THE DAILY NEBRASKAN rfi ', r Businm Dinctory - Evary Loyal University Student li urged to patronize these Ne braska advertisers, and to men tlon the paper while doing so. BANKS to Central National. FlrBt Trust and Savings. to to FarmorB & Morchants. to BAKERIE8 Polsom. - BATH H0U8E Chris', Elovonth arid P Sts. to BOOK STORES Co-Op. to Portor's. to Unlvorslty. to CIQAR8 to Colo & McKonna. to CLOTHING to to to Farquhar. to Magoo & Doomer. . to Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. 'to Spotor & Simon. to Corf Clothing Co. to COAL to . Gregory. to Whltobroast. to CONFECTIONERY ' to . Lincoln Candy Kltchon. to DANCING ACADEMIE8 to l Lincoln. Williams. to DENTI8T8 to J. It. Davis. to Yungblut to DRY G00D8 Korpolsholmcr. to MUlor & Paine. lfc ?: K DRUGGI8T8 " ; to niggs. ( ENGRAVERS v1- Cornoll. FLORI8T8 " to' Chnpln Bros. to 0. H. Froy. FURNI8HING8 to Budd. to Corf Clothing Co. to . Fulk. Mageo & Doomer. to ' Mayor Bros. to Palaco Clothing Co. to Spoior & Simon. to Frod Schmidt & Bros. to GROCERIES to . Nobras.Ua Qrocory & Moat Co. . to HATTER8 Budd. 'to " Fulk. to Unland. Cerf Clothing Co. to ICE CREAM to Cameron's. to Franklin Ico Cream Co. to JEWELER8 Hallo tt. to Tucker. " "LUNCHE0NETTE8 to; - Folsom. LAUNDRIE8 to EvnnB. to Merchants. to OPTICIANS to Shoan. to 0RCHE8TRA to G. F. Thornberg. to PHOTOGRAPHERS to Townsend. PRINTERS to Georgo Bros. ' Simmons. to Young & Van Tyuo. SHEET MUSIC to E. J. Walt. to' RESTAURANT8 ' 'to i- Boston Lunch. to - Cameron's. SH0E8 ,to' Cert Clothing Co. "to Bcckman Bros. to Branthwalte. . , - , 4 Budd. f , Cincinnati Shoo Store. ', , to Sandersons. rto " Rogers & Perkins. to . Potty. to Horoford. to SKIRTS- r to Tho Skirt Stroo. TAILORS to Elliott Bros. to Herzog. ' t . Ludwjg. ' J Marx. Collego Tailors. Scotch Woolen Mills. 'to Gregory. V vv' ' ' THEATERS - to Lyric. ' ' 'to Majestic. to . Oliver. f - to TYPEWRITERS ' " Lincoln' Typewriter I tt - to change. - ' Underwood Typewriter C to BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSBI , I PATRONIZE YOUI I FRIENDS-OUR F iUDXERTISERS We Say " Cravenettes JBBBBJBMBiBBiPlsBBBBBBBTsBplssBBBBlBHBWsissisBpsfjjjgb $8.50 to $18 They Please -- ' i - H. & P. Gloves Fit. $1 to $1.50. All New Shades. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Wa- 925 "CTSUxIneoIn. Neh. w PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Eliotrio Shfe Rtpair Faotory Saves Yov TIME -AND- MONEY 1220 O Street to to to to to to to to to . to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Eat at Green's Place The UNION CAfE 1418 O street Open Day and Night L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come In and get (bat $15.00 Suit lo your order 1230 O SU Lincoln to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ffiO0GC0Q0000000 .-.- - o AU Makes or second hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St, Both Proms. rj&C$0&0$00Q030d&003C& E. FLEMING Finest watch and Jowolry Ropairing In the city. Give us u call. Boll A794, Auto 11884. - 1211 O St. Wo solicit u shnro of 'your patronage to to to to i to to to to to to to to to THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wclcomoa all Sludonta. Bo rv inrp nnd Silver Lottor B 1 11 LJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1132 O Strcot to to to to to to TYPEWRITERS AU makfcT routed with 'stand $3 Per Month.. HargsInB In IfobnlU Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AntollS5r-BolU18l. 122 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing to to to to i-to to Courteous Treatment Always and you Are Not Urged to Have Some thing You do,Not Wish The Pioneer Barber Shop W So. th St. Auto 437 Shaying 10c fRATS MAKE A KICK OBJECT TO BEING CLASSED CHARITABLE B0DIE8. AS THINK PHONE RENTS TOO HIGH Wisconsin Rate For Charitable Organ Izations Much Higher Than the Regular Rate, HenceStu- dents Bring 8ult. Whothor a collbgo fraternity can bo properly classed in tho rate schedule of a tolophono company ns a "chari table Institution" Is tho question raised by n formal complaint