; ,' ?" f-f ' ; ' f ft BAffiYJtEBIASKAN, "I" " ' ' " if?-1 4 - V rv. 'TT" :t:. k & f' wvaHHHManiHH l l OLIVER THFATRF iri J- I'i Today: Mat-3:30y Tonight 8:15. A ' Knight For a Day Matr-S1 to 25c. Eve 41.50 to 50c. " fTHURIJDAY N'ldHT, MARCH 11 FLORENCE ROSERT IN The House of Bondage Prices: $1.50 to 50c. nrnrt ------ --- COMING: "COW PUNCHER." --. , f? - r -, , , m, t4 i -i .f t , GEO. 8. VAN and His Imperial Mlnatrol Co. TH08. H. INCE , arid His Players In "WWe Mlko" CAPTAIN TREATS Performing Seals and Sea Lions PRIMROSE QUARTETTE Tho Famous Harmony Singers BILLY NOBLE arid JEANNE BRO0K8 In Songs and Smart Sayings J. B. LEONARD and 8U8IE M. FULTON In "Mulligan's Masquorado" Finn & ford Premier Dancers Mat Dally Except Mon 15 & 25c Every Night Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50c PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! imar t Week Commencing Mon., March 8 One Big Week THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY Presents ALICE OF OLD VINCENNE8 A Continental Play, Period 1778 With Wed. and 8at. Matinees Prices Always the 8ame 15 & 25c PATRON I. E OUR ADVERTI8ER8I The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowiin'o, Billiards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco. Fine Confectionery fINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. ; POOL, fay Hour, 40c. ROTATION POOL Rvni POOL POKER POOL PIGEON POOL 2 1-2 cts."per cue. 3cuea JOcts. J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Sharing Couppps Given With Every 5c Spent in tfie Place. O R O H EST RV for Concert or Dance G;F.- Tfaornfeurg, - - - Director Ralph J, Rdd, ----- Phnlst : Violin and Cornet Instruction given at Studio,: 4)6 So. 17th. Auto 5877. J AN CI N 5 n D Successor to PitU Stclal EftRlHf - - - Friday iinWU Class - Mirtiy Eva. Class Evfilnes - Wiri. It Sat. Private Lessons Given if Deired ' 1124 N STREET Xt.'.4bl't' ' B.M A-2021 Campus Gleanini 14. O. H. Froy; llorlst. 1133 O St. Hear the Chopin Bongs at tho Tom plo tomorrow ovonlng. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twolfth St. Now and unusual songB at tho Tem ple tomorrow 'evening. See Heroford. Now Oxfords. $4.00 Special. 1215 O. Tho Hawkoyo club moots Saturday ovonlng, .March 13th, at 8 p. m. Get your lunch at tho. city Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th & P. Alice Wldney Conant's recital at- the Temple tomorrow ovonlng. , Why not tako your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Miss Laura Pettison spent Saturday and Sunday at South Omaha, Neb. . Now spring styles in footwear now on display. Bookman Bros., 1107 O St. The mid-day meeting of tho Y. W. C. A .today will bo a praise ,sorvico. Have your clothes pressed at Webor's Suitorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Miss Eva Arnold, 1909, spent Sun day at Fremont visiting with her par ents. Dr. J. It. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Louis Harte, 1910, Beta PI, loft Sat urday on a week's hunting trip in Iowa. Miss Florence TUlitson, 1908, of Omaha, visited friends in Lincoln on Saturday. Miss Annabel Good, 1912, visited Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Wahoo, Nob. Miss Lois Nesblt, visited with her parents at Omaha, Nob., tho latter part of last week. Learn tho barn danco, Lincoln I 000C000C000)000000CCd00000006 BROKEN Wo aro prepared for prompt action in'Repairlng Frames or Replacing Broken Lenses. Doesn't matter whore you got yours, wo can duplicate lens, or any part of the frame, on short notice. !-Est. 1871. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist, 1143 O &030$00OSO00000000000&000000000 Dancing Academy, 1132 N. school. Call' Auto 4477. Select Miss Eunice Bauman, 1910, spont Saturday and Sunday at tier homo at West Point, Neb. Miss Alfreda Powell, 1911, spont Saturday and Sunday at 'her homo in South Omaha, Neb. ' W.E; Hamiltonigilpolta Upsilon has loft school for this semester, on account of his health.. , Ray E.jRico, 1911, departed yester. day tfor Fow)er4 Kan., where he goes to bo present at, tho funeral of a cousin. The visiting committee of the uni versity X. V?, C. A. will nold a home1 made candy sale in the Temple to- morrow. , r ' Miss Celia Harris, 1910, slipped on tho ice pavement in front! of the WlndBor, WlJpi; Tuesday morning and broke tier ankle, , ' The subject of , the mid-day meeting of the Jt w. C, A. yesterday was "A Welt Rounded' ilfe." Miss Beulan Jennings was leader. Miss Sa'rki Hrbok; of the Bohemian DopartmMt, will speak Friday oven- Ing, March 12th, at Table Rock, Neb., on "Tho Land of? Koraenaky." Tho chomlstry club will moot' this evening In tho chemlBtry library, Mr. aioBokof' -will