air,ri.ii, .THE DAILY i NEBRASKA .. rh .mi . v -. "-$ ! "V , fi IT tf - Business Directory ' - ' Evary Loyal University 8tudent li urged to patronize these Ne braokan advertisers, and to men tlon the while doing so. BANK8 p Contral National. First TruBt and Savings. H Farmors & Morchants. K BAKERIE8 Folsom, BATH HOU8E OhrlB', Elovonth and P Sts. BOOK 8TORE8 Co-Op. Porter's. . Unlvorslty. tf CIQAR8 . " Colo & MoKonna. , CLOTHING . Farquhar. H Magee & Doomor. Mayor Bros. f Palaco Clothing Co. Spoior & Simon. COAL Gregory. Whltobreaat. CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCINQ ACADEMIE8 Lincoln. Williams. . DENTI8T8 , J. R. DavlB. Yungblut DRY G00D8 Kcrpolsholmcr. . Millor & Patne. DRUGGI8T8 Higgs. , ENQRAVER8 -. Cornoll. FLORI8T8 ' Chaptn Bros. C. H. Froy. FURNI8HINQ8 Budd. Fullc. Magoo & Doqmor. Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon. Fred Schmidt & Bros. GROCERIE8 Nebraska Grocery & Meat Co. HATTERS Budd. Fulk. Unland. Edward Corf & Co. ICE CREAM v Cameron's. Franklin Ico Cream Co. JEWELER8 Hallott. Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans. $ Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. ORCHESTRA G. F. Thornborg. PHOTOGRAPHER8 Townaend. PRINTER8 George Bros. Simmons. - Young & Van Tyno. 8HEET MUSIC E. J. Walt. , RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch. ' Cameron's. 8HOE8 Bockman Bros. Branthwalte. Budd. Cincinnati Shoo Store. Sanderaons. Rogers & Porklns. Petty. Hereford. 8KIRT8 Tho Skirt Stroo. . TAILOR8 Elliott Bros. Horzog. Ludwlg. Marx. Coll ego Tailors. ' Scotch Woolen Mills. Gregory. THEATERS ', Lyric. Majestic. Oliver. ' TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Ex ' He change." p Underwood Typewriter Co. S PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS WANTED! Tho Editor suggoBtod .that wo ubo this spaco to got In touch with thoso Btudonts who will soolc employment at tho ond of tho school yoar. If you aro open, Bond your nnmo on a postal card to . W. 8. DARLEY, President, 657 W. Madison St., Chicago, III, PATRONISE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I 2$0&0OSO$0$0&0$0$0$0 ...--- - . o -V Makes or Second hand Typewriters sold, , rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co,, 914 P St,, Both Phonis. U3CO00$0$0$0$0$0$0$04' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I E. FLEMING Finest watch and Jowolry Ropuiring In tho city. Givo us a call. Boll A794, Auto H884. - 1311 O St. Wo solicit a share of your patronago PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I thHalf Million Glasses of Soda Water sold and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agonoy Huylern, Qunthors and Lown Dys Chocolates and Bonbons. Tht Drug Cutttr. f 8UB8CRIBE FOR THERAG NOV 8UIT OR O'COAT made to order No More $15 No Less any stylo you wish WORLD'8 LARQE8T TAILOR8 133 8. 13th 8t. M. M. Crandall, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb. Want - Ads AdvOTtlBomenta for tho want ad column should be left at the business office, basomont Administration Bldg., botweon 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at tho rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for tho first Inser tion; throo Insertions 25 cents; Ave Insertions 40 cents. HELP WANTED. WANTED Three students, mon or women, to solicit subscriptions for the National Toachors and Students' Ass'n. A trip to Chattanooga, crulso of tho Atlantic to Quebec and return offered for tho highest numbor. See Mrs.Barkley Immediately, 107-90-92 FOR SALE. Due bill for sale on an up-to-date tailor, at 25 per cent discount. See Nebraskan manager. 63dh-tf FOR SALE A good dress suit; size 3G. Cheap, Auto 3470. 