A FEAST OF LOGIC AND FLOW 0(F ELOQUENCE TAKE8 PLACE. CUSSTEAM IN WARNER CEOATE Fourth Year Representatives Secure a Unanimous Decision In the First of the Inter-class Contests. The senior-junior debate, tho first of tho jntor-class debates, was hold lfiBt cvonlng In Memorial hall. A. small but Interested audlonco greoted tho two toams, comprised by Mr. Renisch, Mr. Preston nnd jUr. Davis for tlio seniors and Mr. Haldorson, Mr. Alex ander nnd Mr. Scotney for tho jun iors. Dean Pordyco presided. Tho Judges woro Prof. Ford, Mr. Hend ricks and Mr. Oborlles, and tho de cision was rendered unanimously in favor of tho afTirmativo. Mr. Itenisoh opened for tho seniors, outlining their system, which wns tho Meyer plan. Ho declared that tho parcols post was sound in theory and that in this way tho common evils now existing would bo remedied. Mr. Relnsch gave a very pleasing presen tation, of their case nnd clearly de veloped liis points. Mr. Scotney led for the Juniors. Ho declared tho burden of proof Iny with the alllrmntlvo.. Ho at once ques tioned tho right of tho government to undertnko this proposed function. Ho Bhowod also that tho parcols post was In effect, class legislation. Ho denounced the European exnmplo be cause of the vast difference of con ditions existing there nnd in the Unit qu States. Our government was founded on tho thoory of fostorlng private enterprise. The parcels post Is nn entering wedge which may as sume groat, proportions. The second affirmative speech was mndo by Mr. Preston. Ho attempted to clear the atmosnhero of sonm Him. pqsed misunderstandings. Ho showed some of the tendencies of present conditions to buy In. larger towns. where tho stock is Inrge. Also tho inability of tho country morchnnts to servo tho people Pm Haldorson devotor his ntten- t . r n offioecjQOffioeooocoecceeeoQoeoooQOQcdbeofflosoeeQescoeeo 'U!; iMTVUITIII - YOUNG & VAN TINE OHlNAIt ISSHIONABLE NIFTY 000000000000000000OfflOOfflO00Offi tlon to rebuttal. It was shown that tho retailers wore gonorally ngalnst tho pnrcelB post. It can not bo an economic ben- oflt to tho country, for It will not pay for Itself. Tho first-class mall is profitable, for tho government has a monopoly, but in this caso tho gov- ornmept will be subject to competi tion; and also groat oxnenso will be incurred, which must bo reckoned In tho qost, Bjnco tho government will got tho bulk of long hauls. The presont deficit is very largo. The so cial' advantages were declared to bo iAant - ' H AlvortiBomenta for the want ad Column should bo left fit tho tiiiRlnaciii office, basement Administration Bids;., uotweon io a, m. and 12 m., or be- iween v p. m. ana o p. in. " Ca8h must' accomoahv all ordara for' want ads, at thefato of 10 cents per insertion tor every fifteen words or traction thereof for tho first inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR; SALE. FOR SALE A now high-grade bl oyclo at 25, per cent discount. Inquire at Nobrnskari office. 91-tf LOST AND FOUND. . LOSTA Dramatic Club pin. Ro ward, for "return to, Nobraskan office, ' .- 119-10?-3t HELP WANTED. , Any student desiring to' make good," money during summer vacation write to Y. R. 0, Station Ar 117-104-3t 61 much, greater .benefit than n'mero fYnaribfnrconSldcratlo . - j Ithoro .would1 bV h"o -J (fiacrhnlhatlon ftgalhst f ho 'retailor.' Thbyparcols popt is right In theory, for it is merely an extension of presont system. It wll offect a saying bt dmo'ahd money to tho farmers, By making the farm more attractive tho flow of population to tho city will bo checked. There Is a great demand for tho parcels post or else It would riot tierslst In atnvlhir before the' people as a Id'cMntlvo- question. It was argued by Mr. Alexander? that It was not a function of the gov ernment lo 'undertake to become, a general distributing agent. Again tho present facilities arc altogefuer. Inadequate to justify any great in crease of postal business. A com petitive warfaro will result if the gov ernment undertakes any thing of this kind. Tho truth is that the govern ment will, by