The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. Vni. No. 94.
Price 5 Cent
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Philippine Islands Represented by Six
Students With Many From Mis
souri, Illinois and Other
Figures have recently been given
out by tho registrar that caBt an In
teresting light upon tho growth of tho
University of Nebraska. Commencing
with 1871 tho year In which classes
wero first held at tho university, the
figures givo tho comploto enrollment
for overy fifth year. Tho figures as
given by tho registrar aro as follows:
Total. -Men. Women.
1894-95 1,550
189900 2,209
1904-06 2,728
1908-09 .. 3,450 1,940 ltflD
Tho figures hero given show tho
total enrollment which Includes tho
university campus- proper, the school
of music, tho school of agriculture,
and tho junior and senior medics at
Omaha, together with the summer sea
son. Tho figures for tho present year
aro only approximate, but tho approx
imation is based upon those of tho
preceding years, and may bo consid
ered a fair estimate.
Makes Rapid Growth.
That this school has mado rapid
growth since it was founded will bo
seen by a glance at tho table. From
130 students In- its opening year to
3,460 at the present time, 1b an In
crease ..of .3,460 In 38 years, or an
average Increaso of nearly 3D stu
dents per year. With this Increaso
one can easily see why tho buildings
on tho campuB have, to bo enlarged
and now ones built overy year.
Anothor Interesting fact to bo glean
ed from tho table Is tho preponder
ance of men over women. There aro
about four men to every threo women
at tho present time. This ratio can
be shown to hold for each year slnco
tho foundation of the school, by con
sulting tho registration reports for
each year. The fact that tho men out
numbered tho 'women four to throe
should not bo construed to mean that
women aro any less desirous of receiv
ing an education than men, but it
' may be attributed to tho fact that
in this university three of tho schools,
. medicine, law and engineering, take
up work Into which fow, if any, women
enter. This limits the -field for tho
co-eds almost -exclusively to tho col
leges of literature, sclenco and -the
arts, In which they outnumber tho
men. ,
From Other 8tatcs'.
'Last year there were 3,017 students,
at tho university who came from with
in the state and 220 from other states
and. countries. Figuring on tho basis
of former years there are approximate
- Jy.-,at Nebraska; at- thepresent time
3,200 students from within the state
and 250 from without, of which no.
smqll percentage are foreigners.
Of tho students from without the
stato, tho states contributing most ara
Iowa 72, Kansas '26, South Dakota 23,
Missouri 18, Illinois 10, Wyoming 10,
Colorado 9, and thoro aro many others
contributing from ono to Ave. Tho
Philippine Islands have six studonts
in tho university nt tho present time.
Of the counties which contributed
to tho 3017 students who come from
within tho stato last year Lancaster
is first, Douglas Becond, Saunders
third, 'Gago fourth, Hamilton fifth,
Cass sixth, Saline soventh, York
eighth, Burt ninth, and Dodge and
Clay tio for the tonth place. The rea
son for tho lead of Lancaster county
lies in tho fact that tho students from
this county all Ilvo noar the univer
sity, and as a consequence aro placoi
at a greater advantage as far as con-
vience Is concerned than those from
counties situated in other parts of tho
state. Many studonts also givo Lin
coln as their residence. '
Chancellor Avery Will Preside Over
the Meeting.
On Friday at 5 p. m. the first of a
series of vesper services will ho given
In Memorial hall. Tho services will
consist largely of musical numbers,
and will bo given by the university
chorus and string quartet, with tho
. Great caro has been taken In tho
preparation of this service and as It
Is tho first of tho new series thoso
In charge aro anxious to have a good
attendance. Chancellor Avory has
.been aBkcd to preside and has signi
fied his willingness to do so.
Incidental solos and quartet music
will be sung by tho following mem
bers of the chorus: Miss Flfer, Miss
Stanton, Mr. Kor.rnoy and Mr. Barnes.
Tho string quartet selections will be
given by Mr. E. J. Walt, Mr. E. Har
rison, Mr. William Quick and Miss'
Lillian Elche.
Eleven Cornhuskers Attending East
ern Institution.
Elbven Nobraskans, four of thorn
graduates of tho University of Ne
braska, aro attending Harvard this
year. "AH" fow who hall-from tho
university are students in the law
college of the Cambridge school.
Thoso aro L. L. Clark, 1905; Ross
King, 1908; T. H. Matters, 1908; and
C. A. Sawyer, 1906. Three of tho
eleven men ate from Omaha, two from
Lincoln and tho rest aro scattered
over tho state. Harvard's total en
rollment this year, exclusive of sum
mer session, Is 3,918 or 94 less than
ono year ago.
Tho comploto enrollment from Ne
braska follows:
Undergraduate Rlsley Gardiner
Haines, 1909, Omaha; Georgq Nelson
Lyon, 1909, Nelson; William Francis
Williams, 1012, Omaha.
Law School John Levi Clark (A.
