114. Zthk&& -"wro'JIAPPB mi mps!natiaawiK -TTf "Bf 0M$m&fan 1 k -' m 'p.wMwwstw iww aoniiiynmimiypjmi flJP,WVwnfTOWp,wl,v b t Vj o 'i1-' s-i'pBr:9p'' 4 A, ijri JCMrl, .? fiWfiliih')hlMi mllli'-.l i. ' - .. . .$. ... - n-i it nniii i n i iim mir - -ti 7m. ui .n; -; ..a -Tpa' uti "wm yiv-ai r ff i .i.. -.1. ...... j- . . . .. ""J 1 Wi - km UAWW SKP-WJC f --" -fff '41--P- Wjrtf'TS1' ill1, "' - X - k ,$.' " ' ' " , flwwpww--- x-' -'. , r .. t ,. . , .,,, , IX M ll ti i ? i Vol. Vin, No. 97. CLASS MEETS TODAY SOPHOMORES PRE8IDENT WILL CH008E FOR 8ME8TER'. COULTER AND HYDE CANDIDATES FRE8HMAN ELECTION TO BE HELd'tHUR8DAY MORNING. Thomas, Landers and Beck Soliciting Votes In First Year Class With No Elements of Interest Yet In Campaign. With the sophomore election thiB morning and the freshman meeting Thursday there is still a remarkable lack of interest in the respective re sults of the second semester elections. Although the sophomore organization has had a contest on between two aspirants for presidential honors over since the opening of the semester, tho light is proving devoid of intorest to a great majority of the class. The freshmen candidates have not been in the field for so long a timo, but their failure to stlp up enthusiasm has been equally striking. H. W. Coulter was the first second year man to announce his candidacy . for the sophomore presidency. Ho entered tho running with tho open ing of the semester. Within" a few days Leslie Hyde of Lincoln an nounced that ho would be a willing recipient of the class headship. Carl J. Lord of Randolph announced his deBire for the office nt about tho same time and it seemed that a contest might develop of interesting propor tions. The three men. concerned bo gan soliciting votes actively and the talk of a fourth dark horse added In terest to the affair. Interest Died Out. c After being in tho race several days, Lord decided to withdraw and this left the contest to Hyde and Coulter. Since that time the affair has been lacking in interest and tho prospect Is that the attendance at to day's meeting will be small On ac count of tho genoral apathy existing it is absolutely impossible to predict the result. Either candidate may win In a walk or the result may be close. Signs to point tho way are entirely lacking. Coulter Is a graduate of Canon City, Colo., high school. Ho hureglstored in tho college of literaturo, science and arts. Coulter is a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Hyde is a Lincoln high school man, and he Is ? also enrolled in the academic college. With Coulter and Hyde as tho con testants there are practically no is sues, .saye personal popularity. Al though Hyde Is not a fraternity man, 'lie has friends among the Greek let ter organizations and does not poso as an opponent of tho f rats. Slnco bqtfr.mei are academics there is no , feeling between colleges. With theso two factors, which are usually the ones most prolific of election plat forms, otil of consideration, there Is not much left upon which a contest of principlescan bj waged.' First-year Men. , Thomas had th'o best of it in tho freshman, class so far as securing tho start wob. concerned. He announced his candidacy several days ahead of Sanders, who was second. out. Neither came out until President Kerspackor had published notice of his Intention not to call a class meeting until some. one had signified his dosiro for tho office. This1 offer of Korspacher to d down he job indoflnl ely brought ranriftoBhkH the two tH a reply in the shape of thtwo Roland Thomas is an Omaha hlidi hold for entries Roland .Thomas is an Omaha high school graduate registered in tho lit- UNIVERSITY OFEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, tMAkcH;.,1909 '.. V orary college. Ho declar igorous at- elected ho will mako, a vigorous tempt to pay off tho class debt and that he will favor another class hop. Ho is a momber of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Landers of Norfolk is a very popu lar non-frat man. Ho 1b n member of tho freshman basket ball five and rep