'VT 'V '" r A THE, DAILY NEBRASKAN At OLIVER THEATRE ThT JR8. MAT, & NIGHT, FEB. 25 2 Cowboy and The Thief Mat. 25c ,cV$1.G0 Night 50, 35 & 25c. CINCINNATI Seniors vs. Sophomores--'-Armory Cut Fffee SHOE STORE AND . ' Eliotrio Shit RiMilr frtfiry Saves Yov TIME-AND-MONEY 1220 O Str-tst . s C. H, Froy, llorlst, 1133 O St. Tho Vikings hold, their annual danco INTEft-CLAS BASKETBALL Wednesday, Feb. 24, 8:00 P. M. V I W at Fraternity hall, Friday night. .s PAT. MAT. & NIGHT, FEB. 27 Lena Rivers Mat 25 & 10c. , Night 50. 35 & 25c. II "o ' ft ' t t ,v? j)CampusijJ) liH Gleanings W V A I K if '' ?,.' spy; ' " I "H ' - iM V 3' J SMr. r 1" IU rifl J PM J IB MISS EVA TAYLOR The Highest Class Sinking Act In Vaudeville 8 THE ZINGARI 8INGER8 8 Scenic Production of Grand and Comic Opera in Minature. MR. CHA8. 8HARP, Every inch a Soldier. CROMWELL AND SAM8E, Eccentric Comedy Bar Artists. STUTZMAN AND MAY, "The Soap Peddler." t MI38 DOROTHY DAYNE, CharacterMmitations. THE WAKAHAMA TROUPE, Astonishing Japanese Acrobats. Viascope. Majestic Orchestra. Mat. Daily at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c. Extra Mat. Washington's Birthday. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! MVUTi Five Months of Absolute Capacity. Best 8eats, 25c. WEEK 8TARTING FEB. 22, . The Fulton 8tock Co. Presents ALABAMA Drama In Four Acts by Augustus Thomas. Next Week: "The Three of Us." EVERY NIGHT 8:30. Matinees Wed. and 8at. 2:30, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET Bowling, Billiards, Pool, Cigars, Tobacco, fine Confectionery fINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE. WEST PRICES: BELLI ARDS, 40c pet Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c, ROTATION POOL BOTTLE POOL POKER POOL , PIGEON POOLT 2 1-2 cts. per cue. 3 cues 10 cts. J5 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Sharing Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent in the Place. ORCHESTRA ' ' , for Concert or Dances G. F. Thoroburg, - - - Director Ralph JRdd, Pianist Violin and Cornet Instruction given' at StUdlo, 4J6 So, J7tn. .-Auto 5877. WILLIAM5' D A N C I N G AC A D EMY m ViV -'i- ; Successor to Ptta Social EveHlRg - - .--" Friiijf Aivncii Class - Saturday Eve. ciass Evenings - Mindly & Wttoisfoy t ' Private Leitoni Given if Desired 11 2 4 NSTREET Auto 4019 Bell A-282I Beckman Bros., line Bhoes. 1107 O street. Delta Delta Dolta sorority had their formal party last Saturday night. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Miss Sue Copeland, ex-1910, of Cas tana, Iowa, was n campus visitor yes terday. Dr. Chas. Toungblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. C. R. Cherry, 1908, atended tho MlnnesotarNobraiska basket-ball gamo Saturday night. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. -' MIbs Boss ChriBtlanson of Fremont, Nobr., attended tho Delta Delta, Delta party Saturday night. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. B Tho Alpha Chi Omega sorority gave a mock initiation party Saturday night at tho chapter house. Learn tho barn danco, Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N. Select school. Call Auto 4477. Miss Carrlo Rinaker, 1912, visited over Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Beatrice, Nebr. New spring shoes, all tho latest, up- to-dato styles now on display at Rogers & PerklnB, 129 O St. lw Kathleen Hochstrasser, ex-1911, Is attending collego at. Oborlln, Ohio. Miss HochstraBser's home is at Omaha.