.- f ' ff y t- t " ?; -.' ' tf tM ummmAs&m Wfat4ft ln.imi MUtfA- -r-' r-. ' ' I U L I T I 1 i i ;':h vjf 5 ' r. " I - I A -It.. v' .-"SI v" ' $ 1 . $ -'. m HiitttoMUi'r''''' OLIVER THEATRE , 8AT. MAT. & NIQHfr PBc27 - Lena River J , Mat 25;& 10c. Night 60, 35 & 25c. grWEb, MAT. & NIGT, MARCH 3 iNtrman Haikttt In "Clasimatis" ' THUR8XV NIGHT, MARCH 4 w:A a U ';fi.U f 4L.VM 4"w SSI n,is - - t t' MISS EVA TAYLOR The Highest Class 8lnglng Act In Vaudeville 8 THB ZINQARI 8INGER8 8 Scenic Production of Grand and x Comic Opera In Mlnature. JMR. CHA8. 8HARP, Evjer Inch a Soldier. ' CROMWELL AND 8AM8E, t Eccentrlo ComedyBar Artists. 8TUTZMAN AND MAY, "The. Soap Peddler." MI88 DOROTHY DAYNE, Character Imitations. THE.WAKAHAMA TROUPE, Astonishing Japanese Acrobats. Viascope. Majestic Orchestra. Mat. Daily at 2(15. Prices 15 & 25cv Extra Mat. Washington's Birthday. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERT18ER81 r( -V - T -5-'J - tr nn ..J ntb ninifi Five Months of Absolute Capacity. v tefystis8eatsr25c. , . WEEK STARTING FEB. 22, ' TheFultori Stock Co. Presents ALABAMA , Drama in Four Acts by Augustus Thomas. Next Week: "The Three of Us." EVERY NIGHT 8:30. Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30. PATRONI. E OUR ADVERTISERS! The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, Billiards, Pool, Cigors, Tobacco, Fine Confectionery FINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WcST P1UCES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION TOOL I 2 , 2c. OTTJLF POOL I L l f P POKER TPOOL ) 3 u JUjCo c,,, PIGEON POOL I3cucsiucl3. 15 BALL POOL 5q a cue. Io Checks With Games. Prolit Sharing Coupons Given "With Every -5c Spent in the Place, HWsytBBTRftl for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburg, - - - Director Ralph J. Rett, Pnist Violin and Cotbil Instruction, given at Sthdln. 416 So. 17th. Adto 5877. TT """' ' mmw W :ti l- f r- -J.ll'-J -m p Aire IN G Succ'etior to.Pitti Social Emliig - " : Frliay AlfMCti Class '' Saturday Eie, Class Ernies - Miniay & Welnesday Private Leion Given if Deiired 1124 S StRE&T " mil I . ' ! ... ' m i I Auto 4019 BellA-2621 la J i'l'l Ibbbh ftH I'H .-, . ?"' Gleanings O. H. Frcy, florist, il33 O St. Get a Unl. Fob at tho Co-opr GOq, Beckma'n Bros"., flno shoes. 1107 O street. Alpha Thota Chi will hold nn Ini tiation this ovpning at tho fraternity house. Get thnt Uni. Fob this week at tho Co-op. ' k Pershing . Rifles hohl a short driU after -which about fourteen how men were initinted. Good Uni. Co-op. Fob3 50c. Where? Tho Dr. Condra addressed the students Of the Temple high school at convoca tion Wednesday morning. ' Ffav-jou seen tho Fob3 in tho 'Coop window? Ilrarry E. Schiller, 1912, Phi Kappa Psl, departed yesterday for Omaha. He expects to return Saturday even ing. Have your clothes pressed at Wober's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. On Tuesday, March 2d, at 11 o'clock the Dramatic. Club will hold ft meeting to discuss important business matters. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Tho seniors have been requested to order their pins Immediately. Tho first order will bo sent Saturday, Feb ruary 27th. ' Learn tho barn dance, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. Tho university department of geog raphy is preparing a sot of outlines to be used in tho grade schools in tho study of geography. Now spring shoes, all tho latest, up-to-dato stylos now on display at Ro'gers & Perkins, 129 O St. lw Campus l.'ri E3 0Q0Q000C000C00000G0Q&OffiG0C00& You Can't Lose if You Draw Sliur-On Mountings, Hallett's Made-to-Order Lenses, g g The. very best Eye Glass g Est. 1871. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist, 1143 O; gO$030&030G$Q&00$00$0&0$0$00$00oe Dr. Condra .ecturod at Waverly, Nob., Thursday evening before tho Farmers Institute. His subject was, "Agricultural Geology of Nebraska.". W. T. Stockdale, formerly superin tenSont of, schools at Wisnor, Nob., is registered for advanced work In thp. department of geography and educa tion. Vesper service will bo held this evening at 5 o'clock In Memorial hall. Music will be furnished by tho uni; vorslty chorus, and a string and vocal quartet. ,o Mr. Most, who has chargo of the government nursery at Halsey, Neb., gave an interesting talk yesterday afternoon before, tho Forestry club on seed collecting. Tho- cadet companies r are to have their pictures taken tor tho Corn huskor next week; The" members of Company D aro to have theirs taken. Tuesday 'oVenlrig. ' Tho Chemistry,, Club held (a! meellng In tho ChemiBtfy libVary Wednesday foveniiig, Mr. Carlson and Mr. George Oacti gayo 4 Shotl talk, after rhich tho chemistry publications wero dis cusBdd, v , .: , Mr: Most, head of tho Dismal Forest Reserve affuNureoryV whoT ia'VIslUng" tho unlvorsity for a short tlmo, will sponk Jtoday otf "Topics concornlng fprost-trtjo seod'4' Momfny ho ylll,' taH5 for tho 'subject of ills address, "Tree Planting." Theso meetings aro open to tho public and aro hold in room 