Wf-m&HF? fyVTVyyvft 3HE DAIIiY ; NEBRASKAN 1 3X22 t. A, ft ' , ;.";f- l.3 i 'SF - S OLIVER, THEATRE WEDNESDXV NIQVIT, FB 3 Ww. N. Crane ill FATHER AMI THE 1IYS" , Price $1.50 to 50 cents. . -" www WWVW 1 THUfl., MAT. A NIGHT, FEB. 4. f FLORENCE GEAR IN iafrjlni Mary ; Mat-7-41 U 25c. Nlnght 1.5d to.50c Week Commencing Monday, Feb. 1 DE HAVEN SEXTETTE . With Sidney Gibson in musical play GOUOWIN PATTON. AND CO. In "Mr: Stranger" E8PE, DUTTON AND E8PE , Exhibition 6f Muacio and Skill , Emerin Camibell-. Aubrey Yates ' In "200 MQpstfrora Broadway" Joe Whitehead &. Flo GrI arson vLato Stars.' of .The Girl Question" DE:FAME8I8TER8 ? -Pretty Maridoiijfl and) Banjo Players M ERR ITT AND LQVE Singing and Talking Comedians Vlascope Majestic Orchestra . Matinees Daily at 2:15 (except 1 Monday) 15 and 25c Every Night at 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 and 50c. . IkVJNI v J ' f ' Every rilght at 8:30 j, j A Drama of, Modern 'Times ;, ), ME AND WOMEN i By David Belasco and Harry De Mllle, Presented by THE FULTON 8T0CK COMPANY The audience is respectfully re quested to be seated by 8:25, as the interest ( begins 'with the rais ing of the curtain. , Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30 Best Seats 25c Next Week "The -Girl From -. Out Yonder?' THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE n.nrr ana lv LtUr fUJI-X iaUiaWotXa BE. '"' 1M UNI SMOKErHOUSC J) llOBtret L. J.' it the imw'iSfimM ..i..-. Come inland gtt .that $15.00 Suit to yljur orjjer i T -s 1 s- r iLinooin f TYPEWRITERS ; All .. rUd with staa4r , 93 lr Month. - DwafthwhfBeVBUt'Maeklais. imOKM TfPEWMTIR ECHMMI AmUUsi-MllUL US He. 11 teuaty. I ' , y Si ' ' '' i , 'I I , I HtiKAUO tt" Sti (- L i n ' HAVE f : THE pVANS h Da Your Washing e r Hai - - ITJtirtK&rwIttM "mm m JjCAmpu8j)j ' C, rf. Fro florist. 11330 St. 4 J. S. Elliott, '10, spent, the part of'th'o wcolc in Beatrice. 1 ttor Deckman Bros., fine shoes street. ' , ' 1107 Earl Lee and Ray Huntington,' 'if, visited at Fremont over Sunday. .. Chapin Bros., 'florists", 127 So. Thir teenth, w Miss Eulo, Bates, '12, was a gueqt of Miss Sylvia Killlan of Wahoo over Sunday. ' Come on, kids,- get busy. Auditor ium tonight. ' Alpha Tau Omega entertained at a house party at the chapter hoUso last Saturday evening. . m ' Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. f' H. p. Leavitt, 1896, was in tho city during the past week on business bo fore the legislature. Grand concert and ball tonight, Feb. 2. auditorium. Delta Gamma entertained Saturday evening at a Ijoubo party at tho homo of Miss Breta Bills. a Why not take your bath at Chris bath house, Eleventh and P streets? o Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will hold its annual party at the Lincoln hotel next Saturday evening. 0 0 Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. The Junior prom committee will meet in U 110 at 11 this morning. All members are requested to bo present. o Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. o a o The Junior prom coimulttec will meet, in U 110 at 11 this morning. All members are requested to bo present. 0 0 0 The floor at tho auditorium will bo pit in good shape for dancing tonight. ooooeooaooooooffioooooooooooofflooo Closing Out Sale in Cluett $2.50, $2.00 and $1.30 FULK, -:- 0CO000$000 O O E. R, Pelster, '09, has been appoint ed assistant la the electrical engineer ing laboratories under Professor Hoi- lister. $ 0 Carl Steckelberg will head the con cert orchestra at the auditorium to night. i Miss Bertha Roach, '11, will leave this week for her home at Clay Center, Kansas. She will not bo in scnooi tno second semester. 