The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1909, Image 1

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Prjce 5 Cent
,irtu v.-
Puts "Women in the Position of a DIs-
- frahchlsed Laboring Popula"
tion No Part In the
. Before an audience in which women
predominated at convocation yester
day Miss Caroline Lexon of New York
pity, a prominent figure in the wo
men's suffragist movement, presented
Boveral arguments relative to the ques
tion, "Why women should bo granted
the franchise." As an introduction
MIbs Lexon briefly characterized the
two speakers for the evening meeting
'as women who could speak authorita-
.tlvely, for they came one from Aus
tralia where suffrage 1b completo, and
tho other forrii England where the
movement has achieved much more
than it has hero. In English colonies
and Scandinavia also the movement
ifas made great gains. As yet America
has only made a good beginning.
The significance of tho woman's suff
erage movement Is very great, and it
has yet many obstacles to overcome.
One of these is tho old common law.
In earlier days the common law made
tho woman surrender all she had to
the husband, so that sho had nothing
to say or do in her own behalf. How
over, this view has changed and mod
ified a.great deal, and especially has
this been true in the west: What is
needed is not so much legislative ac
tion as the amendment of tho com
mon law,, which would effect tho great
est results.
Our government Is a very contradic
tory institution. It clainiB to be of,
by and for the people, when rather it
is of, by and for tho men. All the
women are asking is a square deal,
yet this argument does not appeal as
strongly as it once did, because tho
interest In Individual rights is not us
dominant as it onco was. Another ar
gument which is.a better one, appears.
The sphere of government aild of wo
man has greatly changed and woman's
greatest benefit aB a voter "would be
similar to the use of water In tho
household ats Woman, as sho seeks
to effect clean, housekeeping, can 'do
tho same work politically. Woman
:has wondqrful success, in her rotation
to tho public schools whorover 4tho
opportunlty'lias come. States Miavo
ovem, elected them as state : super In
tendents. Wjoman need not ibe con
versant on the tariff dr on money ;to
make "hqr a good voter, but, as' a
cleanser -of politics and ari influence
for good, the results' will Justify her
Women all over America are in tho
position of a disfranchised laboring
population, And .while Jaws are being
passed by men that vitally affect -wp-;
man ,in all .her occupations, , yet In
these all-Important questions she can
have no say or take no part. This is
iio more .right than It would .bo for!
the right of franchise to be taken from
all laborers And put exclusively in ,the
'hands lot the omliiovefs, tarid permit
him to creato all laws affecting the
'laborer. The women of tho factories
Should, have something to say about
.rjlie laws affecting thdm.
This iquostlon is of peculiar interest
4tO' the college womon. The pioneer
suffragists were college womon. Again
to tholr follow-womcon, to rocognlzo
this great movemont. For this purpose
a great national organization has been
formed and here In Nebraska thero Is
a very active and aggressive chapter
of the natlonnl organization.
Upper Claeemen Will Dress, Play, and
Eat Like Kids.
Tho big ovont of the Benlor yoar,
according to the committee In charge
of the affair Is to take place Satur
day night at 8 o'clock In the Temple
Music and Faculty halls. It takes the
form of a Sonlor Kid Mask. -
As tho tltlo implies, the upper class
men will unbend and play "kid"
guiues, concealing their Identity be
hind a mask. Dressed like little Wil
lie or Annie, thoy will play "Drop the
Hnndkorclilef," "Charades," "Fruit
Basket Upset" and others llko they
used to piny In childhood days. After
ten o'clock one room will bo turned
over to those who tire of the childish
amusements and wish to dance, for
which good niUBiu has boon provided.
"Kid" refreshments will be sorved as
in "ye olden days."
As the dancing will not begin until
ten o'clock, it will be possible for
those who attend the barb athletic
meet to enjoy two hours' dancing
afterwards. Although given by tho
senior class, members of nil classos
are invited to attend in "kid" clothes
and a mask. Tho purpose of tho en
tertainment Is to provide a general
good lime for all
Tickets at fifty cents each can bi
purchased at the door or of any mem
ber of the 'committee, Misses Wood
worth, Kruchenberg, Morton, Fink,
Day, Holcombe, McCold, and Messrs.
Goof, Tntum, Lemnr, J. R. Smith,. W.
C. Mills, Guy Mntteson and Bigger.
Head of Literary College to Be the
Principal Speaker.
Regular mid-winter commencement
exercises will bo held in tho Temple
on Charter day,' February lC. Dean
Davis of the College of Literature,
Sclenco and Art will deliver the prin
cipal address to the graduating class.
Other features of the program will bo
musical numbers.
In tho afternoon the barb-frat Indoor
meet will be held In the Armory, this
taking the plnco of tho usual Charter
day athletic contests.
The meet will begin at 3 p. m.
Prior to tho contests, tho Pershing
Rides will give an exhibition drill.
Admission to thli. drill will bo by cou
pon from the tickets sold for the barb
and frat athletic meots.
Nebraska Is Not in It.
