i. THE DAILY NEBRASKA! "M (. m I t V TUB PROPERTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Llnco Njferaaka4 N , ' . PHUSKEI ETEKT IAY j&CEff 'iHMf AH MMiAY BY TllB STUDENT PUB. BOARD. HkmH Ifflei, 121 N. 14 St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Sdltor Herbert W. Potter rYnTAIntf Idltor Victor B. Sirilth AijAte EfMtif., PhUIP Frederick BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager .W. A. Jones Slroulator T. A. Jamee ttVsttnt Clrculntor... ..Utile Hyde Edttoria't irui tuifhots Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottpffjoe, Station A. Lincoln Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advanoe Slnofe Cofcs. B Centa Each. ft s m m ft .0 .&&&9m&9to ' , The Home pf Good Clothes . E. Farquhar, OlothUr, 1325 O St. A Lincoln, fibbr&hft Wk5r ever good clqthes are talked of, thi? store it sure to be mentioned. -FARQUHAR, 1325 O St I i n 'ft ? . Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for' At the rate df id cents per iriBorUon for Y,ry p teen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo publlahod froo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln. Nebraska, aa upcond-cloBB mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of Maroh 3. J879. . I II I. ...I ., l.. l! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1009. ' tho ontlfo freshman law olass hag been requested to moot nt TownBond's this morning td havp tholr ploturos takes for tho Cornhuskor. Somobody ought to bo klrid to Mr. TownBoad and warn him of his fato boforo It 1b too lato. 'Tho forestry department has oarnec) Hits right to bb callod onp of tho most progros'slvo dopdrt'monts In tho urtlvor- ' slty. With loss fequ'ipmont than other - rfchoblB Of tho santo bIzo and with loss motioy to work with It has mado for ' itself a reputation that places its graduates second to nono In their standing in their profossion. Tho latest plan of the department to issue an annual is in hooping with tho push that has boon Bhown in other lines and deserves tho most complete sue- cobs, dono only through tho Daily NobraB kdn. It is not required that tho. studont should sign his namo to any communi cation, but tho editor doslreB-to know who is to bo hold responsible for what appears in tho columns of tho paper. Often times tho communica tion is of such a nature that it would bo of llttlo valuo or would bring om barrasBment' to tho writer if his iden tity woro generally known. In such cases tho desire of tho writer for secrecy will bo-rospoctod by tho di tof. Ono of tho main purposes of the Dally Nobrasfran is to give publicity to university activities, and in no way can it better fulfill this function than by giving publicity to studont opinions on different subjects. Not only would it bo better for tho students to have a free interchange of opinions but it would bo hotter for tho university itself. At the present timo, those in authority havo no method of knowing what feelings aro entertained by tho student body, and the natural roBult is that many actions may seem unjust and harsh when they aro not intended so in any way. Tho Daily Nebraskan thoreforo urges that tho studonts take moro liberal advantago of tho offer of its volumns for free discussion of all university activities. University students Bhould mako it a point to bo present at tho annual peace program to bo given at chapel next Tuesday morning. This convoca tion is part of a national movomont to advanco tho lntorasts of unlvor sal Happenings of the Past TRUE EVERYWHERE. Tho editor of tho Michigan Daily says the following is a truo statement of conditions at that sohool. A llttlo investigation would perhaps show that it was a truo statement of conditions everywhere: m . "Among the many fallacies and dis torted notions of studont life that freshmen aro most prono to accept m 8even Years Ago. Tho invitation of the senior class to Booker T. Washington to act as commoncomont orator aroused a great deal of commont all over tho United States. Many letters wefo received by tho president of the class from south erners, who condemned the action. Six Years Ago. Board of regents decided to ask legislature for $50,000 with which to purchase tho school of music. Reported that Eddio Gordon will coach Nebraska baseball team. Five Years Ago. A strong movomont was started among tho students to prevent any buildings being located on the athletic Hold. Prominent professors expressed themselves as opposed to any action that would injuro athletics. Four Years Ago. Bill passos lower house of tho legis lature empowering the regents to con demn land north of tho campus. One Year Ago. Manager Eagor opened up a new trophy room and headquarters in tho Temple, and made arrangements to got together all pictures of athletes who had graduated that could be found. WILL CUT RED TAPE (Continued from Page 1) orators as on thoso of the would-bo presidents. 