H-.t'. IHVIT,IIM-W.W mrt I'M iii 1 mmuh lHIMliMWWWlUlW8 w r - t m ri T r r i - . ' iiiE iail fAC17 A" X ItHWif WlMWW WJilliUMlMtfcMI IW H'l IM" I'1 lW UMl MllWm'- V WftUn 1W.WMWIW'Wl-lMlVl- NEBRASKAN i v s mx v.. H : r i Business Directory fcvjry Loyal University Student It uraed to patronize these Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tion tne paper wnuo uum v BANKS T Contral Notional. First Trust and Savings. Fftrmors & Merchants. BAKERIES j Polsoni, , BATH HOUSE fc Chris', Blevonth and P Sts. fc.BOOK STORES ' Co-Op Portor's. University. j CIQARfr . Colo & McKohna. CLOTHING Farquhar, Magoo & Doomor. Rtayor Bros; Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. CCorf Clothing Co. - HI Vrt A I ! . r r i j . i ' . m iwvnu-T i . n ,' ' k." i ' WhltobreaBL . CONFECTIONERY--"' Llnooln' Candy Kitchen. . DANCING ACAD.EMIE8 Lincoln. Williams. DENTI8T8 J. It. Davis. Yungblut DRY GOODS' v .. x Horpolsholmer. , -, Mlllor & Palno. ENGRAVERS ; Cornoll. 4 FLORI8T8 $ Chapln Bros. ' . C. H. Froy. FURNI8HING8 ' Budd. "" , -aj Cor Clothlug Co. f Fulk. Magoo & Doomor. $ Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. Fred Schmidt & Bros. GROCERIE8 $ Nobraska Grocory & Meat . Co. HATTERS Budd. Fulk. $ Unland. J f Corf Clothing Co, ' ICE CREAM . Cameron's. ... Franklin Ico Cream Co. JEWELERS Hallotl. Tuckor. ' LUNCHEONEfTE8 $ Folsom. " LAUNDRIE8 Evans. ' Merchants. OPTICIANS Shoan. . ORCHESTRA S' Q. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERS . Townsond. PRINTER8 Georgo Bros. x Simmons. iK Young & Van Tyno. SHEET MU8IC B. J. Walt- RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch. Cameron's. 8H0E8 Cerf Clothing Co. ' T ' Bookman Bros. , Branthwalte. Budd. Cincinnati Shoo Store. Vf Sandersons. Rogors & Perkins. U Petty. '" Hereford. 8KIRTS The Skirt Stroo. m TAILORS Elliott Bros. Horzoff. Marx. -" . w College Tallora. ' .Scotch Woolen Mills. Ornirnrv. . t m .TUF'ATPRft 1t J Lyjic. m MajosUc. 1 Oliver. "W TYPEWRITER8-r- v m Lincoln Typewriter Ex- ,- change. ' 1 W r Underwood Typewriter Co. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- ADVERTISERS ..,., ..-, w-. ... . tAPITBL RF.VFRSIRI F. Two for 100 per ctnt Exlr Ww 25c. Made with "Easy fie Slide space and "Pat 4 ented Lock Front." QUARTER SIZES. One oi 100. 7o7? (pilaris HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing CENTRAL MTIOMLBftM I2th and 0 8trtU P. L. HALL) PrMldaat F. B. J0HN80N, Vlce-PraliMt BEUAN 0. FOX, GMhtor W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Ami. Owblr 000000000K'OeO0 n All Mokes of Second' AanJ Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood v Typewriter -Co.; 714 P Sir, Botll PhOBIS, &G$0$0$0$0$00$00& . FLEMING Finost wntcli and Jowolry Ropniring In tho city. Qlvo us n call. Boll A704, Anto 8ai. - 12110 St. Wo solicit h share of your patronage L.rJ. HERZOG .Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 12 30 O St. Lincoln, TYPEWRITERS AH makes rontod with atnnd $3 Per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Mucblncs. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1155-Boll 1181. 123 No. UUx DANCE PROGRAMS-BANQUET MENUS Want - Ads Adwtteenieata' for the want ad column should bo left at the business ofllco, basehient Administration Bldg., between It) a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion .for every fifteon words or fraction thereof for the first Inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A good dress suit; size 36. Cheap. Auto 3470. . 105-90-tf FOR SALE A now high-grade bl cyclo at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nobraskan office. 01-tf LOST AND FOUND. 4 Lostd-In armory, a key ring, con taining one largo and lx' sm'all keys. Leavo at Nobraskan office. C. Dt. Klhsnian. 4 113-96-3t LOST A. A. Waterman self-filling pon: metal clip. Reward for return to Nobraskan offlco. 114-96-3t LOST Lady's ring; 3 sets 1 gar net, 2 v small diamonds', Return to Nobraskan ofllco. 