Examination of the registration of
foreign students In American colleges
shows interesting results. The Science
Magazln'o makos the folowlng state
ment: Harvard leads in Canada;
Ponnsylvnnia in Central America,
Cuba, Brazil, and Colombia, Great
Britain and Ireland, Holland, Austra
lia and Now Zealand;" Missouri in"Mex
Ico; Cornell in Argontlpo Itepublic and
China; Cojumbla in Germany Russia
and Japan; California' in India.
Trie" freshman basket-ball team had
a .fast practice gamewiththo juniors
in the gymnasium yesterday. Captain
HlHner has scheduled a game' wlt'nj
the seniors for' Saturday afternoon 'at
S':3u o'clock, and wishes all the men
to get out, as he will make his final
'selection for the team at Jhftt time., t
A. R. Groh, 1902, is now' at Nuples,
Ho worked on a, number of Nebraska
newspapers arid started on n Hour of
the continent, arriving In Rome short
ly before tho earthquake. Mr, (Grohj
Is tho author of ta number of clever;
short stories. Those have nppenred In
Cornhusker Basket Shootern Will Try
to Take the Measure of Fast
Gopher Quintet In Milling
Tho non-fraternity athletes are roady
for the firBt annual indoor preliminary
meet to bo hold In tho university
nrmory tomorrow night. Tho men who
will enter tho various events, have
been listed nnd arrangements com
pleted for making somo good records.
Tito material among tho non-fraternity
students Is in cxccllont condi
tion and ought to bo able to pull off
nn attractive meet. Among tho mon
entered for tho twenty-flvo yard Is
Wlldman, the star runner of tho Corn
husker track team last spring. If ho
is in good Bhapn tomorrow ho prob
ably will run tho short- distance In
very faBt time.
Pntton, a weighty man, who made
his "N" Inst Bprlng on tho Nebraska
track team will bo ono of tho con
testants in the twelve-pound shot put.
Chaloupkn and CoIIIiib are also enter
ed for this event. Tho former Ib con
sidered to be the best weight man in
the university and is oxpected to broak
tho Indoor record for UiIb weight
throw. Chaloupka, if his wrist does
not troublo him, should make a better
distance than he hns yet reached so
far In his work.
Graham In Pole Vault.
Graham, the star freshman from
Donne, will bo one of tho contestants
In the polo vault. Ho has attracted
considerable attention by his work in
practice and his exhibition tomorrow
night will bo watched with consider
able interest by tho track enthus
iasts. Knodo and Ilamol, two of tho best
high jumpers in tho university, will
take part In the. jump. Each of these
men won varsity letters last spring.
Mitchell, the llttlo Lincoln Y. M. C.
A. athlete, will try his skill at the
rope climb. Ho has been practising
this event and many of his followers
would not ba surprised to see him
break the university record for tho
Long and Wildish will be the two
entrants in tho hlgli kick. The former
athlete holds tho university record in
this event, having established a new
one last season by kicking 9 feet 4
The complete list of entries is as,
Twenty-five yard daBh Wlldman,
Hummell, Kroger, Burke, George,
Yates, Powors and McKep.
12-pound shot put Elliott, Collins,
Chaloupka, Frum and Pntton.
.Pole Vault Graham, Hammond, Mc
Gownn, Hamol.
High Jump Long, Knods, Hummell,
Hamol, Graham, Vlllars.
Fence Vault Hummell, Tobeslca,
Rope Climb Amberson, Hammond,
Mitchell, Hoffman, " '
High Kick Wildish, Long.
At Minneapolis Tonight.
The "Nebraska, and Minnesota. basket
ball teams will play the first of a
series of four games at Minneapolis
tonight.'. rfie second game will -be"
played tomorrow night at tlw gopher
stronghold. .The other two contests
will be pulled off In .Lincoln, February
19 arid 20.
-Dr.Clapp and-Manager Eager left
last night'" for Minneapolis with 'the
Nebraska squad of basket tossors at
C 'd'cloclT last ovehlngCatain'Watsh?
Boll, Porry, Potrashok, Woods,
Schmidt, Jones and Ingarsoll madq, tho
Nobrnska has, a fair chanco of win
nlng from tho gophors. Last season
tho Minnesota mon had ono of the
fastest fives In tho wost but lost bov
eral of tholr best players last spring
and aro now said to bo much wonkor
than in 1908.
Practically all of tho cornhuskors
wore In flno shapo when thoy loft Lin
coln and ought to bo ablo to put up tho
best games of tho Bonuon tonight and
tomorrow. Thoy will bo vory greatly
weakened, of courso, by tho nhsenco
of Captain WalBh from tholr line-up,
but, deriplto this handicap, oxpoct to
mako a hard fight in both of tho con
tests. Captain Walsh Ib barred from
taking part In tho games with confer
onco schools on account of the four-
year rulo. This Is his fourth year or
university basket-ball, and tho Western
conferonco allows its athletcB to tako
part but three years In intcr-collcglnto
Matching Programs In Advance Likely
to Cause Trouble.
Experienced dancers who have a
habit of exchanging dances in ndvanco
of tho distribution of programs for
university affairs uro cautioned to bo
careful how thoy proceed with tholr
engagements for the Junior prom this
evening. If the practice is indulged In
to n8 great an oxtont aB usual, a mer
ry mix-up may roBtilt.
