. 2. t Hies n yjSMLMiT s.' , , (Wrji J.y..i .. , --.t - n... .. w. .. ... , , 4 ; "7wfl!pWWWWf7J,. . v ...i" .,-:'" "" ".. k,4Wi--. ,Mb . .J i- ....... . '. ",?,"?nKffiw-rty)wtiywiWTOWCTWj ,-..., ...... -. . ' ' ' " ., , :, , . '7 ..j,,,,,. v "if'w " " " -m'" w-rtOTii i p , wivnnjv Daw ., , ' - ,j ' " . , -y $-"" , -Mua. - 'It a ' '- '',.. . ' . ,... - I . . m a voi vra; No. ice. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY? MARCH,"i3 1909. Price! 5 Cent KILLS' ' PENSION BlLLltfBfi K ' -i1 CLASS ,'4H. f -MaHtoU i? ti ti WW & Bf Bl 4Bk -w -' t T ' ' a jai rg mepsas Ban - IAMCS POET k "r, ,.iT" I r f 1 j STATE REPRESENTATIVES DOWN H , XARNEQIE MEASURE. - ? LITTLE HOPE OF RESURRECTION -. . ANMfSi." ,,'aJKWVW far- -- V U- Wfc . ,50- LEG18LAXQRB AGAIN8T.TAK- k K JNG-MO?JEY;:.48, FOR, IT, . Lively Debate Proceeds Final Vote on University Measure Wherein In fluence of Bryan Beats . , Plans of professors. s. ; Thji, ydte of ono nian yesterday utofnliig 'defeated the IjIU alfbwlng professors of tho University of Ne brafikn to participate in the boneflts of tlio fcarne'glo peiiBlon fund for re- tired college professors. Had Arm strong of Buffalo county voted with hlB republican colleagues in favor of tho.bHJK the vqto. wquld havo stood a, tie, 49 to ,49. YIth Armstrong bolt-. itl(j 1J1D ytlil-Jj U1U IUIU "UP uv IU JU against tho measure. RcpresjentaUvo Wllapn, who first voted for tho bill, later changed his ballot so that he mlgljt have tlo right to movo a re- corisfderatlon. This mado tbe voto as legally announced, 51 to 47. As a matter of 'fact', however, only ' 50 'refireshtatives '"w6ro:'(5pi)OsodV.to-thot r bill; apd 48 wcreln favor of It. ' '- 'The' ballot, "was" 'Wen ditrlng the morning session after a stormy do- - bate. In the' attdrhbon the" bill was ngaln brought tup 'and again trampled upon by. a neat trick of its oppon ents. The supporters of tho measure had hoped 'that they might bo able to securo a change of heart on the part of the necoBsary.ono or two mom-: bers during the -weolc-ond recess. For that reason Wilson voted n'galnBt the kblll In order that ho might legally move to Reconsider It In cafco Its sup " porters' should bo able to miiBter the additional votes by Monday. Approclntlng tho scheme of tho friondB of the moasuro, tho opposi tion, in tho person of Reprosontatlyp Caa;?, moved early. In tho afternoon session to reconsider tho morning vote. Wlison ,nnd others engaged In a hot debate, but without any effect on tbe legislators. Tho movo to re consider failed to pass and tho bill was once more pronounced officially ' dead. By 'this action the' opponents of the bill sought to prevent a pos sible successful reconsideration Mon day. Effort Not Successful. By a curious blunder tho .effort of Representative Cqso to; finally kill tho bill waB'wIth'pVtsucctiBand tho mAt . te'r'now stadds exaptly whoro It did at tho, closp of the morning session yesterday. Acting on tho theory that a motion ' to reconsider can bo made but onco RQpfesentatiyp Case maflo this motion ,and .the opponents of the bill nt "once vbted it, down?' As a mat- f -tor & fact there ia tjo. limit to- tho ; number! of times a motion to reconi 1 slder can bo' '. made, but after; , the motion carries the -question can bo .recompiended but once. What Rop resentatiyo Case should - have done after making tho motion to reconsider was' to move-that that motion bo laid on tlie nablol- V6n'J this was ;.uuiiv it nuum tuu u tnu'UUiUD VUbu - -jto takVtho matte? from tho' table and ' the measure would: bo nally , tliled. .Through ignorance of parlia mentary 'law, however, the'"aliempt to finally kill. tlio bill resultod in noth- . lag more than an amusing 'blunder, ji Unfavorable Report. , : The Carneglo bll, S. F, No. 54, .Introduced by; Senator Buqlc in tho upper, house and passed by that body, AVas reported to tho houB,o by Chair-' man Oer'dos. of the' cbininttee on, miscellaneous, vimttors., ,, -H(v anr JD l w ' eg 8' i8 ti' 8 S S ti . ti ti ti 4 ti ' ti ts Freshmen Interclass Debating Team HIHPSBH s'jmmm T-itfriMiHHI i D. ROGERS V. BATES C. CLARK R. GARRETT Sophomore Interclass Debating Team ' ' nVHBBf bB -MHBBBBBJVBtfHiHa& Bft 7. &- -jllKaK'''. MBBBBBbUTt BBBBBBBKTv :"B?;tV''"'' MFMkL 1 BtPkBBBBBBBBftBBBBBBBBBk 4V V : bI-BbBBBL UhlmBI 'V--T- KRL. BB ",rv. 'J.BBBBBBBBBBBBBM -IBBBBc '' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK 'Bv cBBBBBBBPlBBBBBBl "BBBBBBBBBfcBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl JBLl ' 1 ' H. HATHAWAY E. H. HAHNE A. M. OBERFELDER A. M.. HARE ,. He fM . . 4 & . . rn jounced that the, committee recom mended" tho; Indoflnito postponement of tho measure. . Wilson :of j?o.l moved that, tho houso not concur, ri tljo. cpmmlttqo's ropprt and it was qw this motion that tho bill was de feated. Eighteen of. the alkty-nine democrats voted with all but one of the republican minority., for the bill. Tho remaining democrntsahdvono ro publican voted .against putting It on tho file. '-'' ! ",' AVUh. th.o vptq then .standing 50 MJi-iyilsonaslted. that . his, y be cunnged nnu tuo iinal voto was thus riiado fii to. 47. ' " , The turning down of tlio ' Carneglo bllas' undoubtedly ' duo largely .to tho determined' opposition of ViJHam f; Bryan, who not only; opposed 'it In' cpmmitteo bearings but also in his npuuuu uuiuru me ii-'BiBuiurs tsuvurai weeks ago. His Influence was plainly potent with a large, number of the democratic members an'd hls'nrgu monfs were used with telling t'effeqt by speakers on the. floor. jj . Debate Was .Hpt, ' Proceeding the voto on the cpmnUf too's roport there w.as nn hourjs djB ciiBslohf of the;' bill. " Cohsldernbie ' ' (Continued -op Pagei3) V; Lf.'.t MMHN SjPfQN MST GIVEN A MEET WITH' NEBRASKA TRACK TEAM. , WILL BE HELD AT SIOUX CITY Methodist Students Are Pleased Over 'Prospects of Meeting With, the '."' Path May" 8. t Nebraska has scheduled tta , jneet wltlrMornlrfg Side "college of Sioux .City, Ipwa. for .May 8. Tho dual con tost will bo held In Sioux .City. This meet Is tho first the varsity has over booked, with tho Methodists. Tyo years ago .the freshmen team from the CorniU8ker school contested ;wlth them at Sioux" City and won out b;r ti mVrgfii of two votos, ' - rorn)ngslp caii iiardly h'bpp tct win; irjjui .uo. uoriuiisKora tia 8pnK Pt will be able to se,e what they can do.' agalnat a strong team, it will, of course; bo but a practlco contest for the pupils of Pr. plapp. The spiall attendance at lornlngslde keeps the; little school ahiong tie miners; but permits it putting out some of tho pest athlptlc teams among tho minor colleges In the west. Foiir Dates on List. AVlth thl8 epptest dated, the corn- busker txapk schedujo for next spring is qopiplpted. r There, are nply four meets,, bookpo;. Besides" the jjornlife. BjHq ganies. thpro are Ifansas and 2kfln nP.aPta, pftch scheduled or duj con tests. Tto fourth meet is the, Mis souri yalloy, copfpr,ppco to bo held in Dps lolnps May 5, How tho Morning Side students feel over having a meet with the coft huskers, ja- tpjd 4p Jjio following ar tlplo,Nyhph was publlsppd In ie &lcim ,CJty Journal yesterday: , Aniong Mpr.nlng side alunml thp. nnnptincppjent w 11 bo hailed with de light. JUanaeer Bkeer of XabraRiTa , lips pi ways been kindly disposed ior jvarp nip. J9,9n.jna.iiutpnl put, herptp; aQio ttli.Q policy, qt Nphraaka: Ijas b.aen that Mprnjpg, S.lde,' was fhardiy stfong MJSS 8YF6RD TO WRITE VERSES FOR THE SENIORS. '.