address tho club on: the subject of "Agricultural Chomistry." All university studonts interested In organizing A Swodlsh club aro request ed to moot In' iJriivorslty hall, room 17, Thursday, March, 11th, at 11:30 a. m. T. E. Miller, 1911, spont Saturday and Sunday at his homo at Ashland, Nob. While thoro ho enjoyed somo oxcollent duck hunting on tho Platto river. Tho Y. M. C. A. mid-week mooting this evening will bo led by J. F. Clark. Subjoct Is, "Friendship." Meet ing boglns promptly at 6:50. Every body come. Mr. H. C. Probasco has boon choBen as ono of tho judges for tho freshman-sophomoro Intorclass do bate, which will bo hold Friday ovon lng, March 12th. S. Harvoy Rathbono, ox-1011, has boon visiting for tho past few dayB with his .fraternity brothers at tho Delta Upsilon house. Ho has boon working In Colorado slnco leaving school. Mr. B. G. Sinclair of tho rhetoric dopartmont wob a judgo for -tho de bate betweon tho Fairmont high school and tho Friend high school, which was held last Friday ovonlng at Fairmont, Nob. These two teams aro In tho Nebraska high school do bating league. Mr. J. A. Warren, scientific assist ant in tho United States department of agriculture, returned from 'Wash ington, D. C, Sunday. Mr. Warren Is. carrying graduato work In tho depart ments of geography and botany. In his government work ho has charge of investigations In six states west of tho Mississippi river and cast of tho Rockies. The studonts of tho stato agricul tural school aro questioning each other over what action thoy shall tako In regard to tho now ruling made at that school, Tho now rulo provides. that nono of. tho gentlemen shall go with tho samo young lady more than onco In flvo weeks. And that they should take tho young ladies in turn. Tho reason for this ruling is that tho young ladles aro deserting tho tech nical part of domestic science and approaching the practical point of that study. To authors of this rulo felt that they did not wish to bo hold responsible for tho laying of insecure foundations Jor homos at tho stato in stitution, and therefore took these steps: . 0 A number of tho students in the Department of Agriculture met in tho geography laboratories last Saturday evening and organized an "Agricul tural Club." Professor Val Keyser, superintendent of Farmers' institutes In Nebraska, gave a very interesting talk on the need Of such a club in the university and tho' benefits to be de rived from it He laid special empha sis on' thp pressing need of well trained men on the Farmers' Institute force. Dr. Condra also addressed those present with a very Impressive talk, in which bo emphasized the .necessity of' cultivating the ability to mix with farmers in particular. .The following officers were elected for tho the new' club: Carl F. Chase, 1910, president; V. A. Culver, 1910, vice president; C. A. Broadrlck, 1910, sec retary and' treasurer. , IVY PY COMMITTEE. The Ivy pay Committee' wilf meet in room U 100 at ! o'clock, Thursday, March 11. THREE REQUIREMENTS FQR ALL STUDENTS mm .M mmmmm M . mm c ' 1 You need reliable, original and complete material, for written or spoken worn, you filjio nocu books nnd mnRatlnea. And latr a nummoror permanent position, which you should plan for noW,jbefOro all tho bout openings are flUd. Horo 1b tho wny to got all throo at a minimum of effort and cxpcn.e. We Are Dealers in Facts We furnish tho' best Information obtainable on any subject In school, coliega or club, in buslncirn nnd public affairs. Our work Is-accurate complete and to tho point,' carefully typo wrltton, promptly supplied, and arranged in suitable form, with outlines, blbllogrnphies and' full references. Wo not only hnvo In our own forco (highly-trained Investigators and special- ats in various lines, but wo have made a businoss of "knowing ther. men who know rind by meant, of this system 6f knowing "Who's' Who for Efficiency? wo cun go strulgl)t fb headquarters for ttuthorltativo information and expert advicot ..iid.0(1 1to,our '?,rK8 stock of Information on hand and our means' of obtaining ?i!i !