2, Nebraska hall. . The university gymnastic loam is practicing daily In tho gymnasium., Dr. Ciapp has tho team in chargo and under tho loadorshlp of Captain Mitchell, tho work is progressing. Tho team Id preparing for tho Jntor-col-' logldto gymnastic moet, which is held inr the university gymnasium early in tho Bpring. Last year tho moot was hold at tho Unlvorsity of Wisconsin, In this meet Captain Mitchell Won first place in tumbling. lf At a meeting of tho freshman laws Thursday morning tho romalnlng of ficers wero elected to comploto the cabinet. Mr. Jean Cobboy, from no atrice, was unanimously oloctod treas urer. Tho contest for sargennt-nt-arms was very closo. Thoro wero threo candidates for tho ofllco, W. K. Ho'dgkins, S. G. Carney and P. 8. Topping. Eacli candidate received the samo number of votes. P. S. Topping, upon motion of Mr. Ross Bntos, was unanimously oloctod Borgeant-at-arms. A motion was made that "green" bo tho clnss colors. Tho motion to adopt a class yoll was lost for want of a second. Tho class ovidently folt that they had all tho "yell" they needed. Subject to the approval of tho chan cellor, tho following 1b a list of re ductions, prontotlona and assignments in tho cadet battalion. Corporals O. F. SwonBon and L. H. Douglas, Company I., university cadets are reduced to grade of private. I. J. Lalnger is npponltoc. second lieutenant, university endots, and as signed to Company 13. To bo sargeant, F. H. Walters, cor poral, Company D to Company D. To be corporals: Rob't Ferguson, prlvato Company A to Company A; F. E. Rhode, prlvato, Company D to Company D; H. C. Young, Company C to Company C; H. C. Cusack, pri vate Company B to Company B; G. L. Roster, prlvato Company I to Com pany I; R. A. Brownoll, private Com pany A to Company A; C. F. Korston, prlvato Company C to Company O. Tho Jayhawker. athletic board. has decided to vdte against tho amend ment abolishing tho training table. to This Pair. ft values on the market. University Fofuhi The recent proposal of one of ,tho officials of tho, university to cbnvort the second floor of the Tomplo Into a dance hall Is, Jt seems, a direct v!o lation of a promise made by former Chancellor Andrews. " . At the time when subscriptions were being solicited frdm tho vaflbuB organizations of the university to as sist In raising tho necessary funds for Jhe erection of. the building, the chan cellor spoke at a meeting of onobf these organizations. While 'discussing the purpose, of. tho building, tho ques tion was aBked whether or. not danol irig would bo permitted In tho proposed building. Tho chancellor answered In the negative very 'em- imuuuiuiy uua .ino, lavoramo aiulUQ9 resulting was duo, to a cbnsidorablo. extent, to this statement. Theso organizations raised a largo sum -of money to bo used in the erec tion of r tho new building, it- ip only reasonable that Athey; ask why buc( a proposal as Jsy now before thio Board of Regents should bo considered. Tho desiro of this pfflclal to bring all university functions near tho uni versity in no way excuses this break ing of faith. Whether of not it' is proper to introduce dancing into k building wjilqh was primarily intend o1 for 'religious purposes must be lety 10 mo juugmeni 01 innso pairing ou the measure, The point which can not be avoided and which should be carefully considered, ,1a, Jhjs nromise made hy'fo'rpier C,harielIo'r, Andrews, then, the executive hpad. of the uni versity. A'STtJbBNT. 4 ' I Manhattan Shirts . t 8Ufe8CRk FOR THE RAG NOW , mm & Wake Upi v:M ' . I' V W II 7I . .. --T It. , 8UB8CRIBE FOR THE RAQ NOiV, Have Your Pictures Ff amed HL T r m fm;WAJpf v ., ., ..- -.-w,.. B V m WV . f' . .' in':, .n j Vn' We liavo just re'eeived a -hundred jioSVi paitorn s in picture mouldings. We" now ' show a large: linoiof the neyest mouldings, suitable for all tho popular finishes in s Photos, eic. There 'are thirty patterns M ' narrow moulds in browns, carbons, seniasj; .shingle, rusty, etc. Our stock of mat' ,.boarcl has been argiimontodby the arrival Si a number .of the newest shades. "We ; are prepared to frame your picture prompt-; N ly ancl in Ihe most approved manner at &&& moderSte prices! We are showing some exceptional, values in fraiiiedpict iire& at XI. 75 to 52.00 each. See tHem. Miller ' L SPRING 1909 A complete sliowitlfr oi these well-known, high ferade Shirts is one of the new attractive features our furnishing depart ment offers this season. ThcN new patterns are in and ready for your Inspection, $1.50 to $3. Fast Colors Guaranteed A most attractive feature to most men is the fact thai every shirt bearing a black or green label $1.75 and up, is absolute ly fast color and a new shirt will be given for one that fades. Mnkc your selection early. DEEIVfER PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I Ludwig's Spring ' Suits are rfeady for your inspection. Order your Easter Suit now. LUDWIG PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 -rMj-V"'-f'r wt t-. r' SU, V 'a -' ' I" t I fc I -: