The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. VIH. No, 99,
FICERS AT 11:30,
Freshman Electton to Come Tuesday
With Thrco Candidates for Prosl
dencyand With Little In
terest Manifest as Yet.
The junior Class will moot at 11:30
thlB morning In Memorial hall for tho
election of a vice-president, secrotary,
and treasurer and for tho transaction
of other minor matters. The repre
sentation which the class Is to have
in the CornhUBlcer will bo discussed
and a decision will doubtless be made
on the amount to be appropriated for
this purpose.
No active campaign Is on for any of
the minor class ofllcos. It is not-likely
that moro than two Candidates will
appear for any ono place and It is
possible that ona'or moro ofheos will
go by acclamation.
Sophomores Talking.
The sophomore election Tuesday, at
which ,Nyo Morohduse was elected
president of the class by the support
of tho law freshmen, had Its after
itiath yesterday In the shapo of much
campus discussion. The talk brought
forth no practical results, liowover.
.Morehouse's election was respon
sible for a largo amount of indigna
tioivfrbm numerouos- straight-sophomore
academics who supported other
candidates. These men claimed that
the law man was elected by tho votes
qf senior academics taking freshman
law work, and they'bolleved that these
students had no rlghtto vote as soph
omores, A 'charge of ballot stuffllng
Avas also made.
Tuesday night a move was started
for tho circulation of a petition call
ing upon tho first semester president
and tho registrar to declare the elec
tion void In view of the objections
made, and to call a second election at
which senior acadonilc-lawa should not
be allowed to vote. This move had no
practical result yesferday and the pe
tition had not been started late in the
day. It Is within the province ,of
either the registrar or tho first se
mester president to take tho' matter
Into his own hands with a call for an
election. Whether or not any such
action will bo taken 1b problematical.
Not Personal Fight.
f "I ani not personally soro at Iore-i
house," said a prominent sophomoro
yestordny, "and I "believe that most of
tho others who are protesting hlB elec
tion will agree with hie" Itf saying that
the Issue is not, a personal one, There
are many who wero not originally sup
porters of Coulter who are yet much-
angered at his defeat "by Morehouse,
but their feeling is not based, I bo
lloye, on pprsonal objections. Tho
matter is rather a question of prlnj
clplo and for that reason the feeling
Is nil1 tho moro lntonao, fc
"The action of the laws in attempt
,lng to run Iho "affairs of the straight
academics' Is to bedoplored, whether
or not a man cares personally for one
candidate or the other, There would
not he so much objection If the
straight freshmen laws only ' ttnd
voted. They may hayo the rlglt, but
cortalnly the seplors have not Tho
fact that a largo number of the final
ballots wore stuffed iq not proof that
they wero nil In fayor of Morehouse,
but this Is t,hovYlqw( tho straight soph
omorqs will takof or it in consideration
of tho fact that a part of' hs support
was undoubtedly gained by fraud In
letting tho seniors vqto."
Thomas Ladles' Man.
Tho freshman election will bo held
Tuesday and tho three candidates are
beginning to warm up their campaign.
Beck's announcement Saturday has
caused Landers and Thomas to take
on ronowed activities and there was
somo lively vote-getting going on yes
terday. Thomas is tho only fraternity
man Ih the race, but Landors is receiv
ing trio backing of a number, of tho
Greek letter men. Somo of Thomas'
supporters are using the argument
thafroshmen who want to get, in tho
band wagon should climb in with their
candidate since they prophesy his
election through the aid of tho co-ed
vote. They arguo that Thomas IS a
popular man with tho girls and that
tho co-ed vote will be the deciding
factor In the content.
Landers Is depending chiefly on sup
port from the boys of the. clasjj. Ho
wos a student nt tho academy for a
torm .before entering tho university
and his acquaintance Is correspond
ingly widened. He has been prominent
In athletics for his first university
Beck hails from Montana and is
making a breezy campaign. He is
well-known to mombors of the class,
and will probably secure a good pro
portion of the vote.
