fe r ", ; "I, Ulljl t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 6TMyf(jP ifin .j ,'& ."J r V o 1 ', fcbe Sall$ flebrashan THEI rnOPKRTY OP , s THE UNIVEI18ITY OP NEBRASKA Lincoln, Nourwikiu rllUSHEl EVERY BAY -EXCEPT tMK1 ANB M6NIAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. frtlltlHH ItflCf, 126 Hfl, 14lh,St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Herbert W. Potter Manaalna Editor.". -.Victor B. Smith Aiioclato Editor Philip Fredericks BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager W. A. Jone Circulator T. A. Jamea Aailttnnt Circulator Leslie Hyde " Editorial and Bualnets Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 0 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1688. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rnto of 10 contu por lnsortlon for ovory flf todn words or t motion thoroof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bullotlns will gladly bo published free Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, NobraBka, as BCcond-clafia mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1909. ji"T ifc jfr U J,V W w V U X J Of tL O; ,tf V V p f rf y p fj j T fJZ fv p Thoro are at tho present tlino fy two vacancies In tlio staff of & tho Daily NobraBknn which tho editor wishes to nil within tho rioxt fow days. All Btudonts who aro interested in this kind S of worlc aro roquosted to see K tho editor as Boon as possible Ono hour's credit will bo glvon for tho work, and it will not bo nooossary for special roglBtra- tlon to bo made. Convocation-Thursday, Feb. 23d Mr. L. J. Hervog Piano Recital Memorial Hall lhO(A. M. Mr. Wobstor'B plea qt tho peace convocation for larger armies and na vies as a guarantee of peace scorns rathor strange on first thought Mr. Wobstor is like tho Irishman who do dared that ho was going to have peaco if ho had to fight for it. It is unfortunate from tho student point of view that none of tho basket- not in thought or In thorough prepar ation but in dollvory. Nebraska has novor boon surpassed in Intor-colle-glato debato in ability to present her chbo clearly, to marshall hor facts In tho strongest posBiblo form,, and to think rapidly and to tho point; but Nebraska has been surpasBOd In tho brilliancy and resourcefulness of hor BpeakorB. It is for this reason that anything whjph tonds to develop tho art of speaking at tho University of Nebraska will bo peculiarly wolcomo at this time. Undor tho auspices of tho Colloge Of Law an oratorical contest will Boon bo hold which deserves tho attention of all thoso who are interested in this kind of work. The contest Is tho only ono of tho kind that takes place at Nebraska during tho yoar, and it do BQrvcB enthusiastic support. An oratorical contest of this kind has more significance than tho aver ago university ovent. It lays empha sis upon ono sido of lifo that not only students but a great many pooplo out side of colloge lifo entirely fail to tako into consideration. It emphasizes tho importance of turning out work in such a way that it is easily under stood by thoso for whom it is in tended. How frequently ono hears a schol arly address that has tho most beau tiful thought entirely ruined by tho poor dellvory of tho speaker. How frequently on receives an Important letter bo badly written that It is Im possible to tell its exact meaning. In every walk of lifo work that is clear and easily understood Is ranked far nbovo work that in itself may bo far aero scholarly and havo taken far mora timo to proparo and yot 1b In University Bulletin ThurBday,25 Senior Election In Moin orlal Hall. 11:30 a. m. Thursdny, 25. Piano Recital by Mrs. L. J. Hor&og. Convocation 11 a. va Friday, 26. Paliadlan-Unlon meeting. Palladlan Hall, Temple, 8 p. m Friday, 26 Inter-class baskot-ball, ju niors vs. seniors. Friday, 26 Social Problems and Tholr Relation to Public Health. Prof. George E. Howard. Friday, 6 Vesper service. Memo rial Hall, 5:00 p. m. Chorus, String and Vocal Quartet. Saturday, '27 Intorclass- baskot-ball gamo, sophomores vs. freshmen. Saturday, 27 Students' Debating club. U. 106, 7:30 p. m. Marcn. Tuesday, 2 "Lumbering In Washing ton," E. G. Pollpys. "Microscopic Study of Wood," G. N. Lamb. N. 7 at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 2 Sophomoro Election, Me morial Hall. 11:30 a. m. Dramatic Club business meeting U. 106. 