Af THE DAILY NEBRASKAN r" - V. OLIVER THEATRE Today: Mat. 2:30. Tonight 8:15 HOYT'3 A Bunch of Keys ICZ3xJXilS$L & 25c Jets. J, Corpett IN 'FACING TK & faney Week Com. Monday Night, Jan. 18: D'AMON y The Great White Mystery " -V POTT8 BR08. & CO. In "His Honeymoon." SUE SMITH The American Girl MAGNANI FAMILY The Musical Barbers SAONA Portraits From the Hall of Fame EDDIE G. ROSS The Versatile Singer WARREN E. WORTMAN Vlascope. Majestic Orchestra. Mat. Dally Except Mon. 15c & 25c Every Night, 8:15 15c, 25c & 50c "THE TALK O' THE TOWN" For the Week Starting Jan. 18 Bell A-S69 August Thomas' Greatest Play "THE OTHER GIRL" Presented by the FULTON STOCK CO. Every Night. MaL Wed. and Sat. 15c and 25c. Mail Orders or 'Phone Auto. 2398 Week of January 25th "THE LOST TRAIL" ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with utand $3 Per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANQI ABtollfi&BflllllIL 123 No. lltfc HAVE THE EVANS Do -Your Washing mm I ,um. NiB.CS Campus i V i J Gleanin 1 ' zam Chnpln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Clyde WaiUlliigton has returned from n visit with his parentB at Memphis, Tenn. o a Beckman Bros., line shoen. 1107 O street. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dontlst, 202 Burr block. Martin P. P. Costelloo, 'OG, Is In tho city. He has been engaged In en gineering work in Colorado. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentlflt. Charges reasonable. Over Bank or Commerce. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. "Second Mile" 1b the title of a talk to bo given at the Y. M. C. A. mid week meeting tonight by R. E. Rice. M Why not take your, bath at Chris' bath house, Eloventh and P streets? o 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount on all shoes and oxfords except So rom, Walk-Over and Douglas. Rogers & Perkins. All students who take part in the 'Old Heidelberg" chorus will meet in the music room. of the Temple nt 11 o'clock, Thursday. o Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1132 N street. University students especially Invited. Select social nights, Monday and Friday. Beginners, Wednesdays and Saturdays. For private lessons call Auto 4477. The practical legislation class will im.T 'h Mr. Sheldon In lu Mute t-npito on the third door of the north wins. Wednesday at 7:00 p. in. 0 O D. P. DeYoung, '07, has been ap pointed to the United States consulate at Santos, Brazil. Ho took the oath of ofllce January 1 and la now at his post. A grand concert and ball will bo given in the auditorium February 2 by the M. P. V. A twenty-five piece Q&Off00OO&affi0S00OOS0O X - r- m v-ii- il 8 Making of College Class Pins and Society Pins ono of our specialties. X Designs water color drawings and estimates gladly furnished Engin g gs m g Established 1871 HALLETT, JEWELER 1143 O? g&SO?OSOSOg03P3000 O O CO000000(0000 orchestra will play for Tickets will be $1.00. tho dance. Tlios. B. Davis, who was- a 'student in the law school last year, has opened a law office In Estantla, New Mexico. Besides his legal interests he has n half section of land near Estantla. According to Chairman White of the non-com hop, tho dance proved a finan cial puccess. In spite of tho largo crowd present, the expenses proved bo hqavy that no money was made on the hop. a In order to innue registration It Is very important that- all students be at the ofllce at the beginning of tho hour designated and have their slips fully made out to that no delays will be caused. The itfoetlng of the Junior claBS com mittee which has charge of the ar rangements for thq new, Junior society did not meptyestorday as was sched uled, some of the members being un able to -attend. Jess Clark Is. chair man of the committee " j - K t t lIt waB announced' yesterday by- u member of the' senior pin commltteq that the-four classes, had agreed to selpct a standard' university pin. Sam plo designs' are being considered now and the cholca ot a pin will probably bo made soon. The dato of the flnnl examination In botany hns been changed from Tues day of next week until Saturday, Jan uary 23. Some dlssatlBfactlon has beon expressed nt the changing of tho dato, slnco the time for preparation for tho examination is considerably short ened. The Nebraska athletic board, at Its meeting yesterday afternoon at fi oVlock. iransacied no Important busl uvfi Reports t.f various committees were heard for an hour and tho meet ing adjourned ut 0 o'clock to come to gether In special session Thursday afternoon at r o'clock. The Patterson-Sargent company litis recently presentrd to the university a set of five cartons of wood specimens. They are beautiful specimens of the finisher's art and are very valuable both from an aitlstic point of view and from that of utility as well. They will be added to the equipment of tho botanical department. A recent Issue of tho American Lumberman contains an article on the Hip taken by University of Nebraska forestry students to the north Wis consin woods during the Christmas vacation. The article recites the story of the trip and gives some in teresting personal Information con cerning the lumberman who wbb host of the party during their outing. The Entomological society held Its resulifr meeting In room 303 Nebraska hall, Wednesday evening. R. W. Daw. son gave a discussion of the "Blister beetles," which afford an Instance of the most complicated life-history known in insect life. The meetings of the fooif-ty nro open to all who aro interested In the economical aspects of entomology. o The report of Chairman Walter Weiss, of the sophomore hop commit tee shows that an even $75 was cleared by the second year class on their annual dance. This is the most which any class Iuib made this year. About 120 couples attended the hop, which was held at tho Lincoln hotel. It was the first $1.25 dance at tho new hall at the Lincoln hotel, to prove a financial success. The senior class met yesterday In Memorial hall and transacted consid erable buBineBB. The report of tho O O 0000OffK5CCK!RO!!ifk', -..