0 0 . '"An orchestral 25 pieces ,wlir fur nish thomuBlc for the' dance at tho auditorium tonight. All junior men interested in class basket-ball report at the gymnasium Tuesday and. Thursday at 1 p. m.'apd Saturday at 330.- ., ' ' ' Eighty-five membersof tho junior "class have ordered caps with tho class numeral inscribed thereon. Tho caps will be distributed in about 'tou 'days. ' Mr. Darwell' will give a lecture on "The-Haywood Trial" at tho Temple, Y, M, C. VA. rooms Wednesday evening at 6:50. AH university men should bo there, Paul PleTce, '10 is confined to his homo in Lincoln .wtth hip trouble. Hit disease is serious and he may not bej re-ontor school for several Rex Lobbrman; ox'00, who has boon engagod on a government irrigation project in Idaho slnco last Juno, has re-entered tho onglnoorlng school for tho second scmostor. o Leslie Hlggins, '07, who has boon engaged with tho Omaha World Herald slnco graduation, is now in tho city roporting tho sessions of tho stato senate for that paper. Bonifacio Villanouva of Batangas, P. I., will leave Lincoln this afternoon for San Francisco, whero ho will sail on tho Asia Saturday. He was called homo by the death of his fathor. Miss KBther Hunt, '10, Delta Dolta, loft during tho wook for Mississippi, where sho will spend tho wintor and spring with ox-Governor Goorgo L. Sheldon and Mrs. Sheldon. Tho party will resldo on the Sheldon plantation. Out of the 257 Btudents who regis tered for Botany I last semester, 234 .topic the final examination, out of (Which. 227 passed. Ninoty-sovon por cent of thoso taking it passed. These figures wore compiled by Dr. Bessey and it is needless to say that ho is well pleased with tho showing. University Forum Junior Class Society. Editor Daily Nobraskan: Dear Sir: I note Boveral discus sions In your columns as to tho feas ibility of organizing a Junior glass soci ety, and dotiro to enter tho debate Firstly, I am an Innocont; but this fact does not bias my opinion In tho leaBt, for, since that society Is a uni versity society and has purposes over and above anything portalnlng to a purely class organization, It can not be used as a standard of comparison for tho latter. True, the members of tho Innocents uro choson from tho senior cjnss; but, for the simple rea son that they are older in the univer sity and better know her customs, Wants and needs, and are in a hotter position to further Buch Interests, than members of lower classes. The soci ety has absolutely nothing to do with, the senior class organization more than it has with tho organization of any othor clasB. Its purpose Is not to dabble in class politics or In any way meddle with class affairs, as an organization, except, Insofar as such Shirts 85c -:- 1325 O O0000000000000 affairs concern the whole university. Neither is Its work confined to tho college year alone; for, there Is many a dally obstacle belng overcomo by its members who long since have left the college gates, but who are still loyal to tho society pledges and to' their AJma Mator. But as to tho junior class socioty, will li benefit the university, or even the class? We have some class so cieties, and what have they done? In sofar as. I can seo, nothing. Even tho one. that has degraded into a puro ly political clan, what has'it done? Has it ever elected vi! class officer from its membership or even a candidate it has supported? Ifso, when? A purely class society is. bound to run into politics, and when it runs into politics it runs Into tho ground. f Thero isa mania aV Nebraska for organizing it has over been -so. If thero falls to bo an, informnl njtor the basket-ball game thon the spirit is ebbing low we must organize. In stead of supporting the