entering into tho trans portntion business, eliminate the re tailer and Jobber for the benefit of tho mail order h'ouBes. "It is abBurd leg' islatlon, nnd surely congress will not pasB such an act." It Is emphatically not the function of the government to undertake such Work. In tho rebuttal speeches the same general ar-gumonts wore threshed out Tho opposing tenniB mot each other on very even grounds; and tho debate was closely contested throughout. Tho freshman-sophomore debate will be held Saturday evening in Me morial hall, and tho parcels post ques tion will bo again debated. MORNING 8IDE ON' LIST . ' (Continued from Pago 1) ft enough to competo with tho univer sity. - ' Two Year3 Ago. Two years ago the Nebraska fresh men tonra came, to Sioux City and succocded In dofoating Morning Side by a bare nirirgln of 2 v points, tho locals being In the lend up to the re lay. . And that Nebraska team was reinforced by seven men who came to Sioux City from St. Paul, where. as regular members of tho ' 'varsity Bquad, they had taken part in a dual meet between Nebraska and Minnesota sfato universities, in which the Ne brnskans were victorg. So well was tho Nebraska team treated that the cornhuskpr nthleteB U NORTH HTH Programs, Menus, In vitations, Etc. havo used their Influence for addi tional contests with the Sioux .City school and tho dual meot is the re sult. Nebraska, with a woalth of ttraterlql, will likely havo tho strongest track team of all tho western unjversitles, this year. Dr. Clapp has at his com mnnd a wealth of veteran material and the former Yale man has alwnyB boon able to turn out good teams with only modlocro material. This year tho cofnhiiskers are looking for a world beating Jonra. It Is likejy the May dual meet will result in other and more friendly re lations between "the two institutions, ryi ' HAPPENING pf THE PAST. Seven Years A90 Professor Wilson of the law,.co!oge predicted that'8o6rinn international arbitration court would "be "established to sottlo disputes. ; "'' " Six -Years. Ago. An attempt jto fill vacancies occur ring , on an intercollegiate debating' team caused charges of unfair play to be nVade and several prominent de baters threatened to withdraw en tirely. Five Years Ago. Three men cuter contest for tho Rhodes scholarship-from the Univer sity of Nebraska but hone wore suc cessful in being chosep. , Four Years,Ago. Npbrasknn board made a, protest ngalnst tho actlcnv, of thq, junior law students , in attempting. to revive the senior law book. ' . pie Yar Ago." , Miss Howell grivq,, a dramatic re cital In the Templo. .' u i Pmtr for r, JL , Te for1 TWO SEASONS .Jfy 2Se, " Imitated fn shape', but tho "Pat ented Lock Front 'I wliinh vni collar spreading, can be had only In ioniollars lUNlTEB SUltT 4 (JflLttt COntMkmi.Troy..Y. PATRONIZE, OUR ApVEPlTISERSl FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers j ti 1338 Q St. No. Side ' PHONES: : Auto 1321 Bell SU THE FIRST tjkUST & SAyiNQS BANK Ojvned by. tho Btockholdors of tho First Nntlonnl Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Dank booms, Tenth & 0 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and 0 Streets P. L..HALL, President P. B. JOHNBON'Wco-PxMidMt . BBMAN'O.rOX, CMhler ; , W; W, HAOKNEYr,',,Asti. Ouhlr Glasses of Sofa Water Rold anrl (Irnnk t'rnm nnv OOfl. rAnnL Sanitarv Soda Fountain knncrU'! mrin Agency Hbylbrs. Gtintiiors And lJU iys Ohocolntos'nntl Boiilbons. 8UB8CRJBE FOR THE, RAG NOft. UNIVERSITY JEWELERS OPTICIAN r i '' JEWELER S-S. Shean OPTICIAN II23 0 STREET. 'YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Ui Quality Counts t-,- ' p--.y THAT'S WHY : Franklin's Ice Gftam IS SOPOPULAR jWo, mako a spocialiy oj! fancy creams; shorbewj.ices und punch for Fjrat and Sorority Parties. Anto8l8l ' 'Bell 06 . " UJlQ N StreeJ; PATRONIZE OUR1 AbyENtiSERS i SHalf Million $&&&$ jug? The Drug Cutter." iSv?.. I CRppN A I Hi An I ArkOws close rneeteir that I ivjll try riitlier tie, I 1 thumb nor temper I CUielt, i'eabody '& Co., Troy, New York . r tl ,i n il "i til V WP ' A "i' ' s '