I.'l I . iti VWFPrWiflf'WBPMBHj" "V. rJF"4p r -f WWMyw w.h n$v. www triwttwvmiMmHi hmlv --.- "' " "V ' A i "" ( 1-.fr, c - S ? 14.. . :, Sa L-l? i -WW- . ' r ymwBt-'iUBMMrrfTra ; "tai.WHlfcWAi - " i , " ""' r "W .. ' ' ' ', ' " 1 '. i 'W imSh re -.-1. :" tt ivi '. ; i ; t - -Ai i. rrrx i . tt v it " ! TrTT,T?TTTTTTwTT,n ': I ft v JaL 9. tr.4 miT . - VWl. VIA. AO. 0. 1 TO DRAfT NEW RILES iER-FRATERNlTY COUNCIL TO MEET NEXT WEEK. SOME CHANGES TO K MADE Faults of Old Rules Will J3e Remedied Mid Clear Statements Will Be Made of Ellglbli'ty of Stu dents for pledging. Calls for a meeting of the Inter fraternity council will bo Issued short ly, the meeting probably (o bo held next Wednesday evenlngAt this sea slon preliminary steps wlll bo taken towards the formulation of a new sot of rushing rules to govern tho oloven Greek letter societies In their contest for new members. A revision and restatement of tlu fraternity rushing rules has been mado necessary by the discovery of faults and inaccurate statements in the old list of regulations and also by tho de sire to put In effoci some fow changes In tho system which are desired by tho fraternity mon nnd members, of tho faculty aB well. The old rules, as Issued threo years ago, have been found faulty In several respects and it Is desired to remedy these bad joints in plonty of time for a general understanding and enforcement of the rules at tho next rushing season In the fall. Rules Not Clear. Among the faults of the old rules which will bo remedied in the now draft Is the lack of a deflnlto state ment of the term "now .student." In tho old rules all provisions as to rushing aro made applicablo to "now students" only. This is apparency clear as Including members of all classes if thoy aro new registrations in the university. Last full, however, there was somo misunderstanding and In at least ono case an upper-claso-man who had brought his credits to Nebraska from another college wad pledged to a fralc-rnlty without regard for the rules as to time of pledging. The fraternity In question believed that the rules applied only to fresh men. This and other points will bo stated In bettoi form in tho now rulcB. During tho rushing season last fall theie was considerable objection mado by fraternity men and others to the x long period of rushing, which necessi tated the use of much time by those 'interested Jn rushing arid by tho rush- iees themselves. Tho six-weeks per iod wns a trying ono for freshmen 1 Vho looked good , to any ono of U19 'various fraternities and It was' not without, its troubles for the mon Jn the organizations. It was stated then thai a-large parC of tho delinquencies (on the part of men being rushod was 4 because of the long-time rushing por- fiod,. There was a strong sentiment then" In fa,vor ot butting down tho !-'enghtof tho-rrushing season and thfs JJJfiyFS?"lt in clianges in the rules. this year. , yfb'jX&fSvi ch'arigos are' made, -how-vover, wll not7bo in diy way a lotting downiofthojtbare of scholarship and ' other requirements. Tho sentiment of ithe council, which has in tho past ai rways been strongly set against any such taction anl there dro-manyamongr the state legislature .who beliovo tho frn- ternily system is an evil to. bo rooted ,0ut whenever possible, , is a- warning r to the Greeks to keep their entrance requirements up to standard, which will command tho respect of tho law- ffimkers. r. Defepds-Fraternities. Slnde tho introduction of -a bill in UNIVERSITY OF NEfifeASKA, LINCOLN, SATURdAY, I g ICCC&ftttarJft "EVENTS Of .Basketball Ccccccrcfi the state house of representatives pro viding for tho abolition of all fratern ities and secret societies in the col legos and unlverslies of tho state, the nowspapors of tho stato havo been making various references to the mat ter, both editorially and in the news columns. Speculation on the possi bility of thoN passage of tho bill has been given much space in tho nows matter and a number of opinions, both flattering to the Greeks and otherwise, havo occupied the editorial space. FRE8HMEN SPRINK DARK HOR8E A. L. Beck Surprises the Class With His Candidacy. That a third man would announce himself as a candidate for the fresh man presidency was suspected by no one, yet such is the case. Yesterday afternoon A. L. Beck began an nctlvo "campaign for the freshman honors and is now soliciting supporters In a whirlwind fashion. Mr. Beck comes to tho university from Billings high school, of Billings, Mont., and is a member ofc no uni versity organization. Ho took a llyo ly lntorost in class affairs last se mester and his "supporters aro (. confi dent that he. wlil make ,a good race for tho presidency- Although tho announcement of his candidacy has probably boon debuted for some time among his adherents tho affair has boen kept entirely in tho dark up to yesterday. ' A Sad .Death. - - MrsHeleu J3r,ooks, , Wilcox, mother of Miss Gertrude-Wllcox, "12,-passed away suddenly early Ftlrfayinornlng after a short siege of.1, pneumonia. Mrs. Wilcox, a widow) came" to" Lin coln from Lodgopole, Jobr., to giyje her only child a university education. Sho was exceptionally cultured am her close" .frjonds well realized the strong spirituality that enabled her to be resigned to tho trials and dis appointments of Jife. Miss Wilcox left with tholbodyifor Lodgepole,, Fri day a,fterpoon After tho funeral bHa) ox.pec'ts, to .return.1! to school. TJfe' sympathy of tho student body is wlmj Miqs,WHcox in this dark hour. " Your car faro would pay for a. nice lunoh. at Tho., Bpaton Lunch, ' W1iy go, homo? , t ' " f ' -: ' , nllro nnirnn tHE WEEK AS SEEN BY THE CARTOONIST" EM ScNolAyTro INTEREST IN CONTEST STUDENT8 GIVE THOUGHT TO CHAMPIONSHIP 8ERIE8. LARGE CROWDS ARE EXPECTED GAME TO BE PLAYED ON VERY FINE FLOOR. Kansas and Nebraska Attracting At tention Along the Kaw and Big Crowds Will Watch the En counters at Rainbow Park. Publication in the Daily Nebraskan yostorday of tho nows of tho final ar rangements for tho championship basket-ball games to be played bo tween Nebraska and Kansas at Rain bow rink In Kansas City, Kans., next week started speculation among tho Nebraska students on the chances of the Cornlfuskorfl to win the series. Oil the campus the general feeling seemed to be that the local flvo stands a fair chance to take two of tho games. Ne braska is Improving in its play right nlong and by next week should be In shape to work in tip top form. Tho students havo taken this Into consid eration in looking at the prospects and believe there Is a fair chance of getting the title In Kansas City the approaching fray is being awaited 'with considerable show of interest and jt is oxpecte'J ihnny hundre'dr, of people will wit ness tho 'games. -Rainbow rink In Kansas City, West Side,"4 is largo enough to accommodate groat crowds, and -probably will bo filled ta its ca pacity. . ' Kansas City 'Interested. v A dispatch ' from Kansas CHy yes torday 'told of" tho following prepara tions in Kansas City for the games: "It was decided yesterday to "play the championship games In Knhsas City, Kans., at p .conference between pTrwicS I MrCwHWwwv I i t k r vt. t MnHft J K ) II Tl ywTif.M' i-j i-.' i- . in FEBRUARY 27, 1909,' ytUjkl .J . ". UB Jfei Tanc it a way ). -v. t mavc iccri KNVT ,r' 7 t i-N. SkM 1) CTV v xv Vj ....-cr gp"f;.iwt W. C. Langdon, manager of athletics at 'Kansas' university, and Manager Eager of Nobraska. Tho conference was held at tho Coates house yester day morning and tho men decided to try and securo a hall on this side of tho river if possible, and If not to play tho games in Kansas City, Kan. Convention hall has nearly every dato filled for a month ahead and it was imposslblo to airango to play tho ganjo there. Soveral othor placeB wore mentioned, but nope of them was sultublo for playing tho games and accommodating tho students and alumni who wish to son the cham pionship gameb played. Tho rink ncross tho rlvor hod been offered" and finally was accopted, aftor it yjxa found that tho games could not bo played 1-n this city. "Tho dates decided upon aro March 4, 5 and 6. This "will givo tho team a week In which to prepare for" (ho games and be in excellent condition so that no excuses can be offered for defeat. Managor Eager telegraphed to his men last right to