Owing to tho large attondanco at
the prom it will bo necessary for a
part of the dancers to cross off dances
ns early as the fifth for lunch. The
ordinary at tho Lincoln will only ac
commodate about thirty couples and
this means that thero must be several
relays of dancers. Consequently uni
versity mon who match in advance
dunces Inter than the fifth do bo at
risk of finding themselves assigned to
lunch at that time.
Tho committee also urgp that all bo
present exactly at tho time scheduled
for opening tho dance. Programs will
bo distributed at 8:1G. Owing to a
acarclty In programs Jato arrivals may
havo difficulty In obtnlnfng the neces
sary books.
House Committee Recommends ' Uni
versity Appropriation.
Tho committee of the lower house
of the state legislature whjch has
charge of university financial meas
ures,, yesterday reported for passage
a bill providing for the appropriation
for university use of the proceeds of
the one-mill tax for the next two
years. This measure merely makes
available for tho university the funds
arising from tho ono mill assessment.
Tho mill lovy Is n permanont measure
and holds from year to year, but the
funds must'be specially appropriated
each session of the legislature. -
Union Lit 'Program.
Tho Union Literary society will
give an International program 'tonight
at their hall In tho Temple. The pro
gram will be as follows;
Piano Solo
French. Mr. G. S. Gilbert
Bohemian .?.;.. v. r. .Mr. J. G. Votava
.Hindoo .'. ...... .'Mr.'' Basil
Belgian .,..,-. .Mr. Der Kinderin
Swedish i . . . .-Miss .Christine Anterbery
Hipdoo Vocal Solo. .,..,.',. .Mr. (Kruger
.Each participant thas a speaklng
Knowledge pf the language represen
ted: ' V
Members of the Komensky club wlJ
semble at Tqwnsend's, Saturday, for
tholr CbrnhuBker picture,
ifrwt -
Bakedbeans, bakesT on the premlts
and served' hot with' delicious brown
bread lOo,' at VThTMl5fettLMfc.:
' I & in?,
Excellent Menu To Be Offered Un
doubtedly Large Crowd by .Uni
versity Association at St.
Paul's, Saturday.
Tho "pioneer food" to bo givon by
tho unlvorslty Y. M. C. A. at 8t. Paul's
church tomorrow promises to be a
gront affair. Tlokots woro put on salo .
yesterday at twenty cents each and
tho lArgo ndvanco salo indicated that n
good crowd would bo out to tost tho
ability of tho association In the enter
tainment lino.
"Ploneorlam" is to bo tho foaturo of
Saturday'B Buppor. Tho plonoor idea
will bo carriod out In ovory way pos
sible Mombors of tho commitfeo..ln
chargo hnvo boon racking tholr brains
for sovernl wcoks in nn ondoavor to
offer Bomothing now and unusual at
this occasion and they do not bellovo
that their efforts havo bcou unproduc
tive of 'original ideas. Tho food itself
and tho Bhort program which will bo
Joined with it will all savor of trip
It Will Be Hot.
In keeping with this central idea tho
committee uro determined that the
guests shall havo a hot timo of it,
just as some of tholr pioneer ancestors
had a hot time of it in tho(frontior .
days many years ago. They Insist that
everything will bo done to have tho,
Buppor served right from tho ovons.
Tho corn bread will bo as hot as It Is
possible to havo it and tho roast po
tatoes will burn the hands. According
to legend all tho early pioneers had
good coffee, and the' association iri
tends ,tdsee to It that theirs Is tho
best yet served at an association. feed.
During the suppor and yaftorwards
a quartet pf old-time' singers 'wllHrep
der severar selection's. SborfHoasts
may be given, but tholr shortness will
be made a distinguishing feature. ,
Altogether the pioneer feed",wIH-bo
wortlattendlng, if tho promises of tho
committeemen are any index ,of the
good things to be offered. This Is ,ono
of a series of such affairs annually
givon by tho university Y. M, C. A.
It will bo at St.. .Paul's , church,
Twelfth, and M streets, Saturday oven-,
Ing at 6 p. m. Tickets may bo pur
chased for 20 cents at the Y M. Ct A.
rooms of. the committee, ,
I I J-
? l .
Frank L. Martin Enters Missouri .Uni
versity Faculty. i
Frank ;L. Martin, '02, has just en
tered the faculty of tho University" of
Missouri. He holds tho chair of assist
ant professor of Journalism. The Uni
versity Missourlan greets Mr. Martin
with the following news report:
- "Frank' h. Martin, recently appointed
to succeed Silas Bent, resigned, as as- -sistant
professor in the department df
journalism; is" hero to begin his -now
duties with the opening of the second
semester.- 'Mr. Martin, with his wife
and baby daughter", will occupy the
cottage on Lowry street vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Bent,
' -''Mr Martin Is a "graduate oftho
University of Nebraska, and has had a
varied experience -in newspaper work.
He was assistant city editor of-the
I Kansas City Star whence accepted the ,
appointment here;'1
s -