WRsflPWP 1.....1 .1 tii.lJli...;l-wwi4wiiM...i.ii..i. ,n. m . i.i... m ,.,. " i ..liiiiin... i j : 'i i i W OCIVCRf THCATRC 'SATs MAT. tl IQHT, FEB, i'3 V Oil SWanitn M3t, 102c Night, 50, 35 & 25c j - WED. MAT. & NIpHT,; FEB. 17 v Rianint fiaiip , ; In "THE TE8T" ' , Mitt, $1.00 to 50c. Night, $1.50 to 50c; COMING i ;THE 8MART 8ET" ,, :; thi Vlrtlnlan Ai.tlitX.L I Campus s Gleanings; 4l(j, I fr .'f 1 I K Gub Ed ward 8 BLONDE TYPEWRITERS. iWlth Arihuir Conrad M a Musical (Lillian Wright and cMdon Boys I Vocalists and Dancing; Workers 'm. Van Bergen Marlon KreBky T, In "Wherd Hear,,Beat True" ' Fred Lewis 'sKaMartln Chapln JComedy 8lnglrfbVp2mcingr Talking it ANITA PRIMR08E English Music Hall Artist J PIQMO , , jAntiiilhg tt$ $!$$ Jtyrnriast V -?. Extra Added FpSture f AUSTIN BROTHERS "The American Beauties" m 1 I . .ViascopeTTT-M.ajestIc Orchestra I 'JMat. 2:inexcept "Mo'itf 'IS 'A 25c X 1 flight 8: 15J Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50c C. H: Froy, florist, 1133 O St. Miss Ann Watt, 1911, ontertnlncU thfc 'Black' ttfatf .Wcdtitadny bvoViinfe o Bookman Bros., flno shoes. . 1107 O streot. Carl J. Lprd, 'XlyOl Randolph, has pledged Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. v Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. s Ben Benson, ox-1911, of Omaha, -spent Sundny at tho Phi Delta Theta house. Dr. ChaB, Burr block. Youngblut, dentist, 202 V rKnrni iWEEK BEGINNING FEBRUARY 8 THE FULTON STOCK CO. Appears In A BEAUTIFUL STORY OF THE SEA NEXT WEEK: "THE MAN ON ' THE BOX." THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wclcomca all Student. i o nmrO and Bilvor Letter J P PlPrS Inlaid Vfork-n UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Street L. J. HERZOC THE UHlVEBSJfYYAT'rfAEOB 'Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Lincoln 'HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing (it ii i i TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with ?tand 1 $3 Pep fyionth. ' Bargains in Rebuilt Machines. Lincoln typewriter exchange Auto 1155-fioll 1181. 122No.lltli rlvVlOMiKvJE Helen Sholes, 1910, or Omaha, Is visiting at tho Kappa Kappa Gamma house. 0 Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Ovor Bank of Commerce c Frank Weller Is now at his homo ttt Stella, Nebraska, on account of tho illness of his father. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. Clyde. Alden, formerly a Btudent in the' law college, is engaged in the banking business at Agra, Oklahoma. ' In doubt, try a Daily no want ad. It pays to adver- When braskan tlse. Byron E. Yoder left yesterday for Fairmont, Nebraska, where he will take charge or tho Fairmont high Bchool. o Dally Nebraskan want ads bring re sults. Try ono when you havo some thing to sell. Harold Wood, a former'' Nebraska student and member of tho Beta Theta Pi fraternity, left last night for a trip to Chicago. If you havo lost your fountain pen, advortlso the faqt In our want ad col umn. It brings rcsujts. tor of this papor, is on. tho. campus, to day. Ho is about to Icavo for the San Luis valloy, wlioro ho will work undor B. E. Forbes, 1905, togothor with B. A. Nowton, 1904, and M. P. P. Costollb,. 190C. o The cloven o'clock division of Phys ical Education 14, undor tho .direction of Profossor Hoppor, a vory largo this somester. Thoro aro about 100 men In this class. It is about twlco as largo as the samo division of last so- meBtor. Ono of the most skillful Instructors In tho teachers' college of Columbia university haB been securod to offor a course m connoctton witn tno . ao partmont of educational thoory and practice In the summer session of the teachers', college. 00 During tho Btorm Tuosday afternoon a certain umvorsuy student, on com? Ing out of University hall, wasBtruck by a gust of wind which carried his hat Btralght up in tho air and landed It on top of the building. At latest reports It had not beo'n rocovorod. There aro onrollcd in tho eight o'clock division of Botnny II,' 115 stu dents. Last semester thoro wqro about 175 in tho same class. As dur ing last somestor, there nro now throe divisions of Botany II, tho eight o'clock, cloven and two o'clock classes, o , Among the absentia stuuonts In tho department of gcogrnphy are a num ber of prominent cUy superintendents and department teachers. Tho work of Supt. Gamblo of PlattsmouTu, Supt. Lofler of Elmwood and MIsb Wood of Omaha 1b deserving of especial com mendation nlong this line. , . . All Bophomoros who nro planning to enter tho preliminary for tho selec tion of the class team for tho approch ing Inter-claBs debate aro urged to bo prosent at a meeting with tho commit tee at 2 o'clock Friday, in U 10C for the consideration of tho time for try outs and any other matters of interest relative to the debate. 