117-97-31 52 0005 CALLING CARDS 317 dO. I2TH STRfeET j! LOST Waterman fountain pen, bo tween 13th and Q and campus, or on campus, Return, to Nobraskan oflice. '-'' "" H5-97-2t STUDENT CONVOCATION J. C. KNOpE' SPEAKS ON ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT. GREAT MISSION FOR STUDENTS Discusses the Development of 8oclety and the Changed Attitude Aa- 0 sumed Toward the Uni versity. Tho convocation yoBterdoy morn ing was or unlouo IntoreBt, as it was tho first of tho Horlcs of student con vocations, tho nddrcBB being glvon by a niombor of tho Htudent body. Mr. Knodo, who nddi'csflod tho mooting. 1b a post grndunto student. The sub ject of his address wna, "Some na poets of Dovolopmont." Mr. Knodo in part, said: "Tho .nuestlon nrleing beforo ovory ono of us is: 'What dooa life mean to mo7' Bach of us mny answer this differently. Wo all have a certain amount of knowledge ovon though it may not bo well organized. Thcro are at tlincs, thoughts and feelings which enter our minds' and fill ub with a doslro nnd yearning that we hopo to attain. "Tho conceiition of tho brain of mnn Ib nlmoBt infinite. At somo timo or other we oxporlence a very great va riety of these conceptions. It is true, that many or these are far from Ideal, and it Is host that many or thorn nvc never realized. In spite or all theso conceptions which arise they do not, by any means, nnswor all tho questions arising before ub. It is nee OBsary thorofore to look toward the Upbuilding of such faculties ns wo do not now have entire control or.' Tho student in tho university is here Tor this purpose. He is building u super structure upon tho foundation Ite 1ms already acquired. There are some peoplo who seem willing to remain as they alwnyH wore, but this cannot bo tho thought or tho renl student. Thoro nro mnny who hnvo accustomed them selves to look nt a thing in only ono way, in only ono light nnd resist Btrongly any innovation or chanco which will cause them to give up their GREGORY, the Tailor Has ji dandy lino of goods for Spring Suits. He also docs tho best cleaning and pressing in the city. 14th &0 Streets - Auto 3264 previous . understanding of tho case. The clasB of people who constitute this group nre largely outside the university for, In a general way, the student body very truly represents the othor and bettor view, and not only avalllngly change but anticipate changes. Students' Mission. "We nrd living In an ago on genliiB along the lino ofiyentlpn. and diB covory rather than a literary ago. There" Is one groat, mission for the university students at tho present time nnd that 1b that they must sot tho cxumple and show to the world the way to launch out and got away from the old ways and customs. "Man has always showed tho abil ity to devolop and to adapt himsolf to any environment, ir wo wore to traco this dovolopmont wo would find that everything else has developed along about tho same time. Man has forced natural forces to obey him nnd to Borvo him. This condition Is" tho fruit of his Intellectual development and power. Yet it Is only a com paratively short time that man began to really be mastorof tho forces about him. Not long ago man's knowlodgo was very limited. Sinco then all sub jects havo undergone many changes, mid oven yet wo are only making a beginning and there Is ovory reaBon to bollevp thnt our progress will con tinue, 'A Changed Attitude." ''Man, In a prlmltlvo state, pro served himself wltti a club. Later two men would rorm a life compact, 'and now society thas become1 a Very complox organization, fevon a duel is not now considered n wlnn nlternntivo for the settlement ,o'f' personal differ-, ences. Occnslonlly.. .personal strife may break out but society no longer permits tho use of force. I am ono who hopes our nttltude, honor and re spect will continue in and toward tho university so that there Will be greater respect and more honor at tached to It as time progresses. The signs nro hopeful and the time will ocmo when our school life will bo more Simple, more humble and more effective than It has been In the past." A riot nearly resulted yesterday at tho opening or tho big manufacturer's fountain pon snlo at Uni. Book Store. All pons ono-half price today. $8,00 values at $3.95, $6.00 pens at $2,50, $3.00 