r-'-py ' J MMMBBPg-' Jr"-y '-eSUiJ?fHaa5!g,BauJ,sJMg gyjL -yrj jMaj'ya- yf WW'' ?.l .- .7'- . J' ,.? , , . . - -,- , 'r ', y,J f - .&., Si, m I n Vol. VIII. No. 82. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1909. Price 5 Cent fORtSIERS TO DANCE "WEEK'S EVENTS THROUGH THE EYES OF THE CARTOONIST" ASK NEEDED REFORM ,., ... . , ,-. , v Uhe yn 9 w iFlebtaeftan ati$ - , y U. s.- i- "?n:- STUDENTS 0 DEPARTMENT TO BE GUE8T8 OF CLUB, Y JUNIOR PROM A fINE SUCCESS .'f ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THIRD-YEAR CLA88 UP TO STANDARD. Hall of Lincoln Hotel Annex the 8cene of Beautiful Affair Last Evening. 'Why University Girls Refused Bids to Formal' Party. For tho first. time In the five yearB of ttaoir existence tho University For estry club will give a dance on Satur day evening, March G. The 'affair will take placo in the Temple music hall and the club has restricted the attend ance to students in the forestry de partment The members of tho club decided to hold a dance at a recent meeting and the deitallB of tho affair have been rapidly settled! A committee under the chairmanship of H. S. Stophenson has been making arrangements for the hop, and it promises to be one of the most entertaining social gatherings of the year. The music hall of tho Tem ple will be sumptuously decorated for the occasion and the music will be of the best. The affair will be infor mal in every way and Its central pur pose will be to give a jolly good time to the foresters of the university. With tho acceslon of the foresters to the ranks of the dancers, the num- ber of university organizations which are not In tho social swim Is decreased by one. Rumors of a hop by the Bot. gem. have been current but these could . not be traced to a definite source. Officers of the society deny that thero is anything of the sort con templated. It Ib admitted, however, that almost anything may bo expected In view of the epidemic of dancitls that has struck Nebraska In common with' other western universities. At Texas the German cjub recently gave a" successful hop and at Idaho the fac ulty club tripped tho light fantastic. Junior Prom a Success. - Yet,, despite, the frequency of danceB, a good proportion of them have been successful beyond expecta tion. Tho junior prom last evening was no exception to tho rule. This formal affair ot the third-year men proved to be successful in eyery way. The pick of university dancers were present to lend themselves to the oc casion and it is Improbable that n more stylish crowd of university stu dents could have been gathered to gether. The music by Eddie Walt's orchestra left nothing to be desired. Lunch was served In the ordinary of the Lincoln. The committee in charge spared no, effort to make the scheme of decora tions a beautiful one. The gallery of the rotund was .tastefully hung with ponan'tsVajid dottier forms of ornament weraiso hiked. J. M. Alexander was chairman, of the dance and Arbor BartVmaBjer of ceremonies. Qlrlf Wouldn't Go. Whether or not some girls are forced to turn down Invitations to formal parties because of a lack of gowns sufficiently stylish is a question that might entertain the minds of some undergraduates. Thdre Is at least' one case on record of a Univer sity of t Nebraska girl refusing to ac cept ;a, formal bid, because of a lack of, a: suitable dress, and there ,may haye been others. Whether or not" thqse refusals were sincere or mere' excuses is a question that may haye bothered the men . in the case. The matter id being discussed at Wlscon- WKJ'S E Z Pf AN S !$ ? th3i!- Fcyouft y "nT-- jtaso'T lJBv1. iWjl -Jl :::.- 11 g ftel yAfAr sin, and the Dally Cardinal prints the following: "Democracy at Wisconsin Is further ed by regulations regarding oxpenBes for flowers and carriages at tho prom; but thero is one placo where reform, badly needed, cannot reach, and that is In the matter of nrom gowns. "It is stated on good authority that as many as two co-eds have refused prom bids because they could not have now drosses for tho occasion. "One prominent senior girl, when interviewed on tho Bubjoct, Bald: 'How. perfectly silly!' "A Bophomoro girl Bald, 'The glii was decidedly selfish or else It was an 0xcubo.' "It is hoped that tho sudden de mand for clothes will not wholly un make tho prom." BIG SUPPER COMES OFF TONIGHT Y. M. C.,A. Pioneer Feed at 8t. Paul's at 6 p. m, Tho much"talked-of pioneer feed of the university Y. M. C. A. comes off tonight at St. Paul's church. Tho