iwinn 'inmiMimiiiiuj JttmnJHilMB t !.'.' i . fl .( . . 'i k r-j) . .. "V u p. vj.'ffl II .'. t V f ' i'- i. . -' v -f Hjf ' . i3HKi Ks -fir tNHSKa THE bAILY NEBRASKAN :?& -Xi the Bails flcbvaehan '. :$,", " i ' -" - toe. THE PIIOPEIITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln NebnjBlca. MLISHEI EVERT BAT EXCEPT SHNIAT AM MMOAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. MIlUtM GlflCt, 128 Hfl. 14th St. - EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor j Herbert W. ' Potter Manaalno Editor. Victor B, Smith Associate Editor Philip Fredericks BUSINESS STAFF. Manager W. A. Jones' 'Circulator ...... .T. A James Assistant Circulator Leslie Hyde . Editorial and Business Office BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ, Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo oharged for at tho rato of 10 conts per lnoortlon 'for ovory flftoon words or fraotlon thereof. Faculty notices and Unlvorstty bullotlns will gladly bo published free. CONVOCATION TUESDAY MARCH 2 ''? .' --' J, X, KNODE "SOME ASPECTS Of DEVELOPMENT" MEMORIAL HALL 11:00 A. M. Hatton & Ennis, Props... Downstairs, Royal Hotel , I. ' SOITORIUM ',"'' !' Hospital for Sick Clothes ' -"V ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND DRY CLEANING . ' $J.OO Per Month Treatments Given Once a Week GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. nfrf .. t if Auto Phone 4431) Bcil A-2473 1520 O STREET" Ml r Entorcd at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1909. Tho Daily Nobrnsltnn Is Booking. .to maintain in tho columns devoted to enmpus gloamings a donartmont that Bhall givo in conciao form tho largo number of small nowa ovonts that aro nlwaya taking placo upon tho cam pus. Tho NohraBkan is lirgoly do- pendent upon tho aid of tho students .In keeping thoso columns up to tho standard which has boon sot thus far this Bomester. Tho staff will appre ciate It and will ho saved much work if students will sond into tho offlco such small Horns of interest as may como under thoir observation. The selection of tho seniors' class orator should. not bo a matter of po litical wire-pulling or Bchoming. It has boon a common thing in past years for tho poBltlon of Ivy Day or ator to bo promised by tho dlfforont candidates for tho senior preBldoncy in an effort to got moro votes. Tho position of Ivy Day orator Is too great an honor and too important a position to bo risked In tho chnncos " 'Proxy' had Just returned Monday morning from his Eastern trip, and tho wear and tear of travol made rest his own inclinations, tho adv.ico of his solicitous friends In brief, ovory thing but tho dictates of his heart, and wont to "Frlond or Country," to lend by his prosonco a distinction to tho first; performance which it would not othorwis6 havo enjoyed. It is things Hko this so characteristic of tho man that ondoar President Nor throp to ovory student, ovory faculty member and overy acquaintance He is a father to all a father" in the highest moaning of tho torm. And it Is as such that wo regard him Our lovo for him is . like unto that of children lor thoir father ;. and It will always bo bo." it is a causo for profound congratula tions. Thoro aro, however, smany ways in Which conditions at tho Uni versity of Nebraska can bo improved, and it Is certainly not yot time for us to rest on our laurels. AT THE PLAYHOU8E8. IF IT WERE TRUE. In tho nows columns of tho Dally NobraBkan for today appears, an ar tlclo which declares that Nebraska has gained a roputatlon among her sister Institutions as a Bchool whore gentlemanly conduct and proper man ners nre noticeably present It is a causo for congratulation that such an impression has gone abroad, but it 1b to bo seriously doubted whether, as a school, wo merit the honor that we have obtained. Tho special question that scorns to havo aroused tho discussion is wheth er or not students should wear their hats in tho halls of university build ings. Thoro aro some buildings on tho campus in which students neVer wear their hats, and then again thoro aro others in wlfllch no ono ovor thlnkB of removing his hat. Tho cause for this discrimination seems to bo tho fact that in Bomo buildings thoro are very seldom any girls in Majestic. A college graduate is tho sensa tion at tho MajOBtio this week. His name is Llnd, and ho impersonates a woman in dancing, which is both ar tistic and graceful. It is impossible for ono not knowing, to toll from his movements his sox. Ho pleased a crowded house Inst evening. Porter J. White and company in "The