11 a. m. WodnoBdny, 3 Inter-class basket-ball game, junlore vs. freshmen. Friday, 5 "Some Aspects of the His tory and Geography of Disease," Dr. H. B. Ward. University Tom plo Theater, 5:00 p. m. Friday, 5 Pershing Rifles Hop. Fra ternity Hall. Friday, 5 Inter-class basket-ball game, juniors vs. sophomores. J4hO. Two Stokes 1415, 0. SAY, FELLOW81 Have you seen my line of Spring Oxfords7. You'll miss half of your life If you don't. I have loads of Tan Ox fords, Patent and Dull Leathers, In all kinds and shapes; and the beauty Is, my price $2.50 and $3.50. WHY PAY MORE? ball games in tho championship Borles betwoon Kansas and Nebraska can bo played hero in Lincoln. Tho sup port which tho studentB havo given to baBket-ball this season shows that a good gamo is appreciated and will draw a crowd. It is also likely that tho Nebraska team would bo ablo to play a much better game at homo than away. Several of tho college publications whfch como to tho exchange table of tho Daily Nebraskan havo recently been Riven over, for onq or more is sues, to a staff of co-eds. This might bo an ldoa that could bo worked out by Nebraska irls, and developed Into 'something that would bo worth while. At tho University of Texas each class In the university has been given the opportunity of appointing" a board of editors, to tako charge of tho col-" lego publication forgone Jbsuo. Tho plan seems o havo boon started with the intention' of .promoting chiss riv alry and .giving to morp students tho Practlco of getting out tho college paper. Buch condition whon it Is finished that it cannot .bo valued at its full worth. It Is a fjequont exporlonco for stu dents in tho university to find that In soma classes they aro unable to con centrate their attention upon what the profesBor is saying. His lectures are unintdrcsting and a torturo to sit through. Anothor professor, on the other hand, with much loss roal learn ing:, makes his work so clear and bo easily comprehended that the student? go away with a Teal increase in tholr knowledge and much moro intorest in their work. Outsido of tho. university thlB same phase of lifo Bhows itself under diff erent forms. Everywhere thoro seemL to be a general failure to appreciate tho fact that tho way In which a pieco of work is presented is almost, as Important as .the content of tho work. Tho oratorical contest which will soon bo held by tho colloge of law lays 'emphasis upon exactly this phaso of life, and 1b therefore of deep significance. It should arouse keen competition among all university stu dents who aro At all iqt'prested in this lino of work. FILLS A NEED. It hap come tt bo a well recognized fact that tho weakest pla.ee In ty$ braska's Intercollegiate debating Uo3 Friday, 5. "Tho Problems for Euro peans in Colonizing tho Tropics." Dr. F. Crelghton Wellman of Washington, D. C. Temple, 5 p. m. Saturday, 6 Inter-class basket-ball . gamo, freshmen vs. seniors. Tuesday, 9 "Somo Principles of De velopment," J. Caroll Knodo. Student convocation. Friday,' 12 Junior-Senior lntor-clasB debate. Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Saturday, 13 Sophomore-Freshman inter-class debate. Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Tuesday, 1C "Commercial Forest Nurseries," L. O. Williams. N. 7 at 7:30 p. m. Friday, 19 "How May the Spread of Infoctlous Diseases Bo Prevent ed ?" Dr. H. H. Walto. Temple, 5:00 p. m. The members of tho Medical Society had their pictures taken yesterday morning for the CornhuBker. THREE REQUIREMENTS FOfr ALL STUDENTS Vnil nAAil Attn Kin Awlnlnnl nA trttviriif a rttfrt1 i rtlf t tr s annVAn wdrk. You also need books and magazines. And latorfsummcr or permanent position, which you should plan for now, before all iioro is tno way to got all three at a minimum uio orTiort best openings aro filled. ana expense. We Are Dealers in Facts Wo furnish tho host information obtrffnublo on any subjeot In school, collogo or club, In business and public affalrsv Our work Is accurate, comploto and to tho point, carefully typewrlttcn.promptly supplied, and arranged In suitable form, with outlines, bibliographies 'and full references. Wo not only havo in outuown force highly-trained investigators and special ists In various llncB, butwo havo mado a business of "knowing tho men who know" and by means or this systom of knowing "Who's Who for Eillcionoy" wo can go stralghtto headquarters for authoritative information and export advico. jS Added to.ourTargo stock of information on hand and our means of obtaining Authentic information, wo have a highly ofllclent systom of sifting, arranging and presenting our facts in form that exactly moots Individual requirements that would exactly meet your needs. Wo aro caneelnllv ntroncr In nntttlrnl nntmico. pponomlcti. nonloloirv. anthrODOl- ogyr flno artB, literature, applied science, commercial geography, travel and exploration, International