mmmmmsiSm w i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -t-l,JJ U-ff- .A'. " ,'- i , . s S , Af-" I V 1 f 4& . 4 gbe Palls fflebraeftan THE PROPEHVTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. IlitWft ITEM lATCEfJ IMAT MI WHWAT BY THE 8TUjDBN8PUB..BOARD. hMMMN A, 111 N. 14HI It ' EDITORIAL STAFF. ikr,. ... Herbert W. Potter Managing Mltor Victor B. Smith Associate Editor... v... Philip Frederloke Mltn BUSINESS STAFF. ,, - Manmr W. A. Jones Circulator T. A. Jamee Assistant Circulator..... Leslie Hyde , Idjtorjal and pualnese.Ohlce: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PostofTlce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln. Neb. - 1 1 1 . ... i i i BUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Coplea. B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. -INDIVIDUAL NOTICE'S will bo charged for at trie ralo of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or, fraction thereof. Faculty noUcos and Unlvorslty bullotlns will gladly bo published free. Entered at the postoflloo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class majl mattor undor tho Aot of CongTosa of March 8, 1870. SATURDAY, MARCH G, 1009. r In soloctlng Dr. Condra as tho man tb whom tho CornhuBkor for 1009 should bo dedicated tho Cpmhuskor dlntt mado a cholco in which every orio who f knows lipr Condra can most KonrCtly4 agree No man In tho unl VpYatty' lia&.dono moro to bring about a' woll round'pd comploto college life tit' tho UnivorBlty of Nebraska than hoT and no man has bo earnoatly( and consistently championed clean ath letics and clean scholarship. Tho cholco of Dr. Condra Ib an apprecia tion of his tlroloBB work to raise tho standing of tho university. A Chinaman has boon initiated into tho Ph Bota Kappa fraternity at Cor nell. It is highly fitting that in tho lfighest honorary fraternity diffor ohceB of raco should not bo allowed to mako, any difference. No matter .t what racpa. man belongs, intellec tual capacity is allko deserving ou .recognition , and if a Chlnamun do Boryos tho highest scholastic honors it would1 bo tho grossest injustice to keep thorn from him bocauBO of his ii U4hO. Two Stores race. By making puro scholarship tho basis-of admittance tho moaning of tho Phi Bota Kappa pin haB been mado much greater. DR. HADLEY 8PEAK8. . It is a question that, is always a yltal ono to students to know Just how, much outs)de reading one should attempt to crowd Into tho timo that 1b occupied in going to school and what thq nature of this reading should bo, P,roaIdent Hadloy of Yale has recent ly 'discussed the question from the point of'ylow of- ono who has studied , it, for year and, his wprdB aro worth of repeating? , Ho says: t "It is of almost measureless conso qtionco to an. educated man that ho be ' widely read that ho have' tho lovo of reading, which oyer inspires and .moves him to ' gain for ,hlmsolf . all knpwledgo and culture, and power, and enjoyment that reading can give. But if one, is ever to her a reader, In the truo and Ijest, meaning of the word, Jtjs almost absolutely .essential . ixsii the abjt of reading and the Interest .of the. mind in Its, should bo formed and, awakened Before the age of college graduation, , "The college, years are of lnestim; a,blo importancq. in this regard,, Few men, as iyce brieve, who" are notrqad, ers, with tho genuine love of reading CmUmILj -If . 'fi l. " ., r- fr r w LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLr ' ' in youth, becomo such In tho aftor years. In tho caso of tho compara tively Bmall number who acflulro tho lovo at a lator porlod -and thoy are tho, oxcoption , which t proves tho rule thq loss of tho oarlior timo, is irro parabio, or 1ft at loasta great mis fortune. Tho oarly,,timo was .wastod.. It is no easy task to mako up for it. In tho mattor of tho largost attain ments of tho lifetlmo, it is well nigh lmpossiblo to do bo. "It may, bo proporly said and with emphasisthat; tho student In his, col logo yoarB should sot aBido d certain portion of ovory day for reading, and, that ho should as conscientiously and faithfully dovoto his timo to its pur poBO ns ho dovoted tho sections of tho day which aro roqulrod for what is strictly callod his college work to tho objoct which thoy havo in view." DO A MAGNANIMOUS ACT. ''I am a man "Moro Binned against than sinning." King Lear. Tho vacancy created in tho faculty soat of tho athletic board ovor a month ago by tho resignation of Pro fessor Phillips ought to bo filled by tho appointment of somq progrosslvo man to Borvo out tho unoxplrod torm. Tho naming of a successor to Pro fessor Phillips ought to occur soon, for tho board now, with ono mombor lacking, is loft In a condition that may at any timo boforo tho closo of tho year bring forth legislation not wholly congruous to a policy tonding toward greater things in Nebraska athlotics. With Professor