Visitor" produces tho beBt single act number that has been given at the Majestic this season. Mr. White, as tho "Visitor," drawB a keen character which ho acts out with consummate skill. Billy Farnon Blngs tho popular "YlddiBh Cowboy" song in askit with Wills-Ransloy, a clover pair of danc ors. "Tho Great Jarrow" Is a wonder. Other good numbers are Manzello's feathered show;. MorrlBsoy and Rich in a comedy sketch, and Valveno and Treck, gymnasts. Lyric. "Tho Three of Us," a modern com edy, is tho offering nt tho Lyric. It is a play that tho best theater-goers of tho city aro attending. NOTICE. Tho last big cabinet meeting of the Y. W. C. A. 1908-1909 cabinet will bo held at C o'clock. Wednesday. March 3d, at tho city association rooms. Dinner will bo served at 6 o'clock, followed by full reports. Sub chairmen, chairmen and officers come. U4luO. Two Stores 1415,0. SPRING OXFORDS In bunches. A now bunch in Sat urday, and getting moro in overy dny. If you want to soo tho snappiest lino in town, seo me. In $3.50. Dollar Off Budd, 1415 O. NEW SPRING $2.50 HATS! of a political light. The precedent which has been set this year of keep ing tho question of Ivy Day orator entirely out of tho fight for tho class presidency is tho proper courso to pursuo, and should bo followed by classes hrtho future. DEVOTION TO DUTY. Tho American college prosidont stands in a peculiar relation to tho student body. Moro than merely tho head of an institution ho often wins from thoso who como In contact with him tho kind of lovo that is usually reBervpd for, a father. With im mense power for good through .tho trust and confidence that Is roposod in- him, It is only a man of tho noblost character that can niako a really 'great college president ,An editorial in tho Minnesota Daily shows the position to which a groat ,collogo president can attain, Tho, editorial is as follows: "Tho unflagging interest of Presi dent Northrop in all those who have ever been identified with tho, Institu tion of which ho Is the hea'd, was well exemplified Monday evening, when he declined an invitation to bo prespnt at tho Admiral Evans banquet, more- 1y In order to honor a former univer sity girl by attending the Initial' per formance of her play. tho classes, .while, in other buildings tho classes aro largely composed of girls. Tho question of reniovlng hats is hardly ono to bo considered by itsolf, however, but is rather part of tho larger question as to whether or not it Is., proper for students in colleges to drop tho refinements of manners which they havo learned at home. Conditions .at the University of Ne braska aro far better than at many other colleges of tho same rank, hut they aro not by any means all that could bo desired. It is considered entirely proper In somo institutions for, students not only to smoke .on tho campus but In tho class rooms as well. Smoking1 at Nebraska is not oyon tolerated upon the campus", much less in tho class rooras After a person leaves school the refinements of manner that distin guish a gentleman aro demanded if a person is to occupy a position of im portance and responsibility. Several practices that aro well knowh. in cer tain 'parts of .the .school would' not bo tolerated for a moment In nn office. There' is no more reason 'for, over looking and excusing ungentlemanly conduct at the university than any. whore else. y ' If Nebraska stands at the head of western universities in this matter Happenings of the Past Seven Years Aflo. , Nebraska basket ball team was de feated by tho Haskell Indians to tins score of '73 to 29. . On the ne.t night Kansas went down to defeat before Nebraska. ' Six Years Ago. Prize of $100 was qffered to iho student who should write an original University of Nebraska song that was of sufficient merit to warrant' a- prize. Flvo Years Ago. Co. D of the cadot battalion was discontinued as an organization be cause of the small number of cadets Co, Dhad been a winning company for several years and was the best known organization in the battalion. , Four Years Ago. First outdoor basebaji. work of tho season, wfs held. Oho Year Ago. Gorman Club gave tho play, "Miller and Mueler," before a 'largo audience in tho Tomple. THREE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS You need rcllnble, original and complete material for written or flpoken woik. You also need boohs and magazine. And later u summer or pormanant position, which you should plan for now, before nil tho best openings are filled. Here is the way to get all three at a minimum of effort-and