- Mr. J. B. Fredenberg, 1901, of Oma ha, visited over Sunday with his fra ternity brothers at tho Alpha Theta Chi house. O0000000000000000 8 SPRING CAPS just arrived. Directoire and Auto Caps patterns . . . . FULK, T- 0OeX)000000000000000000000000 Dr. and Miss Walker, who wero called to Washington by tho death of their father, are expected to return some time this week: Dr. Condra lectured at the farmers'. institute at Tamaro, Nebr., Saturday. Tho subject of his lecture was "Tho Water Supply of tho Farm." The freshman debaters had a try- out last night to pick tho teamof do baters who will represent that class in tho coming Interclass' debate. TB. Watters, 1912, has left school for this, semester. Mr., Watters has departed for Blair, Nebr., where he intends to take chargo ofa hotel. Tho Phllippino Constabulary band arrived in tho city yesterday. Thoy woro met by tho Ideal Filipinoes;, ,who entertained them, during their Tslwrt stay here. A book entitled "Disinfection and Disinfectants' by Rideal. has recent ly .arrived at tho library. This book was ordered seven years ago, and has just been, received. . Tho senior class will meet in Me morial hall at 11:30 Thursday for tho1 election of officers other than tho Adm. 15c, prosldent. Reports of several com mittees will bo made. Mr. H. P. Loavitt, 1896, who is prac ticing law at Omaha, attended the Delta dolta Delta party Saturday night, and visited over Sunday at-tho Alpha Theta Chi house. Practico by tho senior baBkot-ball, squad is hold each day at 4 p. m. The seniors havo some good material to work with nnd a good baBkot-ball team by this class is very ovident. B. E. Yodor, J 908, who is principal of public schools at Fairmont, attend ed the baBkot-ball game Saturday night and visited over Sunday with his fraternity bi others at tho Delta UpBilon houbo. Mr. MaBon Wheolor, 1900, formerly of Lincoln, and a graduate of tho Co lumbia Law School, is practicing' law at 5 Nassau streot, Now York City. Mr. Wheeler is associated with tho firm of Gifford, Moses & Beard of that city. Two men wearing heavy shoes, thick corduroy clothing and each bearing a trl-colored ribbon across his breast, arrived in tho city Friday.' They Btarted from Denver several weoks ago and are walking around tho world. Alpha Chi Omega hold initiation and a banquet at tho chapter house Monduy evening. Tho following woro initiated: Misses Hazel Clark of Lin-, coin, Graco .Holman of Tobias, Hazel Peeter of North, Bend, and Nettie Hill of Hebron. OO O 0000000000 Yacht, liolr, Bull JUog, in solid colors and fancy 50c to $2.50 132S O Last night, for tho first tlmo this semester, the whole cadet battalion was in uniform. Equipment has been issued to all and dally drill will from now on lake the placo of tho claBs work, which' has been the course in mlitary science sinco Christmas. ' Tho meeting o! tho sophomore class which was to havo been held this morning has been postponed' until ono week from Tuesday. Tho peaco pro gram this morning will be a full hour in length and this conflict forced tho sophomores to change their date. Tho tfophomore cIbbs held tho try out for tho debating team to repre sent that c,lass in the coming inter class dobate. Tho following men were choqen by- thct judges: A. ,M. Hare, H. C. .Hathaway, A. M. Ober felder, and E, H. Hahue, alternate. The Phi Delta ThetO; fraternity hold their annual formal party at the Lin coln, Friday night. Saturday night at tho Lincoln this fraternity, gave their annual banquet. Many out of town guests wero present. Among them wero: Dr. J. H. McClanahan, E. A. Benson, J. It. Kennedy, W. P. Thomas and Itobort Updike pf Omaha; C. B, pruorand James Fisher of Hastings, and Ralph Jenne and A, Gantt of Falls