..., JJ " . - '- - - -" - ' THE T&AfiNfibAft&tCffiN vk K t V VC 1 A fjf V? :IH3m ( I i k , n nil ' t i. in i Lena Rivers ' ' .fa 31' '"! l ' Mtft 25 &' -1fie. I Nlflht GO', 35- & 25c. WED. MAT. & NIGHT, MARCH .3 Ntrman Mafkttt In ",Classmatis" THUR8DAY NIGHT, MARCH 4 E. H.Ssthtrn m kiiw8iiri MISS EVA TAYLOR The Highest Class 8lnglng Act In Vaudeville 8 THE ZINGARI 8INGER8 8 Scenic Production of Grand and Comic Opera 'in Mlnature. MR. CHA8. 8HARP, Every Inch a Soldier. CROMWELL AND SAMSE. Eccentric Comedy Bar Artists. 8TUTZMAN AND MAY, "The Soap Peddler." MISS DOROTHY DAYNE, Character Imitations. THE WAKAHAMA TROUPE, Astonishing Japanese Acrobats. Viascope. Majestic Orchestra. Mat. Dally at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c. Extra Mat. Washington's Birthday. Campus Gleanings I PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! msnu Fiye Months of Absolute Capacity. Brfst 8eat8, 25c. ' WEEK 'STARTING FEB. 22, The Fulton Stock Co. Presents ALABAMA Drama r Four Acts 'by Augustus Thomas. Next Week: "The Three of Us." EVERY NIGHT 8:30. Matinees Wed. and 8at. 2:30. PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTI8ERS! The Acme Parlors 934 P. STREET Bowllii(jBllllards,Pool,Cigars, fobarco. fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS . IN THE WEST PRICES BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour, POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION FOOL f , t . PT" L. POOL J -s - cis. per POKER POOL 3aSvaclB PIGEON POOL I d cues u cu J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. ProM Sharing .Coupons Given? With Every 5c Spent In the Place. '' L' C H, Prey, llorlat, 1133 O St. Get n Unl. Fob at the Coop. 50c. Beckmnn Bros., nne shoes. 1107 O street. . - D. C. .Mitchell, 1910, litis pledged Alpha Tnu Omega. Spoons! Spoons! Where? 340 N. 11th St. Delta Tan Delta held an Informal party at the Temple last night. M P Get that Unl. Fob this' week at tho Co-op. Chi Omega will hold a house party this evening at the chapter house. Op Good Unl. Fobs 50c. Where? The Coop. ' C E. Fihlnian, ex-1909, of Beemer, Neb., was a campus visitor today, p p Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. P r ' R. E. Lenkhart, ex-1909, Is at pres ent engaged In business at Stuart, Neb. P P 0 Watch our window. Spoons! The University Book Store. p - Rolland Shields, law 1911, was a visitor In Omaha Friday and Satur day. p p p Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. A. M. Smith, law 1910, is visiting relatives at Union, Neb., for a few dayB. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. U. B. Smith, 1911, Alpha Theta Chi, Is visiting relatives in Fremont, No!)., for a few days. p p Have you seen tho Fobs In the Co-op window? " The first rafters on the main wing of tho new engineering building were erected yesterday. and seniors Will; bo hold In tho 'ar mory this oYcnlngt p Just received a largo lino of souve nir Spoons. Thq University Bodk Store. 4 JoJ'm A. Bi'utfo, B. 'go.1. 1 1903, hap chargo of all sower construction and estimates under tho assistant city en gineer of Omaha. . p Tho sale of tickets for tho Persh ing Rifle Hdp is progressing rapidly. This dance is to bo bold at Fra ternity hall, March 4th. p p Twenty-ono of tho membors of tho freshman law clasB have boon sum moned to appear Saturday morning to act as jurors In tho district court. p p t Tho graduato students of ,tho uni versity conservatory of music aro preparing for their recitals, which aro to bo given during tho coming month. Pop The ofllclala at Station A linye given out little pamphlets to tlio stu dents, advising them as to tho advant ages gained in purchasing stamped envelopos. POO Satis Chandra Basu, a Hindoo grad uate student of the university, was taken to the isolation hospital today, on account of suffering with a mild form of smallpox. p Irving E. Brooke, a graduate In tho electrical engineering department, is a designing engineer In Chicago, 111. Ho makes a specialty of designing power plants, railroads, etc. Newton E. Buckloy, B. L. 1903, has a position as assistant enginedr In tho ofllco of W.' S. Woodworth, prin cipal assistant engineer for tho Union Pacific railroad at Omaha, Neb. p p p Mr. B. Huffman, a well known bank er and cattlo owner. of Noligh, Nob., has been visiting for tho past few days with his son, S. M. Huffman, 1911, at tho Beta Theta Pi house. p p A mooting of the university senate' has been called for 10 o'clock this morning. At this meeting a report of the course of study commltteo will bo received and other Important busi ness will bo taken up. p Tho University of Louisiana has made a request for certain courses of sludy in uso in tho University of No'- braska. Thcjy expect to use them in revising some of tho courses at tho former Institution. OffiOffiOOO 0O0COffiOffiOOOffiO ffl O O 0000OffiO00000 SPRING CAPS just arrived. Yacht, Golf, Bull Dog, Directoire and Auto Caps in solid colors and fancy patterns 50c to $2.50 FULK, - -:- 1325 O OSO0000000Offl O O 000000P00000OfflO OROHESXRA for. Concert xr" Dances j G. F. Thdrnburg, - - - Director Ralph !J; Rdd,1 - - !