r 1 1 V T '.'' ' Am '; ." : (" ptlVflT; THEATRE t u TnumLiTi it ent FLORENCE R0BERT8 IN The House of Bondage Prlpcs: $1.50 to 50c. FRI., 8AT. & 8AT. MAT., MAR. 12-13 'J fThe Cow Puncher Mat 25 & 10c. Eve 50, 35 & 25c. ; MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 15 Lambardi Grand Opera Co. GEO. 6. VAN nnd HIb Imperial Minstrel Co. TH08. H. INCE nnd His Players in "Wise Mike" CAPTAIN TREAT'S Performing Seals and Sea Lions PRIMR08E QUARTETTE . Tho Famous Harmony Singers BILLY NOBLE and JEANNE BROOKS In Songs and Smart Sayings J. B. LEONARD and 8U8IE M. FULTON In ''Mulligan's Masquorado" FINN & FORD Premier Dancers Mat. Daily Except Mon 15 & 26c Every NJght Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50c PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! HVU1 .-Week Commencing ;Mon7 March 8 Pno BIg Week ?THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY Presents f ALICE OF OLD VIN0ENNE8 I A Continental Play, Period 1778 ; With Wed. and 8at. Matinees 'Prices Always tho 8ame 15 & 25c PATRONI. E OUR APVERTI8ER8! 934 P STREET .. Bowling, billiards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco., fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. POOL, favr Hour, 40c. ROTATION FOOL potil' POOL POKER POOL PIGEON FOOL 2 1-2 cts. per cue. 3 cues 10 cts. J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Proiit Sharing Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent in the Place. ORCHESTRA , for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburg, - - - Director JRalchJ. Reld, - - -. - - PJankt Violin and Cornet Instruction' given, at Studlo,.4J6 So. J7th. Auto 5877. t The Acme Parlors Successor to Pitts Social Evening r - Friday Minced Class - - Menday Eve. Class Evenings - Wil & Sat. Private Lcasoni Given if D Irod 1124 N STREET A0l ! 1 I TTT-""CfT- 1U,A-221' THE Campus Vjieanincrs 0. H. Frey, llorlat. 1133 O St. R. P. Leavitt, 1898, is visiting at tho Alpha Theta Chi house. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. It. T. Funke, ex-1909, visited friends on the campus yesterday. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. C. and NeU. F. Kortan, Sunday at 1912, spent Saturday his home in Crete, Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So, Twelfth St. Tho cadet battalion will hold dres parado this evening at 5 p. m. on tho campus. Seo Hereford. New Oxfords. $4.00 Special. ' 1215 O. Miss Hazel Fall, 1912, Delta Gamma, fs confined at her homo In Beatrice, Neb., with slcknesB. Got your lunch at tho city Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th & P. ' Miss Ethel Field, A. B. 1906, will take an examination for doctor's de gree in botany March 27. Don't miss Mrs. Conant's recital at tho Temple Thursday evening. - Thq freshman InterclasB debating team had their pictures taken Tues day for the Cornhusken t Now spring styles In footwear now on display. Beckmnn Bros., 1107 O St. The Hawkeyo club will meet Sat-, urday evening at 8 p. m. All Iowa students arc urged to be present. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. Next Saturday evening an informal dancing party will bo given in tho parlors of tho woman's dormitory. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce 1 oofflooopoooooooo6poooo9ooooooo STETSOR, GORDON New Spring Shapes and FULK, 9 -- 2 OOOfflO000OfflO00 O Q All those interested in tho forma tion of a Swedish club aro requested to meet this evening in U 7 at 7:30 Learn tho barn dance, Lincolp Danoing Acadom, 1132 N. , Select school. Call Auto 4477. It has been announced that the mid semester examinations will -come dur ing tho week March 23 to March 27. . It has been announced that a weok ly "quiz" .wjll bo given to tlie, classes in botany 2 for the rest of tho se mester. Tho pictures of D company which wore taken last week for the 'Corn 'busker; were poor and now pictures wiil be taken. " , . , . The Student Debating club Will not meet next Saturday evening on ac count of tho reshmen-sophomora inter-class debate'. '. " ' '. 'Notice has been posted that all locks wlllbo broken oft; tho locker belonging to law students, who have not paid their locker rent. MIbs Lebla C. Cox, 1908, lias, reglrt tored in tho uniyerBlty . in tho art department' ' Miss Cox Intends 'tp specialize in China painting. J3AILY . NEBRASKAN wmmmmmmmmmmi-mmmm n . n 1 1T1 - - The, clauses (n physical qducallpn aro practicing for tho gymnasium ox hjbltloh which ihpy ;wlll gjva ; to weeks from Saturday, March 27. 