&AlJJXf NJSSRftSKAIf A -T i ,J V v4 OLIVER THEATRE JODAY, MAT 2:3P.. TONIGHT :1 Cowboy and The O'hicf . ;Mat 25 ant) 10c. Night 50, 35 A 26t. SAT. MAT. & NiOVh", FEB. 27 Lena Rivers ;Mat 25 & 10c. .Night 50, 35 & 25c. COMING: NORMAN HACKETT. MISS EVA TAYLOR The Highest Class 8lnglng Act In Vaudeville 8 THE ZINQARI 8INQER8 8 Scenic Production of Grand and Comic .Opera In Minaturc. MR. CHA8. SHARP, Every Inch a 8oldler. CROMWELL AND 8AM8E, Eccentric Comedy Bar Artists. 8TUTZMAN AND MAY, ""The Soap Peddler." MI83 DOROTHY DAYNE, Character Imitations. THE WAKAHAMA TROUPE, Astonishing Japanese Acrobats. Vlasc6pe. Majestic Orchestra. Mat. Dally at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c. Extra Mat. Washington's Birthday. Campus Cleanings PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! H33H Five Months 6f Absolute Capacity. Besf '8ea't8, 25c. WEEK STARTING FEB. 22, The Fulton Stock Co. Presents - ALABAMA Drama In Four Acts by Augustus Thomas. Next Week: "The Three of Us." EVERY NIGHT 8:30. Matinees "Wed. and Sat. 2:30. PATRONI. OUR ADVERTI8ER8! The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Cowling, Billiards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco, fine Confectionery fINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION POOL BOTTLE POOL POKER POOL PIGEON POOL J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. 2 1-2 cts. per cue. 3 cues (0 cts. Profit Sharing Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent in the Place. C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. Ctet a Unl. Fob at thrf Co-op. GOc. Mrs. J. L. Horzog will glvo a piano recital at convoction this morning. Bcclcman Bros., flno shoes. 1107 O street. The Union and Palladlan Literary societies will hold a joint dobato Fri day niht In tho Union Hall. Get that Unl. Fob thin week at tho Co-op. The members of tho freshman law class had their plcturo taken this morning for tho CornhuBkor. Chapln Brps., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Prof. San ford of the Latin depart ment, who has been seriously ill for some timej is alowly recovering. Good Unl. Fobs GOc. Where? The Co-op. D. O. Mitchell, 1910, umpired the basket-ball game Tuesday night be tween Cotner and Tarkio colleges. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr bloc. .isULt. Tho Pershing Rifles meet tonight at 7 o'clock. A short drill will bo held after which several new mon will be initiated. Have you seen the Fobs In tho Co-op window? Miss Stella Trumblc, 190&, a mem ber of tho Kappa Alpha Thota soror ity, is visiting at the chapter house for a few days. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. Tho annual banquet of Sigma Tau will be hold Thusrday, March 4. Au oxcollent menu and an unusually good toast list will bo offered, o Dr. J. It. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. O RC H ESTRA for Concert or Dances G. F. "ThornbWg, - ? - Director RalphJ.Rdd, ----- Pianist Violin and Cornet instruction given at Studio, 4J6 So. J7th. Auto 5877. WILLIAMS' P, A N C IN G ACADEMY Successor to Pitts ' Social lining - - - Friday Alviicel Glass -. Saturday En. Class Emligs - Minriay k Wiiaislay Private L on Given if Deiircd 1124 N STREET Auto 4019. Bell A-2621 spont, Saturday, nd Sunday witi hlB eon, t). T. Robinson, 1912,' -who' is ,a student in tho llloraturo, sclonco an1 art collego. .' Tho annual' party of tho Alflua Phi Borority will bo hold noxt Satur day night at tho Lincoln hotel. Many alumni nro expected to bo in tho city for tho paity. Rov. Tindnll, fathor of R. B. Tlndall. law 1011, visited tho property I class yesterday morning. Rov. Tlndall la presiding older of tho Norfolk district of tho Methodist church. C. C. Cottrol, a last year's engineer ing Btudont, Is now tho residont ou gineor for tho Chicago Oregon Con struction company on tho Eaglo Valloy railroad, at Baker City, Oregon. Tho class in botany II ard studying tho rust of grains this weok. Dr. Bossey, in lecturing on this subject, yestorday morning explalnod how thtB fungus lives from year to year. The boxing class, undor tho dlroc tio of Col. Howltt ad Jack, Boat, ' progressing rapidly. Tho instructors say that tho material this year In tho boxing class, Is exceedingly