committee which has been hard nt work to make the auppor the best of the year are confident that their work will receive hearty comendatlon of their guoBts tonight. Experienced caterers and cooks have been engaged and a corps of efficient waiters has been organized The tables will be Bprend In tho din ing room of St. Paul's, which has been the scene of so many other events enjoyable to association men. It 1b expected that several score stu dents will bo on hand at C o'clock when the doors of the dining hall will be thrown open. Tho tickets are sell ing for 20 cents each and may bo pur chased at tho Y. M- C. A. rooms or at the church just prior to the aupper, UNIQUE PROGRAM LA8T EVENING Union Lit Gives an International En- tertainment. A program of unique interest was offered at the regular meeting of the Union literary society in tho Temple last evening. Each number on the program was a selection in a foreign language given by a Bpeaker with a speaking- knowledge of the tongue represented. &. S. Gilbert represent ed the French people. Bohemia had' a speaker In' the person of ,J. G. Vo tava. Mr. Basu's Hindoo selection at tracted much interest, it being one of the most unique of tho series.' Sec retary Der Klndorin defended the Bel gians and Mips Christine Anterbury gave a Swedish rendition. If you want to buy or sell drawing instruments, slide ' rules, or second hand tet-bdoks , try a Dally Nebras kan want ad. Thoy will bring re- I suits, IB ww pL IT ..! S J VI Ca;iHBBaw INITIAL CLASS GAME BASKET-BALL SERIES WILL BE STARTED THI8 AFTERNOON. (SENIORS WILL PLAY ERESHMEN Hard Contest Exhibition of Great In-' door 8port Is Expected Odds Favor .the First Year Men to Win. BOffiOQ0OfflOOffiO00500P Minnesota Defeated Nebras- ka, 24 to 19, In hari'foHQht $ basketball game. Minnesota clearly Mtplayed In the first half. 0$0&0000000$0$0OQO& The class series of basket-ball games will be Inaugurated this after nobn jn the university armory when the senior nnd freshmen basket ball fives will meet at 2:30 o'clock In what promises to be a fiercely fought con- test. Tho first year men are "doped" as winnerB, being more carorimy trained. Tho senior five Is composed of some good basket shooters, but the fact that the fourth year men have had Jlttle practice this winter will handicap them In the gamo this after noon. The senior squad which will go against tho young men of tho freBh men aggregation is composed of Har vey, Crltes, J. R. Smith, Waters,. Hills and Guidlnger. Three of this number Harvey, Crltes and Smith were members of tho senior five last year and played some rather fast ball. Crltes and Smith play nt forward and probably will do the goal tossing for tho fourth year men today. Both of thorn are .accurate basket shooters and with good support from tho guards ought to- be able to roll up quite a respectable score for their side. Harvey Is a hard fighting guard and should show up well in tlio game this dfternoon. Waters will hold down the other guard position. He probably is the fastest player the seniors have arid will bo a big factor in all tho good playing done by his team this af ternoon, He is an aggressive guard. strays with his opponents, nil the time, and often is able to shoot goals from difficult angles. Have Good Center Man. Hills, a heavy center, .will do" tho work at the pivotal position for the seniors. Ho has done some good drib bling in practice, and, in case ho is In good form todays ought to help out in 4 S totaling points for the last year men. Tho freshmen boyB have boon play ing Bovernl gnmos this season and aro In good shape for a faBt conteBt to day. Last Friday night thoy took tho mensuro of tho speedy Nebraska acad emy teain in oasy fashion. Thoy have Homo accurate goal tossors who nre hard to guard and who will maka tho work of tho Bcniors rather difficult. Landers, Smith nnd Waters will be included In the line-up of tho first- yoar nion. Leaders Is an experienced player and lmo done hoiuo creditable work for his team this year. Non-fraternity Meet Tonight. Tho first of the three Indoor meets of tho winter season will bo hold to night In tho university armory nt 8 o'clock. Tho final arrangemontB for tho contest were made yesterday. Tho nion in charge of tho gnmos have an nounced that all tho events will bo run off in .fast time and that nono of them would be permitted to drag along. Single admission for tho meet to night will be 25 cents. For tho three meets tho admission will bo 35 con'ri. Tho Nebraska