filed recently with the railroad commission of Wis consin by Phi Alpha Delta law f'raler-' nlty. Under tho classification of tho Wis consin Telephone company, according to tho allegations of tho complaint, fraternities are Improperly classified and made to pay an excessive rato under tho following rule: '"Charitable Institutions; to include churches, pub lic libraries, o lodge meet ing rooms," etc. Tho complaint charges that this classification is dis criminatory whon npplled to fraterni ties, in that it assesses them at tho high rate charged for "lodgo meeting rooms," whereas other boarding and rooming .houses In the city pay only the resident rato, which is somewhat lower. The complaint strongly denies that a fratornity Is olthor a charitable organization or, a lodgo meeting room. Tho complaint comes as a result of tho rearrangement of charges made necessary by an order of the railroad commission that after September 1, 1908, all tolophono service given free or at less than schedulo rates should be discontinued. Up to that tlmo most of tho fraternities had received free or reduced rate service, and it was in tho classification of tho fratornity to' comply with the order that the alleged injustice bus arisen. Tho complaint is signed by twenty six members of the fraternity and is entitled Conrad P. Olson et nl, vs. The Wisconsin Telephone company. The caso will bo conducted on the part of the complainants, in all probability, by members oTTlur chapter, and on GREGORY, the Tailor M"' '" f I - ! - -I.I. . . I . I .lMM..ll II. Has a dandy lino of goods for Spring Suits.,, Ho also does tho best cleaning and pressiug in the city. 14th & O Streets Auto 3264 A- the nnrt of the company by Miller, Mack & Falrchlld of Milwaukee. KOMENSKY CLUB PUBLICATION ( f'iclal drgan of Society Just Dif trlbuted t'i Subscribers The organised KomenfeKy clubs have Just Issued tho first number of their official organ. Eight hundred copies of the magazine woro pub llBhed and these were sent out through tho university postofllce. 'KonienBky" has been chosen as the namo of tho publication that being the name of tho famous Bohemian pedagogue In whoso honor tho soci eties aro named. The -now Journal Is. devoted to the development and organization of tho Bohemian people of the country. , Miss Sara Hrbek, Instructor In Bo hemian In tho University of Nebras ka, Is editor-ln-chlef of tho magazine and Otto Kotouc, 490?, Is bus.lnesa manager, Delegates from the other allied clubs also help In the publica tion, but tlio Komen8ky Club of the Nebraska state university Is at pres ent doing the greater gharo or the work. Other University clubs prom inent In tho organization are those at Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Conventions bl tlio organized clubs are held annually. Two of these have already been hold, one at Cedar Rap ids, la., and the second at Omaha. A largo shipment of pharmaceutical supplies was received "Wednesday by tho college of puarniacy, r? WARD NM 'ET,N0 Association of American Medical Col leges, Meets at NeW York. Dean Ward .left for New York City yesterday, where -ho will represent tho University of Nebraska 'at th'i nineteenth annual meeting of tho As sociation of American Medical Col leges. This is an assocltion of col leges, not of individuals, and tho ques tions which nro considered at tho meetings of tho association a'ro not those connected witli tho science or practice of medicine, but rather plans and methods of medical education. Dean Ward was president of tho as sociation last year, and this year Is a member of the Judicial council and chairman of the committee on medical teaching. This assocltion is of interest to edu cators because of Its object, which is to maintain a high standard of medical education, and becauBo of the methods that It adopts to secure .that end. No medical school that does not maintain a high standard of in struction Is admitted to this assri elation, and thoso which nro mem bers nro dropped from membership when they do not