-.- - Pianist Violin and Cornet instruction given at Studio; J16 So. 17th. " Auto 5877. WILLIAMS' DANCING ACADEMY Successor, to Pitts Siclil Mug '4- - - Friday A.viRce. Cliss r Saturday Eve, Class Eveiings - Mmiay k Wednesday Private Lett on Given if Desired 7 11124 N STREET Ante 4019 mmmmmmmmmmmm Bell A-2621 Why not tako your bath at Chris bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Tho Komensky club will hold Its regular semi-monthly- meeting tonight in the music hall at the Temple. W 0 Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum.- Cor. llthand O. Alpha Omicron Pi 'will hold an lnl atlon Saturday night. At this time several new pledges will be Initiated. Dr. J, R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable! Over Bank of Commerce. . SllsB-Belva Pj-bvost, 1912, departed yesterday for York, Neb.f where she will make a short visit with her par ents. . Learn the barn dance, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. - . Ihl Kappa Psl fraternity will give an informal party Uonigtat ht 'the chaptor houso, Gil North Sixteenth street. , i l Now spring shoes, all the latest, up-to-dato styles now on- display at Rogers & Perkins, 129 O St lw The, thirdjgame of the inter-class basket-ball seflos between the Junior Tho Observatory will bo open to students In astronomy VI, to uso the spectroscope In examining tho spec trum of tho sun from ten to twelve m and from two to three p. m., on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. ' f . Three new mon wero Initiated Into tho Alpha Theta Chi fraternity last night. Tho men were Randall Curtis, 1912, of Omaha; R. C. Smith, 1912, of Carleton, and C. J. Lord, 1911, of Randolph. Professor Conant lectured to the law students yesterday morning about dxpectoratlng on tho floor. Ho "be moaned the fact that it was a com mon practice among the law students, and requested them to stop tho filthy practice. , Mr. B. W. Capon of tho -Nebraska Telephone Company, will, address all tho engineering society students of the" university, on Tuesday, March 2, In M 70G at 8 p. in. Tho 'subject of his lecture will bo "Electrical Pro tection of Telephone Plant." Tho Pershing Rifles held an Initia tion Thursday night at the university gymnasium when about fourteen men were initiated. Following tho initia tion a short business session was held at which plans wero laid for tho an nual "hike," which the Persuings take every year. It was the sentiment of tho cadets that Milford was about the most desirable place, to "hike" to, and that will . probably bo chosen, This "hike" will come early -in. the spring, Some, tjmo before the ajmual en campment of the cadets, v Th e Daily f -hi ff lH,lMki...t.. Wth& 5tt&f-rj8 ! 5 J M . 'tHt'''r m $. u m im . i M 4 K 'i J Nebraskan ? S,lw , A, i i j is a STUDENT Publica- tion. It is the paper of the students," by the students and for the students and as such it deserves your patronage. If you are not a regular sub-. ggriber, call at room 7, Ad- . . . .v.- ministration Building today and, register for the cEtag.ff One dollar a semester. . . . ..u - v I w - r ' Now I " ' ' :'?; - 1 J. , i v ii 8UB8CRlB FOR THE RAQ NOW. - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at th BEST PRICES i A Auto Phon 4S SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RAQ NOW, i , V' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! ORDEB YOUR PUNCH IT FOLSOM'S Hot Lunches a Speomlty. Candies and Ices. 1307 0 St. Nimimi Aiti 2214, It4l 45S. PATRONIZE; OUR ADVERTISERS! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! m Tuesclay; Harclir2 , 8:15 P. M. "k l a. tf'kxf 't y. . t , a ;, ,t iN at Goodwin' Great Succtti " n c - ' ..-. Tn6 ' American Citizen Given by Hip r - . DRAMATIC CllUB TEMPLE Admission 25o " V-A: . -41 mi ? .il n -", . $t r&A, 3 ;.-. .. ' '' !. .uii..