Phillips retired, tho board 1b equally divided botwqen stu donts and faculty mombors,. thero bo lng flvo of each. Tula Is not in con cordance with tho spirit of tho rules governing the athletic body, also orig inally provision would not, havo been mado for drawing ono moro mombor from tho faculty than from tho stu dent ranks. Tho undergraduates aro now balancod with thoir superiors in voting power and could, with tho aid of ono faculty vote, control legisla tion. Tho Nebraska board needB some now blood, and now is the chanco to inject a little into its yoinB. In selecting a man for tho vacant chair the senate can do no bettor than tot return t tho board ono whom it so summarily dismissed from it last spring, namely Captain John G. 'ITsMIrt fst 1? vl AImwI Thero is a man who stands for a ;aquaro deal. When ho was a mem- I sell New Spring hats for $2.S0., I do npt "sell" the students. I4IS,0. ber of the athletio board last year ho had tho Interests of cornhuskor ath lotics at hoart Ho worked for bet tering the conditions of tho athletes, dovoted a great share of his timo to his dutlOB as board member, und Was accomplishing moro for tho advance ment, of Nebraska in tho atholtlo world than any of his colleagues. His methods deserved no censure. Tho wrong ho was alleged to havo done was only an Imaginary ono. Tho truth, of this statement somo of tho "roformera" ot last year now realize. Somo of tho studonts who carried on tho purity campaign last spring wore sincere. They believed thoy wero doing cornhuskor athletics a great good in Btirring up an "lnveatl gatlop," but, llko.all roformors, thoy lorrod and did Captain Workizer a great injustice. It Was a wrong that can bo righted at tho present oppor tunity by returning tho commandant to the athletio board. His re-election to the board would please a vaBt4majprlty of tho Bte dents. He is the kind of a man they like. He ijof the .type of progressive men Qjt this generation, which is mak ing the United Statesa great nation, Appoint. Captain John G. Workizer !tp succeed professor .Phillips and the (university' will. haVo Jho man of iho jUUUI 4Ui U1U UtillULtU uuuiu. University Bulletin MARCH Saturday, O.Dlvlnlty Club, Temple, 8200 p. ni. Tuesday, O. "Monologuo" by, Walter B, Tripp of Boston. Convocation, 11 a. m. Mr. Waltor B Tripp of Boston, Uni versity Tomplo Theater, 8 p. m. Friday , 12 Junjor-Benior' inter-class debate Memorial Hall 8 p. in. Saturday, 13 Sophomoro-Froehman intor-class debate. Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Tuesday, 16. "Factors Affecting Stream Flow," by Dr. Q. E. Con dra. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 16 "Commercial Forest NuraeHos,' L. O. Williams. N. 7 at 7:30 p. m. Friday, 19 "How May the Spread of Infectious Diseases Be Prevents od?" Dr. H. -H. Waito. Temple, 6:00 p. m. Friday, 19 Morcor Y. M. C. A. Tom pie Theater, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecture: "For mation of Forest Soils" by Prof Barker. "Moisture Study in For 08t Soils," Prof Hoysor. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. APRIL Friday, 2 "The Problem for Euro peans in Colonizing the Tropics." Dr. F. Crelghton Wollman, of Washington, D. C. Templo 5 p. m. Friday, 23 "Social Problems in Thetr Rotation to Public Health." Prof. Qeorgo 1$. Howard. Tomplo 5 p. m. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific Problems In Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips.' N 7 at 7:30 p. m. AN IMP088IBILITY1 Wo can't continue our fountain pen Bale at ono-half regular prices for over, you know, so wo must mako thiB tho last day. Your last chanco to buy a $6.00 pen for $2.50. Walter B. Tripp. "Ho Is an artist and a scholar. His platform work is most attractive, his. handsome personality adding to an othorwlso brilliant interpretation. His characters aro impersonated with a vividness that makes them seem- to actually appear boforo tho audi ence." Tho Herald, Qainosvllle, Ga. A 8ACRIFICEI That $1.50 Imported Ink Poncll sac rificed for 80c today. Our 14-kt war ranted $2.00 pen goes at 90c. Unl. Book Storo. Happenings of the Past Seven Years Ago. Cqmplote baseball dates for tho season wore announced, Including games with Minnesota and Kansas. Six Years Ago. A bill was introduced into tho legis lature defining tho scope of the ac tivities of tho university library with tho aim of keeping it from duplicating wojrk done by tho state library. Five Years Ago. Nebraska beat Wisconsin in basket-ball by tho score of 25 to 22. Game was very rough and hard, fought. Four Years Ago. .Eleven football games were sched uled by Manager Davis for the com ing season. ' Special, charge was mado at a. basket-ball informal on ail who did not bring ladles. It-resulted in very few mon ,"a tagging It." (J One Year AQt Sophomore basket-ball game defeat ed the' seniors by tho scorpt of 36 to 35. Tho gamo wasi followed