THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CONVOCATION-Thursday, March 1 1 Stereopticon Lecture , K ' ', By i , '5- 4 s ft ,- i 8 w ' mi i it I o 'if, "HI -4V ' ' ' ' V 8 i p'V '' u. , I .4. & Bi Itrf Cbe ail? TRebrnehnn THE pnOPBHTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln. NobrnsUfti ' MUSHED EVERY DAf EXCEPT SUMBAY AIM MMBAjf DY THE STUDENTS PUB, BOARD. , Jpjicitlti Olflca, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Herbert W. Potter Managing Editor Victor B. Smith . Anocjato Editor Philip Fredericks BUSINESS STAFF. ' Manager W. A. Jones Circulator T. A. James Assistant Circulator.......... Lesllo Hyde ii mi i iii i mmm Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Nob. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance , Single Copies. B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1B88. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo cliargod for at tho rato of 10 cents por Insertion for ovory flf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notlcoa and Unlvorslty bullottnB will gladly bo published froo. Entored at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-class mall matter under tho Aoi of Congress of March 3, 1870. .THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1901). Tho Btnto fnnn Ib Indeed n most un usual tnfltltution. It Ib qulto beyond comprehension that bucIi n strango BtUto of affairs could havo existed thoro. It might bo w8bq for tfio Authority to mako arullng that all young men must mako thoir dates with young Indies through' tho ofTlco, and thitB an exchange could bo OBtnb llBhed that would oquallzo conditions and keop any unfortunates from being neglected. Tho unlvorslty Y. M. 0. A. hna iu queBted that tho Dally Nubrnsknn be turned over for ono day to a staff to bo appointed by tnu organization and that this ono Ibbuc bo devoted to tho interests of that society. The Y, M. C. A. Ib ono of tho most im portant factors In university lifo and Its Influence Is felt In all collego ac tivities. It is therefore considered highly proper that tho request of tho Y. M. C. A. should bo granted, and in acocrdanco with tho wlBh of thnt organization tho issue of April 1st will bo Jn tho hands of a special staff. V Mrs. Silesce Dales-Knapp Violin Recital ' Memorial Hall M Eleven A. M. - g HHsMMMHHHaHHHHslI improvements are required at tho state farm. Tho present legislature was elected on the economy platform, on tho pledge thnt they would keop tho ex penses of tho stale at as low a point as possible. It was therefore only natural that they should feel tho pinch of poverty and cut all appro priations down as much as thoy could. Even those who feel most disappoint ed over the smallness of tho final ap propriation muBt admit that, when everything is considered, tho lcglBla turo has been fair to all concerned. The university' Is not an alien Insti tution existing within tho state; it is tho most important proporty of tho state, the chief charge of tho legisla ture. The university must flourish to gothor with the other institutions of tho state or It can never flourish at all. Tho Idea must bo uprooted opco and for all that the university is a foreign something which cornea ovory two years to drain thVirensury of tho state and to burden tho people. Tho university is theflowdr of tho educational system of tho state. Its welfare Is ono and tho snnio with tho welfare of the people of the state. As the people of tho state gr6w in wealth and numbers, bo gradually must tho university grow in power and posi tion. The step frpm poverty to wealth is not one to bo taken in a day, but a gradual development coincident with the development of the Btato. 