105-90-tf FOR SALE A now hlgh-grado bi cycle at 25 ner cent dtamnrtt. Tnnnim at Nebraskan office. oi-tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST A Waforman Ideal fountain non, without cap; mottled. Please return to 'Nebraskan office. Reward. ll-93-3t ATTACKS THE DANCE STUDENT WRITE8 HOT LETTER ABOUT'COLLEGE PLEA8URE8. PERPETUAL DANCING SCORED Lack of Variety In Entertainment for Students Is a Glaring Fault of Present System, 8ays a , Western Student. Tho unvaried run of dances as uni versity entortalnmonts Beoms to bo bothorlng students at various univer sities. Tho Pacific Dally Wave, pub lished by the University of WaBhing- ton, found the following solf-oxplanu- tory communication In its mail box' recontly: "Editor Tho Daily Wave: "Doubtless 'knocking' Is becoming rather monotonous; but at all events, tho target is now in this instanco which 'target is a soomlngly well-ea-tabllshod tradition In University of Washington social life, bettor estab lished at loaBt than most of thoso InfnntB whoso tottering feet wo are striving to guide traditionward. "Being such, I hesitate tho moro 'o raise a protest; novortholesB, In an institution of tho size and standing of tho University of Washington, It ough to bo posBiblo to ovolvo or im port moro than ono form of social ontertainmont. One Diet Monotonous. "Ono would hardly caro to bo served with tho samo" ploco do resistance at ovory dinner, nor does ono reeard highly tho culinary art which would provldo such a Buccesslon of menus. No moro Is it to tho credit of our so cial genius that every function of any importance at which both men and women are- present, is primarily, and usually entirely, a dancing party. "As one college woman expressed it, Wo might as well bo in a little country town so fnr as variety Is con corned.' "Not that I am criticizing dancing per so; but to allow any ono thing to monopolize tho situation this is un donlnbly narrow and provincial. Tho very osBonco of entertainment is In f INTRA - mil lif: Us variety. But, glanco down a list of our social events, tho same thing, under different nnmes, from one end to tho othor. I am not proud of It; are you? "Tho fact that a hop is tho eanlost kind of ovont to arrange, that Jt Is popular, or that thoro aro other Insti tutions no better than Washingon in this respect, does not excuse us. We do not lack in origlnnllty, energy anl ambition; so lot's get out of the rut." "A STUDENT' TIME HAS NOW BEEN CHOSEN Dates for Junior-Senior and Sophomore-Freshman Debates. Yesterday afternoon a mooting of tho inter-class debating committees was held nnd several important ques tions were Bottled. It was decided that tho first contest would bo held on Friday evening, Mtirch l?th, at i,i tl rao t,1Q JunIora and seniors will debate. The sophomore-freshman will bo hold tho next and the same question will be discussed. No admission will ho charged for theso preliminary debates and It is expected that a great deal of class enthusiasm will be aroused. The question as to what is the best and most ofToctivo mothod of coach-' lng tho different teams was discussed at some length arid It was Anally dor elded that each team might properly havo tho services of a student coach If-It so desired, and .thnt all help which-tho faculty saw fit to glvq tho teams muBt be given equally to all. Each speaker will be given ten mfti utos for his first speech and four mln-' utos for rebuttal; No decision has yet been made as to who will be the Judges for theso debates but they will Happenings of the Past 8even Years Ago. j Tho croatlon of a school of mu&'fc; for tho University of Nebraska was agltatod by Nebraska professors. Pro fessor Barbour declared that there was every opportunity for the estab lishment of a successful school in this part of the country.' Six Years Ago. Junior class elected a co-ed, MIsb Van Zandt, as president of tho class. Request of students for Sunday dis tribution of mall at Btation "A" was refused. Five Years Ago. Fraternities of tho unlvorslty make pledges of largo contributions to the Temple Fund. Alumni wrote many loiters protect-' lng against tho absorption of tho ath letic field until a now ono could bo obtained. Four Years Ago. Now ruleB were adopted for tho cadet battalion. It was