penB at $1.50, $2.00 sizes ror 90c. BARBER AT CLA88ICAL MEETING Nebraska Professor Returns From In teresting Session at New Orloans. Proreasor Barbor of ttho Latin de partment glveB an interesting account of tho classical association convention which ho attended last weok at Now Orleans. Including tho colleges and second ary schools of twonty-olght states, tho association has a membership of 674. The meotlngs nro hold annunlly. Tho principal address this year was given by Dean West of Princeton. Due to tho dlstanco from tho conter of membership tho convention was not well attended, only 100 mombors bolng present. Notwithstanding this, great IntoreBt was shown. The con vention or next year pr,omlsos to bo of great Import as It will bo held at' Chicago, in tho center or tho college district. Professor Barber was elected vice president of tho association and also a member or tho executive committee. It happened that the classical asso ciation hold its meetings at the samo time as the Mardl Gras was being carried on. This was especially In teresting to the delegates to the con vention, as theso festivities were given a decidedly Roman flavor. Dont' fail to buy ono or those cele brated $1.50 English pon pencils ror ,90c at the Uni. Book Store. Writes beautifully with any colored Ink, and guaranteed not to leak. S"ale closed tomorrow. PROFE8SOR8 LECTURE TO CLUB History, Literature, Art and Econom ics Are Discussed. Several university proroSBors havo been giving lectures ror tho last Tew months, before tho lecture circle or woman's 'club composed or about 40 members. Tho club meets at different houses to discuss literary problems and has a lecture every two weeks. Tho course of study is "Franco in the 19th and 20th Centuries," and has been trentod In four divisions; name ly, history, literature, art and eco nomics. Professor Fling has charge of thq history course, professor Sher-, man that of llteraturo, Miss Hayden the art and Professor Rossignol la now in charge of the oconomtcs. 8TUDENT8 ,WILL TAKE A TRIP To 8tudy Forestry Methods In the Sand Hi Regions. ', A number of students in tho fores try department are planning to visit tho government nurseries at Halsey, Thomas county, In tho near future. Tho object of tho trip will bo to study nursery methods nrtd field planting In tho sand hill regions, and to soe' at first hand the results of tho government experiments along tho, llpo of forestry in tho - semi-mid regions of western Nebraska, Betwoon Jen and fifteon men will make tho trip, andNthoy hopo to h,o able to plan their journey so that tl'iey may remain "for two wooks. 1 -V 44 '5. WWyWWfn5i Vk,1Et UJ.fciwr'WfcW- A.O.SfWiyiriu & $m. k- -- Largest Manufacturers In ht World of Of flcTaf 'Athletic Supplies. Foot Ball Basket Ball . Offlcial:,lmp)mntaferali1.Track .j - and !Mpprta. . Uniforms-, for., all .Athletic .Sports. 3'paulding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of al,spprts contalnsj numerous auggestlonsviant free.anywhere. A, Q. 8PAULDINQ BtlOh Now York' Chlcagb Seattlov ' ." Ifi l . A , - i. ' i J. f t' SPRING- SUITS EvsrpsiifTkfiVii' Pries $10 U $27.50 Young's Hit$J3 '. Cirfs Sif clals $2 'V I Farmers and Merchants Bank - 15th & 0 Sts. Only Commorcinl Stato Bank jn Lincoln .. Established 1001 Q)urteous Treatment Always and yoti Are Not Urged to Have Some thing You do Not Wish The Pioneer Barber Shop tC So. Hth St. Auto 437 Shaving 10c George Bros. Printing' ' p,u UaJA Engraving., Jtationerr, Embossing ""teigjgfi' Eat at Green's Place The UNION CAfE 1418 O street Open Day and Night THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wolcotoea nil Students. ' B B ninCC sd Silver tetter BBB pipes a-Baae? UNI SMOKE HOUSE- WJ2 Q Btroot - ANNOUNCE SUBJECTS FOR WEEK i ' The Y. W. C. A. has announced the1 subjects for the noon, meetings dur ing the 'coming week as follows: Wednesday Praise service Spocjulr music. 4 r Thursday Jollification timet' col lego songs, Inauguration of thomew officers; ' ' i ' Friday;-"Conditions' in Porttf Rico," Hllla Ferguson, ' n w mm I SEnaEfljECBBSI MI25mUljjeoliUftM ft n 'I t t f , "