Hvo up to these re quirements. In this way the best schools are separated from the poor er, a uniform standard is fixed, and those not admitted i:nd added reasons for raising their standard of instruc tion. RECEIVES FAVORABLE NOTICE New Book by Dean Costlgan Is Spoken of Highly. In tho Marclrnumber of the Illinois Law Review, of which Dr. Roscoe Pound is editor-in-chief, appears a re view of tho now book by Dean Georgo P. Costlgan of tho law college, on American Mining Laws. Dr. Pound is now acting dean of tho Northwest ern law school, and is considered one of Nebraska's most noted alumni, hav ing graduated from hero In 1888. Dr. Pound speaks of the new book as follows: "The subject is one calling pecu liarly for Intelligent study of the ceases and that mastery of tho facts of con crete situations and scientific esti mate of the relation of those facts to the generalities announced by the court, In which tho sound, common law lawyer is at his best. Professor Costlgan, whoso scholarly papers upon legal subjects In recent years have led us to expect much of him, has proved the very man for this work. In his hands, a horn-book has been made wliat It Bhould bo not merely a summary of tho decisions in the form of a commentary upon bold-face gener alizations therefrom, but as well as introduction to the principles, of tho subject. "Tho book may bo recommended to the student hb a thoroughly scientific presentation of a subject of some dif ficulty, and to the practitioner as an accurate presentation of the doctrines of tho courts, Illuminated by criticisms and suggestions which cannot but be fruitful (ln "discussions 'of the close and doubtful questions that arise con tinually In mining litigation."' BAND WILL GIVE A CONCERT First of Series This Aftern&on In the . Temple. Tlio first of a series of concerts to be given by the university cjidet band at the Friday afternoon convocation In the , Temple" will bo given this afternoo'n. This Is an innovation at tho university and It Is belteved that It will prove' very popular. Tho program which will be given, Is as follows: "La Sorella" Borel-Clare. Ovoture, "La Part du Diable'Au bor. ' "Trot do Cavalorlo' -HubojiBteln. "Polish Dauce" Schawenka. ".The Rosary" -ISfftvln. "Intermezzo" Qantler. . "Introduction," Third Act Lohen grin Wagnerr -l SYSTEM Jf JAi III I w LJ 1 D LHsn I V 4 The Peimant-Wiiiiuiig Clothes for young men are "L SYS TEM" Clothes. They're ultra smart and cut with that easy grace and flowing freedom that young men dote on. "L SYSTEM" Clothes' for' Spring embody every fad and frill or the haughtiest custom tailors at non-tailorish prices. ' Dashing Distinctive Different, they make the mediocre figure look manly and the manly figure look manlier. ' Look-; tor the L ,on evcrygar-' ment. UtVf,our warrant of "worth' and our pledge of perfection. SOLD ONLY BY MAGEEtf DEEMER PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Boll Phone 482 Aalo Phone 1401 COMPLIMENTS OF r 'Nebraska Grocery and, Meat Company Fancy and Staple Groceries 1036 P Street Every Order Given Special Allintlon SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RAG NOW. Ladles' and Men's Clothes cleaned, gressed and repaired. Hats oleanod, locked and retrimed. BLUMENTHAL 227 No. JIth Auto 4876 One Block South of Unl PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 Want Advertisements for tho yttmt ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or h tween 2 p. m. and5 p. m. ' Cash must accompany all Orders for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for.the first inser tion; three insertions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 centB. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A new high-grade bi cycle at 25 per cent discount.. Inqulro at Nebraskan office. 91-tf . L08T AND FOUND. -LOST A Dramatlo Club pin. Ror, ward for' return toNobrastian ofilc9, 119-103.3t HELP WANTED.' . . .Any student desiring to mako good money during summer "vacation wrlto .'to Wt R, 0 Station A, - Il7-104-?t i