provided that any cadet who excited a disturbance that intorfored with military dlsclpllna should bo liable, to dismissal from tho university. One Year Ago. Professor QasB discussed Bernard Shaw at chapel and declared that ho was a man working fearlessly for the welfaro of humanity. Action was set for this afternoon and It was then that tho university men claimed to havo enough vbtes to carry tho measure. Now they aro entirely at soa and aro admitting that defeat is very possible. Prof. Barbor of tho Latin depart ment, who is now at Now Orleans. La., attending tho meeting of tho Classical Association, will return tho latter part of this week. On March 9th, Prof. Barber will address tho Latin club on tho "Classical Associa tion and the Mardi GraB." The Insular Department of Military Affairs has iBsued a call for men to fill positions of third lieutenants in'the Army or tho Philippines. A 'limited numbor of these positions aro opon, and anyona who is interested in this matter should apply to Captain Work! zer for moro detailed Information. X )0000000000000000i probably bo either prominent Lincoln mon or university professors. The question for debate is worded as follows: "Should tho United Stats adopt parcels post?" In tho senior junior debate the seniors will havo tho affirmative and tho juniors tho negative. In tho sophomore-freshman debate the sophomores will havo tho negativo and tho freshmen tho afllrm atlvo. AT THE PLAYHOU8E8. The Majestic' Two acts at tho Majestic tho Zln garl singers and; Miss Eva Taylor and !u plttyrB ,n "Chorus" are worth the price of admission. Some of tho first-nighters' volunteered that Miss Taylor's farco alone was worth tho cost of tho best seat. An any rate this week's show is a good one, of which the above mentioned acts are tho headllners. For singing singing that well, pleapos Lincoln's boBt peo plethe Zlngarl singers aro tho best that have come this way for many moons. They were given several on, cores Jnst night. "Miss Taylor's apt must be rated as tho best laugh pro ducing farco -yet offered by tho Ma jestic. The act Is unique. Charles Sary, as a Gorman mu sician, convulsed the audience last night. Ho has somo real original jokes. Othor good numbers on the bill aro tho Mnkah'and troupe of Japanese ac robats; Cromwell & Samse, comedy bar artists; Dorothy Dayne,' In char acter Imitations; Stutzman and May, In a comedy tblll entitled "Tho Soan Peddler." - ' The Lyric. Ono of August Thomas' best dramas, "Alabama," is being produced at the Lyric this week. .The Fultons dp as woll with this play as they did last week with "Tho -Man on the Box.' I. Hiialify Counts THAT'S WnY iin's Icq .. . r- Cream -vl IS SO POPULAR Wo mako a spoplalty of fancy creams, shorbots, ices and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Auto 8181 Boll 205 1810 N Street PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I Belj Phone 482 AitoPhtfle148f COMPLIMENTS OF Nebraska Grocery and Meat Company Fancy and Staple Groceries 1036 P Street Every Order Given Special AtHnlion 8UB8CRIBE FOR THE RAQ NOW. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean - OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AMD Eltotrlo Shu Ripalr Faottry Saves Yov TME-AND- MONEY 1220 O Street 8UB8CRIBE FOR THE RAQ NOW, HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Btudonts. o Q ivnrn and Bllvor Lottor B -- Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1183 O Btroot 8UB8CRIBE rOR THE RAQ NOW. A Music House r I, Whero yon can always find that shoot of music in stock. EDW. J. WALT 1120 O St. TheMiwicMan PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI85R8I L. J: HERZOG THEDNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come In and get that $15.00 Suit to your order tiaaf I230Q St. Lincoln SUB8CRIBE FOR THE RAfl) NOW. TYPEWRITERS ' All xnnkes rented with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AntollSft-Bellliai, lbSNo.llth Frankl .. . ' "U i. 3Si Jf 1 Mt 3 i