by an Informal dance.' " Bottqr than tho MajostJp-rWaltor B. Tripp, Tuesday ,nfght at Tomplo. We An Running f u A Want Ad Column for I the benefit of our Sub- scribcrs. If you have lost or fovnd articles, or want to sell or buy any--thing, you can secure luick results Nebraskan It Pays to Advertise Our Spring Suitings Have Arrived COME IN. AND ELLIOTT BROS., WANTED-A RIDER AGENT sample Latest Model "Jlnnecr" bicycle (umUhed by u. Ouran tJH IM NO MONUV KUQUmiip to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. mk llK IrlmA ai jow xjs UAY8' VIUUSTBIAi duiinc which time you may ride tlie bicycle and FACTORY PRICES i2n,Uhnl,w h,neuft "" 47c' it Is possible to make tj ii i 55 i"")1 pr?,fit abovc actual ory cost. Vou save io to Jjs.tnlddlemen's profits by buvinsr direct of us and have the manufacturer's tuar antee behind your bicycle. t)0 NOTUUV a bicycle or a pair of tires from lanwie tfjiny rice until Xou receive our caufofues and learn our unheard of factory ' rfrtca and rtmarkabU tttcial offers to. rltlor mrontx. juwrjr S VnM Ufll I IIP ICTMIICUTB when you receive our beautiful catalogue and , t. niwnini,. jtudy our superb models at the wonderfully low ruet we can make you this year. We sell the hichest erade bicycles for leis money mil M double , DIGYOIE WEA1.KU8, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at ur prices. Orders fil led the dav- rttivn.i ? " "aB " HEOONU UAN1 lJIOY(jLi:a. v6 do not rular!yjundle second hand btcycles. but illy have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicaw retail stores. These wa clear out. ptfy at prices rang-ln from a to 88 or lb. DwcSe otrwinTsts JSiiSl'BLS Mr Ut usua w promptly at prices rangln from U to 8 or PAIfTFV HlKPt ln10 wboolB. Imported UUASItR-IMIVtS, eojulpment of all kinds at half M HEDGETHQKH PUNCTURE-PROOF A M (EI r.UITll tMC TIQC The regular retail irice of these tires is JjJ6 tcrpatr. tut to introduce we will sefteauasatnpUpairior$4JiQtashwithorderSrjS), NQMORETIOIBLE FI0H PlHCTHES .NAILS, Taoks or GlaMVlll not' let the air out. Sixtv thousand nairs sold lasr vear. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. DEaORimatii Made In all sizes. It Isllvelv and easvridintr.vervduTableand Hnedinsidewith a snecial oualTtv of rubber, which never becamea porous and which closes up small punctures, without allow iiiK theair to escape. We have hundreds 6f letters f rom satis fied custoraersstntlngr that their tlreshaveoulybeen pumped uponccortwiceinaWlioleseason. Theywelpiinomoretnaa an ordinary tire, tbepuncture;reslsUngqualUlesbeinggiven by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the ireoa. inereguiar pnceoi tiiesc tires tsa. advertislnffpurposeswearemakinira8pec: Soperpalr.butfor fal factory price to -. me naer 01 oniy .oo per pair, au oraera snipped samo day letter U received. We ship C O. D. on approval. You do not pay a cent uhtll you have examined and found them strictly as represented.- send FULI. CASH WITH OUDEft and enefo we win aiiow a ub uiicoudi 01 .s ner cencftnen-tivmnirin ).. nickel plated brass band pump. Tires to be returned at OUH expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We arepcrfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you .order a pair of these tires, you wilt find that they will ride easier, run fasten wear ratter, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you wlJlT)e so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your orderT We waut you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tlreflffer. , . IF YOU NEED TffiES ttt1 UJranklndat anv I? utU y 8 for a pair of ' z!T ' jr. , . !iK. "f 5 "n . "r ?IeJ8ctorn iuncture-Proof tires on approval and trial nt the special introductory-price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Simon p Catalogue wl icli describes and quote afl makes and kinds of tires afcabout halflhc usual prices. lB , w,,,t" Hit MMT WAIT but write VaPs,lttltoday; UONOTTUIk-OKUtrYlNOablcycle lf ZtA f paK of tlrea from anyne lJntU yu knw the new and wonderful offera we are making. It only costs a postal to iealveryUUng WrHe itNO W. anawon!lcr u . J. L HEAD CYCLE COMPANY; CHICAGO, ILL. using a Want Ad. SEE THEM 142 So0 12th St. IHEACHTOWH and district to ride and exhibit a until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We ship without a cent dttotitXn advance, tntav freight, anfl Sip. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free , roller c niftis and ptftlaU. narts recoirs and1 th usual, retail fricit."' . ' . ?? SAMPLE PAIR to unaoDuoE, only !r tfotto.a the thick rubber tread. I Vt' and puncture strips "W" 'and 1," also rim strip 'Il" , to prevent rim cutting. fThls', I tire will outlast any other make SOFT. KIiASTIO'cuid tSAaX U.IUIHQ. thf h;.--J;1"' . '"' IT1 .!.. tA KH tuaKhLl Iff .... bv H n - v VrVMPPsMPHMl BBBBBBtBEJBZBIJKRKMtyMiKtnh - .t - -j 1 -vw , . ( , . , . i I v-A'1 & jy & H ' jf