r -,,, MMAfaMNMlrM H I I' HII f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN IK' . , ; .' 't Sbe Palls mebcagftan THE PJlOPEnTY OP ' ' THE UNIVERSITY 01 NEBRABlCAi Lincoln, Nebraska, '' - ( l 11 III I I HIMSHED EYEHY BAY EXCEPT IMmV ARMMMJul BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. - PaillEltlH Slfkl, 126 l9. 14th St. , . EDITORIAL 8TAFF. JEdltor ... Herbert W. Potter WnaofnV EMor. . r Victor B, Smftlji ' A6crato' Editor. ....... Philip Fredericks BUSINESS STAFF. Manaoer..... W. A Jones Circulator T. A. James Anlttant Circulator Leello Hyde i ' Ecjltorlal and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2,00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will bo chargod for at tho rata of 10 conts por Insortlon for oVory fifteen words or fraction thoroof. faculty notices and University bulletins Will Kindly bo published free. Entered at tho poBtoftlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bocond-class mall matter undor tho Aot of Congress of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1909. Now that ll 1b announced. that tho positions as clerks In tho cadet bat talion will no longer bo snaps but will rcqulro veal work and tako tho full hour It may bo necessary to draft mon for tho positions. It Is amazing " how popular any lino of .work becomes In tho unlvorslty when It becomes known that It requires loss tlmo than one Is given credit for. This point of vlow would Boon provo to bo tho un doing of a person any place except In school. Tho magnificent attendance which turned out to tho vesper sorvlco yes terday afternoon was a manifestation of that real university Bplrlt which has mado tho older unlvorsltles of tho country famoiiB. It is to bo hoped thnt theso occasional manifestations of unified feeling and Interest In the higher things of collego lifo will be come more and more frequent as the months and years go by, until tho University or Nobraska will havo a body of as united loyal students as any university In tho land. IJ4l,tO. Two Stores 1415,0. THE ADVERTISING NUISANCE. TmT-Unlvorsity of-Nebraska is just now suffering from what might bo termed the advertising nuiBanco. Tho iron fence which surrounds the cam pus Is hung with unsightly cloth ban ners, bulletin boards meet our oyes which ever vay we turn on tho cam pus, and even tho halls of tho build ings themselves aro not sacret from tho ravages of tho ''publicity sookors. Tho timo has most certainly come when a halt should bo called. It Is not necessary that the whole appear ance of tho university should be In jured, that legitimate university events should bo properly advertised. At the present timo a multitude of unimportant events aro advertised widely on tho bulletin boards and tako a great deal of space 'that It is absolutely unnecessary 'should be given them. That notices of such things as committee meetings should havo a large poBter devoted to them on ImportaniAbiilletln boards Is an .offense not only against the aesthetic ,taste of the Btudonts but an Insult to their Intelligence as well, i ' Thero are certain Important things that deseryo to havo mention upon a .prominent bulletin board hut those an nouncements should not be permitted to go up In any sort of shape and on any kind of paper that happens to CONVOCATION L 4 V . J. C. JiL?'SASPECYs MEMORIAL HALL bo handy at tho time. -Sbrao com petent person should be appointed to mako all announcements and they should bo made uniform so that ilroy will not bo an offenco to tho oyo. As for the infinite number of small announcements that havo been en cumbering the bullotln bonrds, they havo no right thero whatevor. Tho Daily Xebraskan runs a university bulletin every day and all sub. 'an nouncements havo all tho prominence that they deserve in this column. As for the posters which have been placed upon tho fence, there ought to bo Borne way of giving duo prom inence to university events without injuring the entire appearance of tho campus. If thoeo in charge of this matter would give this Bubject care ful thought it Is cortalntthat some plan could bo worked out that would bo Just as satisfactory to tho advertis ers as the ono now in use and would bo Infinitely better for tho looks of the campus. WELL SAID. It Is a great satisfaction to see lofty ideals and noblo ambitions ap preciated at their true worth. It is especially gratifying when this ex pression of regard is about a Nebras ka professor whom wo all know de serves tho highest praiso. A recent edition of a prominent newspaper con tniiiB the following tribute to Doctor George Howard: "It may bo worth whllo for the peo plo of Nebraska to stop for a mo ment to considoi tho record of Dr. Geo. B. Howard of tho Btato univer sity, ono of tho professors accused by W.