resented his class in tho middle weight boxing contests in tho Olym pics last fall. Third Entrant. A. L. Beck of 'Billings, Mont., an nounced hiB candidacy for the freBh man leadership Friday. Beck is working hnrd and ho may be nblo to Inject some lifo into tho flrBt-year campaign beforo Thursday. Beck is a non-frat. THE GRADUATE CLUB TO MEET Governor Shallenberger To Be Pres ent at Annual Session. As was announced last weok the Graduato Club will meet in tho Tem ple next Friday evening at 6 o'clock. Governor and Mrs. Shallenberger will be present and the governor will de liver a short address. Dean L. A. Sherman will alBo speak on the sub ject, "The Lesson Unit in Graduate Studies." Besides those addresses tho following graduate students will report on their own research prob lems: "r" J. G. W. Lowis American History. Geo. R. LaRue Zoology' Mrs. T. F. A. Williams Political Science O. L. Barnebey Chemistry. German. J. W. Roberts Botany. Those in- charge urge one be prompt so that may bo served without that every the supper delay at G o'clock, and so that those who nuiBt attend other meetings on the same evening will not need to leave before the exercises are over. It is also necossary that all register beforo Wednesday noon so that tho commit tee may bettor know how to provide for the supper. Reservations may bo made at tho Temple book store or with either Dr. Condra or Mr. Pool. Tho notice of last weok gave Friday as tho limit for reservations, but this must bo done by Wednesday noon in order to facilitate the work of the committee. CHORUS MEN ARE DISAPPOINTED Captain Worklzer Decides Twenty four Too Many To Be Excused From Drill. At least one-half of tho men who hoped to escape drill by joining tho university chorus aro bound to bo disappointed. Beforo tho semester began Captain Workizer had consented to excuse from drill all mon who became mem bers of tho chorus. But. ho :has de cided that tho ranks of the cadet battalion are too thin," and has modi fied his promise by allowing but twelve men to be excused. As twen ty-four men had taken advantage of the opportunity to escape drill, twelve of them must now go bacfr to drill, Airs. Raymond has been testing their voices in order to determine whom sho will allow to remain. Her decis ion has not yet been announced, and tho njen are anxiously awaiting their fate. -' " ! ' ' Some of the men whq joined , tho chorus in this way have febld their uniforms , and wlli bo in a predion mont if they happen to be among the unfortunate ones. During our three-day fountain pen Rflln n ltmltorl numKnt- nt tlin nnln. brated original imported Dwarf Ink fnnowa will in nnl1 fnt nnn onZ.li Regular price $1.50. Guaranteed non leakable nor ina tteV in what jKilK c&rrl Unlvorslty Book Stort, . - , .-, ;, ' , TSe4 .beat lUir ateTr.Vthe city' Igjthat'aervea at The Bojitpn Lunoh, Try it. UloLUlLL , OUT HEAVY SCHEDULE FOR CORN HU8KER DIAMOND MEN. TEN GAMES f OR LINCOLN fANS Universities of Missouri and Kansas Will Each Be Met Here In Two Contests In April and May. Nebraska basoball schedule ) t It In spring Is tho most attractlvo ono for tho local diamond enthusiast that has been mqdo out in recpnt seasons. It calls for tho playing of twenty-six games, ten of which will bo held Jn Lincoln during April and May. Two trips aro booked for tho local nine, one being a Journey south during tho Easter vacation nnd tho other a tour of nor thorn Iowa and -Minnesota I ho first week In May The south trip includes ton ganio.u. Kansas and Missouri will each be playod on this trip in two games apiece. Tho Cornhuskors .will appear at Columbia, playing the "show-mo" men on Friday and Saturday, April '9 and 10. The following Fridnv nnd Saturday, April 16 and 17, tho con cluding days of the trip, the .Corn huskors will bo in Lawrence, whore they will clash with their old and be,Bt rivals, the jayhawkors. Haskells on List. Tho Haskell Indians will also be played on this trip, tho fray .being pulled off In Lawrence on Wednes day, April 14. William Jewel and tho Missouri state normal will alBo be