10,000 8TUPENT8. They most certainly have sot for themselves a high stnndard at the University of Illinois. Tho student daily grandly proclaims that fifty years from today tho University of Illinois will have 10,000 students and 1,000 professors and instructors. Hero are the words of tho-edUorQL iho Daily Illlni: "Fifty years from tqday tho Uni versity of -Illinois will have 10,000 University Bulletin MARCH Thursday, 11 Violin recital by Mrs. Sllenoo Dalos-Knapp. Convocation, Memorial Hall, 11 a. ra. Friday, 12. Pnllndian Literary Soci ety. Miss Vera Upton. Palladlan Hall 8 p. m. Union Socloty. Irish Program. Un Ipn Hall 8 p. m. Friday, 12 Junior-Senior inter-class debate Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Saturday, 13 Hawkoyo Club moots with -Prof, and RJrB. Chatburn, 2805 P St. Evening. Saturday, . 13 Sonhomoro-Frcshman inter-class debate. Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Tuosday, 10. "Collogo Settlement, ' by Dr. Eaves. Convocation, 11 a. m, Tuesday, 1C Sophomore olectlon of qfTlcers. Memorial Hall, 11:30 a.tq. Tuosday, 16. "Factors Affoctlng Stream Flow," by Dr. G. E. Gon dra. N 7 at 7; 30 p, m. Tuesday, 10 'Commercial Forest Nuraorlos," L. O. Williams. N. 7 at 7:30 p, m. Friday, 10 "How May the Spread tof Infectious Diseases Be Prevent ed?" Dr. H. H. Waito. Temple, 5:00 p. m. Friday, 19 Morcor Y. M. C. A. Tem ple Theater, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 23. "Tho Land That Is Different," Rev, Oilman. Convo cation, 11 a. in. Saturday, 20. Intorclass Tournament. Gymnasium 8 p. m. Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecturo: "For mation of ForoBt Soils," by Prof Rarker. "Moisture Study In For est Soils," Prof Hoyser. N 7 at " 7:30 p. m. APRIL Frdayf 2 "The ProhlfW for Euro - poana In Golonlzjng(tho.Troplc,' Dr. F. Crolghtbn Wolfinan, of Washington., D. O. Templq B-p, -riu. Frldoy, 23-Socla PrpblonVa Jn, T1eir Relation tp PtMJq Health," Prof. Georgq E Hpward. Temple 5 p. ro. U4I,,0. twoStofzs 1415,0. Just a little svycetner to my big $2.50 Hat 8ac about 20 dozens of my .Regular 8prlng lines added to my big factory clean up, give you tho largest stock a Lincoln store has ever shown to select from, and all $2.50 you can't pay more. RECEIVE8 FAIR TREATMENT. Tho consideration of university affairs by tho state legislature has now proceeded far enough so that It Is liouslblo to tell with accuracy what financial support will bo given tho university during tho next two years. It sepnis fairly certain hat tho uni versity will got $100,000 for Improve ments above tho regular mill levy. When one considers all tho condi tions that have ontored Into tho de cision of this question, ono who looks at tho matter from an unprejudiced viewpoint cannot help feeling that the university has, to say tho least been treated fairly, by tho legislature. To bo" sure, much more was aslcod for, and much more is needed to give Ne braska a really first class equipment, but tho unlvorslty can now go forward, with the- steady development that has characterized its past history without being crippled by the lack of funds during the next two years. It will be possible with tho money that is provided to acquire a new' ath letic field besides enough ground to hold whatever now. buildings will be required for several years. It will be possible to erect a now wing either to the museum or the chemistry building. It will also ha possible to. make what students. Ono thousand professors and instructors will be needed to minister to tho educntlonal-needs' of tho youth of the stato who will gather at the. state university. All these things, providing, of couroo, that tho prosont progress continues, and there is no .reason to 'believe that it will not. "President James and tho heads of