0 V A new departure for secondary edu cation is baing offered In tho Tomple high school in the form of a course in reading In connection with the course glvon -in literary interpreta tion. This hs somewhat or an Innova tion r. th?.t rending has been elim inated from the high schools in the TOree,;,re( A, publication has just been Issued state for several years. C2QCOffiO0CC000OffiOp OO O 00C0Q000000 8 See our window for all the new shades and shapes "t in aorc ana ourr opnng naw a K1 I FULK, -- iqog n X g rutiv, -.- -.- i v-r g OSO0000C500000000000XJ0000000 on "A Study of Pyocyanous Infections With a Report of Twp Rare Cases." The author Is Dr. H. H. White of tho medical school. Learn the barn dance, Dancing Acadeniy, 1132 N. school. Call Auto 4477. Lincoln Select A. H. Miller, 1908, Is now at Pando, Colorado. He Is on ono of tho gov ernment forest rosorves. His work .has been of. sufficient quality to merit him a recent raise In salary. Allen PreBcott, a former student of this university and member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, is practic ing osteopathy at Doleware, Ohio. Prescott Is doing a successful busi ness. Professor Condra has glVen two loc tures tp Professor Stout's- class in. masonry. "His subject was "Building Stone." Ono of tueso lctures vas de livered Monday and tho other Tues day. - 0 W. G. Jenkins, 1907, who has been In Cuba since he .graduated, returned yesterday as a result of tfyo termina tion of the government Intervention. He was. employed under J. A. Sargent, ex-1898. A. G. Schreiber, 1907, one tlmo qdl- Tho students in the "Alt Heidelberg" chorus have been turning out for tho rehearsals In great numbors. Act II., which is the student scene, is the act in which thero . are about forty uni versity Btudonts. Miss Heppner, who has tho play in charge, says that the scene will be the best act in tho show. It is so lively and' realistic. Dr. Wajker und Miss Leva Walker of the Botnny department were sum moned to their homo In Oregon yes terday because of tho very serious Ill ness of their father. They left on tho six o'clock train last evening and ex-: pect tp return as soon as possible. While they aro away their work will bo carod for by the other mombers of tho staff. ' r- t The Teachers College wishes that J any seniors who are contemplating en tering the teachers' profession in the secondary schools of Nebraska would leave their namos with the bureau of appointment as early as March 1st. Maqy. calls for teachers for next year havo already come to tho bureau. Candidates may leave their names with Prof. A. A. Reed or Dean For dyco. ' The Nebraska Academy of,' Science will moot Friday In Nebraska hall, R. 210. m In the afternoon thoro will be a general discussion on Nebraska re sources which will be of Interest to nil students who nro interested in Ne braska. Friday evening the annual banquet for the ' members will bo glvon. The tickets will be thirty cents, and can be, obtained from Dr. Condra before Thursday. The ban quot will bo lioid at -the . Banquet, hall 'in tho Temple. v ' ALL STUDENTS w tV7 You need reliable, original and compioto material for written 6r spoken work. You filf nc,cd book nfad miiguxfnftr.. Andilator imiimmer or permanent poBltlon, which you nhould plnn for now, botoro all tho bent opening aro flllod. Hero In tho way to got nil throe nt u minimum of oCfort and oxponno. We Are' Ddalers in Facts Wo furnish tho best information obtainable on nny rubjoot In .lohool, pollcgo or club, In business nnd public nffalrs. Our work In ncourato, compioto and to tho point, carefully typewritten, promptly supplied. iu:d arrnngnd In miltnblo form, with outlines, bibliographies and full roferonccs. Wo not only havo In our own forco highly-trained Investigators and spocJal- sts In various lines, but wo havo made u business of "knowing tho men who know and by mennH of this system of knowing "Who's Who for KfTloiency" wo can go Btralght to headquarters for nulhorltutlvo Infortnntlbii ntd export advlco. . ' Added