'Twil Be No More. But now a now regime has taken ofllco. The rOform has triumphed. President Hills declares that the red L If All Soles Were Saved there .-, would be no need for Budd $3.50yi Shoes. New spring oxfords now 4,, O. two stokes 1415, 0. showing at the new store. peace. Colleges and universities all over tho country aro giving One hour each year to a discussion of the valuo of international peace and the move ment at Nebraska is part of tho larger movement, which oinbracos all tho col leges of tho country. The convocation will last from li to 12 and tho speak ers will bo Judge Lincoln Frost of Lincoln and Hon. J. L. Webster of Omaha. A FREE OFFER. Tho Dally Nebraskan has pffered to conduct in its columns a university forum for the free discussion of all question that are of interest to uni versity students. The only "provision that is mado is that good English must bo used and that, the editor shall know the namo of tho author of the communication. Thus far IuIb somes- tor only iwd communications have feeri received" for publication by tho Daiiy Netifaslcan. It cdntfoi bVthat there is nothing, of enough Interest happening on the university cdnfous to: jcall for com ment dmong ffie studentbody. To one, who spends mucn of hla 'time among the students It la noticeible that .there seems tobo a gVeU many thing's that are not satlsfact6ry. 'fthe otify way! that a kick can bo 'ntafe effective ls by giving it publicity aacl this can bo truth, is the idea that the faculty as a body are utterly unappreclatlve nay, are even antagonistically inclined to the general interest of their classes. That feeling Is particularly apt. to grow In strength at this time of year whon tho sheep aro picked out from tho goats, and the latter aro warned that 'danger Is near.' "This illusion no doubt finds Its source in the old-fashioned rule of the pedagogue, who wielded a tyrannical ferule In ono hand and a dry-as-dust text-book In the other. And tho mis conception is kept alive by those re actionary spirits whoso school associ ations are never harmonious, and by the very nature of thevcaso in many of our public high schools where fogy ish principles are allowed to prevail "Under such hallucinations tho stu dent views his teacher from afar in tho light of somo exotic Cerebus, who picks his dally meat from those who pass .Into th.e Elysian fields of under standing; as a taskmaster gloating n tho opportunity to exercise authority; or as a supernatural being, exacting performance of. many tasks which havo nothing td do with the realities of life and aro therefore valueless." L. F. Flower, H. Boken and 8. B. Hibbard werd ' initiated by the Vikings Wednesday evening tape muBt go. There is no use in giving committee honors to people who do nothing for tho glory save record tho wishes of tho power behind tho throne. And so Hills Is going to abolish the jobs. No sinecures again. Labors must bo done for glory now. The committee will take Its rightful place on the ash-heap and the claBs president will appoint the orator di rect. The pleasant affection will bo removed and reform will rule. Tho first reform appointment of Prosldent Hills wjll bo made within a short time. Thus far It has not been promised, ac cording to the declaration of Mr. Hills. THREE REQUIREMENTS FOR I STUDENTS GERMAN CLUB HOLD8 ELECTION Prominent Member Will Take Doctors' Degree In Berlin. The German Club moi Thursday evening and elected tho offlcors for the coming, semester. Miss Van Goetz is tho new president and'Mrlielnsch the secretary and treasurer. The meeting was hold at the home of Miss TJenny and after the, business of tho evening was disposed of light refreshments were s'eYved'and.thd me'otihg closed with a social tithe. Mr. Karl Kru'egrif, who was" a member of tho club and '.6( por wjip, t$9k Wa mastora; degree Ne braska, i'ett Thursday . for, Germany.; T6r6 he lhtdnHs to "takhls doctors', degree at the' University of Berlin. ' ; . ,7 Yflu.nood reliable, original and complete material for written or spoken work. You also' hoed, books and magazines. And later a summer or permanent position, which you should plan for now, before all tho best openings are filled. Horo is the way to get all threo at a minimum of effort and exponse. We Are Dealers in Facts Wo furnish tho best information obtainable on any subject In school, college or club, ifi business and public affairs. Our work is accurate, complete and to tho point, .carefully typewritten, promptly supplied, and arranged in suitable form, with-outlines, ..blblldgraphles and full , references. c , ' " ' ' . We