'Miss Gcnovlovo Fodra, a pupil under Prof. Steckclborg" in tho conservatory of music, gavo a recital for grnd. Hates in tho Tomplo, Wednesday cvon Ing. Tho engineering society will give a smoker Saturday ovening, "March 13, at tho Alpha Tau Omega house, 2G03 O SL All engineering studentH are invited. Tho first intorclnsB doba'to will bo hold tomorrow evening In Memorial hall. Thero will bo no admission charged, and overy 0110 is cordially In vited to attend. While going to his homo Tuesday ovonlng Jack BoBt stoppod In a hole and sprained his hip so Horlously that ho was unable to walk nnd had to be assisted to his home. . Tho Faculty Woman's club met yes terday afternoon at 3 p. m. at thy homo of Mrs. Bossey, 1507 R St. Mrs. A. E. BcsBoy, Mrs. E. M. Wilcox an1 Mrs. Frank J. Phillips, were hoBts. .Professor O.'V. Stout of tho engin eering department roturned Wednes day from tho Snn Luis Valley region in Colorndo, wboro ho has been for the paBt fow days on government busi ness. Tho freshmen and now members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity enter tained tho freshmen and now mem bers of all the other fraternities last night at a smoker at tho chapter house, 1504 S St. The different departments of tho Woman's club meets tomorrow in Science Hall at the Tomplo. Tho Cur rent Events department meets at I 'o'qlock, tho Homo Department at 2:30 and the History Department nt 3:30 p. m. ' u Miss Ruth Bailey is still confined to her bed from tho effects of tho nervous shock which resulted from a fall which' she sustained from the stage of tho Templo theater during tho play given there by tho Dramatlo club last weok.. Professor Webster's class in Insur ance is now studying the history aud development of fire insurance. ' A AND TWEEN HATS Shades $2.50 to $3.00 1325 O -:- OOOO0O 080Q000030 great deal of time is being spent in investigating tho insurance "policy, this being a very Important part of tho insuranco business. 0 Next Friday evening March 12, tho Palladlan Htqrary society will bo en tertained by Miss Vera Upton, Miss Upton is. woll kfioAvn for pleasing en tertainment and it is expected that a large number will bo present to enjoy It. Tho public Is Invited. . f The Daily Cardinal prints an'arflclo on tho tendency In colleges to curb and restrict th,i women by requiring Mrs. Chaperono to be present in sea son and out. Ono girl there is re ported to havo said that if the sys toin were 'rimdo too strict, she and "Bertie" would learn Esperanto Just to spite "th"o horrid o)d chaperpne.'' Ono of Uiq chaperpnea Is' sponsor, for tho remarkable statement that the presence of her kind is "not Intended as a check on the young people, but .is to hqlp entertain the,, young man and to' carry on tho conversation.' "College mon.," she says, "aro shy and embarrassed .when, with a young lady alono and need to be encouraged to talk." ; A game of chess is at present being carried on by correspondence between Minnesota, ana Wisconsin. 3'.. W V-AJt.t. THREE REOUlREMEMfB. ED'R ; ALL STUDENTS ' '...k.iT0."00'1. r0,lnhlo, orlBlnnl and compWtf niritcrlrtl for written or pokon wi-m ' . " .'." F6 pcd book nrtd miu?d?slne. And Inter ti.uumnw or pormnnont ' Pt-J i V;iwh,oh PU Bh0U,,J P'n 'or now,bcforp nil tlio best opoijlngu are nlted. iioro is-tho wny to got all thrco at a minimum or cITort und cxpehHo. We Are Dealers in Facts v , . ... 'i 0n,Jlflh thft best Information obtnfnnblo on any rubjoot In ncliool, college or club, n bu8lncH and public affairs, Our work In accurate, coniploto and to ;I!poI'l!i cAroful,y ypowrltten, promptly fiuppllod, and arranged In -sultablo form, with outllnoB, blbllogrnphlcR and full references. "i.. il n3J lin-va Iti our owp forco. IHkhly-tml nod Investigators and spcclal- . f..J.ii UU'1,0,UB 'h'08' but wo havb mado a bushioss of "knowing tho men who !L und Hy ne'ln of this system of knowing "Who'a Who for Enicloncy" odvlco Btralht to headquartora for .nuthorltatlvo Infornmtlflli and expert nnA'iliicili,i,i!,,r ,?.rKa Hloclc, r Jnfommtlbn on hand and our mean of obtaining nmi nrnft,nlf,.51ul0J, .wo, liV lhly -offlulont system of sifting, 'arranging ?i? K.i i IS ?.ur r'a'l.', '" rorm t,,at exactly moots Ir.dlvlduul requirements that would exactly meet youp needs. ' , . o aro ospCciay fltrontf in political Bclonco. economics, sociology, anthropol Sv&Ji.?... i '.i,,tcr?lur?'. nppHed, science commorclnl Rcography, travel nnd nfi lli1 ' ,,,U6r"ntlonn law nnd diplomacy, history, forolgn nffnlrs. Interstate n i?I?,5!LS?i,nniorS0,..fl,m.l,0,ttl n,,a IndiiBtPlnl conditions, und public problems and livo questions of tha day. , ,n!iicS8i r8.,0r,s Um,., ",lKht bo oxpoctod. Our olmrses for now nnd orlglnnl m.nniiV,, "? nil th0 ru, or lwo dollars for each thoutund words furnished, Vm,!u . V.ork ?uar,,"t,?,,'1 or nioiiov refunded. Molhods. references and quo- iS ?" ' Vp,or,nnt 'nvcstlga lions furnished upon re(Utst. (AVo havo thou- ?honund words0." Se'nlTfor fflco'lffi0"0''' BUbJC0t t0 I,r,or 8a,' at ,1,B Pr A Desirable Position for You nnuilL?!0 nr.n W4,B0, you 0ro "hcndy planning about a munmor or pcrmartont pnrnl .. J ?r,n.)0,,t R,n P,'lnB' hi tho profcsiilons or Indapandent buslnosH. To nlV& . ' ""V ? you. wo will give you advlco, hiformatlon nnd roal P..rL ,, ".ili1.0! t,,c??. JM without chnr0o (from now up to tho tlmo you so i" n i fnn iV'il ,08ltlon ,f y "end us a ilvo dollar ordor for Information, l. c, 2.G00 words or ovor at ri per. thousand. nf AmIlrr.. .i ?.pac,f, V' ?mo ' t0h with boards of trado, chambors or commerce and other lohni nm urmniiit . i..nr.a nt tx. ...n if ",2? ' i mnnlififn,.i0rJ?2inUo.n? W thcr coccinn, Vn .APiV.,,.l.tl!0 utlU, othor Kovernmontal fftllnr rf.,p,r,li0,,,H,?f,n ',,lnd8 "very whero ns well ns opportunities "or stalling out In Indepondotrf bus ncss or nroft-ss onni i nr. No n'Jwi'0.'?..11!.!"0 ciom&,H8,?n?' no strings aro attneho'd to this offor. It jf !"c2l,J?if.,0.ntt,v r,,, hiformatlon wo gain about positions In simply - r iiiiii iiiii'iiiMiii iiinn i 'i-it in 14 nVirnni i.-Y1 , .1 OI ... rcffumr nmnliivitinm ftf.nt. . . ...i.i7'...". v....., mil, iiiiii uiun IIUIU fllrftnmnfu ff t ..ViT.i.iT ;::. r":":":v. "u ""u.""".u"n o Kin nuoui nosmonB in simniy a i....i;r "-"w v.m iiw, niiu iiii.i jin lur.imi uuoronco wo nsn you to sum "ions" col'nct. PV no foes or commissions, and Incur no otorfobllia" Books and Magazines Free As a further Inducement, with every ilvo dollar order for Information wo will glvo free, lu mMMon to tho employment privilege, niVbool" or a year of w.yM,m,'!tr,,Vz,,no, J,'?u "Pc?y, tho pt.bllsUrV prlco of iVlHch Is not oVr onoollar! With u ten dollar order for Informal on, wo will glvo $2 worth of 'boo ta or mogujslncs; w th a JIG ordor, $3 worths. with a $20 ordqr. $4 worths with a MB ,r.d7'.,G ,wortlV nlul,B0 on' rwo or moro ,no" may club together 'with noveral ' subjects to mako such an order and dlvldo tho prlvllcgM amoi" tliom! BOVOn" How, to Order; Just think up ontf or moro subjects on which you noed material. Estimate tho number of words required. ISnoloao two dollars for cachthousnnd I words1 desired, glvo us exact directions ns to, what you want and who you want It! and If tho order Is .for nvo do lars or over, nnmo tho books or magazines you ?lffWfiSW(WMU ,,, a"d yUr nannca?fon.nCorT National Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett Small fLatn nnwrl.il 2401 NORTH' CAPITOL FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. T , - . Give Us a Trial Order.' I !! .., , . , - ' I . 111! I I I II II I I I I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS T "l""" ' ' " ' ' II I I I I I 1 .HI MM Hayo your clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Ropalrod by the MAN , HATTAN CLEANER8 AND DYER8. Suits Cleaned nnd PreMed $t5. That Is not much when compared with what it Is worth to you to look noat find stylish. Call Bell Phone F918. Wo will send for, and; roturn your work. , ' '; iSi See I IIIJWIN About Your Easter Clothes QtujeJ, TOWN AND COUNTRY i Is it -o li t SHIRF "4 Vf genonu otguuuniionH or omployers, ns oducatloiuil and other Institutions, and dornrtniontH. "Wo aro thus In a posl- Is r. l !.- . J"rorniatlon business, and wo uso It to ......' .".."". !Z'"U u" "ui ""X regular Wn ln fnn .... ..II it.... .... ....! InuaiMn.t.. 11 i r i .'- 8T.V WASHINGTON, D. C." r8lP i lilHil HM fliH IW iiiiS1 .iliii. ' M J HEREisinhirts ' bearing the label of ' a inanufacturer of I undpubted responsibility a vaiue, m tnat it stands, for so much.experiieiice in cloth-buying, m pattern draughting and m style- -v designing.. The ,01uett xiark assures correctness, exclusiveripcc: 1iirAbi1itv i ' fti ' n 'k V .? .'4.dl i .4 Tivw c jfTVAW- - ", T if ' ; .. ii A f W Utkf ol Arrow Cuw ., A " , ''1 'I ,. 3 , VH la . . m rt k " k r M'-i3 ,f, 1 '" .!' 'V '. ?.i '. .;? . i 4' p. r:;;sTAv; o , t 1. mm.