The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1909, Image 1

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United States Now a World Power
Which Should Take Its Place
Among Other Powers in '
Settling Affairs. -
In political sclenco 4 yestorday Pro
fessor George Elliott Howard gave an
Interesting, discussion of the Monroo
doctrine and tho future attitude of
the United States to other nations,
especially to thoBe of the Orient. In
tho course, of his remarks, Professor
Howard gave a brief BketcK of the
Monroe dpctrlne.ln its, .various condi
tions and applications. His views wer.a.
of particular interest in view of the.
. dlacuBsIpna and applications. His
view -of the discussion of the same
topic at the peace conference Tues
day. Beginning wltU tho application of
the doctrine in J 826 In connection
with tho Panama congress, ho brought
Mt down to the Venozuela trouble in
1895. Though there are many who ad1
vocate that the Monroe doctrine has
been outgrown, Professor Howard
does not think that the tlmo for dis
carding It" has yet come. He bellove3.
1 that Germany with Us war-like em
peror Thigh t still encroach" upon, the
, Americas If such barriers as are Inter
posed by the Monroe doctrine were
'taken down.
A New Policy.
Yet Professor Howard maintains
that with tho growth of democracy
the United StateB should adopt a now
policy, one worthy of a great nation
..among nations, f like a strong man
among men. , Our nation should usp
Its power for humanity and social uo
11ft. Professor Howard voiced tho
hope jthat the United States might
henceforth be In a position to forbid
such massacres as have occurred In
Russia and Armenia In recent years.
In Professor Howard's opinion,
America's strength with other coun
tries Jb dependent on her national up
rightness. In criticising the attitude
of Jojin L. Web8ter who, in Tues
day's peace convocation, advocated the
.enlargement Nof the army and navy
as a- means of securing peace. Prcn
feasor Howard said that ournatlon
would rhold her place among tho other
powers: only by" "her national Integrity
and mortllty,.r jrorthl8tnatiqn.'s "right
i eoua, JWfng he attributed America'a
prominent rolo in the eastern ques-
, ;tlon. He said tha't America Is', the
greafesf irifluenc'o In -tho 'Orient to
day. Her du,ty as such .a power 1b to
tcall the sl-hundred -millions of easti-
wern people' to theT'Chriatlan clvlllza-
tionC To' maintain such armies,? and
niivles as do England and other powers
"Of"Eu"rope Is foolishness-in the Ne-
brasktin's. opinion. With-such " re-
sources rahdBUch isolation as we po-
7sesg'a war, equipment soextenslvo,
' is, to bodlBCouraged:; ' "
' ... . -' r, Whatsit Coatv V-V- -? -
According to ProfosSor-Jloward the
Dreadnaught of tho flrat' class' tyjp0
qost enough to kupnort two colleges
jjko Haryaril for a year. This battle
ship attracted wide attention at tho
time of Us building because it was
tllen the largest engine of-war afloat,
Sncfi-.thH, tlmo .even greater ships
have been launched, and others, are
now tinder contract, , '
' la hip conclusion, Professor ,How-
t r
ard emphasized his pica for a lessoned
armamqnt. Ho declared that to strive
for" peaco through tho 'building of
fleets and tlio equipment of armies
was 4)ut pursuing tlio Ideal fit the
old conqueror who in the words of a
Latin writer "created n dosert and
called it peace."
Nebraska Man Writes Articles
' , Technical Journal.
in ,tho February lasue of tho Amer
ican Political Science Review there
appear several articles by Professor
L. K. Avlo8worth of the department
of political science. Tlio subjoct of
ono of these articles is "Campaign
Literature," and in it Professor Ayles-'
worth tolls of tho rather uniquo sys
tem lately adopted by Oregon.