departments of tho university have realized the great future In store for the institution. They havo also for soen the needs" of a great academic body which will rank in h'umber and in the standard of Its scholarship with that of any similar organization in tho United States." Tuesday, 27. Forestry Locturc: "Sci entitle Problems in Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Happenings of the Past MID-3EME8TER EXAMINATIONS To Be Held March 22-27 With Vaca v tlon Two Weeks Later. Mid-term examinations' will bo' held In all departments of, the university March 22-27 inclusive. The" tests are expected to cover al the work of the semester, in the respective classes. They' will be held at the regulaficlass recitation hours in the rooms occu pied for the dallyWork of tho diff erent divisions. Ea&ter recesB will this year begin at 6 p. m. April 7 and 'close at 8 a. m. April 14. Thla pWes a six day vacation from Wednesday to Wednes day and including Easter Sunday. Seven Years Ago. Seniors planned to hold a class din ner. This was tho first time that any thing of this kind was attempted at tho University of Nebraska. Six Years Ago. The university was aroused over an epidemic of stealing and tho matter even wont so far that the smallesifr tides wore not Bnfe when not under lock and koy. Five Years Ago. ' A hand-to-hand combat occurred between tho junior and senior classes. Tho cause of the troubld was a chal lenge painted on a board and nniled by tho senior class to tho top of a telegraph polo on the campus. Four Years Ago. Junior annual was dedicated to Dean Richards of tho engineering school. Tho selection was made at a secret meeting of tho Sombrero board. , v , .Qne year Ago. Arthur Jorgonson accepted a posi tion as secretary of tho Wisconsin uni versity Y. M, C A. V ' " . Frank R. Roberson on The Last Days of Messina A graphic description of the appalling devastation on the Island of Sicily wrought by the recent earthquake. . Mr. Roberson has JuBt . returned from Messina with a largo collection of photographs' taken' by himself, and began his lecture tour with theso views only one week ago In Now York City. i ST. PAUL CHURCH Friday Evening, March 12 Admission 35 cents Who's Your Tailor? OUR FASHION PLATES SHOW NOT ONLY THE MOST AU THORITATIVE IDEAS REGARDING THE SEASON'S STYLE8, BUT DESIGNS OF UNUSUAL ATTRACTIVENE8S. WHEN WE TAILOR ONE OF THESE IDEAS RIGHT INTO pLOTHES MADE EXPRESSLY FOR YOU, WITH ALL THE D5S TINCTIVENES8 OF YOUR OWN INDIVIDUALITY, YOU OBTAIN FIT AND SHAPELINESS NOT FOUND IN CLOTHING MADE FOR NO ONE IN PARTICULAR. SINCE WE MAKE TAILORED-TO-ORDER CLOTHES OF 3UR PAS8ING EXCELLENCE FOR $15.00 WHY SHOULD YOU PAY MORE, OR WEAR ORDINARY 8TORE CLOTHING? WE CAN PLEA8E YOU. WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can give you the best prices, best goods, best service Capital Grocery BA$Ifiih 1435 M St i n - -THSfTa ffifcrz' 1 fl!fM f'V bi i hi aouDie t ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOM'S Hot Lunohcs a Specialty. r lQW ' -Candies and Ices. -i 1307 0 St. Phanis: Auts 2214, Bill 456. WANTED--A RIDER AGENT INEACHT0WH and district to -41m 11. 1 4ltilt ample Latest Model "Kaugcr' bicycle furnished by us. OurazenU ccr "hem arc .iV.. .V. " ,r r"J"J" particulars ana sftctal ttjcr at once. nr Munivx uluwhiiu until you receive and approved your bicycle. Wesliip to anyone, anywhere in the U. b. without a cent deposit In advance. Prepiy Jrefeit. and ltow TJSN WAYS' I'HKU TlUALduilnff wludi time you may rldVncl.icycle and V"' " !" r.' 'V ( :i . ". ' uu aro ",e "ol penecny sausuea or ac not wisii to keep the bicycle ship It back to us at our exnense and van will not he out ore . 