Double Header Will Be Played Friday
The fourth of tho series of inter
class basket-ball games was played
last evening, between the juniors and
the freshmen resulting In a Bcoro of
16 to 11 In favor of the Juniors. The
game was fast and especially towards
the second half was very rough, Both
teams had good teain work, but wero
"eBp'ecIally weak In their attempt to
locato tho basket.
Thus far each team has played two
gamea and each team has ono game
still to play The Btandlngof tho
different team. b at the,present tlmo Is
ns follows " 4 ... '
Juniors . T. .". '.'.......... .". 1.000
Sophomores '.500
Freshmen 500
Sonlors .....' 000
In tho two games that remain to bo
played the juniors will play tho Soph
omores and tho seniors the freshmen.
However tho senior-freshman game
comes out tho seniors have on chance
of winning tho series. If, however,
tho freshmen win and the sophomores
also should win in the junlor-Bopho-more,
game thon tho juniors, fresh
men and sophomores will be tied' for
first place. If the juniors win in the
Junior-sophomore gamo It will mean
than tho Juniors win tho series. If tho
sophomores win in the sophomdro-
junior gamo and tho seniors win In
tho senior-freshman! gamo it will mean
that the juniors and sophomores will
bo tied for first place.
,A small crowd was n attendance at
the game, last ovoiilng, but It-made up
In enthusiasm, what It packed In, size.
Tho ma'nngemont Is desirous of getting
a larger crowd out for tho final games
of the serjos and sq Jias decided to
hold both the Friday andi Saturday
,game8 between foun and, six Friday
afternoon. It is exnectcd that a double
Jlieader at this lime in the day will
draw a large crowd.
"A large audience gave every evi
dence, of approval last evening whou
Mr. Tripp gave his recital of ''Every
Man in His Humor.'. Ho' Imperson
ated no less than fifteen characters,!
and ' demonstrated no less his ability
in a'most convincing mannor." Tho
Boston Globe,
At tho Temple March 9. 25c.
A near-riot ,occun'ed yesterday at
tho Unl, Book Store when five hun
dred , students gathered to purchase
our ?C00 "Student Special" pens at
sale 'vprico $2,50. This pen Is war
ranted not to le'ak and 14-kt. solid
gold. . ,
Date Has Been Settled on and Kansas
Will Again Journey to Lincoln
to Meet the Cornhuskor
Eleven. ,
t .. - ,,- ,? n vr. .,. 4,
Teams- Nebraska and Kansas
, Prize -Championship of MlBBonrl
Valley basket-ball league.
?v GameV-Throc: Tonight, ' Frldny
and Saturday.
Place Rainbow R'nk, m Kansas
City, Kans.
Thq UrBt o'f tho threo games for tho
basket-ball championship o tho .Mis
souri valley conference will bo played
betwoen the Nebraska and Kansas
university fives in Rainbow link,
Kansas City, Kans., this ovonlng. B-nh
teams are today in tho city oa tho
Knvv irstlng before tho flush this
cvenuig Tho Nebraska par? of nine
mon is stopping at the Contiu
In Kansas City, Mo. The Kansas
team is nt tho Baltimoro htnl In tho
same city. .
Dr. ( lupn took tho live u'gu'.ir
pluyon and tiroo subs'. uUw with
him. Perry, Bell, Potrnshek, Captain
Walsh, and Wood will form tho vur-
slty line-up at tho opening of tho con
test this evening. Long, Ingersoll nnd
Schmidt will bo used, ns the substi
tutes. Tho jayhawkers will havo practic-.
ally tho Same line-up against the corn
buskers that they presented In tho
previous games of, the season. John
son, tho star player, is in fine con
dition and will bo at work for the
KansaB quintet.
Large Crowd Expected.
The contest" this evening will bo
started at S o'clock. Tho sorlcs has
been extensively advertised In both
of tho Kansas Cities and it is expected
that large crowds 'will attend each 'of
tho games.
Tho Rainbow rink in Kansas City,
Kans., is but fifteen minutes rldo by
trolley from Kansas City, Mo., and
many alumni of tho Jayhawkor insti
tution will Journey over tho river
each evening to seo the . representa
tives of their Alma Mater In contest
with the famous cornhusker.