For tlio last . few years the stato
of. Oregon has supplied', mqBtly fit
public expenso, a pamphlet consisting
of a test of measures referred to tho
people with arguments for and against
them. However, by a law recently
adopted additions are to bo mado to
tho work. Ono of tho campaign book
lets Istto deal with candidates forj
nomination and another with candi
dates for election.
After filing, the candidate for nomi
nation may deposit with tho secretary
of state a portrait cut and a state
ment of reasons why ho should bo
nominated. On the other hand, his
opponents "may also file reasons
against, his nomination, although in
this they are liable to tho usual pro
ceedings for libel and Blander. Tho
coBt of the Insertions 1b graduated ac
cording to .the office sought. Each
political party .has Its separate pam
phlets andthe'se are mailed- to the
registered .voters of the respective
In the general election there Is to
bo ono pamphlet for all-'panties and
candidates. The state organization of
each party Is to furnish portraits and
arguments, no party, however, to hava'
more than twonty pages,. A uniform
price of ? 50 per page is charged by
the state to cover the cost of printing
and circulation.
First of-New 8eries Will Be Given by
Tho first-of the new series of vesper
services given under tho auspices of
the university choral society will take
place at tho Memorial hall at 5 p. m.
today. Chancellor Avery will act as
chaplain The pervlceB will last only
half an hour and a large attendance
1b doslred for this first event. Follow
ing is the program: ,
Lento from Manfred.'. ...... . .Itelnocko
String quartet and organ.
Call, of worship,- -,,,.;. -, ;
Invocation. , '
Gloria. " ' ,f "
Responsive: Readings. ,q ,
Anthemr-"Slng, Alleiula Forth. . !
.. ... ...... ,'. .,
.- ,. . . .- Sohneckc
i University Choral Society.
Andanto from Unified Symphony..4
,..;. ,.vj , jj :.t-. '-$. ?' . f ."..TSchubert
, String and organ.
Hymn ''Now the-'Day Is Oyer" .- ? .-. i
,. Barribyl
I r Benediction and Response.
, A nieetibg v6f the braska Corn
Bnprbvers' Association" " "was held
Tuesday; at the atate farm. It waa
decided to hold an exposition in Lin-
.colli next December. This exposition
tolberbejdvfn the Auditorium, for; one
week1 and, to be held In connection
with, tho Boys and Girls' Asaoclatloo.
All Then Interested in fencing are.
rsgudsjeji to get QUt at, 5 o clock on
noxt;M9naay afternpqn,
No SultabiePlaqe. CoudBe..J8ecured
In Kansas City, Mo., and Man
agers 8elecl Rainbow Rink
on the West 8lde.
Tho series of throe gamoa for tho
championship of tho Missouri vnlloy
basket-ball league will bo played In
Kansas City, Kans., on Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday nights of noxt week.
These days won Bottled updn by Man
ager Eager of Nebraska and Manager
Lansdon of tho Kansas flvo nt a meet
ing held In Kansas City Wednesday
afternoon. Rainbow hall onA Minne
sota avenuo was selected as tho place
for playing tho games.
Originally It waB Intended to hold
tho . games- in Kansaa Clty,t,Mp but
tho inability of the managers of th)
two teams to find a suitable hall In
tho big city necessitated tho transfer
ring of the series to tho West Sldo.
Convention hall, which had been con
sidered as a good place for holding
the games, Is engaged by Gypsy Smith
for a continuation of his revival meet
ings next week and tho securing of
this place for tho games was out of
the question.
Kansas Much Interested.
Manager Lansdon informed Man
ager Eager that tho studontB nt the
Kansas stato school aro greatly inter
ested. In tho arrangements for tho con
test. Ho said that they would send
a large delegation to Kansas City to
witness tho clash of their men with
tho cornhuskors. Tho. distance from
Lawrence Is so short that it will bi
posslblo tor tho students to leave
Lawrence early in the evening and
reach' KansaB City in time rto 'sob' tho
gdmeB. They may return to Lawrence
after tho game and bo on hand for
their early morning classes.