played. On Thursday, April lf, tho corn huskors aro booked to play two games, ono being with St. Marys at St. Marys in tho morning and tho other with the Kansas agricultural college at Manhattan in tho afternoon. The northern trip will be started Saturday, "May 1, the cornhuskors playing Ames at Ames on that day. Tho Iowa Btato univorsity nine will not bo played on this trip owing to the inability of tho managers "of tho two schools to agree on a- dato that would fit in with tho other games on tho Nebraska schedule. Grlnnell, Drake and Cornell will bo tho other teams in Iowa that will bo played. Tho tour will bo closed with two contests against Minnesota nt Minneapolis on Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9. The home schedulo will include at least ton games. Contests with Mis souri, Kansas, Manhattan und Drake havft already been contracted Cot ner, Wesleyan and tho Nebraska In dians will bo booked to' fill' out the other dates in the local schedule. Both Kansas and Missouri will visit Lincoln, each playing two gamoB with (ho cornhuskers. ' Tho Mlsosurl nino is booked to appear hero on Monday and Tuesday, April 26' and 27. Kan sas will come on Friday and Satur day, May 28 and 29. The- Kansas Aggies of Manhattan are to bo played hero on Wednesday, April .21. -"'jAt Antelope Park. All of tho homo games, will prob ably bo played at Antelope park, since tho university lias no athletic field of Its own. Arrangements will be mndo with Manager Green of the Lincoln western loaguo team for the uso of tho ball park, and tho games booked will not conflict with the league utuuo, - . e class hasketbalLfight seomsvto narrowing down.to-a race between the freshman and junior fives. The. r8t however, appear to Tile ClaBS l)RBkQtlmll fl(rhf HRnniK. In -. ... , , . v. hayo a little, tho better, of the dope, having played ono enme which "thev . t, 'in-- DATES j. won. W'lilfb tlio Juniors hnvo ono and lost two games, Tho seniors, apparently, are out "of tho raco, having a rocord of two games played and two lost. The soph omoros haVo lost ono gaino and won ono. t Till) frnnlimnil linun linnn rrnnmnilu conceded tho tltfo for tho -past fow weeks, but tho showing of tho Junlora against tho Bonlors raised, tho stock' of tho fourth year men soveral per cent. They now must bo reckoned with In tho raco for tho pennant. Baseball Schedule. Tho cpmpleto baseball Bchedulo is as follows: Southern Trip. April' 8- Tabor collogo at Tabor, Iowa. April 9 Missouri at Columbia. April 10 Missouri at Columbia. April 12 Missouri Stato Normal at Warronaburg. April 13 William Jowoi at Liberty, Mo. April 14 Haskoll at Lawronqo, Kas. April 15 (Morning),. St. Marys nt St. Mrirys. April in (Aftornoon), Manhattan at Manhattan. April 16 Kansas at Lawronco. April 17 Kansas at Lawrence. Home Games. 'April 22 Manhattan. April 26 Missouri. April 27 Missouri. May 28 Kansas. May 29 Kansas. Northern THp. May 1 Ames nt Ames. May 2 Drako at Dcs Molnos. May 4 Grlnnell at Grlnnell. May 5 Cornell at Mount Vernon. May 6 Decorah nt.Doco'rah. Slay 7 Minnesota at Minneapolis. May 8 Minnesota at Minneapolis, TO HOLD ANNUAL TOURNAMENT Culminating Event In Girls Basket- ball Thursday. On next Thursday afternoon the seventh nnnuaf girls' tournamont will bo hold in tho armory. This ovont will bo tho culminating feature of the girls' baBkol-ball Beasoh. TJio teams representing each of tho different classes aro vory equally matched, and although tho time for practice lias been short, each team is going .into tho event with tho determination to win. . All girls wishing to attend the .tournament will be givon a leavo of absence at tho registrar's office, which will permit them to skip their clnssos. The tournament js scheduled .to commence promptly at, 2 o'clock, and those in chargo promise that.it will- bo oyer so that thoro will bo no excuse for miBsihg 4 o'clock classes. The personnel of tho class teams is as follows: ' Freshmen Helen Dlnsmoro, Louisp Barr,, Luck Kelfer, Janet Stevenson, Mabol Salmon, Ella Vollstedt and Colic Davis, subs, , Sophomprcys Beulah