five will meet Min nesota tonight in tho second game of tho sorleB at Minneapolis. Toniorrb'V thoy will proceed to AmoB, Iowa, whero thoy will conteBt with the ag gles on Monday nnd Tuesday evenings Tho noxL two nights thoy will piny Drake at Dob MolneB. These four games in Iowa 'will conclude Nebras ka's schedulo of .tho Missouri valley conference league games, and will probably settle the championship for tho northern section of tho organiza tion. Roscoo Pound, former dean of tho law school, has made the officers' club a present of threo volumes of "Battles and Leaders of tho Civil War," and twelve volumes of "Campaigns of the Civil War." This is tho first install- ment of a number of books which Dean Pound hns promised to send to the club. During his undergraduate work at this university the dean wob a captain' in Company A, and ,ha's al ways been greatly interested in tho work done by tlio -battalion. Thursday evening the Sem. Bot. was addressed by Mr. Pagaduan on "Tho Structure of the Chlproplpst,' and by Miss Lute on "Bog Vegeta tion." The. postponed meeting of lastl week was held 'last ,ovenlng. Dr. Bessey gave a talk on "Hats, Caps and Bonnets," and Professor Emerson on "The Bearing of, Mendollsm on Evolu tion." Mr. Pool concluded with a talk on "Tho Organ of Gymnosporms." Bam G, Rose, ex-'lO, Is now located in Sioux City, Iowa, and holds a re sponsible position with a well-know; T jobbing house, Your car fare would pay fo a nlpenlfty d nlor enery 'kft rJV R lunch at The Bostoa Lt&ck. Why I go home? 71 INNOCENT8 WANT SENATE TO 8ET NEW COMMENCEMENT TIME WOULD SET DATE WEEK AHEAD UNDERGRADUATE8 MIGHT THEN ? . ATTEND THE EXERCISES., , Under Present System 8enlors Grad- uate Jn Lonely, Dignity With Friends Absent In' Homes About the 8tate. At a mooting of tho univorsity Bon ato to bo hold this nftornoon tho sen ior society of tho Innocents will offor a potltlon fpr a chango in tho date of tho commoncomont exorcises. Tho senior organization, on bohalf of the fourth year class members, asks that tho graduation program bo glVon dur ing tho weok beginning May 30 in stend of tho period from Juno 5 to 10, which is now sot nsldo for "that pur poaq. t. .,.-,.. The Innocents bnso their request on tho fact that according to tho present syHtom tho commoncomont oxorcisos aro held while a vory largo majority of tho undergraduates aro already at homo In tho various sections of tho Btato. Tho work of tho" university, with tho exception" of the programs Incident to commoncomont, onds with the closo of oxaminations Juno ,4,, Within a 'couplo of days almost ovory, student living outside of Lincoln has left tho city with tho exception of the fourth-year men, who must wait an-' othor week for their diplomas. Week of Events. This week of commencement ovonts contains tho annual concert of the school of music, tho baccalaureate sermon, tho annual; Phi., Beta .Kappa oration, -the class day exercises, the 1 observance'' 6i 'Alumni Day, 'and then 'the final presentation of diplomas. The, weok 1b given over entirely ' to those exorcises, the seniors as1 well as the undor-classmen having finished their examinations during tho preceding week. But few of tho men outside "the class will remain solely for tho enter tainment. Consequently the "seniors receive their diplomas with due pomp in the presence of the faculty and In terested towns-pooplo with perhaps a few close friends. TJut a great many of their friends made during their uni versity course .sea their commence ment only through the medium of the newspapers of the state. ' This condition, has been recognized asta necessary evil until the Innocents this year decided to attompt some' means of remedy; They propose that' the senate recommend tho chango4 to the regents to be acted upon February 15-. In their petition they propose that tho senior examination' either be held the week' prior to other examlna- Uons or that tho seniors be graded by some other system for their last half-: semester In college. The details are left to tho discretion of the. senate. JUNIOR CAP8 ON THE CAMPUS- Neat Blue and Gold Creations', Make an Appearance. The junior class caps were received f yesterday and made their initial ap-' pearance on the oampus'. The design4 is one of the bull-dog type aid' the cap Is made of blue material with he k class numerals emblazoned on the front in gold. Altogether the appear- ' anco ot the creation is exceedingly, ' gratulatlng themselves on the show?' ing. . I -1 A $ ;t .'-': V