The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1909, Image 2

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(Efoe Dall IRcbvashan
Lincoln Nobraaka", .
'i .
ConvocatiQn--Tue$day?)?eb. ,23d
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MHtttlH Hflci, 126 K. 14th St.
Editor Herbert W. Potter
ManaQlno Editor Victor B. Smith
Auoclnte Editor Philip Fredericko
Manager W. A. Jonea
Circulator T. A. James
Assistant Circulator Leslie Hyde
Editorial and Business Office:
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advanco
Single Copies. 5 Cents Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES will bo charged
for nt the rato of 10 cents por Insortlon
for every flfteon words or fraction thoroof.
Faculty notlcon and Unlvorslty bulletins
will gladly bo published froo.
TuntnrAil nt thn nnntnfl1rn nt T.lnnnln'V
Nebraska, as socond-claaa mall matter
under tho Act of Congress of March 3,
If tho attendance at tho Friday
nftornoon convocations can ho takon
as any Indication of their value, thoy
can not thus far ho considered a very
great buccoss. Both this year and In
years past ltAhas boon Impossible to
got more than thirty or forty pooplo
to attend. As thoro 1c no tlmo In
tho week thrt studonts have moro
tlmo to attend a thing of that sort, It
would soom that a largo attendance
would ho present without any urging.
Tho programs that have boon given
thus far have boon of such a nature
that thoy woro of vital InteroBt to all
unlvorslty students who are really in
terested In their college work. Tho
only explanation that can bo offorod
Is that tho studonts do not roallzo
how much thoy aro missing, and It Is
to bo hoped that tho attondanco in
tho futuro will show a largo Increase
Whorl Dr. R. M. McClanahan of Om
aha discussed Friday tho Importance
of tho child to tho stato, ho touched
upon ono of tho moBt fundamental
problems of modern life and a prob
lem that desorves tho wldost publicity
Judge Lincoln frost
Memorial Hall
Hon. J. L. Webster
11:00 A. M.
snobbishness in our colleges overy
year, and around tho homo fireside
tho children aro taught to bowaro of
tho collego snob. Tho latest weighty
discussion of this Bubject appears in
the Wisconsin Cardinal, which dis
courses as follows:
"Possibly tho most useless expres
sion of college lifo is tho college Bnob.
Wo do not Bay thoro aro such at
Wisconsin, but a university commun
ity is always apt to have ono in tho
making. Ho is a peculiar specimen,
hard to classify becauBo ho possesses
such unusual attributes. He struts
about hla own little world Imagining
himself tho cynoosuro of all oyes. As
ono of our law profossors dryly re
marked of a gentleman: 'Know any
thing? Ho nover oven suspected any
thing!' And nobody daps expect thQ
snob to possess mentality, must less
to -over acquire tho democratic man
ners of n gentleman. Llko all social
parasites, ho Jsfi hard to exterminate,
and must bppatlently borno."
It Is highly fitting that tho univer
sity should tako a prominent part in
the movement for universal peace that
is now occupying such an Important
placo In tho attontlon of the world.
Even though Its part in this move
ment bo limited to devoting ono hour
of its time overy year to a consider
ation of tho problems of poaco it. Is
yet worth while and may bo tho begin
ning of an even broador movoment
for peace In which tho universities of
tho world will tako a moro prominent
part just as they now load In other
activities and reforms.
This morning at 11 o'clock tho sec
ond annual peace program will be
given at tho university and it is of
vorsltios of tho land havo a very real
interest. It means the preservation
of such conditions that tho universi
ties can do to tho best advantage tho
work for which thoy havo been cre
ated. It means tho triumph of tho
intellectual ovor the physical.
Happenings of the Past
Seven Years Ago.
A warmly contested game of basket-ball
was played between tho soph
omores and freshmen, resulting In a
victory for the froBhinon. Game waa
unusually rough and resulted in a
final score of 24 to 19.
Six Years Ago.
Unlvorslty Gleo Club gavo Its first
concert In Memorial Hall before a
rather small audience.
Ex-Chancellor Andrews, addressed an
enthusiastic meeting on the subject
of Washington's character.
Five Years Ago.
. Ruling was mado by tho committeo
in charge that all stags at tho senior
prom must pay double or else not
Contrary to tho ruling of tho re
gents, candidates for tho track team
woro excused from drill by Chancellor
Four Years Ago.
Contracts for the Administration
building wero lot by tho board of re
gents. One Year Ago.
Kansas defeated Nebraska In bas
ket ball by the Bcore of 28 to 2G. Tho
game was flercoly contested through
out and victory was uncertain until
tho very last moment.
U4I0. Two STOOLS 1415, 0.
and discussion. When It is moro fully
'realized that tho child Is tho coming
man and that tho conditions under
which tho child lives determines to
a- largo extent tho character of tho
futuro citizens of the nation thoro will
bo moro responsibility felt by those
who aro in a position to act over tho
conditions under which the children
of tho country are living.
Tho movement of late years for tho
establishment of juvenile courts and
tho growing objection which Is being
made to tho confinement of young
boys In jails with hardened criminals
nro tho first indications that tho gov
ernment Is coming to realize its re
sponsibility for tho futuro citizenship
of tho nation. It is to bo hoped that
through discussion and education this
movoment will grow and spread until
it makes impossible the oxistence of
such conditions as havo recently been
exposed in many of our larger cities.
Onco again wo' hear of that much
abused and- long suffering individual
'trie? college; snob. Of all tho characters
ofHho pastjand present it is doubtful
if any can boast of being so widely
known as tho collogo sonb. - Tho coun
try nowspapers loyo to ravo and froth
over tho depravity of tho young Amer
ican citizens' who aro, being taught
great importance that university stu
dents show their Interest In this move
ment by dropping their work for one
hour and listening to the best thought
on tho subject Judgo Lincoln Frost
of Lincoln and Hon. J. L. "Wobster of
Omaha will bo tho speakors.
Tho universities of tho land stand
for Intellectual Ideal, for tho predom
inance of clear thinking and efficient
acting as opposed to the law of brute
force. Universal peace means a tri
umph of tho intellectual ideal. It
means that tho tremendous 'damage
and destruction of war will como to
an end and that tho world will go for
ward wjth fewer obstructions to the
progress of civilization and moro at
tention to the development of the
higher side of life.
Tho existence of war moans that
all tho organizing .elements of our civ
ilization arc at once removed and that
brute force comes lo bo tho deciding
faotor In any question of right and
wrong. Tho existence of peace means
that' tho world will have tlmo to pur
sue a higher Intellectual development
instead of being entirely consumed In
tho rush for placo and power. It
means that tho universities will lead
and mould public opinion instead of
being relegated to tho background.
Tho probom of preserving universal
peace is then one in which the uni-
Six Inter-class Basket-ball Games Will
Be Played.
Instead of three basket-ball games
to decide the championship between
the different classes of tho university
as was originally planned by tho Inter
class athletic board, a series of six
games will bo played and tho team
having tho highest percentage at the
end will be declared tho inter-class
champions. This now plan Is tho re
sult of tho stand taken by the man
agers of tho different teams in Its
The schedule of games has been
completed and announced as follows:
Wednesday, February 24. Soniors
vs.. sophomores.
Friday, Pebruary 26. Juniors vs.
Saturday, , February 27. Sopho
mores vs' Freshmen.
Wednesday, March 3. Juniors vs.
Friday, March 5. Juniors vs. soph
omores. Saturday, March O.-r-Freshmen vs.
seniors. ' ' ,
In jordor to 'bring out a good crowd
for each of tho games the manage
ment has offered season tickets for
fifty cents. Single admission will be
fifteen cents. Tickets can bo secured
from E. F. Guldinger, D. C, Mitchell,
V. C. Hascall and Art Hiltner. .
Milt's & Young Men's Sweater Coats 59c and More
You need reliable, original and comploto matorinl for written or spoken
work. You also need books and magazines. And later u summer or permanent
position, which you should plan for now, boforo all tho best openings are filled.
Hero Is the way to got all thrco at a minimum of effort and expense.
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Wo furnish tho best information obtainable on any subject in school, collego
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Wo not only havo In our own force, highly-trained Irvestlgators and special
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Added to our large stock of Information on hand and our means of obtaining
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Wo aro especially strong in political scienco, economics, sociology, anthropol
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Tho coBt Is less than might bo expected. Our charges for now and original
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Quality of work guaranteed, or money refunded. Methods, references nnd quo
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sands of articles on hand which wo offer, subject to prior Bale, at $1.G0 por
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A Desirable Position for You .
If you aro wlso, you arc already planning nbout a summer or permanent
position or about an opening in tho professions or independent business. To
lntroduco our service to you, wo will glvo you advlco, information and real
assistance along theso lines without charge (from now up to tho tlmo you se
Furo k desirable position) if you send us a five dollar order for information,
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In our official capacity, wo como in touch with boards, of trade, chambers
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No red tape, no commissions, no strings aro nttached to this offer. It Is
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no involved contracts, pay no fees or commissions, and Incur no other obliga
tions. ,
Books and Magazines Free
As a further inducement, with overy nvo dollar order for Information wo
will glvo freo, in addition to tho employment privilege any book or a year of
any magazine you specify, tho publishers' price of which is not ovor ono dollar
With a ten dollar order for Information, wo will glvo $2 worth of books or
magazines; with a $15 order, $3 worth; with a $20 order, $4 worth; -with a $25
order, $5 worth: and so op. Two or moro men may club togothor with sovorai
subjects to make such an ordor and dlvldo the privileges among them.
How to Order
Just think up ono" or moro subjects on which you rieed matorial. Estimate
tho number of words required. Enclose two dollars for each thousand words
desired, glvo us exact directions as to what you want nnd when you want It
and If the order Is for flvo dollars or over, namo tho books or magnzlnes yoii
wish and tell us about tho position yQti would llko and your qualifications for It
Wo will do tho rest. Address at onco: '
National Clearing House of Information
Arthur Everett Small (Late Special Investigator, U. S. Gov't)'. Director
rx j wot ljunoues a specialty. z.
&C9Qfn - - -.Candies and loos.
1307 0 St. Phomt: AuU 2214, Bill 456.
Fraternity Hall
March 5th, 1909
Pershing Rifles Hop
Tickets 1.25
Walt' Orchestra
hs . -
1M ii nwiwm
- i v ak1fc