7 mk.ama ai a. r..:i. .t. i' . r . ,. cies u is pos.Muio to make ctory cost. You save io hccp wie uicycic snip u uacK to us at our expense vmajOMwil FACTORY PRICES ? $S& K.,bte to is middlemen's prorita by buyinjr direct of us and have the manufacturer's cuar antec behind your bicycle. VO NOT MUV a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any firict until vou receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory jrices and remarkablt tfaciul offers to rltlor agentH. mWILL BE ASTOMSHEn wl,5n yu "'ve our .beautiful catalogue, and HILL DC nOIUrlldnCU ltudy our BUDerb mode U at the -.vrrfullv lojvfrtces we can make you this year. We sell the highest tjrade bicycles for less mqney ilvrnyiJ.0TlirAV1S?Rj- Yc ate s.lUflcV,,!lL,? '-t3 Profit avc WWrv cost. P.Y '"S 'J123 AJh Fi1?.' yo.u ran ?" 9ur Wcycles under your 'own name plate at ur nrices. Orders filled tho dnv rrervrA. r HECONU JUANI) IIIOX01.KB. Wo do not mrularly handle second hand bicycles, but lly have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores, These we clear out Dtltf'at Dtiees ranrinr from ISU to fit! or RIO. n.rrlr.Tiu ...!.. 'n.'.. T'lif-.i i.-' COUTER-IMKES, &$b3!&&V$fr&ru ""' "'''" "d $ Ai HEDGETH0RN PUNCTURE-PROOF A SELF-HEALING TIRES ZSSgSilU'SS r The rtmtlar retail trice of that lira is S3 JO ter tair. but to introduce we will wiyQuatampiepairiorffMJtathuithoraer?fJ3), NO MOIETROVBLE FROM PINCTBRES NAILS, Tacks or Glass will not let tbo J tllM n- Civil. Ilinn.nnl hhIm i IaoI .amj Over wo hundred thousand pairs now in use. DESDRIPTIOMt Madelnall sizes. ItUllvelv and easy ridinsr.verydurableand lined Inside with my ot fietlcustomerGBtatiug that their tires liaveon $J80 or li'i1 i1 1 IT WPWfiWi WyH'rYhf ' mPA BUuvSiiiiiiiHHBBwMtRwmvVfl -liiiiiiiiiM Uuicxu putnpea sjV Hctlian HiVi BPrwIBBlven jB 4i1.iiiiiiiSBsl U IMiiiiiiiiiiiiVl. A iHiiiiiiiH MM - -sK.' 1W iV 1 1 . lnBKlor u 4HRMlMVImceto omamannFii a special qual porous ana wmcii closes ur small nutictu in tr Hie uir to escape. We have hundreds of lcttcrsfrom satis. rubber, which never hcrninc orous and which closes up small punctures without allow- unonceortwiceinawholescason. TUpy ati ordinary tire, the puncture resisting Dy several layers or nun. specially tread. The regular price of these tire aavcrtisiiifrpurposcuwenrcinalctnc thCTideroi only it.8o per pair. All apurovni. vouuono. we Kotloo tho thick rubber trend A" and punoturo strJtis 'H" and "," ulso rlni strip 'IIH to provont rim outtlujr. This I tire will outlast nnv other inake-somr, KLASTIO and XUOJ3X lilVUDU, same day letter is received. We ship C. 6. D. on willallowa cash discount of nrr rntaherfihutnaMtir u- nM. . krmJm it ...! Ktf ?C!,SASIVWF 0g.Bft W enclose tin's advertVemen We will aUben, one nickel plated brass hand pump. Tlces to be returned at OUK expense If for any rcafcon they are S?i? wirattr11;! Wc .0iw Pcrf",yfeoV,c.d money senUo ui tenslafcaiVa rlJL?rf.r.,ll1inee.Vlel, yu??lxl find nt they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at nnv nrice We know that you will W well pleased that rWMSweSToxall We want you to scud us a trial opler nt once, hence this remarkable tire offer. 8 ' f IF' YOU MEED TIRES don't buy any kind at any price until you send for n pair of 7iT .J? Tii "ir 3 "" T . HKetl'om Puncture-ProoT tires on anpro-al and trial at inciKi1 J"trod Vct0,X pri?e quotf d PYc: or.write for pur big Tirp and Sundry Catalogue wlticb descrlbead quotes aft makes and kinds of tires at about half the ? usuar prices. y vulu0fcUC Y,UVM DO MOT WAIT SSSlV1.? p0Vpl todoy- DO NftT tuiNK OF UUVING a bicycle a - - crJi r $) of tires from anyone until you -know the new audwoudcrful offer we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NO W. uu"wo,mc"u' J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. , c V