The Kansas manager Bald that the
jayhawkor flvo It? putting In -some hard
licks In making ready for the games
In order to be suro to clinch tho title.
He said the quintet did not expect any,
snap in tho thtee games and feared
tho cornhuskers might turn a trick on
them and tako two out of tho three.
Considered an Advantage.
The fact that the contests are to bo
played on a neutral floor is thought
to be an advantage to tho cornhuskors.
If one of the games was to' have been
played at Lawrence it must ' in all
probability have, been won by tho
home five. Tho glass backgrounds
proved a great handicap to tho corn
huskers early In tho, season when Dr.
Clapp and his pupils visited Lawrencp
and there is every reason to believe
they would work just as much to the
detriment of the visitors the 'next
time as they did then.
Manager r Eager is preparing hla
baseball-schedule for this spring, and
probably wjll bo ready to give It out.
the fore part of next week, It wll
Include two .trips away from homo,
and a number of., be played
In Lincoln. v
' it Is expected that the large, number
of games which it is ''hinted -will bo
played by the cornhuskors this year
will serve as an incentive, to many
good ball players to jojn the present
squad, that is" workjng out dally In the
gymnasium. There are several places
on the nine to be filled, and .the ntoro
?hon who try for the squad the great-'
er wiu nq tne cnancea or getting
strong players to fill ajl the, vaxsa,nt;
positions. - ' 2
Men who wish to be assigned' hbura
for workouts In tho gymnasium may
roport n't tho armory to Manager
Eager between 12 and 3 o'clock any
Cadet Battalion Adds Another branch
. to the 8ervlce.
With tho promulgation yesterdoy of
Ordors No. 0 of the University mili
tary department, a trumpet corps was
organised as a part of tho cadet bat
talion. The trumpet corps Is mado
UP of the trumpotors of tho battalion
wirt all Bitch men aro transferred
from tho band to tno now division.
Following aro tho orders read at drill
yestorday afternoon:
Headquarters Univorslty CadetB,
University of Nobraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska,
9 Fobruary, 1909.
Orders No. 8.
The following rules and regulations
shall be observed by all cadets:
1. Cadets shall not enter tho adju
tant's offlco oxcept on business. t
2. When ontcrlng tho adjutant's of
fice cadets In uniform and with anna
shall bo at tho trail. Before address
ing an officer ,thcy shall glvo tho rifle
3. Cadets In citizen's dress or. in
uniform, but without arms, shall un
cover and stand at attention before
jidUresBlng an officer.
Orders No. 9.
1. A Trumpet Corps Is hereby or
ganized. 2. 1st Lloutenant J. F. Hladlk, un
assigned, 1b attached to tho Trumpet
3. Tho following assignments and
transfers aro announced:
P. L. Ernst, chief trumpotor, to
Trumpet Corps; Musician Blackstono,
Co. "A," to Trumpet Corps; Musi-
clans Elcho and Resnor, Co. "B," to
Trumpet Corps: Musicians Hindern
and Fullor, Co. "C," to Trumpet Corjis;
Musician Beck, Co.. 'D' to Trumpet
Corps; Musician Sullivan, Co. "," to
Trumpet Corps.
By order of Cnpt'in Workizer.
Captain and Adjutant, University
Cadets, Adjutant.
Discipline Is To Be Maintained ( In
the Clerk's Office. ,
Discipline is to be tightened in the
office of the military department. This
decision was reached by the com
mandant and made known at the last
officers' meeting.
Beginning: with this week the dis
cipline in tho offlco will' bo made to
conform to that -maintained in other
military departments. That the clerka ,
in the offlco have had what is com
monly called a ('snap" has been the
accepted belief of everyone about .the
campus, but from this time forth rigid
military rules aro to prevail in the
office and the "snap',' be made a thing
of tho past. Roll will bo called each
evening, the clerks "will havft''to. re
main until dismissed, work JwiU be
done with dispatch y and military dis
cipHno and Is to be maintained 'as in
any part of the battalion.
t '
: Girls' Basket-ball.