Kadep (cap tain), Jcssla Beghtol, Hnttlo Rollings, Janet Qanioron, Vera Rogers, Cora Brown. Amanda Clements and Clara Erickson, subs., Juniors, Bertha.'' Luckoy (captain), Grace Kimmel, Esther Bafley, Mary1 Herbert, Myra. Corner, Leah McCjuro, Leotta Powell, ' Seniors Isabel Wolfe , (captain), Marion ' Horton, Mao Williams, Mat? tiO WOOdWOrth. LoralnA TTomnln Clara Hermenson, Bessie Fry. In order to introdiTon Snlr. foVm tain iionn wo havn moJn .onn monts With tho manufacturers tn nfiri. tho Htiiflonta at a Hi ran Aar,a' Di nil nnna o 1.1; i. ; '.. all pom at. one-halt Wilar retail price,, Notice theje wonderful pricw: $2.00. P9D. at.,900,, f3.00;(penV at ffto. ' $6,00 'values at l.fo 18.00 pens ki ' ..w ,,,, wu uuuuiHii. regular reiau XTii-- ii . - . '. f3.85. - Sale W today, it Uni. Book atnra i---- "v - - - - Price. 5 Cent WILL BE 01T EARLY C0RNHU8KER READY TO GO TO. PRE88 APRIL FIRST. ' G0NTAINS MANY NEW f EATURES THE JOKE DEPARTMENT TO BE GIVEN MORE EMPHASIS. Owing to Admission of New Colleges the Entire Issue Will Probably. Be Sold Before the Book '. Goes to Press. Tho Cornhuskor Is, to go to prOBB by April 1st. This wrtB announcod last ovonlng by tho. oditor, Mr. Rob ortson, nftor tjio mooting of tho staff, which was hold nt 5 o'clock in N 100. In going to press on April 1st tho book will breale tho rocord of any of its predecessors. This is" over a month enrllor than last year's an nual, and it will moan tho publication of the volume long beforo the' tlhio for tho final examinations nnd ho pro vent tho advent of such an Important unlvorslty publication being loBt In tho rush of other events which at ways attend tho closing of tho "school year. Not Dedicated Yet. At tho Btaff meeting, last evonlng it was intended to decide upon tho porBon to whom this yoar's unnual will bo dedicated, but as all tho mom- ' bors wore not presont tho comploto vote was rfot cast, but tho decision will bo mado in tho near futuro. This dedication is ono of tho, covoted hoh ors of tho university and lsgivon as an appreciation of tho work of sonio mombors of th'o faculty and tho part hiB doparfmont has playod in tho uni. vorslty. Tho arrangements for this yoar's Cornhuskor have boon completed and nearly all of tho drawings,- designs and wrltoups aro in. Tho book Itself is to bo much larger than last years', containing at loaso ono hundred moro pages. It will havo twenty-four de partments and the greater part of' theso are divided' up. Into sections. The Jpko department wiil bo by far the largest department and will coyer over twice as many pages as that of last year. . Several now sections havo also' been added to this" department, which will cover ground never beforo attempted. A New Design. A now and original design byono of thb staff artists has been forked out for the arrangement 'Of tho, pic tures and is one of tho clovorbst do signs, in tho estimation of the oditor, over published in a book of this' kind. In tho Joke department cartoons wiil bo strongly in evidence and those are all to bo examples of good artistic work. They are mainly take-offs on university life in genortil. This. It Is believed, will make thdm of broader Interest to all of the students. ! Tho calender, that almanac of wit and. satire, will bo mado one of tho- Bpoclal features of the publication, it Is to bo written up in the Almanac J stylo, weather and all, oml(tlng per haps, the patent medicine ads. it Tho contracts for, the sale Of copies havo already commenced,, and all the present indications are that the entire Issue will be sold "beforo' tho hooks go to press. There are seyeral. new features attending the sale of bookst this vnar whtoh will malm If Imosl Inperativo that those desiring tno DOOK Will have to nrriar It oarlv In nrlur In onnnVn a .r rnun Ll. , " bwm.u t,uw, uo tnti. il.ot tU !. .11 1 S.l 1 i. that tho agricultural school, the school of music and the dental school have all been Included In the anntial "Lea an additional sale 'to members .i.- ...i v -. 3 ' It .. , it- 4- 5 $ :-M It ,,m ft . . n i m (Continued b Page 4) A' r V