get busy and practice for tho game and also loft for Lincoln. Manager Lansdon Btaycd in, this city nnd will return to Law rence today nftor closing a contract with tlio, rink management for the uso of the rink on the dates mentioned. "Rainbow rink has ono of the finest basket-ball courses in this part- of the country and furnishes seating capacity for a largo crowd. Thp, court is the right s'zo for the gamo to' bo skill fully ployed under intercollegiate rules. . "Manngprr Lansdon stated yesterday thajL ho expects, the largest, crowdB at these games, that iever witnessed basket-ball Jn this part of the coun try. Dlfforent towns on the Leaven worth electric lines, will send rooters and a big band of K. U. mon are ex pected to accompany tho team here to -see the series. Tho court is easily reached by car lines ,from this slcje of the river and considering tho num ber of people interested Jn the work of K. XJ, athletes, ta city should sond a big croWd across the river every night of tho series?- - . "At the present time it looks ,ps if ' (CpnUnuad on Page 4) n t. 'Price 5 'Cent WlIflL ,hflOO UHIIVK LOUISA. GREGORY THE SUCCESS FUL MAN. NANY MEN ARE WELL QUALIFIED President Hills of the Senior Class Gives Out the Completed List of Committees for This Semester. LouIb A. Orogory wos appointed yesterday by Elmer W. Hills, presi dent of tho senior clnBH, as Ivy Day orator. This is tho moBt Important office which tho prosldont of tho class has to appoint nnd speculation hns been rlfo among tho students for soveral weoks na to who would get tho covotod placo. There woro a num ber of mon in tho senior class who woro woll qualified so far Us orator ical abilities wont to act as the ivy day Bpeakor, and tho nnmo of tho tsuccoBsful candidate was 'ontlrely un certain, No prq-ejoctlon pledgo of tho position was mado and Mr. Hill de clares that Jip sought to chooso, tlio mon ayIio would most creditably rop- resent all phases of tho activities of tho class. Mr. Gregory is a straight law sty dent and will tako IiIb dogroo thiB spring. Ho graduated from tho St. ' Josoph high school In 1902, haying "won many prizes for his oratorical work thore. Mr. Gregory was a mom bor of tho intor-colloglato debating Bfiund for two years. Ho ia a ntombor of Delta. Tau Delta and Phi Alpha Tau fraternities. , Other Committees Appointed. Tho announcement of tho other committees was made at tho sam'o time that tho namo of tho Ivy Day orator was given out. All thoap , polntmonts havo been mado oxcetfc tho class poet nnd; tho class song com mittee, which will bo nnnouhcedJfltoV.' Tho commlttco nnnouncombnts nnas follows: A v Class Basketball Managor- E. P. Guidinger. Manager ClasB Indoor-meet L. C. Hummel. f Ivy Day Commit toe James Coupo, Chairman. - . i :f Athletics C. J. Wangdrfonsub chairman; James Harvey, E, P. Joff ords. ', Evening Program Guy Montgom ery, sub-chairman; F. A. Jon6ri,5Ann Watt, Mary C. Graham,, Elma, Mini kon. , i Goneral Work P. N. Wlldlsh, suli chalrman; Hohry Currier, C. A. Thompson. -' r Commemoration ., Commlttoo Ross Bates, E. B. Drake, W, V. Konnor, Boulah Hildreth, Laura McCold, Myrtlo Hudson, Rosmond MacDonald. Social Committee O. W- Petora, IJ. L. Harrison, Georgo Hummel, Amos Thomas, Vera Pink, Sheldon B, Coon, P. M. Weller, Camilla Evans, Ruth Castor, Marguerite Burke, Pancheon Hooper. Convocation Committee H C. Rob ertson, S. S. Davlu, Edith Kruckofa berg, Edith Grimm, Lilah David; Sid- , ney Evans. Invitation Committee Yale Hol land, Clara Hermanson, Gertrude Noll son, Guy Mattcson, Kathrlno. Doyle". Cap and Gown Committee J. h. Thomas, Lucy Woods, Augusta Hams- berger, Isabel Wolfe, Roy Greensllt. , IClasB Yell Stuart E. Dobbs,.Sa.'m Carngy, Graham Fletcher. ; : Ivy Planting H. O. Boll, C. R, Till otson, P, A. Burnham. ,1 -' Class .Flower' Commlttee-r-Mattle Woodworth, Bessie Fry, Eva Arnold. Audltingr Committee Ivan P.. Baker, C. B. Toof, -Vern Glttlngs, A. M. Gato dy, !aVlon Hart, Mary Williams, W. 'A. Robertson, .Anna M Rathko, R. J3, Murphdy, Marlon Horton;, Lqralne fHempel, D. "P, Bell Lillian 'Ghambers Lucy Hewitt, Eafl Wilson ti M . 4 1. 1 . 'i 'J M I t 1 "4 A 3' , ? ''iSBOat