- All girls' practicing for the inter,
class tournament, will meet, in the
gymijasluna at 1 p. in, today, foru.the
choosing of teams and election of team
Cornhusker Staff.
" Members of (Jbrnhusker staff will -
meet In U 106 this afternoon at 5
J6'cl9pkt yiery important buBlnejaawIll
Baked baas, baked o tae preailsM
aad served hot with dellttotM brew
oreaai ioc, - acn i-ae Botea LiueM.
8am A. Ersklne to Play the American
Heir Who Renounces Country for
English Bride and a "
Tho drnnitlc club will glvo tho flrat
play of tho year at tho Tomplo tho
atro Tuesday oyoning. "The' Amer
ican Citizen" Is tho tltlo of tho pro
duction, and tho club oxpocts to mako
It ono of tho features of tho university
Tho play has a strong; cast of six
teon characters and tho dramatic club
Is oxpendlng a great doal of tlmo 'and 7
work upon Its production. This is tho
play in which Nat Goodwin anil Max
ino Elliott starred a few yoariango,.
and was flrBt brought before tho pub
lic by thorn. r ""
A Spirited Plot. ---
Tho play itsolf is a four-act, comedy,
full of llfo, spirit and fun. It Is flllod
with striking Bltuatons and witty
linos. Tho theme is ono of duty, hing
Ing on a matter of usefulness. The
plot takes up tho troubles Involving
upon tho two principal characters.
through tho death of nn noonntrln
Englishman, who loaves a largo, for-
tuno to a nophow, an American. Tho
fortune, however, falls to tho nephew
only on tho condition that ho renounce
his country and marry an English
woniaiv The daughter of this occon- ,
trie Englishman,-who is a cousin'. of.'
tho American heir, is cut out of her
father's will because she; unluckily, Is J
In love with an American.
As tho plot moves forward her lovor
dies and sho marries hor American
cousin, who at tho same tlmo rp- ,
nbunces his country. ThTs inarrying
Is not aloyo match, but Jb coijtra'cted
sojoly for the purposo of getting the
iaoney to pay off sundry debts. ' Tlio .
parties are, united, lit; the same tlmo
agreeing to separate Immediately As
may be Imagined, many humorous
situations arise, from the terms of this
agreement. In separating ho goes' to
England and "sho to '"Europe, " Thoc
plot Ib brought to a close by the prln
clpals bojng brought together "again
accidentally anil drawn together by
mutual affections, the curtain falling ,
on tho happy lovers. Tho scene of. the
first act is laid in. America; that of ;
the second, third and fourth, in var
ious parts of Europe. -' ,
The play is a neat comedy;' with a
good personnal comprising tho cast,
and' tho club hopea- for a big, -turn-
but. - , . f,
Mr. Erskln; who wiir take the. leauV.'
ingJroll; Is we.ll known" about the uni
versity for his talent In'dramatic work??
and with tho excellent support which'
ho- TylU have, ought to make the pro'?
it m . "
uuciion one' or real menu , .r
A Large Cast. -,' .?,
The cast as given ow'b'y'tb'e club.!?.
is here given: , ' ' ""
. - ;v t
Beresford Cruger -S. A. Erekmo. .
Peter Barnb-B Aten.
Strable Lawrence Coyv ?.,,
Edgortoh' Brown -S.BCooh. . .
' Sir Humphrey BunHWalter, 'Eber-
iy vr v4. w ,
' lYHHe Bunnrraul-Yateei i iff'
Slmma; Iiuca8ir-Fr'ank!,WheelQck.f
? Waiter-'-HoWard Rushtonfr .3 '? &
Beatrice Carew-rAUce 'Rockwell, u
Georgia Chapln-Yeht Fall., - W f
rCoatlanad on Pai AY1 " T '
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