not only havo in ourown force, highly-tralhod Investigators and' special ists in various lines, but wo havo ma'de a business of "knowing tho men who know" and by means of this system of knowing "Who's Wnofor IJfflcrenoy" wo can go straight to headquarters for nuhorHatlyo Information and expert Added to our largo Btock of Information on hand and our means of obtaining authontlo Information, wo have a highly omclent syatfcm of 'oif tlritf, arranging and presenting our facta In form that toxactly moots Individual requirements that would exactly meet your needs. Wo aro especially strong In political science, economics, sociology, anthropol ogy, lino arts, literature, applied science, commercial gepgraphy, .travel and exploration international law nnd diplomacy, history, foroign affairs' interstate and foroign commerce, financial arid Industrial conditions, and public probloms nnd llvo questions of tho day. Tho cost is less than might bo expected. Our charges for now and original matorial aro at tho rate of two dollars for erfch thousand wprdS' furpJfhqd, Quality of work guaranteed, or riionOy refunded. Methods, rofororicefl and 6;uo- lauons on important investigations furnished upon request. (Wo havo thou sands or articles on hand which' wo offer, subject to prior sal6, at Jl.f tnousana words, send for price list.) A Desirable Position for You If you aro wise, you aro already planning about a summer or pprmanont position or about an opening In tho professions or Independent business. To introduce our sorvlco to you, wo will give you advico. information and real assistance along thoso lines without charge ffrom now up to th'6 tlriio'ydu so curo a dcslrablo position) if you send us a flvo dollar order fqr Information, I. o., 2.GQ0 words or over at $2 por thousand. In our ofllclal capacity, wo como in touch with hoards of trade, chambors of commerce and other local arid general organizations of employers, as well as largo corporations and other concerns, educational and othor institutions, and municipal, stato and othor governmental departments. Wo aro thus 'In a posi tion to know of positions of all kinds everywhere as well as opportunities Tor Starting out In independent business or professional lines. Na red tape, no commissions, no strings are attached to thlB offer. It Is free and unconditional. This information wo gain about positions is simply a valuablo by-product of our regular information business, and wo uso it to attract, help and thus hold .custbmers. Wo dd for you all' that an. regular employment agency can do, with this Important difference wo ask you to sign no involved contracts, pay no fees or commissions, and Incur no otilor pbllga tlons. Books and Magazines Free As a further inducement, with ovqry llvo dollar order for Information we will givo free, in addition to tho employment privlloge, Any book or a yti? of any magazlno you specify, tho publishers' prico of which Is not ovor one dollar. With a ton dollar order for Information, wo win glvo 2 Worth of books r magazines; with a $15 order, $3 worth; with a $20 order, $4 Worth; with a $25 order, $5 worth: and so on. Two or more men may club together with several subjects to mako such an ordor nnd divldo tho privileges among them. How to Order Just think up ono or moro subjects on which you noed material. Estimate the numboi of words required. Encloso two dollars for each thousand words desired, glvo us exact directions as to what ydu want and when you want It, and if tho ordor Is for nvo dollars or over, namo the books or magazines you wish nnd toll us about tho position you would llko and your quallflcatloiiS rdr it. Wo will do tho rest. Address at once: National Clearing House of Informatipjri Arthur Everett 8mnll (Late Special Investigator, U. S. Gov't), Director 2401 NORTH CAPITOL 8T., WA8HINQTON, D. C. All Souls Church, Unitarian Corner of H and Twelfth Streets ARTHUR L. WEATHBRLY, Minister. Services UtOO. Sunday School J2tOO. All Students are cordially invited to attend its services. ALL PEW8 ARE FREE Sermon Subject: "A Church and the Social Order." All Souls' Church Is a free fellowship for tho worship of God and. tho service of Man. It judges no man's character. It erects no bar riers of creed or doctrine. Its pulpit is a free pulpit comimtted to the sdarch after Truth. Sociaf Ethics Class: Paul H. Grummann, Leader. Address by Prof. L. E. Aylesworth. Subject: "Proportional Representation." S5- r7 s - t?&a n, ORDER YOUR PUNCH IT FOLSOH'S Hot Lunches a Specialty. -Candies and Ioea. 1307 0 St. Phinn: Auto 2214, Ml 456. I,J: i:; TT llll I tl COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES AUto Phon 48 Just received, all sizes apd width,, dull 2 hole t(e ptiRip, 4ifa$imir.j ml'ff i M k. A A