organizations that, have a past and a future, it is organize to "lick" them. . i ICtho organizers would Bpend half the time In spouting their spirit and enthusiasm and imparting some of, it to their friends as they do in pro moting this endless chain of soolotioa thpy would supply a far greater need. . When wo'vo organized one great so ciety whogo membership includes ev- able to montiiB. THREE REQUIREMENTS "FQr ALL STUDENTS " " ; v . , You nood reliable, ..orlglnnl and complotn : material . for wrlttou or' xpokort work.ou rUiio nerd books and mftffaslnes. -And latr itMumnicr or irtrmn'ri'ertt position, which you nhould. plan for now, beforo all tho best openings aro filled. Horo Ih tho way to sot all thred at a minimum of offort and ixponso. T- - We Are Dealers in Facts . j . Wo furnlnli tho bent Information obtalnahlcroir any nubicct In bcIioo).-oolltr,i or club. In bunlncflnnnd public, affairs. wo can go straight to hoadquartom (VUVICC. uiv ioint, caroiuuy lypowriucn, prompny Httppiicd, oi.'U arranged In wuitablo fonn, with outlines, bibllogmphjon and full roferonooB. ., . : Wo notonly have In 6ur owp.forco hlghly-tmlnoil IrvPHtlgatorn and'spoclali Bts In various HnoH, but wo liiivo inuao a buslnnsn of "knowing tho men who know"-and by moans of this nvntom of knowlntr "Wim'ii wim tn,nnv for Added to Olir Inrtrn ntnntr nf lnfnrmtlnt i hurt.l r.,.1 mm m..'C authontlo Information. wo, havo a Highly ofllclent Bystom of wTftlrig, drranglng nnd preflonUng our foctn In form that oxactly mqots Individual rfxiulromontu that would oxactly moat ysur needs. Wparo OHpoclally strong In political hoIohco, oconomlcu, sociology, anthropol ogy, lino urtH, llteraturo, nppllod sclonco, commercial gcogrnphy, travel and exploration, International law and diplomacy, history, foreign affairs, Interstate nnd forolgn oommoroo, financial and Industrial conditions, and publlo problem and llvo quoBtlonn of the. day. t t The coBt iB'less than might bo oxnodled. Our charges for now and oflgfnnl' material aro at tho TAto of two dotlant for each thousand words fumlBhod. Quality of work guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Methods, references and nuo tatlons op, Important Inventlgatlons furnished upon rwiuent, (Wo havs thdif windS of artlcleo on hand which wo offor, nuhJoct to prior salo, at ll.CO per thousand words, Send .for price list.) A Desirable Position for. You If -ou aro wlso, yoh areialroady planning about a aummor or permanent , position qr about an opening) In tho prdfcflalons or Independent bUHlnosn. , ,To Introduce our servloo to you, wo will glvo you advice. Information nnd real' osBlstanco along-thceo llnes-wlthout ohsras up4btha time you o ctiro a. dcfllrablo position) If you send us a five, dollar order for .Information,- I. c. 2,600 wordB or over at I? por thousand. "l - i In our ofllclal capacity, wo como In touch with boards of trade, chomborn of commorco and other local- and general orgiinlxatlons of omployors. as well aB largo corporations and other .concerns, educational and other lnBtltutlonilahrt municipal, Btato and other governmental departments. Wo aro thus In a posi tion to know of ppnltlons of all hinds cvorywhoro ob well as opportunity for Btartlng out In Independent buslnosH or profcsHlonal linos. No red tape, no commlBBlons,- no strings aro attached to this offor. It Is frco ahd Unconditional. This information wo gain about positions In simply a , valuable by-product of our regular Information business, and wo uso It ti attract, help and thus hold customers. Wo do for you all that any regular Dinploymont agency can do, with this Important dlfforoncewo ask you to sign w ....w.x, wviim.u, hv mun vi