City. Season Ticket, SOc UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123.0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited Bell Phone 482 Auto Phone 1481 COMPLIMENTS OF Nebraska Grocery and Meat Company Fancy and Staple Groceries 1036 P Street Every Order Given Special Atlintion PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I Quality Counts THAT'S WHY ; - Franklin's lea Cream IS SO POPULAR Wo make a specialty of fancy creams, shorbots, icos and punch for JFrat and Sorority Partioa. Auto0l8t . Boll 205 1810 N Streot PATRONrE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I Ls. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR H M IMIIIIHIH 4 M' ( Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 o St. Lincoln PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 A Music House Where you can always And tliqt shoet of music in stock. EDW. J. WALT , il20 O St The Music Man PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 This is it OLYMPIC RROW CUM0OSHMNW QUARTtR SIZE COLLAR. 1 5Ont-i tot M Cents qaH, PwiWdy A Co., TWy, V. T. iH t i v. .'A' yr kV! w, '.'' -....... '-7 l k ' PATR0NI2E ouii-AW.wrisn.si PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 STEVENS .WHEN YOU SHOOT You want to HIT what you are aiming at be It bird, bcait or target. Male your hots count by ahoottng the STEVEN'S. For .it yearn STEVENS ARMS have carried off 1'UEMIER HONORS (or AC CURACY. Our line t Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols sip ' Til VktsJjert w6 V!NE ! 18 Sl Auk )uir DcMer In. Hcn.l 4 u, In Uni iltton tliebrKVnsit, fur ua-iat. Ciulu I f yoti cannot olitaln, uf eoiimicto outmi. A we ililp illrnct; IX' .ilualilebKUotcfcr. friit r,il,t, upn en?e for prent anl rccelptofcttalirzprlre prcxpctlve l!inotert. Beauilfiii three-color Aluminum Hanger will Do lorwarded lor xo cents in stamps. J. Stevens, Arms & Tool Co,, P.O. Box 4096 OHICOPEK FALLS, MASS.r V. 8. A. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcsionv copyrights ac. Anrono sending a sketch and description tsay auloklr ascertain our opinion free whether ma Indention Is probably patentabl, CoHimunlc. tlonsetrictjycoriBdenti.!. HANOIOeKoa PatesUi sent free. Oldest aseneyforsecarlBf patenu. I'atenu Uken tBrouffh Mann A O). reeelv tptcUUnotkt, without chargo, laths) Scientific American. caution of any sctenttio MHruL Terns. t8 ' IfiSfJ : f oar months, fl. Bold bysJI Mewsdealers. year: foarnonth Brascoac,( Hit,HrWYnii Ice, ito V St. WufclBctoa. iBcton. IX C. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA60 ThtUalrtnlty year If dWIded Into four Quartm, WlaUr. Sprtag-, Summer, and Autumn. Admlulon I granted at the opening of each, on January ad, April W, June J6th. arul ' October lit. f Craduate ln$trutlon la oflerclln the Craduale Scnooli ot Arta and Litcaturcs and fa tlio Ogden (Graduatr) School of Science. . r-ofeMlonal mtructfon It offered In the Dlvlnlty'Schoal, the Law fifhoot. HimK lfltral filf .aiuj.,ii m-ji .1... School of Education. . , , f. Summer Quarter ip6, June j-Sptember I. First Termt , June 16-July so; Second Tetmi July arAu-ruit 31. Kfslrtra. lion la permitted for the enUrl quarter it for "either term. Full and regular credit I clven for wotk'done. Specbl courses are offered for teachers., ;, Fo lnformatoa address , , "1 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CH1CASO - . ILUNwlS r to TOP cqawwy tm QIAS lAKEt TANTS CO II SWJT Ills siota. 1 kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW jjm7R3j f VVVVv 1 V 1 - J 'f i.. ? - t M, i1,,', r V h.. g, -B A' w I, tfe X ', t . ik ' 1 -v - s-.