B.; University of Nebraska) , 1905,
third year, Lincoln; Charles Abbott
Sawyer (A. B;, University of Nebras
ka, 1906), third year, Lincoln; Ed
ward Jtaympn'd Burke (A. B., Belblt
college, 1906), first year, Chadron;
William Ross King (A. B., University
of Nebraska, 1908), first year, Osce
ola;, Thomas Harold Matters (A. B.,
University of Nebraska, 1908), first
year, Omaha.
Medical School Carl Arthur Hod
blom (A. M., Colorado College, 1908),
second year, Aurora ;y Earle Edwin
Farnsworth (A. B Cornell University,
1903) first year,J Grand Island;
, This morning at 11:30 a meeting of
tho senior class will ho hold for the
election of remaining officers of tho
class; Reports of tho prom and pin
committees together "with the conu
moncement orator and Inter-class de
bating committees will bo heard by
tho class.
The best oyster .Btew in the city
Is t that served at The Boston Lunch.
Try It"
Jayhawkers Have Fast Quintet and
Their 8howlng This 8eason Makes
Them the Favorites Captain
Walsh Is Confident.
What aro Nebraska's chancos for
winning tho series of baskot-ball
games with tho University df Kansas
five for tho championship of the Mis
souri valley basket-ball league?
This Is a qu68tlon which Is Just now
holding the attention of tho baskot-
ball enthusiasts at tho stato university
and which many of them feel thoy
can answer. To n majority of tho
students Nebraska's prospects for win
ning tho games aro vory slim. ThU
conclusion is based on tho respective
showings of tho two fives .during thd
past Beason In games with oh6 onothor
and with other toamB. Kansas has
far tho better record of tho two, and
according to dope ought to win vory
Thoro arc some men In tho Corn-
busker camp, though, who aro not
willing to concede that tho Jayhawk
ers have any cinch on tho coming
series. Prominent among thoso Is
Captain Walsh of the Nebraska five.
He believes his five can win two of
tho threo contests and thereby, become
tho holder of tho coveted title.
Not So Rough Play.
Tho Cornhusker loador Is oncour-
aged to this belief by the showing
of his team-mates in tho two games
with Minnesota last week. Although
tho cornhuskers did not win In those
games, Captain Walsh thinks it was
not duo to tho Inforior play of tho
Nebraska men but to tho rough tactics
of their opponents.,, Tho 16caiv.playora
wero kopt from showing up fn gjod
form by tho holdipg and crowding of
tho gophers. Nebraska, according to
Captain Walsh, undoubtedly played a
moro scientific game than tho north
A Battle of Skill.
In the coming games with Kansas
tho two teams will be about evenly
matched in weight so that the Corn
huskors ought jiot to Buffer any great
handicap from tho roughing' play of
tho Jayhawkors. The cornhuskers will
bo able to 'do as much pushing and
holding as their adversaries and at
the ame time stand the wearing tear
of such play. " ,
This being tho caso tho games with
tho jayhawkers aro bound to be frays
In which skill will bo the important
factor. Well organized team ploy and
accurate basket tossing will be nocos
sary to. win. Nebraska now -htw de
ve'lopod'to.'a'hifih iVgieo In.thOHo iU,
payments of the. g.-iao aii.l "vhould,
unless xhey have t reversal or
form, play great boll nh'altipt tjio fast
quintet of JayhawKen.
Captain Walsh in the two guinea
with the gophers demonstrated that
he Is recovering his old-time form in
throwing goals r In those games he
throw threo or rourbaskets that were
shot from difficult angles with extreme
accuracy. With the practico that ho
will have during the next "week before
tho championship series he should gat
Into shape to do some phenomenal
Kansas HarQood Season.
Tho Jayhawkers- Monday; night
closed a season that Is regarded as
tho most brilliant one in the history
of basket-ball at tho Kansas Institu
tion. Nearly thirty games, were
played, and of this number only about
llvo wero lost. Tho Kansas mon
played phenomenal ball practically all
tho lime. Tho'r team work and goal
tossing wero by far tho bost exhibited"
in tho Missouri valley. On threo oc
casions when Nebraska was mot tho
mon from tho Sunflower stato played
Biiporlor ball and won by fair marglnB.
It tho jayhawkers continue to 1m
provo In all departments of their play
they Will bo able to mako tho corn
huskers work hard for all points that
aro mado on the Nebraska side. Thoy1
know the Nebraska stylo of playing
and will train to moot it with quick
guards and fast team work. If Ne
braska's play in built up entiroly
around Cap'taln Walsh it is pretty safe
to predict that tho jayhawkors will
be nolo to keep the cornhusker scoro
down to a fow points.
Must Play Faster.
To students who havo watched tho
cornhuskors In tho homo games thld
season It Is upparont that tho only
hope for their team in tho coming
games is faster play and greator re
liance on both of tho forwards and
tho contor to tons baskots. Ono man,
whom tho opposing playors aro watch
lng overy .aoconri can not bo expected
to win a gamo. Tho other goal tosi
ors on tho team must tako froquoat
shots at tho baskets.