uujuiiunntuiin, una UlL'Ur no OlllOr .O0gll- vionH Bobk$ and Magazines Free As a further In'duccmont, with every five dollar ordor for information wo will give free, In addition to tho employment privilege, any book or a year of anymagaalne you spoclfy, tho publishers' prlco of which Is not over one 'dollar. With a ton dollar order for Information, wo will gIVo 2 worth of booksvon, magazines; with a $15 order, 13 worth: with a $20 orjlor, $4 worth; with a $2JJ order, $5 worth; and bo on.. .Two or moro mop may olub together with sovoral Hubjccts to inako such an order and dlvldo tho privileges among them, , , . How to Order 7. Just thlhk up.ono or moro subjects on which you nocd material, Estlmalo tno number of words required. Enclose two dollars for each thousand words desired, glvo us exact directions an to what you want and when you want II. and If tho Order. Is for flva dollars or over, namo tho books or magazines you wlBh and tell us about tho position you would like and your qualifications for it, Wo will do tho rest. Addrcsn at once; -' National Clearing House of Information Arthur Everett Small (Late Special Investigator, U. 8. Gov't), Director 2401 NORTH CAPITOL ST., WASHINGTON, D, C. erxjnembor of evory class, every mem ber of tho faculty, nnd all the business men ahd farmors that can be induced to join, each imbued with a little ctato pride arid university lntorcbt, tbon wo have struck'tho Kbyhote of the society situation. What tho junior class needs Instead of more societies is better .acquaint anceship. Got up some "stunts" In the early autumn. Hio yoursolyes (to tho woods Bomo -bright Saturday morning, if you please, and do sbnm "stunts" iii which all 'will liavo'a common in- torcatr Bhch as eating a good hardy. picnic breakfast, for instance. Cut put tho Silss and Mr. be .known a Jetf nle nnd Jo and Tom and Jack; got ac quainted with yourselves, it will en hance class sf)irlt moro than all tho societies' you can find names' for antl do moro towards obliterating that so called fratrbarb lino (han anything' you can devise, ( Very respectfully, f '" " 'C: cMdWILLIAIS, 07. nr Vi i r-Jt. &&JteS BEST C4. w '. A. U. V.Trkd VFor Al Partiw ssr ' '" Mmr ff vMlLsLT 'KT'U T THE NEW. ON COLLAR ? ,VJHrcEoShceti&. XjVu.V MAKERS VJ KU rjcx? m w X TROV.'N.Y. y . - -m - - - THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Tb Unlrtnlty ytr l dl4cl Into four Quirten, Winter. Spring, Susnatr.Jtnd AuWnn. Admlulon I Knhtc4 tt Ihe opening' ofeicb.on Janiury ad, April cd, June iih, nd, October Ht. ' Graduate lnUuctlon it offered In tlie-Cridotte Sebool ot ArH sad Literature and In the Ogden (GrdwU) Slioolfo(, - Protettlooil lutructloa If oflcrcd'ln the Dlvfnltjr Mtocl. Ui Lw School, Rwh Medical College (alKIUted), ibd Uie Stool of Education. Sueitoer QuarUr 1906, June leEeptemUr 1, n'ttTermj' June ifr-juiy j second Tens: July 37-Augwl 31. Krgtotra. Hon U'prmhtd for tWcstlr quarter or for'eMie tmu rwi ana rcguur credit 'i given for otic done. 5pecui Forjnfermiltonaddrm j THC UNIVERSITY . OF CHICAQO, Our work li accurate, comploto and to Who'll Who for .Kfllcloanv" authorltatlvn Information and 'cixpurl i i Talllor ii Gtkttm 30 and up mad right Ih tlw siop. ,WORK aUARAMEED " ClMfaHt'sai TxMdnu sycialty. MAM mTlilCi 122 H. 1211. : - O YCARt EXPERIENCE L . . f Pnrtv I. DCMMM ' Comnwtrra Ac AnrMMs4l L 0k M cv flwfl fltipww iMiy MMWN mvmMhom rOOUIKMI IMJIBMIMT,1 AtHMHlf tWHMt-My. 11 iltllrid-fr vRi u l!TJTra aHaaaaax'TllADC H '." aaaaaaaav " ipim.w sbwnncliiKfkaii. lltMtnCM WMM. UIMI( CrV MlHVJmninHr.Pa i mm 1 t aii auai II. II. " --- tr MTtCiLitii i.i 11 ItorTirk z 7Mip,l .fW9?5, .1. ' 1 V -rt il t A - -. ww&l2 ... v vr ft" e,2,swb.