-- ,.n1rorm"tlon, wo havo a highly offlplont system, of sifting, arranging and presenting our facts in form that exactly meets Individual requirements that would exactly moot your needs, i (J , - Wo aro eBpocjully Btrong in political, solence, economics, Boclology, anthropol ?gyk ? nr. . '"onUuro, applied solanco, commercial geography, travel and exploration. International law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, Interstate and foreign ootnmorco. flnanolul and industrial conditions, and publlo problems and live queBtlonn of the, day. . ...Thocoflt Is Jobs than might b expected. Our charges for now nnd original material aro at tho rate of two dollars for oaoh thousand words fUrnlshed. quality of work guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Methods, rofornnccs and quo tations on ImporUuit InvPBtlKatlons furnlshod upon request. (Wo havo thou sands of nrtlcles on hand which wo offer, subject to prior Balo, at $1.50 per thousand word. Bond for prlco list.) A Desirable Position for You ilf you are wlao, you aro already planning about a summor or permanent position or about an opening in tho professions or -Iridepcridont business. To Introduco our servlco to you, wo will glvo you advlco, Information and real aaalBtanco ul,ntf these nn0B without charge (from now up' to tho tlm'o1 you se ?"ro rd,8,rab,. lol"oi) if you sond us n flvo dollar order for Information, 1. e., 2.G00 words or ovor at I'J por thousand. t AIL2,ur offlcln' capacity, wo como In touch with boards of trado, chambers or commorco and other local and gonoral organizations of employers, as well ?..Lair? corPor,fttlnM and othor conconifl, educational and other Institutions, and municipal, stato and othor governmental departments. Wo aro thus In a posl inH .-.".? ?ri Pt08,tlonH ot all kindB overywhoro as wall as opportunlUes for starting out In Independent business or professional lines. 10 red tapo, no commlBBlons, no Btrlngs aro attaehod to this offer. It Is freo and unconditional. Thin Information wo. gain about, positions Is simply a vftluablo by-product of our regular information bUHlncss. and wo Uso It to attract, help und thun hold cudtomorB. Wo do for you all that any1 regular tomploymcntagoncy enn do, with this Important difforonco-wo ask you to sign no Involved contracts, pay no feos or commissions, and Incur nd other obllga lions Books and Magazines Free As a further Inducjimont, with every' flvo dollar ordor for Information wa will glvo freo, In, addition to tho employment privilege, any book, or a year of nXimnaa,no, y,ou PwWi tho Publlshera' prlco of which Is not ovor One dollar. With 11 tea dollar order for Information, wo will glvo 2 worth of book or magazines; with a $15 ordor, $3 worth; with a $20 order, $4 worth; with a $26 order, $5 worth; und so on. Two or moro mon may club tbgothor with several subjects to mako auch an ordor and dlvldo tho privileges among them. How Just think up ono or moro subjqots on which you nood material, slimate tho number Of words reqMlred. EnclOBo two dollars for each thousand' words ' doBlrcd, glvo us exact directions ris to what you Want and when you want it and If tho order Is for flvo dollars or ovor, nnmo tho books or magazines you' wlah and tell us about tho position you would llko and your qualifications for it Wo will do tho reBt. Address at onco; National .Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett Small ((Late Special Investigator, U. S. doV't). Director 2401 NORTH CAPITOL ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. ,re0Ir "m ' i'm iliiiiiiitr - flEPaTM6 NEW MODEL NI7 . Here U the cheapest good gun yttmidi.'By tfomk dtkukAnmfe.tureweh.ro been able to Bgjuy reduce the art of producttoa tad at the MaM'taae htve kept the sua op to the Urnou high JZann tn(UrJ of tlrgngth. flrM .dJ &jt5(y. Notice the deu iwpUekr of hi mm. Tlw wotkmnthip .nd finiih we perfect. , The weltht I. .only 7 pouocV. The full chole UtoU .re eipecully bored for tmokelcw at wellu blck powder end to chambered that 2H Uch or W.?ch "f11 ""y.P0 "a.. Several fmproveaeaU in the operating part make it the.eaiietti moat reliable and bat, wotkma gun in exntence." We .re glad to make k poanble ferJemr lover of fust nd bird thootina to get thw high grade repeating ihot gun at to low a price. vUve your dealer order it for you. s r Stnd for the ffln Catalogue and Exptrtence Book t(dau. Frtdor'fttamfit,- ,l ' 'IcmjiimS (bWAow Street, NewHmCl v. ) i I )0OQOMQ&XXX03 NIGGERHEAD Lump $9.00 iy.j fc-J, 'V . Vi - :,.l-. QUICK V V A U )..tj' - iv. HOT ..ii' GREGORY. The Coal Man umE imtMNi lOTNMOMES Our Sprint Suitings Have Arrived COME IN AND SEE THEM ELL IOTT 142 So. THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND Have your clothtflciritsd, Ijti1lJlepllfl liy' fMAf$AH AN CLEAN En AND DYER.. .titHt Olsnd ami! Prit 1JS. HATTAN That noajt lq .sot; much when compared Via wkat.lt la wortk,to you tolook' and .stylish. Call !! Phorv. Ff 18. 1V! will wvX&mni&i 4r , your work. 1 w to Order xr-t SHOT MM Nut $8.50 LEAVES NO ASH M I tTREET ,il.TM ., un-.iW 12th St. c vi .vM yjyjyii ntr,'f ti if. ,i., t 'D'l mih-'mt .i' h-i,i ,,,v sittU , 4 4 4 '-'' ( -' -'f " 1 BROS , OS ,. 'v r -1 Mill. feSfwrs: v - .UJ Jrt -,- i-M ) t- i .rl 'Ai 3