law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, interstate nnu ioroign commorco, financial ana industrial conditions, anu punnc-proDioms and livo questions of tho day. Tho coat is less than might be expected. Our charges for now and original material are at tho rato of two dollars for each thousand words furnished. Quality of work guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Mothods, references and quo tations on Important Investigations furnished upon request. (Wo havo thou sands of articles on hand which wo offer, subject to prior sale, at 11.50 per thousand words. Send for prlco list.) A Desirable Position for You If you aro wise, you aro already planning about a summer or permanont position or about an opening in tho professions or indepohdont business. To introduco our sorvlco to you, wo will givo you advico, information and roal assistance along theso lines without chargo (from now up to tho timo you so uro a desirable position) if you sond us a fivo dollar order for information, I. o 2,600 wo'rdB or ovor at ?2 por thousand. In our official capacity, wo como in touch with boards of trade, chambers of commorco and othor local and gonoral organizations of employers, as well as largo corporations and othor concerns, educational and othor institutions, and municipal, stato and othor governmental departments. Wo aro thus In a posi tion to know of positions of all kinds ovorywhoro au well as opportunities for starting out in lndopondent business or professional lines. No red tapo, no commissions, no strings aro attached to this offor. It Is freo and unconditional. This information wo gain about positions Is simply a valuablo by-product- of our regular information business, and wo uso It to attract, help and thus hold customers. Wo do for you all that any regular employment agency can do, with this Important difference wo ask you to sign no involved contracts, pay no fees or commissions, and incur no other obllga ttons. Books and Magazines Free As a further inducement, with ovory live dollar order for information wo will givo free, in addition to tho employment privilege any book or a year of any magazlno you specify, tho publishers' prlco of which Is not ovor ono dollar. Witli a ten dollar order for information, wo will givo $2 worth of books or magazines; with a $1G order, $3 worth; with a $20 order, $4 Worth; with a $26 ordort $5 worth; and so on. Two or moro mon may club togothor with sevoral subjects to mako such an order and divide tho privileges among them. How to Order Just think up ono or moro subjocts on which you need material. Estimate tho number of words required. Encloso two dollars for each thousand words desired, givo us exact directions as to what you want and whon you want it, and if tho order is for flvo dollars or ovor, namo tho books or magazines you wish and tell us about tho position you would llko and your qualifications for it. Wo will do tho rest. Address at onco: National Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett 8mnll (Late Special Investigator, U. 8. Gov't). Director 2401 NORTH CAPITOL ST., WASHINGTON, D, C. Fraternity Hall March 5th, 1909 Pershing Rifles Hop Tickets $1.25 Walt's Orchestra 9 P. M. ARMORY Inter-Class Basket-Bali Sophomore-Freshmen, Friday, Feb. 26 Senior-Junior, Saturday, Feb. 27 Admission 15c Season Ticket 50c ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOH'S OS ? Hot Lunches a Specialty. - 's&ffl'Oll) " - -Candied and loos. 1307 0 St. Phon.it : Auto 2214, Bill 456. C To Meet In Debate. Tho Union and Palladlan literary societies meat In joint donate In the Palladlan hall next Friday night. Thte" is the first joint debate hold between tho two societies for two or three years and munh Interest 1b being aroused. The question that will he de bated Is, "Should tho United States adopt "a1 parcels post system V' The aftlrmatlvo ,w!U bo taken by Frank tlelnsch and .Elmer Hills . in behajf of tho PaliadlaW, tho hegatlvo by A. M. Haro and II. S. Lower for the Unions. The public aro cordially In vlted. I Hero la the cheapest (rood ffun yet made. Byttaomutloaof iheUkodownfciBVI,. fjmod h& ,matr mUrd nf gU, Mfehr ,nJ duality," NmU. & cWtoplMto rf this mtn 'I K tuH.l...L!. 1 Cf I 7. m - . . . .. f ESJi .m irni"ff "..H , !.. U.orJy 7 pound., Thc.Ml chbW &ttdSS, snTjpMi wets ffitf&Ks .ZAtT.SjL.r-.rrri.'rt'f.T '. wP 8uu w .mat wii "Tli "" J 'J,4n 8fa P"'10 Ht sun t to low a price. J) !fj wxi u ioi ygu, ' tsth'Mc?Cctdo8ueaidExpttUnc9BKktO'do). Fit fat 3 ilamps. 7jzeffiaz&nJrearms Gtwniow strec,NcwH nvea.Ct MHMMMnMMMIMIiaMliiMWMMaaMMMniMMiniaaiM , '"-- ' - - . 1 I flip it I V NEW MODEL NQI7 I .