cxponso. We Are Dealers in Facts "Vc furnish the best information obtainable on any subject In school, college or club, Jn business nnd public affairs. Our work is accurate, completo andto tho point, carefully- typewritten promptly supplied, atid arranged In suitable form, with outlines, .bibliographies nnd full references. Wo not only havo in our own force highly-trained irvestigators nnd special ists in various lines, but wo havo made a businoss of "knowing tho men who know" nnd by means of this systchi of knowing "Who's Who for Efficiency" wo can go straight to headquarters for authoritative information nnd export advice. Added to our large stock of Information on hand nnd our means of obtaining authentic Information, wo have a highly efficient system of sifting, arranging nnd presenting our facts In form that exactly meets individual requirements that would exactly meet your needs. Wo nre especially strong in political science, economics, sociology, anthropol ogy, fine arts, literature, applied science, commercial gcograplty, travc.l and exploration, international law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, interstate nnd foreign commerce, financial and Industrial conditions, and public problems and live questions of the day. Tho cost is less than might bo expected. Our charges for now and original rnntprln! aro nt the rato of two dollars for each thousand words furnished. Quality of work guaranteed, or money refunded. Methods, references nnd quo tations on important Investigations furnished upon request. (Wo havo thou sands of articles on hand which wo offer, subject to prior Bale, at 11,50 per thousand words. Send for prlco list.) A Desirable Position for You If you nro wise, you aro "nlrcady planning nbout n summer or permanent . position or about nn opunlng In tho professions or independent business. To Introduce our service to you, wo will givo you ndvico, Information nnd real" n8sistanco along these lines without charne (from now up to tho timo you so curo a desirable position) If you send us a flvo dollar order for Information, I. Oji 2,500 words or over at 52 per thousand. -In our oOlclnl capacity, wo como in touch with boards of trade, chambers of commerco nnd other local and general organizations of employers, as well ns largo corporations and other concerns, educational nnd other institutions, nnd municipal, state and other governmental departments. Wo nro thus in a posi tion to know of positions of -all kinds evcrywhero ns well as opportunities for Btnrting out In Independent business or professional lines. No red tapo. no commissions, no strings nro attached to this offer. It is rreo and unconditional. This information wo gnln about positions Is simply o vniunblo by-product of our regular information business, nnd wo use it to attract, help and thus hold customers. Wo do for you all that any regular employment agency can do, with this important difference we nsk you to-slgn no Involved contracts, pay no fees or commissions, and incur no other obliga- llOilS Books and Magazines Free As a further inducement, with ovory flvo dollar "order for Information wo will givo free, In addition to tho employment privilege, any book or a year of any magazine you specify, the publishers' prlco of which is not over ono dollar. With a ten dollar order for Information, wo will givo $2 worth of books or magazines; with a $15 order, J3 worth; with n 20 order, 94 worth: with a $"s order. J5 worth ; nnd so on. Two or moro men may club togothor with several subjects to make such nn order and dlvldo the privileges nmong thorn. How to Order Just think up one or mprc. subjects on which you, need matorlnl. Estlmato tho number of words required. Encloso two dollars for each thousand words desired, givo us exact directions as to what you want and when you want it . and if tho order Is for flvo dollars or over., name tho books or magazines you o,dtod!l;o?StCdrcsfa?nonyc0o,: WUld Ilko and y0ur "ncaflons for? National Clearing House of Information Arthur Svgrgttjm Director Fraternity Hall March 5th, 1909 Pershing Rifles Hop Tickets $1.25 Walt's Orchestra FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Waiit Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. S AT ISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 NOTICE. The senior play staff will meet In VU 106 Wednesday at 7 o'clock. OBDEB YOUR PUNCH IT FOLSOM'S - . Hot Lunohes a Specialty. ; - " . -v , - " :. - -Candies and" Ices. 1307 0 St. Ntttfui AuU 2214, lill 458. M M ' -' . .W"'.HJEdBA .!? H.. "WOPP""