Tho Nobraska players, when they
loft Lincoln lastnlght were In fine
shapo for tho games. None of thoni
wore suffering any injuries and &
should bo ablot to put up tho best
fight of tho BeaBon,, . i -
Dr, Clapp doponda- upon fast team'
work to win tho games for tho corn
buskers. Little reliance can bo
placed . in, tho goal tossors, and tho
best work by the cornhuskers will
havo to bo done In guarding the Jay
hawkers and keeping thorn from cng
Ing (ho ball.
Neither Captain W.alsh nor Wood,
tho two Nebraska forwards, - throw
goals in practice this week "vvith
o'nough accuracy to suit their coach
and thoy will not bo' expected ,to do
any sensational work this evening.
In case either of them should show
a brilliant form the Nebraska five
will probably" stand a good chanco to
Win. Otherwise tho Jayliawkers" must
be the victors.,-'
.' Kansas Football, Dates.
Manager Eager has settled on No
vember C as tha dato for tho annual
football gamo with Kansas. Tho con
test will be played in Lincoln' again.
This will bring tho Jayhawkers to
this city in two succeeding seasons.
It was at their own suggestion,'
though, that thoy w,oro hooked 'to
play hero. fc , ' "
Acbcrdlng to a two year contract
with Kan8asnoxt fall's gamo should
havo been hold in Lawronco, but the
Jayhawkers uro also to moot Iowk
thoro In 1000 and they do not want
two big games In Lawronco In ont'v
season. ' r, ' v , v, "
Tho scheduling of tho gamo for" Lln
coin was good news for tho local Btu$
dents" for thoy nil "want "to s6o" tho
dqfoat qf last fall avenged and hellcvo
tho trick can bo accomplished on the
homo field. With tho Jayhawkors hore
next soason thoro will without doubt
bo ono of tho Inrgcst crowds in at
tendance that dver witnessed a foot
ball struggle In Lincoln.
Baseball Practice.
Soveral men havo boon added to tho
basoball squad this week' and tho
largo list of candidates look llko a
formidable array of material. Tho
men In charge of tho cnndldatos bo
llovo Nebraska has tho best outlook
for a winning five thnt it Iiob had In
The pitching material seoms to bo
scarce, though, and' Captain Bolzor Is
looking around for aspiring twlrlors
Tho box wob Nebraska's woakest
point Inst Beason and now blood mimt
bo infused into that position this
spring if tho qornhuBkcrs are to bo
In a fust class.
Professor. Wilson to Represent Nebras
ka In Switzerland.
-At a recont meeting of tho unlvoi'
slty Bonato matters pertaining to un
classified students woro takon up.
This problom has of late bocomo an
Important ono at Nobraska owing to
tho great difficulty experienced with
this class of students, who seom at
tho present tlni.o to be registering In
largo numbers. -
As a'consequoncd tho spnntu recom-
monded the following regulations, of
which tho subBtanco Is hore given in
An applicant for admission "as an
unclnsscd student must obtain tho
approval of the dean of tho college
Jn which ho wishes" to reglstoi," A
regular student cannot obtain un
classified standing. Students of the
school of music wishing to register in
tho university must present a certif
icate of tho hours' registration In
music. Unclasscd students are ad;
mlttod on equivalent academic credit
or an experience In teaching-to' supple
mont Incomplete academic training or
special attainment in some particular
lino and they are admitted under such
conditions as shall bo deemed wlsu In
each Individual case. Thoy .are sub
ject to tho same university regulations
as regular undergraduates. 'TJnclaBsed
students suspended for failure in uni
versity work may bo admitted upoi
attaining" regular undergraduate stand
ing. Tho uenato also recommended
tho selection of Professor H. H. Wil
son of tho college of law to represent
tho University of Nebraska on th6
occasion of tho ' 350th anniversity of
the 'University of Geneva in Switzer
land. Prorossor Wilson will bo
abroad at tho tlmo of the celebration
and can, fortunately act in tho ca
pacity. All tho recommendations of
tho senate are adopted upon the ap
proval of the chancellor and the
board of regents. N k
i A publication has-been received by
thd bqtany department, from tho pub
lishers in Germany. Tt is the work of
Prof. A. Schmidt and deals with the
botany of the volcanic region around
Java and Sumatra, it contains half
tone plates of the regions In tho var
ious islands, showing tho various
plants thai Inhabit the old craters
ani tho surrounding localities, if is
found that tho plants are attracted by
tho qhanged conditions resulting frqm
tho volcanic action.
