fr?Krc. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - " ' ' ' i . w,- V . I .' ft : vU i' r ' St? . s &' l v fry 3 'UK UV OLIVER THEATRE oooooooooooooocoboooooobooobodooooi ; Friday NiQHf, ei.,19 I f THE SMART SET IN ', "f ht Walk PtMliliii" C, WITH 8. H. DUDLEY Prices: $1.00 to 25c. 8AT. MATINEE AND NIGHT, FEB. 20 f Tho Virginian with w. 8. Hart and frank CAMPEAU. Mat $1.00 to 25c. Night $1.50 to 50c. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Program. Com. Mon. Night, Feb. 15 America's Character Comedlenno QRACIE EMMETT AND CO "Mrs. Murphy's Second HuBband." MAY AND FLO HENGLER Vaudeville's Daintiest Artists. PETER DONALD, META CAR80N Presenting "Alex McLean's Dream" TOM CARROL & JOE BAKER The Hebrew-mid -His Friend R08AIRE AND DORETTO European Comlquos FERDANDEZ MAY DUO European Musical Artists A8KELAND Violin Virtuoso Viascope, Majectic Orchestra Mat. 2:15 (except Mbn.) 15 & 25c. Night 8:15 Prices 15,25, 35 A 50c. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERSI M ' OBBW VBB ' HVB I wmz4 Every Evening 8:30 Matinees Wed. and Sat, at 2:30 THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY Appearing In The Man on The Box Dramatized from Harold McGrath's Novel, a genuine American Comedy Best 8eat8 25 cents. Next Week "Alabama," by August us Thomas. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 The Acme Parlors 934 P STREET BoWling, Billiards, Pool,Cigars, Tobacco, .fine. Confectionery fINEST AMUSEMENT PARLORS IN THE WEST PRICES: BILLIARDS, 40c per Hour. POOL, by Hour, 40c. ROTATION POOL BOTTLE POOL POKER POOL PIGEON POOL 2 1-2 eta. per cue. 3 cues 10 els. 15 BALL POOL 5c a cue. No Checks With Games. Profit Sharipg Coupons Given With Every 5c Spent in the Place. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! L. J. HERZOG Come In and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. ' Lincoln WILLIAMS' PANGING ACADEMY Successor 'to Pitts Social Evening ' -Mmtti Class - - Friday Saturday Eve. Class Emlngs - Moniiy & Wriiiesiay Private Leggons Given if Deired M2,4.M9fREET SHOW MUCH INTEREST UNIVERSltY COMMENT ON TALK OF WILLIAM j'. 1RYAN. CONDEMN HIS CARNEGIE IDEAS 8ENTIMENT 18 AQAIN8T FaIr. VIEW 8TATE8MAN. 8peech of the Democratic Leader Be fore the Legislature Admitted to Have Revived Opposition to t Bill for Teachers' Pension. Liko the proverbial thunderbolt which hurled itself from the clear bluo sky came tho scathine nnndnmnn. tlon of tho Carnegie pension fund irom the lips of William Jennings Bryan in tho course of his addrnas in tho Nebraska legislators Wednesday. Auspiciously launched by tho favor, able vote of tho stato senato and In tho emirao of being wafted pleasantly ti) rough tho houso, the whole outlook has received a jolt that makes It lm loasibio to toll where tho matter will end. Mr. Brynn does not believe In tho Carnegie pension fund for retired toachers. Ho Isn't afraid tq say what ho believes. Consequently comes tho sudden and vigorous descent of his foot upon tho whole proposition. The foot landed right in tho midst of the nicely prepared bill approving tho ac tion of tho university regents in re questing that tho steel king's .fund uo extended to apply to Nebraska's professors as well as to thoBo of numerous other, institutions, stato and private, ovor tho country. Ho usod all tho force at Ills command, includ ing a few phrases about "Insidious poison," "brlbeB," and th0 like. Just what tho results aro to be is tho ques tion that is causing many to wonder, Including not n few of the university faculty and students. Do Not Agree. With yesterday morning's Ibsuo of tho Dally Nobraskan containing a full account of the reference made by tho Great Commoner to the pension fund, tho student body was Informed of the action before tho legislature tho pre vious afternoon. There resulted n number of discussions and a wide variance of opinion. Prom typical conversations on-tho matter among university mon and' 00000000000C000 O O O0OOC80OC0O& $ "YOU LOOK 8PLENDID g With those glasses. Who fitted them to your eyes? Oh, Hallett. Might S O havo known that, becauBO a dozen people have told mo tho same thing." X g Think that's an unusual conversation? Not by any manner of moans. O g won prove u u you give us nait a K 8 Est 1871. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist, 1143 O OQOO6OOOOOOOQQO00O0OO0SOQOQ CONVOCATION, DR. H. M. McCUNMUN "The Economic Importance of the Child to the State" University Temple .:.; , i ' . SATURDAY SPECIAL , ' . ; x SOXrT l-2c a pair, 90c a'Dozeti UN LANDS. '.- Little i4ii;cliri. , - . , ' . . h t ih) Slrls, it would seem that tho majority of tho young pooplo for whoso, moral chastity Mr. Bryan is pleadlrtg aro ndt In sympathy with him or thb-propoal-Hon of tho boat mothods of guarding that; Purity. Mr. Bryan declarod that accoptnrtco of tho Carnegto pensions would causo Iho university toachor to waver from tho path of duty in edu cating tho youth of tho stato to a proper distrust of gigantic organiza. tlons of capital. Tho unlvoralty stu dents as a wholo seem to consider tho more practical fact that tholr toach ers aro at prosont manifestly under paid and thnl In tho abBonco of any disposition on tho part of tho stato to Increase their salarios, It Is fitting that they should recolvo tho Carnoglo boneflt. Favor 8tate Action. If assurance wore given that tho Btato would Increaso tho toachora wago to a point commensurate wltli their task and with tho cost of living, tho studortts might allow tho care of their morals to lead them to go with Mr. Bryan. But undor tho presont status of affairs, tho sentiment Is plainly against his attitude. University profoBsors, albeit thoy aro tho mo3t Interested partloB to tho pension Idea, aro kooping still about It. Thov believe that tho onlv wnv In Which thoy can maintain tholr proper dignity Is In not saying what over they may think. Undoubtedly Bomo of them have opinions, as has been evidenced In certain bits of prlvnto conversation, but thoy realize that It Ih not for thorn to step Into a political brawl. Ono university toach or yesterday called attention to tho fnct that Mr. Bryan had mado a mis statement of fact In several Instances in tho pension part of tho nddross. but further than this ho would not go. DIED 8UDDENLY AT H08P1TAL Well Known University Graduate To Be Buried Today. Miss Amy Mayland, of this univer sity, died at 2:30 Wednesday after noon at St. Esthers' hospital. Sho was takon to her home at Brookings, South pakota, yesterday, whore tho funoral will bo held today. Miss May land was taking a Masters' degree at Nebraska and was an "Inmate of Hays' hall. Sho was well known both at the university nnd In Lincoln. 8ENI0R MEN, ATTENTION. All basket-ball players should bo on tho floor at 4 o'clock Friday. Election of captain will bo hold. Ed. Quldlngcr has boon appointed manager rind urges all candidates for" the senior team to got out at onco. E. W. Hills, chance, layos examined froo. 5 FRIDAY, FEB. 19 - 5:00 p. m. ' . iB,BB,,IBBBPr,,',,iMMMMPl First Showing Kensington Suit Stylos SPRING 1909 Early buyers as well as early style seek ers will find in this advance display, many interesting features; " It will convey the exact style tendencies, the trend to colors and the growing popularity of "faddish" models. However with a diversity, of tastes comes a demand for modest styles and colors; To such we invite a careful look at this the greatest showing of Blue Serges, Blue Cheviots and Blue Unfin ished Worsteds ever attempted by ust We are already selling spring weight Suits and the man who enjoys the distinction- of choosing first will find it is none too sooji to get busy FRlDcAYand SATURDAY the First Days Sptina HATS, SHIjl S and NECKWEA . m MAGEE & DEEMER HOME OF KENSINGTON CLOTHES-THEY FIT Fraternity Hall Pershing Tickets $1.25 HAVE YOU REGAL If you really don't know what Shoe Comfort, style and satisfaction is. They will outwear any other shoe on the market, and they cost only , , ..$3.50, $4.00 AND $5.00.. THERE'S NOTHING JUST AS GOOD AS REG ALS ... - "., If you would get Full Value for your money'try a pair SOLD IN LINCOLN ONLY BY Speier f We Save N. E. CORNER I0TH AND 0 STREETS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm March 5th, 1909 Rifles Hop Walt's Orchestra 4 EVER WORN SHOES - & Simon You Money ? i. "J 6 . tAute 4019 Ball A-2621 -"f , k" JK. &'i