- i.: f ' ' " ; , iM - MISS BARMf $ f0? CLASS SONG HAVE TAKEN PROMINENT PART IN ENGLISH work; John Ketrldgo Will Be 8on0 Leader 'Xccorcilnd to Annoiincernentof, " -President HlllslvV Da$""1 !.' MpM-'Tt- . To Be May 25, ifyw'' -V'W- ClaBs'Poet MIhs Constance Syford. Song CompoHor MIbb Viola Barnsq Song Loadei John Kotrldgo.. President Hills of tho senior, olass yestordny announced tho nbovo-namod members of tho class to fill tho re-spoctlvo-poaltlons on tho'honor roll of tho class. Miss Constanco Syford will writo tho claes poem,, Miss Barns will compoflo tho Hong pnd John Kot rldgo will load tho soniors in tb'o ren dition of tho lattor piece..- ' JSllsa Syford and Miss "Barns aro espoplnlly wpU (luallflod, for tho posi tions which thpy aro to fllj, Thp cjaas of 1909 haa In ioct tpmny members p"? literary ability npd tjioro ro sev eral who rank High' in that field. t)io. appointments of ciass poot and song writer wtiro made onjy Af torlong con sideration on' tho 'part of President Hills Pnd"cnroful Invosiigatipn into , tho merits of tho different porsohs mentioned for tho' places. '. ' In English Club. Both Miss Barn's and Miss Syford "aro assistants in ihp JEJngllsh dppart ment, in which thoy liayo done ox cellpnt work. Thpy are further well knownndUL9J)ulorrJB of tho cTass.f Both ,pro members of BlaclV Ma'gquo" and of, tho English club'. Miss Barns s a momber of Kappa Kappa' Gamma sorority. John Kotrldgo Is w.oll kupwn In tho class arid Is thoroughly compotcnt to fulfil tho duties assigned him. Ho wqs. ono.pl the. tenors .of ptho unl versYty glee, cfub fPr twoyears and po iia'sjhad considerable? Experience 'Jn ldadfrie' chorus work.'-V ' r Set Ivy Day Date. i Ivy Day will ,thls 'ybaro, May 5, This dato has been selected by those in cllflrCO of llln nvnnf. t iinlnv dnnin.- what earlier than, .the usual dateon account pf thp series of athletic mpets which pecupy succeeding ,aturays for successive wopks. The program this year will po more varied and ox- jenuea tpan tnat last year, flie ath lotjp stunts wjif be enlarged an tho number of farce events 'will Go 'lii creased. Tho regular. Ivy day exorcises will be held qji the city fajgnus, In the mprnln, including .tie tjlanlng'bf the Ivy and the " djncaiie ':K poon program of. ath)etcs will ie Jibld at the state farmland e'yW session will probably bo there, also, after tpp qustpm sot last year,, v, , Ivy day will. this year, as jastbo a full holiday, Tbe custom of fdevot Ing a full day to thp, events originated vlth jthe'cla'ss. oV908" ,Prior 'ihat tlpio Ihe plantngvpf thpjvy had occu pied only pijo afrnpon and Uierp had been no other pbservanco. ' ' v t )ias beqn definitely decided that thp annual gymnastic exhibition '(wlll be giyen Friday' evening, March "26, under ha supervision' of. Dr. Clapp ' of the department of physical educa tlpn. A small admission will " bo charged, which wl)f go to defray tho. expenses, of tho intor-colloglato gym-i nastio meet, which, wlll-be held at this university spmp tlm.e dtirlng-tlio ipontn or April., i' -'V ' 7 "'ThV'ii'Mt oysterntew Ya'tnt iity la thnt served vat' 7h Bott'iLwafk. ,1 i" . -..; "4 .VI c 'I . J 1 M -Ht 4 1 a ? I M m a ;':f ' '. I XM Ml "4. r -M ' j v V ; (ContlnpeoT on. Page A) ' (-TryMt;' .., v.-,r sny . b a ft v ft . 5 ,v ' '