to our lorgn stock of Information on bund and our means of obtaining authentic Information, wo havo a highly ofllolont system of sifting, arranging and presenting our facts In form that exactly moots Individual ntulrnjnontr-. that would exactly mcot your needs. Wo aro especially strong In political science, oconomfes, sociology, anthropol ogy, nno arts, literature, applied selenco, commercial geography, travel and exploration, International law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, Intomwto and forolgn commerce, financial and Industrial conditions, and public probloma nnd llvo questions of the, day. Tho cost Is less than might bo expqoted. Our- charges for now nnd original material aro at. tho rato of- two dollars .for oach thousand words .furnished. Quality of work guaranteed, or money refunded. Methods, references and quo tations on Important Investigations furnished upon request. (Wo havo thoui sands of articles on hand which we offer, subject lo prior salo. at $1.60 por iiiuun.uKi wurus. onnu iur jirico iibt,; A Desirable Position for You If you aro wise, you aro already planning about a summer or permanent position or about an opening In tho professions or Independent business. To Introduce our service to you, wo will glvo you advlco, Information nnd real asslstanco along those lines without charge (from now up to tho tlmo you so curo a deslrablo position) If you send Us a five dollar order for Infonhntlon,- I. o.. 2,500 words or over nt 2 por thousand. In our offlclal cnpuclty, wo como In touch with boards of trade, chambers of commerco nnd other local and gcnorul organizations of omployors. as wolt as largo corporations and other concerns, wdueatlonal and othor institutions, and municipal, state and other governmental departments. Wo aro thus In a posi tion to know of positions of all kinds ovorywhoro as well as opportunities for starting out In Independent business or professional lines. No rod tape, no commissions, no strings aro attached to this bffor. it Is freo and unconditional. This Information wo gain about positions Is simply u valuablo by-product of our regular Information business, and wo use It to Attract, holp and thus hold customers, Wo do for you rill that nny regular employment agency can do, with this Important difference wo ask yoji to Blgn no Involved contractu, pay no fees or Commissions, and Incur no othor obllga tlons. Books and Magazines Free As xl further Inducement, with evqry (lvo. dollar order for Information wo will glvo free. In addition to tho employment' privilege, any boolcor-n yonr ot mi iiiutsuiiiu jruu oiiwuy, liiii jiuuuHiHiiH pnco oi which is not over one uoiian .WIth a ton dollar order 'for Information wo w-lll glvo $2 worth df books or magazines; with a $15 order, $3 worth? with n $20 order, $4 "worth; with a J2fi order, $5 worth; and no on. Two or inorn men may club together with several subJectH to mako such an ordor and dlvldo tho privileges among thorn. How to Order Just think up ono or niora subjects, on which you need matorjal. Etlmato tho number of words required. Enclose two dollars for oach thousand words desired, glvo us exact directions ns to what you want and whon you want Jt. and If tho ordor Is for flvo dollars or ovor, niinia tho books or magazines yoti wish and tell us about tho position you would llko and your quallflcntlons for It, Wo will do tho rest. Address at onco: National Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett Small (Late Special Investigator, U. 8. Qov't), Dlreotor zwi nuHin umkiiuu oi., washiinqton, d. c. ? i - ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOH'S t Hot Lunches Specialty. Candies and Ices. 1307 0 St. Phones: Auto 2214, Bill 456. I Fraternity Hall March 5th, 1909 Pershing Rifles Hop Tickets 1.25 WaWs Orchestra FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. ' Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED W H I T E BREAST CO. 1106 O Street AUtO 3228 Bell 234 1m " 'V: fc TOWN AND . -COUNTRY SHIRTS i ; .it , ,, 7' sj sjri HEREisinshirts bearing the label of a manufacturer of undoubted responsibility a yaiue, m tnat it stands for so' much experience in cloth-buying hi pattern draughting and ,in style desiffninc:. The Cluett. mark 'assures correctness exclusiyehess, durability.' i , , 41.50 and jbr . ? ; H ; . " Wi It. -."r t .rA nr Maker of Arrow Collars '?' .r..j t "V 1" " "" "