wMHin Mf.it.t..ftliK i, ! JS. llntllrtft! -.-wV - '.;-U:.i.':;.. w .tsrrrry rr jjA.' t?..' ; :-A- ;4 &; xv ff3S THE DAILY? NEBRASKAN .f."'v;B',' v IV" W. r t OLIVER THEATRE ' WED. MAT. A NIGHT) MARCtf 3 NtfMan Mttktitjn "CIlSIMltll" Mat $1.00 to 25c. Night $10 td 25c. - -w w-wwwww o o w o w qrw thur&day Night, ma&ch 4 E. H. Sithirn IN LORD DUNREARY fJGlmpus.)!) 'I)V"1 Mil W cleanings W 25c. FR1., 8AT AND SAT. MATIN EEk MARCH 56 The Playful Players rr - i LflMUHliTB The Eminent Swedish Artist LIND The Envy of all Woman Kind PORTER J WHITE 'And 'His- Company Appearing in 'THE VISITOR" MARZELLO ; , The Most Original Act of Its Kind In Vaudeville BILLY FARNON, WILLS and RAN8LEY A Singer and a Pair of Dancers Mat. Daily 2:15 (except 'Monday) Prices 15c and 25c Every Night at 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c "An American .Citizen," PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! KVflTi WEEK STARTING .MARCH 1st THE FULTON STOCK CO. 'Presents The Thtee oi Us Best Seats 25c Every Night at 8:30 Matinee Wed. and Sat. 2:30 Next week "Alice of Old Vin- cennes" PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTI8ER8! The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, Billiards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco, fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS JN THE WEST PRICESr BILLIARDS,l40c rerHour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION FOOL , , 7 . ROTT LF. POOL Z l'2 cta P" POKER POOL 1 , cv , PIGEON POOL I 3 cues ,0 c,s J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Sharing Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent In the Place, O R e H ESTRA i for Concert, or Dances G. F. Thornburg, Ralph J. Reld, - -c - Director - - - Pianist Violin and Cornet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. J7tfa. " Auto 5877. WILLIAMS DANCING ACADEMY VV if Successor to Pitts ' Social Evening - - - Friday Advanced Class - Saturday Eve. Class Evenings '- Msoday & Wednesday j 4 Private Leiaoni Given if Deaircd 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 Bell A-2621 C. H. Proy, liorlst, 1133 O St. ,'.'An American Citlzon'' tonight. Beclcman Bros., flno shoes. 1107 O street Delta Upsilon woro hosts at a houso party Friday night. Camoronfs Lunch nnuntm- iofi an Twelfth St. E. R. Levin spont Sunday at his uume ui wanoo, NOD. Chapin Bros'., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. ft E. H. Jorgenson, 1910, spent Sun day and Monday in Omaha. o Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. The Kappa Psl entertained at the chapter houso Saturday evening. ft ft ft Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. William Nye of Kearney visited at the Delta Upsilon houso on Sunday. ' Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Chargos reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Peter Duer of Hastings, Neb., spent Sunday at the Phi Delta Thota house. ft ft ft Tickets reserved all day today at the Temple for "An American Citi zen." George H. Heinko, law 1908, was a visitor in tho college of- law Satur day. Miss Bertha Ronoh. oy.1Q11 vlait,i at tho Delta Delta Delta house on Sunday. o L. D. BUrdiCG. 1911. RllPnf Rnttir. day and Sunday at his home in Her man, wen. ft Miss Shlrloy Casstetar of Blair visited at the Delta Gamma houso last week. Tickets reserved at the Temple all day today. Don'.t forget. "An Amer ican Citizen." ft ft Harry Minor, 1911, Delta Upsilon, has returned from a short visit at Auburn, Neb. o It's worth your monev and Mm a Tf you don't believe it. ask me. Tnniirht at Temple, 25c. ft - Bettor than tho Majestic. Costs only half as much. An American Citi zen, tonight. Come. Tho annual datico or tho Alpha Phi sorority was held Saturday night at tho Lincoln hotel. Many of tho alum ni mombers were in tho city to attend 'this event. Tonight during drill hour cadot com panies B. B and C had their pictures taken for tho Cornhuskor. Tomorrow night companies D and I will havo tholr pictures takon. . Remarkable -Think of being ablo to purchaso a flno 14-kt. solid gold fountain pon for 90c;' regular prlco $2.00. You can do so today at tho University Book Store Tho caso of Green vs. Mutz, Which hns been ponding for sdmo time in tho nractlco courts, was docldnri lnnfc Rnf. urday in tho district court. Groen recovered $10 and costs. . Professor Barber, of tho Latin de partment, roturncd Saturday morn ing from his trip to Now Orleans, La. whero ho attended tho convention of tho Classical Association. , , p Mr. Most, who has boon delivering a Borles of lectures before tho Forst Club, has loft tho city. Ho will re turn In about two weeks to comploto his lectures on treo planting. o Of Interests Tho roport thnt tho Unl. Book Store is offering all foun-i tain pens nt one-half regular values: has boon verified. Salo begins to day and lasts threo days only I Kappa Alpha Theta sorority hold their annual party at tho Lincoln ho tel Frldny evening. Many alumni returned to tho city for this ovont.