good. 4 Tho faculty ladles of tho unlvorslty will moot next Monday ovonlng, Feb ruary 29. at tho now city Y. M. C. A. building. Dinner will bo served 'at 0 o'clook. PlatOB will bo B0 cents. Somo of the mombers of thojTroBli man law class aro winning a bad roputatlon for thomsolvos among tho rest of tho students Of tho university, by their constant nolso and misbe havior. In March, Tom Longboat, tho groat Marathon runner, will visit tho Kan sas University and glvo tho jayhawkor track team instruction in long dls of theso two casj.es 'nave been roorgan- tant running. The books in Prof. Webster's classes In "Insurance" and "Business Organi zation" have arrived. Tho members of theso two classes have been- in convenienced somewhat by tho fact that tho books wore not hero. Tho students who, from now, como to classes in physical education not wearing tho regulation gymnasium suit, aro marked absont. Tills plan V''v.i m ," , "i ?', I H . i i .. J nni : 2 v ? I I h ;;v 00000000CSX30eOOQO0000000000 SPRING CAPS just arrived. Yacht, Golf, Bull Dog, Directoire and Auto Caps in solid colors and fancy patterns 50c to $2.50 FULK, -:- -:- 1325 O 00000000000 O O 000Q00 O0000000 Thj) noonday meeting of the Y. W. C. A. today will be a prayer service for studonts in tho missionary field, both abroad and at home. Learn tho barn dance, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. Miss Ada Graham, 1897, is assist ing tho Latin department In taking charge of somo of Prof. Sanford's classes during his sickness. New spring shoes, all the latest, up-to-date styles now on display at Rogers & Perkins, 129 O St lw Tho mid-week meeting of tho Y. M O. A. was hold 'last night. H. W. Plasters was tho loader of tho meet Ing. The subject being, "Grist from the Mill." 'The classes' In Criminal law and property I. were greatly honored .yes terday morning "by being visited by Judge " Cobby, compiler of Cobby'a statutes. , , -v Tho department of geology has just received 'from the Bausch-Lomb com pany a shipment of laboratory appara tus, of Valu6 in the work of tho de partment. . , v J. i O. Ro)lj?on of Waterloo, Feb,, has led to several of tho men receiv ing no credit for being present. Mr. John Hitchman, E. E. 1898, has dropped electrical and taken up civil engineering. Ho is located at Cu'ata lopam, Vova Cruz, Mexico. Tho com pany who employs him owns several short lines of railroad. Mr. Hitchman has chargo of over one thousand men. Work has been commenced Jn tho physical education department for the coming gymnasium exhibition which id given annually by that department Mr. Hooper ha3 been giving tho stu dents somo vory fine ward drills, to gether with some ohor ver interest ing work. . Georgo ftodges, former assistant In tho department of grounds and build ings, writes Nebraska friends that ho Is finding his work with "tho Clove land Crane and Engineering company yory pleasant. Mr. Hedges is now ;it work designing cranes. Ho is In Cleveland, Ohio, H. PWundei, ex-1910, who recently left for Iowa City to take a law coureo in tho Iowa State, University, has changed his mind and has entered jtho University of Wistonsln. Mr. Wun dor was a prqmlont debater here, and was also connected with other, student activities, I fyi " f ' . tt it,' $ i Daily Nebraskan is a STUDJENT Publica tion. It js the paper of the students, by the students and for the students and as such it deserves your patronage. If you are not a regular sub scriber, call at room 7, Ad ministration Building today and register for the "Rag." One dollar a semester. . . . Subscribe t SS? wi m Now! Mi. .4 "Jf"' )qpeocoooooooooooooooooo'6ooo( STUDENTS CJUUB Suits Clumd and Pressed Only $1.50 Per Menth We make a specialty of new suits made right here in our own shop $20 and up H. SMITH, TAILOR JS51S O Auto 6226 O000000060006000000000000 COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at th BEST PRICES AutoPhOf14S , m H (IujM I SHIRTS :V'ii1'lt'iW&ftt ' y 'mffmu . F i iH .' MHHHBhn HE well- dressed effect' .ffiveri. hy "a ,' yll . m . .", Liuett onirt is only v equalled by the ease and comfort with whieh it isput on and oft-r- like a,coiat.?i 11.50 and more ' A . . CLUETT. PEABODY & CO.,TtS,iX. Y. krf,fowqe?,ari ;i.w3? , M Oi