Your rfo. would pay fo a aloe
Junch, at, Th BM$on.,Luca, "Wky,
go homt , I , ' "-"'
Price 5 Cent
Fact That College Men Are Sought to
Give, Expert Advice on Various
Matters Used to Harm Un',JJ
versity Measures. ' "v
bosplto the rather wldosprfiad Idea
oVor tho state to tho effect that unU
vorslty profossprs aro engaging in a
whoIoBalo button-holing campaign'
about tho mombors of tlio stato legis
lature, thoro aro. very fow- men" nc
tually lobbying for tho stato school.
Tho men devoting ovon a vory small
part or 'their tlmo in prosontlrig to tho
lawmakers tho needs of tho, unlvorslty
may bo numborod on tho-finger's of
ono hand, and yet thoso few havo "boon
magnified into nearly tho whole ,fac
.ulty of tho Institution In certain
rumors, which havo In ono or two In
stances oven obtained' tho dignity of
publication In tho stato prdss,
The prcvalonco of tho-, tinlvorsjty
lobby bug In tho oyoB and" ours "of
many people, and of Somo or tho leg-'
Islntors In particular, Is quite probably
not duo entlroly to a spirit of an
tagonism to tho university, It no doubt
arisos to some oxtont, from a misinter
pretation ' of tho proBoncauosomo
mombors of tho faculty In thq, stato
house and In other places froquonted
by, tho lawmakers. -. .. -
Wanted to' See V '
-During' tho tlmo liiBt wook whdn tho
Carnegie bill was being mado the' sub'-'
jeet of wide comment qulto u number
of mon connected with the university;
visited tho House gallorles In expecta
tion of hearing" tho dobato of tho leg
islators on tho mutter, on, ono occas
ion in particular, when it had been
announced by error that tho bill wou!d
bp discussed, "a number, of tho pro-'
fCBSors attended. ' Ono of a group of
several who had been together in -the?
Buuury wub uccusieu oysa in en us as
no twus leaving, wunrf a jocular ques
tion cs to what .tho" presence bfj so
many -educators meant. ' . '
"Oh, wo ''Just thought wo would
come up and seo tho fun' said tho
teacher in question'. '"' -
And yet it is understood that .this
particular bunch of ,. professors wero'
pointed out by a conscientious mem
ber of the Houso afi typical specimens
of tho "university lobby." , .
For Outside Interests.
The fooling of somo of the lawmak
ers in regard to ra university lobby
has boon strengthened -when thplr
attention has been called to
.certain professors who aro. in
fact Interesting themselves about
tho capltol not for unlvorslty meas
ures, but for interests entirely without
the educational realm., Various' civic
reform movements, conservation
plans, agricultural benefits, and llko
matters have enlisted 'the support of
mon connected with ono or another
department of the university. In somo
Instances tho support has been a moral
ono, coming as from a privatq citizen.
In other cases Jijt has beqn sought in
Yiqw of the expert knowledge, pos
sessed' by members pt Iho university
faculty. - -r
Although tho professors havq been
fully warranted vin their station as
citizens of tho state to glyo their sup
port to these measures not connected
with tho university, somo of the 'law
making body havq' not ovon considered'
what their purpose was, They havq
recognized them ns teachers' in the
institution, and havo raised a cry of
"lobbyists."- This attitudo has-characterized
certain newspaper corre?
spondepts ho less than It has memberp
of tho legislature. The result" has
been that tho real' university measures
have been considerably embarrassed"
in some quarters,, by , the. .presence of;
'the professors, op account of the
misinterpretation of tlelr ptI6n.
- "