- J. Bryan of being swayed by 'personal Interest' In advocating tho I AM FOR MEN BUDD SHOES $3.50 WHY PAY MORE? acceptance of the Carnoglo pension fund. "Dr. Howard was ono of tho self- supporting students who wore almost In a majority In tho University of Nebraska twenty-fivo and thirty years ago. He graduated In 1876, Btudled abroad, and returned to. become tho founder of tho department of history in his alma mator. Tho strongth of his work waa so great that when he left fci 1891 to accept a call from Stanford university, his department was giving about ono-flfth of all the Instruction offered by tho university. Ho was recognized as indopendent and radical in his political beliefs, but students of all grades of politics ro colved Inspiration from his work with out ageing or feeling that ho over de viated a halr'B breadth from the scien tific attitude toward all public" ques tions. "In California he also founded a department of. history and for more than ten yearc conductod it with splendid rcBults. When Professor Ross was romoved from tho Stanford faculty, Professor Howard publicly denounced it as tho truckling of tho Stanford administration to tho Cali fornia millionaires. Ho felt that a great outrage had .been committed and 'voluntarily placed his own salary fjUfSDAY, MARCH; 2 i' "2" P i V J , ' -i Vf I" KWODE OP DEVELOPMENT" 11:00 A. M. of $-1,500 a year on tho altar of aca demic freedom. Ho was asked to mako a mild and perfunctory state ment that ho had. spoken in heat, in which case he would not only bo al lowed to retain Ills chair, but would bo gl'vcu nn advance In .salary to $5,000 a year. These ovortureB Dr. Howard refused. Ho sacrificed a position at n salary of $4,500 and came back to Nebraska at $2,000 a year because ho wanted to teach whero no Interest could Interfere. In the slightest degree with his liberty of thought or his oxpression of what ho believed to bo the truth. After his retirement from Stanford he was tendered a check for $2,250, In pay ment of salary for tho remainder qf the year which ho waB not allowed to complete. Legally and morally he was entitled to the monoy, but ho ro fuBed to nefcept It. Whllo at Stan ford university ' Dr. Howard spoko again and ngaln on tho dangers of aggregated wealth, and scored tho California millionaires whllo Leland Stanford, tho donor of tho entire en dowment of the university, sat on the platform. Ho has not changed his attitude In recent yoars or recent months, as hundreds of students who have taken his work in history and sociology are able to testify. A llBt of Dr. Howard's "books and miscella neous writings fills a full column of tho University Journal. .These havo given him a wido reputation In tho world of Bchol.'irfliip. If you havo any wnnts, make them known through our want ad col umn. It pays to advertise Do you want to buy, sell, or trade anything? If so ubo a Nobraskan want ad. Happenings of the Past 8even Years Ago. All hopo of a game with the Bad gers was glvon up by Cornhuskor football enthusiasts. Merit system was introduced Into the appointment of qfflcers In the mili tary department. 8lx YearsAgo. Nebraskan publlshedan ofght-pago special edition on Saturday, tolling of the relation of tho university to tho legislature ' Five Years Ago. Physics building was so located that the athletic field was saved to tho university. Four Years Ago. A subscription club for tho new In tercollegiate debating journal, "Both 8ides," was organized at tho univer sity. I One Year Ago., . -Basket-ball team left for an extend ed northern trip.' - '- O. Bentloy ''chosen by the opho inoro class as manager of -the Corn huskor for 1909. . ' AllSdtils Church, Parian . ' W u& Corner of Hand Twelfth" 8t.-eets . 0 .. v .'.ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. 7 -i Services JJjOOr Sunday School Mm. All Students aro cordially invited to attend its services. ALL PEW8 Hour of service, 12:45. Subject: "The. Church and -.the Indi vidual. . , . '- o , i i ,,;,,, , i , ' r, i J. ' - p 'if . All Souls' Church is a free fellowship for tho worship of God and tho service of Man. It judges no man's charactor. It erects no bar riers of creed' or doctrlno. Its pulpit Is a free pulpit comlmtted to tho search after Truth. Social Ethics Class, 12:15.. -Paul H. Grummann, Leader,. 