--, O WVA'W.AS i ifn ft - eering, Palndian, Union Society i-ins; Lneraicai. Uraniat c Cluh Pins; Workizer, Pershing Rifles S Pins. Uni. School of Music PlnsC alwayB In stock. 3 chairman of the social committee, Ira Bigger, was recoived tho date of the annual senior masquerade party being sot for Fgbruary G. Arrangements were made for securing space in tho Corn husker. Tho matter of solectlng a class pin did not t come up since tho committee is still waiting for samples. The pin selected will be submitted to the other classes as .a s'tandard uni versity pin. Whilo looking over somo specimens of southern plants which had been in the university herbarium for a con siderable time, Curator Peterson dis covered fragments of i bond of tho Confedernto States of America, to gether with a number of coupons re deemable by that government to tho amount of $30. Tho bond and coupons wore, of course, mndo worthless by the collapse of the confederacy, but t hoy 'aro nevertheless Interesting and, valuable relics. . N. F. Peterson, '07, for' the' past year and' a half curator of tho unlvor-1 sity herbarium, has rpslgned - that fpost to accept a position as laboratory assistant at the University of Louisi ana. Last .Saturday evening the mem bers of the botanical staff were enter, .talned In honor of Mr. Peterson nt the home of Dr. Wajker. Mr. Peterson will leave for the south today and hla place has already been taken by Goolge Lamb, 1900, as acting curator. Mr. Weavor, 1000, will become quiz lender in botany to fill tho vacancy resulting from the shirts. Among the' candidates for tho bnrb team who aro Bhowlug up prominently. Is Graham, a freshman who attended Doano collego hiHt yohr. Ho has been polo vaulting close to 10 feet without exerting htmsolf and has been clearing the bar In the high Jump at live and a hall feet. It i thought that he will be a valuable man on tho barb team. The sprint has not brought out very tunny candidates yet, although there are a nunibor of good runners in the school, who are eligible. Tho Jumps, tho high kick, tho pole vault, and the shot put seem to be the most popular and to attract the largest number of candidates. Long John Schommor may be hhlfted to guard in the maroon basket bull team, Hubble taking his place, at center. The prom committee at Yale Is try ing to cut down the cost of the event so that more of the men miiybo able o attend. Tho Sigma Nu house at Indiana caught lire last Tuesday morning, but tho blaze was soon put out. The loss amounted to about fifty dollars. Sunday classes, which wore suggest ed for tho Junior medics at Minnesota so that they might got over till tholr semester work, huvo been disapproved by the university authorities. Sunday Ib to be retained as a day of roBt. Indiana will begin the tryouts for tho varsity debating teams uoxt Thurs day, and will hold the finals February 10. Only two old men are in tho squad. An elective courso In newspaper writing has been started at Smith's College In Massachusetts. This Is the first courso In this line of work In a women's college. DANCE PR06 RAMS-BANQUET MENUS CALLING CARDS NASVVVVVVVWVtfVVVVVVWVVNAAAiiVSA SIMMONS, THE PRINTER 317 SO. 12ETH STREET Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen s.w.hctmer Half Million - Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008 Agency Huyloru, Gunthers and Lown eya Chocolates and Bonbons. Thf Drur Cutter. 4 Tht Drog CutUr. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN I u. a. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited: PATENTED IMND AND BOSOM DOES IT "i inn nnAm" vHK f!1 -7aS ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE IFU' a palmnUd Uimm a m . ; FULL DRESS SKIRT UrtUd Shut & ColUr C, ( .) Troy, N.Y. George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Fin Lin Pound and Box Stationery Fmtornlty !)Mg IStu & N BU THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wolcomes M BtndanU. V pipes "Bap UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O StrMt Tailored Sultg 20 and up made right in tho shop. WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning and Pressing a specialty. MARX Tin Tailor, 122 No, 1211. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HALL, Presldont F. K. JOHNSON, Vtco.Prosidnt BI2MAN O. FOX, Cwihlor W. W. HACKNEY Jr., At. CMhUr irjXEnrjX9 H'TIMI! WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY! tpiyrg.,rtvtVd IT IS UP TO DATE. AND RELIABLE, RECENTLY CHLARGE0 WITH 25,000 New Words and Pjirases ALSO ADDED New Garettccr of tfao World New Biographical Dictionary Editor In Chief, V. T. Hrrl. Jh.P., I.L.P., Unit J Bute CummUtlootr cf lilutatloa.' 2380 Qutrlo Paces. 5000 Uluttrttlons. IT 13 A PACKIO CTOIKHOUCS Of ACCUAT INFORMATION Owano Pniii(ilighmt Atranl)Wom.p' faih Ct.Louio Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary ltlOrff. H00II!utrIlont Regular Edition 7xl0xH Incite. SLInJIoe. Da Luxe Edition iKi,;in.rrinte4froia ume Utr, m bllilu opcr. SlraallfuIblnJInrH PREE,'DWIonrjrVrluVIeV,lllutrteapiaphIef G.6C.MER.WAMCO. Publishers, Springfleld.TrtaM., 0. 5. A. GT THR.BEST 60 . YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks " nrsinNn rnnvninUTfi JLr Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an unjKiunicv on I'afontu I Putentfl taken tfimtivh Miinn iKMieius. Co. receive .flllfllAfM. Ihnilt AhnnnA in 4k SckMlific flmcrkan. . tA handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Tersest fc"..v catatlon ot any sclentiao Journal. Tonus, M a rawrt four months, L Sold by aTl newsdealers. MUNN S Go Ljwtsy. New YorS branch Office, H F.Bt, Wahlpton. D. C. mmU waH aaaaaa saaaaaaaaaVt tlons strictly conndentfnl. IIANDSOMf laautr fraa lltAaf nAmkw am ....r., "I J 1 r,H