Faster thinking on tho part of somo
of tho members of tho Nebraska team
will also bo necessary to successful
play In tho championship sorles. The
work at cento? this season has boon
too slow. Tho man holding down
that position has a sad tendency to
hesitate several seconds after catch
ing tho ball before ho releases it.
As a consequence of this fault tho
Nebraska plays, on moro than ono oi
caslon, have been broken up;and shold
at goal denied tho cornhuskors. Tho
man at tho pivotal position
Is strong in other respects but ho
must learn to judge quickly what to
do with tho sphero onco it has fallon
into his hands.
Contracts Soon To Be Made for En.
glneerlng Building.
Tho contract, for tho oloctrlcal ,wlr?
ing of tho engineering building will
shortly bo signed. Bids wero rocoivod
from threo firms and tho only, re
maining stop in tho process of award
ing tho work is tho completion i6f tho
contract. Tho following bids wore
tendered: Western Electric comnanv
of Omaha $2,868; George Ballard of
Lincoln, $2,810; American Electric
company of St Joseph, $2,728.
Brick work on tho building Is a!
most complete. Tho roof' framing In
done for the rear of the building,' and
a,oart of tho roof structure for the"
main section Is ready to bo hoisted
into place.
First Game of New Basket Ball Series
Played Last Night
Tho first "gamo of tho now Inter
class .basket-ball, series was played
last evening between tho seniors and
the sophomoreB. Tho final score was
33 to 15 in favor pf tho sophomores.
The seniors wero clearly outplayed
and, although a number of, substitutes
entered during tho second half, they
, overcome, the big lead
of .tho second-year men.
f A small crowd was present and
thoso In,. charge are 'making every
effort to get a bettor, attendance for
tho remaining games of the schedule.
A meeting of the 'senior class will
be held this mornIng; at 11:30 In Me
morial nnll.fqr the purpose of electing
the remaining officers of the class, a
vice-president secretary and treaa,
urer are yet to he elected. It Is prob
able that President Hill will also aa
nounco.goase of his appointments at
iuih meeuni. .
Professors Howard and Caldwell Offar
8trong Defense of Measure Be-
fore Members of Lower
House of Legislature.
With tho publication yostorday In
ono of Lincoln's aftornoon nowspapora
of a docldodly sonsatlonal story, tha
chances of tho passago of tho. Carogio
ponslon bill by tho lowor houso of
tho stato legislature is said to bo
considerably lessoned. Tho bill la to
como ud on the floor of tho houso
this afternoon and Its supporters claim
that prior to tho publication of tho
story In question thoy had enough
.votes to carry It through. Now their
plans aro entiroly. upset and tho. result
this aftornoon is wholly In doubt
Tho story as published yostorday
aftornoon purported to givo the sub
stance of a toast glvon by a "prom
inent university professor" at) an In
formal supper of sovoral university
men hold Sunday evonlng. According
to tho Toport tho profossor offorod a
toast to WMlani Jennings Bryan far
from compllmoctary to that gontlo
man, he having Incurred tho displeas
ure of tho speaker by his opposition
to tho Carnoglo pension bill now be
fore tho legislature, ";
r Will Hurt the Bill.
Suppqrtors of the bill are quick to.
point out that the readers .-of .the news
paper artlclo will not stop to weigh
tho actual conditions, but are likely
to jump at tho hasty conclusion that
such is the sentiment of tho entire
faculty. This Is oxpoctcd to be true
oyon in the case of the members of the
legislature and the passago of the bill.
Is now greatly questioned., ,
A faculty niembor who is closely
Connected with the" effort which' has
been carried on In support of the hill
Is authority for tho statement, that the
measure had enough votos marshalled
behind it in tho lower house to havo
passed when brought up 'this after
noon. That these calculations .are all
upset by tho publication of the arti'cla
reflecting upon the good Judgment and
even tho character of some members
of tho, university faculty is readily
admitted. The legislators may take
affront to such an oxtent as to defeat '
tho bill; , A
Hearing Yesterday. -At
the meeting yesterday aftornoon
of tho committod of tho houso which
Is in "charge of tho bill, Professors '
Howard and Caldwell appeared In its
support ngainat ilr. Bryan. All three
gentlemen were present in person and
Mr, Bryan interposed; his arguments
against the expediency of the bill. Ho
asked to have It killed In the commit
tee without report to tho house. Tho
university men and others interested
pressed the democratic leader to allow
the bill to como before the house. They '
used Mr. Bryan's own argument of
"Le(t tho people rule," in favor of put
ting tho measure to a general vote of ,
the house rather than killing it by au
tocratic means .in the committee. Al
though tho committee Itself was
averse to tho pension fund, It finally
agreed to report the bill without recom
mendation or disapproval. This would
l It V 5. ii -II..-, t v-
icave il upuu iui uoo uibuubbiuu uy
the house members.
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