8peaker, Prof. L. F. Aylesworth. Subject: "Proportional Representation." THREE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS You need reliable, original nnil complete material for written or spoken woik. You iiIho need books nnd magazines. And later a Btmnner or permanent position, which you should plan for now, before all tho best openings are filled. Here Is the way to get all three at a minimum of effort and expense. We Are Dealers in Facts We furnish the best ii. formation obtainable on any mibjcct In achool, college or club. In business and public affairs. Our work Is accurate, complete and to the point, carefully typewritten, promptly supplied, ai-d arranged In suitable form, with outlines, blbllogiaphlcs nnd full references. We not only h;ivi In our own force highly-trained Investigators and special ists In vniloiiB lines, but wo have mado a business of "knowing tho men Who know" nnd by means of this Bystcm of knowing "Who's Who for Efllclcncy" we ran go qtrulght to headquarters for authoritative Information arid expert advice. Added to our largo stock of Information on hand and our means of obtaining authentic Information, wo have a highly efficient system of sitting, arranging and presenting our facts In form that exactly mAta Individual requirements that would exactly meet your needs. We nre especially strong In political science economics, sociology, anthropol ogy, tine arts, literature, applied science, commercial geography, travel and exploration, International law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs. Interatnto and foreign commerce, financial and Industrial conditions, and public problems and live questions of the day. Tho cost Is Icsh than might bo expected. Our charges for now and original material arc at tho rate of -two dollars for each thousand words furnished. Quality of work guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Methods, references and quo tations on importunt Investigations furnished upon request. (Wo have thou sands of nrtlcles on hand which wo offer, subject to prior sale, at J1.50 per thousand words. Send for price list.) A Desirable Position for You If you are wlso. you arc already planning about a summer or permanent position or about nn opening In tho professions or Independent business. To introduce our service to you. wo wll glvo you advlco. Information nnd real assistance ,nlong these lines without charge (from now up to tho tlmo you se curo a desirable position) If you send 'us a tlvo dollar order for Informa-tlon. 1. c. .',500 words or over at J2 per thousand. In our official capacity, wo come in touch with boards of trade, chambers or commerce and other local and general organizations of employers, as well as large corporations and other concerns, educational and other Institutions, and municipal, state and other governmental departments. We nrc thus In a posi tion to know of poslttous of all kinds everywhere as well as opportunities for starting out In independent business or professional lines. No red tape, no commissions, no stringy aro attached to this offor. It Is freo and unconditional. This Information wo gain about positions Is simply a valuable by-product of our regular Information business, nnd wo uso It to attrnct, help nnd thus hold customors. Wo do for you all that any regular employment ngency can do. with this Important difference wo ask you to sign no involved contracts, pay no fees or commissions, and Incur no other obllga lions, v Books and Magazines Free .mA! a J"Pt,IL;r Inducement, with every llvo dollar order for Information wo will glvo free, In nddlt on to tho employment prlvllego. nny book or a year of any magazine you specify the publishers prlco of which Is not over ono dollar With a ten dollar order for Information, wo will glvo 2 worth of books or magazines; with a 515 order, $3 worth; with a 20 order, 4 worth; with a $ order. J5 worth; nnd so on. Two or moro men may club togothcr with several subjects to make such an order and dlvldo tho privileges among thorn. How Just think up one or moro subjects on which you need material. Estlmato the number of words required. Encloso two dollars for each thousand words desired, glvo us exact directions ns to what you want and when you want It and If tho order Is for live dollars or over, name tho bdoka or magazines you fM'i&llTo:XfOUW "k0 Und yU'- nimea?,o. forV National Clearing House of Information Arthur evttN8m QovJ,; Director Fraternity Hall Pershing Tickets $1.23 9 P. M. Inter-Class Basket-Bali , Sophomore-Freshmen, Friday, Feb. 26 ,'.. Senior-Junior, Saturday, Feb. 27 Admission ISc ARE FREE . to Order March 5th, 1909 Rifles Hop Walt's Orchestra ARMORY Season Ticket 30c ,- $; 1WM