- About flfty-Hvo couples wcro prosont. Important: That famous $1.50 Im ported Dwarf Ink Poncll may bo pur chased today at Unl. Book Storo for auc. n writes as smoothly as n foun tain pon, and Is guaranteed non-leak-able. i Tho Palladian nnd tho Union soci otlos debated- tho parcols poBt quos tion on Friday night in tho Palladian hall. A largo crowd heard tho debate which resulted in a victory for tho Palladians. , Help Wanted One .thousand .Htu. dents to carry away our $3.00 foun tain pens ut $1.50. Fully warranted. All pons at one-half regular prices for three days only. University Book Store. 4- ft ft Several law students hnvo an? nounced tholr Intentions to tryoutB ifor tho oratorical contest. This con test Is to be held some time in tho near future under the auspices of tho law school. i All mombers of tho junior football team are requested to meet at Town send's Thursday, March 4, at 1 p. m. A second plcturo is to be taken, as tho first one was spoiled. O. Bent ley, Manngor. Wlllard Mills, 1909, left last even ing for a California trip and may do- I m OOffiOOfflOOOOOOOOOOffiboOVO"bOffiOOOO)OffiOO0 New Spring Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear $ FULK, -:- -:- 1325 O I 00000000000Ou0C3000000000005 Learn tho barn dance, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. Ralph Wood of Omaha, 1912; R. W. Van'Sant of South Omaha, 1912,.havo pledged Phi Gamma Delta. Spoonsl Spoons! '"Where? 340 No. 11th St. Watch our -window. 'Simona! ITho UniVorslty Book Store., , Patronize homo Industry and pass up tho Majestic, An ''American Citi zen" tonight' at the Temple. 25c. ,. ft ' W. T. Wplvington, 1911,. of Chad ron, Neb., is sick at the detention Hospital, with a case of smallpox. Have you seen the new nlnctrln Oxfords?. Sanderson's have the. swell- est ones you ever saw. Drop in and see them. & ft . ' ' , C, w A, Clark,.., 1'90'8, . a member pf Delta Upsilon fraternity,, vjsited for the past few, days at the chapter house. " ' . ,".' , i l Prof. A. J, Wiokland, of. the Green wj)qd high schop, and. a party of twenty-five stu'de"nts "visited the unl. versity Frjdayv Tho Alpha Omicron Pi sorority held initiation Saturday nlirht at tho rhnn. ter house, when seven' now mo'riibers were initiated. ' William A. Doubt. 1911. hna hon impaneled on, the jury for the iMarch term of thp dlstrict.'court. The ses sion "will probably last about three weeks. cldo to locate on tho Pacific coast. Mr. Mills ilnishod his course last so mestei; and will recolvp tho B. Sc. degree- in June. . Read carefully all items in today's Nobraskan and learn how you can get a fountain pen at one-half reg ula"r prico today! Bargain offer: $6.00 warranted 14-kt. gold pons at $2.50. See them at Unl. Book Storo, ft ft c For tho past week several of tho university theme readors havo been- worKing on tuo Lincoln essaysll sent in to compete for tho Nebraska State Journal prizes. It will' take about ono more' week to complete tho work, M. S. Blnnoy, ox-1911, is "acting as advance agent for tho "Limited Ly ceum Bureau." Mr. Blnnoy will spend this week in southern Nebraska and noxt Week ho will go to Oklahoma to arrango dates for lecture courses thoro. v , ft Thn Infor-olnflH hnnlrnt.hnll ttamoa Lhavo been very oxcltlng and" they are' aesorving oi a largo patronage. There seems- to bo very Httlo enthusiasm manifested at lnter-class basket-ball games, This condition should be Changed. Turn out and give your class' team your support. Today opens tho fountain pen sale at University Book Storo. Never be fore havo such bargains been "offered to tho student body. A fully war ranted 14. -kt. solid cold nen. worth $2.00, today only 90c; $3.00 values at ?i.du, iJ.ou gom nana pons at $1.75, $6.00 solid atoning silver pona at $3.00 and other $6.00 values at $3.00, Sale lasts threo "days only! Make No Mistake SOCIETY BRAND Clothes for young men are in a class all by themselves, the new ones ' arq here let us show, you now. Only one or two of any one kind. FARQUHAR, - 1325 O St. 1 i The i S- 'v .s Daily Nebraskan ' t Mitt. -- . I J fyJUm Wsh ' w 'Li1 i t- y is a STUDENT Publica tion. It is the paper of the students, by the students and libx the students and as such it deserves your patronage. li , Ai you are not a regular sub- jcriber, call at room 7, Ad ministration Building - today and register for the "Rag t Mno -ir-Jllof n mt- lv iir: iiinini - !s-mr-ir-i . --.- -' - wvvw.v -m& -v, Subscribe '?: Now! J J M H" . . - . I" ? .V u i Tuesday, Marcii 2 ' 8; 15 P. M. Nat Goodwin's Great Success American Citizen Given by the, DRAMATIC CLUB s TEMPLE f , Tfx- Admission 25o ' -- ' ' - t hVAA, i, r" h 'i ;l i I , .. S.J ."' "!. .jrj .rur r.i .